Tuesday, March 17, 2020

In just a week's time from now,Uganda will be producing sanitizers that will kill Corona virus..and it will be the first of it's kind in Africa

There seems to be a ray of hope for Ugandans in bringing the stiff giant of Covid 19 to her knees with a spray that instantly kills the virus to be co-produced in Uganda.
This was revealed by the seemingly relieved Speaker of Parliament Rebecca Kadaga this afternoon when she indicated to t Parliament that the spray that is currently being manufactured by Day international and will be made available to the Ugandan market in two weeks.
She further informed the house that an American inventor, Prof. Safraz K. Niaz, who was in Uganda over the weekend invented the disinfectant and he is at the center of the Coronavirus response in the USA.
Kadaga explained that the disinfectant killer would be made available the offer to Uganda free of charge as promised by the speaker.
Much has she emphasized that the government should not relax on the measures to prevent the Covid 19 from hitting the country, she stressed that there was hope at the end of it and treatment would start in Uganda.
Sarfraz is 70yr a USA citizen of Indian descent and a world-known expert in biopharmaceutical manufacturing and an academician. He has written books in the field of pharmaceutical sciences, biotechnology, consumer healthcare, and poetry.
The Permanent Secretary Ministry of Health Diana Atwine, welcomed the move although she mentioned that the Ministry of Health, they are yet to get information in that regard.
According to Atwiine this drug will first be subjected to tests through the National Drug Authority before approval.
Parliament was today holding a special sitting where the different Ministries were presenting their Ministerial Policy statements.

A letter written by Satan has been deciphered after 300 years

After 300 years of darkness, light have finally been shed on a letter which was claimed to be written by the devil.

 A Sicilian nun woke up one day with ink all over her body and she had a letter which she claimed was written by the devil as he possessed her. 

 This letter was not deciphered until recently when a software found on the dark web decrypted the message. 
When the letter was written by the possessed nun as she claimed, it could not be deciphered so it was passed down for centuries. 

A team in Silcily deciphered the message and found it to be devilish. The letter clearly says “God thinks he can free mortals.” It also mentioned that god is a human creation, stating “this system works for no one.” 
The River Styx which is the separation between the living and the underworld in Greek mythology was also mentioned. It says “perhaps now, Styx is certain.”

Monday, March 16, 2020

NATO spying vessels cannot manage spying on Russian coastal warships electronic warfare systems

The US and its Western European allies regularly send warships to the Black Sea, with other NATO countries bordering the body of water including Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey maintaining a sizable permanent presence in the regionw but these sailing near Russia’s borders in the Black Sea around the Crimean peninsula are virtually incapable of carrying out any useful reconnaissance thanks to the Russian military’s powerful coastal electronic warfare systems, a source in the region’s security apparatus has said.
Commenting on the alliance’s “attempt to penetrate” the region’s “communications and digital networks,” the source indicated that this was made impossible as a result of the deployment and real-world testing of the latest electronic warfare countermeasures.
“As a result [of these measures] NATO warships turn around and leave,” the official said.
According to the source, Russia’s electronic countermeasures are powerful enough not only to make snooping impossible, but to screw up warships’ navigation systems, resulting in false readings on their current coordinates.
Murmansk-BN radio-electronic warfare systems of the same type deployed in Crimea
Murmansk-BN radio-electronic warfare systems of the same type deployed in Crimea
The US and its NATO allies have substantially increased their reconnaissance patrols along Russia’s borders in recent years, deploying dozens of warships in the Black Sea and sending hundreds of drones and spy planes on intelligence-gathering missions around Crimea, the home to Russia’s Black Sea Fleet.
Late last month, the US deployed the USS Ross guided-missile destroyer into the body of water for drills. The Russian Navy assured observers that it had the capabilities to monitor warship activities. Earlier this month, the Russian military reported detecting 25 foreign aircraft egaged in reconnaissance activities near the country’s borders, with fighters scrambled twice to prevent illegal entry into Russian airspace.
Moscow has repeatedly condemned the US and its NATO allies over their maritime exercises, drone and spy plane flights and bomber drills near Russia’s borders, warning that such behaviour only serves to stoke tensions. The alliance has so far ignored these objections.

