Tension increases in Lubero as FARDC quests more on the death of it's soldier.

Tension is high, this Saturday, August 29, 2020, in the rural commune of Kirumba in the south of the territory of Lubero (North Kivu). In question, Congolese soldiers based in the area do not understand the death of one of their soldier, killed by unknown persons on the evening of last Friday.
To express their anger, they have fired several bullets in the air for hours. Independent information indicates that these FARDC would suspect civilians of being responsible for the murder of their colleague. There are already at least 2 injured among the inhabitants.
"Tension in Kirumba, shots ring out, injuries reported to Kayna hospital and this, following the death of a soldier yesterday around 7 pm by strangers",reported provincial deputy Jean-Paul Lumbulumbu.
All activities are paralyzed, civilians are locked up in their homes to avoid being victims of this military fed-up.
However, the commander of the 34th military region, General Kapinga, announces that he has already ordered these soldiers to cease-fire.
"I have just discussed with the commander of the 34th military region who reassures me that I have given the order to immediately stop the shooting of bullets in Kirumba", informs Jean-Paul Lumbulumbu, elected from Lubero and vice-president of the Provincial Assembly of North Kivu.


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