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Friday, June 5, 2020

An ICC mission to investigate the massacres of civilians in Iturivwill be soon set.

The prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), Fatou Bensouda announces the deployment of a mission to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) to investigate the massacres of civilians in Ituri province.
In a statement issued Thursday, 04 June, Bensouda is deeply concerned about the numerous reports of the rise of serious violence in Ituri, especially in the territories of Djugu and Mahagi.
" credible information shows many armed attacks against the civil population. These attacks have escalated in several Ituri territories over the past few months. This same information also reports repeated attacks on internal internally displaced persons camps and targeted communities... These acts could be crimes within the International Criminal Court ", said Fatou Bensouda.
At the same time, the prosecutor of the ICC encourages the competent authorities of the DRC, in accordance with the principle of complementarity which is at the heart of the Rome Statute and which gives States parties the primary responsibility to continue and judge, to intensify their efforts for real investigations to be carried out.
Ms. Bensouda said that her Office would intensify contacts with the Congolese authorities to strengthen the work already begun to map incidents potentially falling within the competence of the ICC and to exchange with authorities on urgent measures to be taken, especially in the framework of the treatment of priority cases by Congolese justice.
It calls on all armed groups and all parties to stop all attacks, especially against the civil population, and refrain from using any criminal violence in violation of the Rome Statute of the ICC.
In this week alone,16 more civilians were killed in ituri!!God has heard our prayers,and next should be minembwe but minembwe has some complex issues and a cobweb network of those who instigate the killings there!
See this:


Thursday, June 4, 2020

Chinese gorvenment linked hackers attempted to break into presumptive democratic presidential candidate joe biden's campaign staff email accounts

'Chinese government-linked' hackers recently attempted to break into presumptive Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden's campaign staff email accounts, while 'Iranian government-linked' hackers attempted to do the same against Trump campaign staff, Google Threat Analysis Group chief Shane Huntley has announced.
The attacks are said to have used phishing tactics, with "no sign of compromise" to report. according to Huntley.
Recently TAG saw China APT group targeting Biden campaign staff & Iran APT targeting Trump campaign staff with phishing. No sign of compromise. We sent users our govt attack warning and we referred to fed law enforcement. According to this tweet,
The cybersecurity king urged staffers from both campaign to "use the best protection you can," recommending "two factor authentication or Advanced Protection," which he suggested "really can make a difference."
Huntley indicated that the groups' alleged links to the Chinese and Iranian governments were confirmed by their callsigns, 'APT31' , which Malpedia identifies as a 'Chinese government'-connected phishing operation said to ordinarily specialize in intellectual property, and 'APT35' , a "threat group sponsored by the Iranian government" which works to "conduct long term, resource-intensive operations to collect strategic intelligence."
Chinese and Iranian authorities have yet to comment on Google's claims.
The allegations are reminiscent of the long-since debunked 'Russia hacking' claims pushed by Hillary Clinton in the run-up and aftermath of the 2016 presidential race. President Trump and the Republicans have since attributed the hacking conspiracy to a Ukraine-linked cybersecurity company, with Trump's request for a probe into the issue by Kiev becoming the focal point of the recent impeachment inquiry and trial in Congress. To date, the true identity of the Democratic Party server has yet to be established.
Last year, Finnish cybersecurity analyst Petri Krohn said that "cyber attribution or using forensic methods to establish the origin of cyberattacks and operations is extremely difficult" owing to the ease with with intelligence services can "hide their tracks and make it seem like the attack is the work of their opponent."

Nyamulagira getting to eruption

 Proffessor Charles Balagizi, scientific director of the OVG, specified that "the eruption consists of an overflow of lava from its cra...