ADF kills 3 people in an attack in kakuka of banande-kainama groupment

Ugandan rebels of Allied Democtic Forces (ADF) made an attack on the night of Thursday to Friday, July 24, 2020 in the village of Kakuka located in the Banande-Kainama groupement in the territory of Beni (North Kivu). According to civil society in Kainama, 3 people were cowardly shot by these assailants during this incursion. "It is about a couple and a child", adds our source which adds that "the rebels appeared in this agglomeration at the turn of 9 pm, the FARDC elements quickly retaliated". the rebels would have taken advantage of the absence of the FARDC deployed on the ground for the patrol, only those who kept the guard which limited the damage. This situation was at the base of a strong tension in this part where the population lives the fear of dying, indicates the local civil society. This citizen structure strongly condemns this new incursion and asks the Congolese government to focus its attention on the situation facing the inhabitants of Kainama who no longer spend a night without registering deaths in their villages.


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