Corona virus related Cyber attack hits a USA Corona virus testing facility in Czec

Czech Republic’s second-largest hospital in Brno has suffered a cyber attack. The same hospital is currently home to the country’s Coronavirus Testing Facility – On the other hand, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) in the United States has also suffered Coronavirus related cyber attack.
Who could have imagined cyber criminals will use Coronavirus pandemic to steal data and make quick money? A couple of days ago
There was a report on how a website was tricking unsuspecting users into downloading a Coronavirus tracking app on their Android phones which in reality was CovidLock ransomware.
Now, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) in the United States has suffered a massive cyberattack on Sunday, authorities have revealed. It is being reported that the attack was to halt Coronavirus response in the country.
According to reports, it is unclear what type of cyber attack hit HHS, sources have revealed that “the attempt was to slow down operations.” Apparently, the attack aimed at flooding HHS servers with millions of requests over the course of several hours – Simply put: it can be a DDoS attack .
Czech Republic’s Main Coronavirus Testing Facility targeted with Cyberattack (possibly ransomware)
Amidst all the tumult caused by coronavirus outbreak around the world, where normal people are trying every possible thing to protect themselves and their loved ones,
cybercriminals are busy launching attacks against healthcare facilities where patients are being treated.
According to reports, the second largest hospital in Brno, a city located in South Moravian, Czech Republic, has become the victim of a cyberattack, causing it to abruptly cancel all of its planned operations, and shift patients to other medical facilities.
The attack occurred on Friday at around 2:00 a.m. (local time) in the morning and the computers at the hospital were shut down after the attack.
The nature of the attack is yet unclear but it is suspected that the attack could involve
ransomware . There is little information shared by the news outlets in the country. It is, however, reported by the Czech News Agency (ČTK) that the hospital’s computer systems started malfunctioning slowly, due to which they were all shut down.
Quoting the hospital’s director Jaroslav Štěrba, the news agency further reported that the systems that hosted other laboratories including microbiology, hematology, biochemistry, radiology, and tumor diagnosis were on another network, which is why these weren’t unaffected by the attack and are operating normally.
The hospital can function and patients are being inspected but medical data collection is being carried out manually since the lab systems aren’t working. Staff members are documenting the data in writing, which has made the examination a time-consuming process.
The country’s main cybersecurity agency the National Cyber and Information Security Agency (NÚKIB) and the National Organized Crime Center have been roped in to investigate the cause of the attack and resolve the problem. Unfortunately, the hospital has been attacked at a time when there is a health emergency declared in the country.

Did Corona virus come from space?If it is true,then it must be God's punishment!

A space scientist has claimed that the Corona virus, which has infected almost 130,000 people around the world, was brought to Earth from space. Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe of the Buckingham Centre for Astrobiology suggests that the virus did not originate from animals, but came with a meteor and is now being spread by the wind. Although his theory has been dismissed by many disease experts, who said that COVID19 is similar to other coronaviruses like SARS or MERS, which originated from bats and camels respectively, Wickramasinghe insists that the illness has a cosmic connection.
The scientist says that the meteor that exploded over China on 11 October, 2019 released infectious particles. In support of his theory, he highlights the fact that the outbreak of the disease occurred in the region where the meteor was reportedly seen. “We believe infectious agents are prevalent in space, carried on comets, and can fall towards Earth through the troposphere. These, we think, can and have in the past gone on to bring about human disease epidemics”, Wickramasinghe told the Express.
Professor Wickramasinghe is a supporter of the panspermia theory, which posits that life exists throughout the universe and is distributed by spacedust, meteors, comets, and other celestial objects. Previously, he has claimed that other highly infectious diseases like the 1918 flu pandemic, polio, and SARS had extraterrestrial origins.

