A lot of fake phone entered African markets between September to December

Starting from mid September this year there has been entry of fake phones on the market in east and Central Africa. According  to research  I tentatively conducted on the boarders of DRC, Rwanda, Tanzania  and one report finding from a friend  in Burundi, a group of phones with the  "TYPE ALLOCATION CODE" of 35551517.....All the phone with  this TAC are fake. I have been wondering  if BABT(British approval board for telecommunications)  whose identifying number 35 is mostly  used by phones made in China and Middle Eas, is aware of such fake phones using their identification  number!
Chinese companies have gone an extra mile in the production of fake electronic  products. It is worth here to note that, I do not mean that all products from China are fake!  The issue of these fake phones on African markets are as result of a number of pronounced factors! !
One is corruption, most quality controlling organizations in Africa connive with some of the exporting companies to allow such fake products on our markets. This is very dangerous  to the environment. Most of these phone run on fake micro chips especially spreadtrum which cannot operate for a very long time, these phones also are with  weak PCBs, and in most cases such phones usually  do not last for more than 3months without technical issues. Am actually worried for in the next 10years,African governments will again be yearning  for loans to combat environmental hazards resulting from massive dumps  of these fake electronic  products.
There is another problem with chinese electronic  manufacturing companies, they seem to produce few genuine products, and then later flood the markets  with apparent similar but fake products  so as to cut the cost of production. I  think in China, there are other small  companies that seem to copy and imitate other technology  giants, and since they cannot afford market  and production terms and conditions, they simply manufacture cheap products,using cheap resources .
In Uganda, I can extend my appreciation  to UCC for setting  up a link for testing whether ones product is fake!but it is better for UCC to get tough  and force all phone exporting and importing companies to first test all their products.
Now you've  to look at this example... This phone in the picture below has an IMEI of another different phone model which is an itel2090 yet for it is another model

These are phones owned by innocent citizens, they do know!!!  So am warning UCC not  to use this information  to block their IMEIs, actually it is this UCC that should sit with UNBS to solve this and have them out of market ..!!!stop this bribery and help citizens, how do you allow such products on market, do you know the repercussions  behind all these fake products ! For God and my country 


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