Gorvenors of north kivu,south kivu and ituri met president Tshisekede in kinshasha.

The President of the Republic, Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo, received in turn, Saturday evening in his office of the City of the African Union, the delegations of the governors of the province of Ituri, North Kivu and South Kivu, reports the presidential press. Jean Bamanisa Saidi, governor of Ituri province, who spoke on behalf of his colleagues, Carly Nzanzu Kasivita of North Kivu and Théo Ngwabije Kasi of South Kivu, told audience, that they were invited to Kinshasa by the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of the Interior, Security and Customary Affairs, Gilbert Kankonde, to examine issues relating in particular to disarmament, demobilization and community reintegration ( DDR-C), given that the questions that are acutely posed in the east of the country are of a security nature. He added that they had the opportunity to tour several ministries involved in this issue as well as donors. It is within this very specific framework that the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of the Interior, Security and Customary Affairs took them to the Head of State, Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo, to report back to him on their various contacts. in the capital, Kinshasa, Governor Bamanisa said. For the governor of ituri, the DDR-Communautaire can be summed up in much more substantial investments at the local level to be able to reduce the problem of unemployment and crime, this through various activities that can go through the roads of agricultural services. and agriculture as well as the administration which must be strengthened by local justice, given that the east of the country is an area particularly close to other countries in progress and before which we must catch up with a certain number of delay.


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