Friday, September 13, 2024

ADF receiving reinforcements and their freqjuentattacks have led to massive displacements in Lubero


According to HUMINT(human intelligence) reports the ADF threat pushes entire villages to empty of their inhabitants in Lubero and since Wednesday September 11, 2024, several localities in the Bapakombe group, located in the Bapere sector, in Lubero territory (North Kivu), have been deserted by their populations. This massive displacement is observed in particular in the villages of Bilulu, Lubumbashi, Mabilima, Loya, Hoho and Makumo, which are also located on the border of the territory of Mambasa, in Ituri.

This wave of displacement follows a new attack by rebels from the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), which occurred in the village of Bukoka, located just two hours' walk from the territorial limit between Lubero and Mambasa. Fearing for their safety, civilians fled towards Kambau, the capital of the Bapakombe grouping. This town, already marked by bloody massacres perpetrated by the same terrorists, nevertheless represents their last refuge.

The provincial deputy and former customary chief of the Bapere sector, Mwami Bongombi Faïsi Enock, sounded the alarm. According to him, the ADF rebels appear to be receiving reinforcements from their fighters who have been operating since June 12, 2024 in this area. Even more worrying, he claims that these terrorist groups circulate freely in the region and go so far as to organize football matches with their hostages in the village of Bododhea, under the helpless gaze of the security forces.

Mwami Bongombi strongly calls on the national authorities to take urgent measures to restore security in this region.

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