Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Josiah Obat replaces Cecilia piazza as head of new MONUSCO office in ITURI.Gorvenor of Ituri ,Jean bamanisa tasks him to end ADF-NALU insurgency in the province.

Last week,Monusco's brand new head  office in Ituri, Josiah Obat started his duties.
Following a meeting on Monday, July 20, 2020 with the provincial governor Jean Bamanisa Saïdi, this UN official reassured about the continued support of his institution for the stabilization of Ituri.
For this first official public activity, Mr. Obat was accompanied by the commander of the northern sector of Force Monusco, General Ali.
Various other topics were on the meeting's agenda, including the general security situation in the province, the launch of the DDR process in favor of the FRPI militia as well as the situation of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Ituri having reached the number of 28 confirmed cases.
Governor Bamanisa did not fail to return to the challenges to be taken up in his jurisdiction to put an end to the insecurity caused by the multiple cases of incursions by CODECO, ADF-NALU and other Mai Mai groups in the territories. by Djugu, Mahagi and Irumu.
Also during their meeting, the head of the provincial executive called for an increase in the envelope for stabilization projects to cover the vast territories of Djugu and Mahagi.
The provincial authority hailed the role played by the UN mission in this region as well as its development efforts through the rehabilitation of certain roads.
Josiah Obat, who performed the same functions in Beni in North Kivu, replaces Cécilia Piazza, she will head the Monusco office in Beni.

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Is true that Kagame has closed this border?

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