Tuesday, August 27, 2024

ADF attacks Bahana kills people and does damage to health facilities in Bahana

The attacked village is located in the Babila Bakwanza chiefdom in the Mambasa territory on national road number 4.

Provisional assessment: 4 people killed, including a soldier of the Armed Forces of the DRC and his weapon taken away. A reason for regret for human rights activist John Vuleveryo Musombolwa who draws the particular attention of the competent authorities.

These enemies targeted this entity located on the Komanda-Mambasa section around 5 a.m. local time. Medical sources in the Lolwa health zone confirm the fire at the Bahaha health center and the kidnapping of the head nurse of this health structure.

The medicines were either destroyed, taken away or set on fire. “what face will the capital show? How are we going to live with the population”, asks the chief of the chiefdom Babila Bakwanza who pleads for “more efforts” on the security level.

In search of medicine!

Just recently, the regular army inflicted a huge loss on these rebels in the region. The administrator of the Mambasa territory justifies this attack by the concern of these rebels to stock up on medicines to treat the wounded in their ranks.

A hypothesis which is confirmed by the kidnapping of the head nurse at the Bahaha health center. In regret, the senior chief commissioner Jean Baptiste Muyapandi speaks of 13 houses and 7 motorcycles burned.

Start of school threatened in Bahaha

Basically cruel on the Komanda-Luna section, the ADF have also been causing violence for several years now on the Komanda-Mambasa section.

This Monday's attack provokes a movement in both directions. President of the Youth Parliament in Babila Bakwanza, Djimy Soli puts forward a death toll of five. He invites the commander of the 31st main defense brigade based in Mambasa to intensify patrols in depth to annihilate the enemy as the start of the school year approaches.

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