Monday, August 26, 2024

Gun robberies and violence increase in Goma despite the captured of 8 alleged M23 recruiters.

 The mayor of the city of Goma (North Kivu), Senior Commissioner Faustin Kapend Kamand, announced on Saturday, August 24, the arrest of eight alleged recruiters for the M23 rebellion, by the intelligence services of the 34th military region.

He made this revelation on Saturday during the presentation of a group of fifteen people arrested as part of the weekly operation ''Safisha Mji wa Goma'' (Clean the city of Goma). 

Among them are a soldier from the 11th brigade, Rwandan citizens in an irregular situation, drug dealers and young people arrested in different districts of Goma, and in the territory of Nyiragongo. 

According to him, these people come from the enemy zone and they were already carrying out clandestine recruitment on behalf of the M23. The soldier of the 11th brigade is being prosecuted for the dissipation of ammunition in time of war. 

Senior Commissioner Faustin Kapend Kamand said that the territory of Nyiragongo is where all these bandits who come to operate in the city, organizing burglaries, robberies and other crimes, hide.

"  The young people, some from Nyiragongo and others from the Majengo, Kasika and Katoy districts, confessed that they were the ones who snatched the policeman's weapon when the roads were barricaded a week ago, " added the officer, who also announced that the intelligence department of the 34th military region had already transferred other criminals to Kinshasa. According to him, this operation was carried out secretly so as not to alert the infiltrators.

 Despite the operations to arrest the perpetrators,this Monday, August 26, 2024, in the Majengo district, near the so-called "Ki 30" market located in the commune of Karisimbi, a man in FARDC uniform opened fire, causing the death of at least two people and seriously injuring one another, following an altercation which resembled a robbery.

According to testimonies collected, the incident broke out around 11 a.m., involving the armed man and a money changer, before degenerating and setting the entire area ablaze. Young people present on site expressed their intention to lynch the perpetrator of this shooting.

This event therefore explains the gunshots which were heard late in the morning in this part of the city of Goma.

this FARDC soldier was arrested in the afternoon.This is the Problem FARDC has,the indisciplined army officers who rage terror on civilians.This destroys confidence and good relationship with the public.

(Photo of The FARDC soldier who was arrested this afternoon for attacks on civilians)

According to intelligence information collected today afternoon by our patriotic confidants from various members of societies in karisimbi,katoyi,majengo and the areas around the military barracks in Katindo,the gun violence and robbery is mostly attributted to indisciplined soldiers who connive with gangster to attack business men and innocent civilians.It is these gangsters who scout on the  businemen and then connive with the rogour army officers to attack known businessmen .An innocent civilians decried that it is these gangsters who point out to these stupid military on whom to attack and when because they first monitor the activities of their targets.He also stressed that the recent attacks in Goma where business men attacked is a result of such acts which the gangster plan together with the rogour military men.The civilians detaste this army behavior and it has increased mistrust.One civilian warned that such behavior of conniving with gangsters also eases the way the rebels can infiltrate or spy on the army.When asked ,on what kind of punishment to be given to Such officers,he said that such officers should be prosecuted immediately and in presence of public.

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