The sports giant Nike has announced that it will close all its retail stores across the globe, including in the United States

The sports giant Nike has announced that it will close all its retail stores across the globe, including in the United States, starting from next week. Nike said that the measure is needed to stop the spread of the disease.
"The well-being of our teammates and consumers is our top priority so we have decided to close our stores in multiple countries around the world including in the United States. We are taking additional steps in other Nike-managed facilities, including the option to work from home, staggered work schedules, social distancing and additional safety and cleaning steps to help protect and support our teammates", the company explained in a memo.
Nike said that the stores will be closed through 27 March. At the same time, the company revealed that it wouldn’t close its stores in Japan, South Korea, or in most of China.
Social media users received the news with scepticism, with some saying that closing the stores for 12 days won’t help the situation.
​Others were concerned about the employees and whether they would be paid during this period.
​Some praised the decision, but said that more companies should follow suit.
Others joked about stocking up on Nike products, which one user said is a matter of existential importance.
​Still others were happy about the closure, criticising the sports giant’s prices and alleged use of child labour.
​The development comes after a similar message from the tech giant Apple. The company announced on 14 March that it would close all of its shops outside China to prevent the spread of the respiratory illness.
The World Health Organisation recently declared the out break of the virus as pandemic, which has so far spread to more than 140 countries. The United States announced a travel ban on 26 European nations and declared a national emergency due to the outbreak of the disease. Countries in Europe that have been hit the hardest by COVID-19 have announced partial lockdowns, while Italy, where there are more than 21,000 cases, has issued a nationwide quarantine.
The number of coronavirus cases globally stands at more than 150,000, with more than 6,000 deaths.

USA and Germany in a tag of war over Corona virus vaccine licence

An entity central to the US’ and Germany’s current COVID-19-related aspirations is the German company CureVac, which has branches in two cities in the country, as well as in the US state of Massachusetts. The biopharmaceutical company recently said that work on the much-awaited vaccine is in full swing, with clinical testing due to begin soon.
The German and US governments are currently battling over the Germany-based company CureVac, which is currently working on a vaccine for the novel coronavirus, the German newspaper Welt am Sonntag reported, citing unnamed sources informed about the matter.
US President Donald Trump has reportedly been offering hefty sums to German scientists working on a vaccine in a bid to guarantee exclusive rights to their much-coveted brainchild, as the coronavirus pandemic has continued to sweep across the world.
According to an anonymous German government insider, quoted by the reputable media outlet, Trump was doing all he could with this regard, “but only for the US”.
On 2 March, CureVac’s then-CEO Daniel Menichella reportedly attended a meeting at the White House to negotiate details with Trump and his healthcare taskforce pertaining to the coronavirus vaccine development.
However, days later, on 11 March, CureVac announced shifts in its top management, with Manichella being replaced by company founder Ingmar Hoerr with no reasons given.
Separately, the newspaper reported that the German government had tried to offer the promising company financial incentives for it to continue its work on German soil, with a the country's Health Ministry spokesman telling Die Welt that the government is in “intensive” dialogue with CureVac.
"The German government is very interested in having the development of vaccines and treatments against the novel coronavirus undertaken in Germany and Europe", the spokesman said.
Tübingen-based CureVac, which has facilities in Frankfurt and the US city of Boston, as well as is allegedly linked with the German Health Ministry, declined Die Wel’s request for comment.
As recently as Friday, co-founder Florian von der Mülbe, who is in charge of the firm’s production lines, told Reuters that they had kicked off research into a number of possible vaccines, with the two most viable ones expected to be picked later on for clinical testing.
The timeframe for an experimental vaccine is June or July this year: if approved, it will then be tested on people.
According to Worldometers.info , the total number of cases has to date climbed to 162,674, with 6,069 deaths from the virus registered across the world. As many as 76,219 have recovered. Of the currently active cases (80,386), 93 percent are in a mild condition, whereas serious or critical cases, primarily among the senior population and those with chronic diseases, make up 7 percent.

Japan unveiling it's plan in the hypersonic weapons

The blueprint reportedly stipulates the development of the Hypersonic Cruise Missile (HCM) and the Hyper Velocity Gliding Projectile (HVGP) which are expected to enter service in the early 2030s.
The Japanese government has unveiled its research and development road map to create domestically-produced hypersonic weapons, the website Defence News reports.
The blueprint was singled out in a Japanese-language document published on the Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics Agency website earlier this week.
Under the plan, there will be two classes of
hypersonic weapon systems , including the Hypersonic Cruise Missile (HCM) and the Hyper Velocity Gliding Projectile (HVGP).
Japan unveils its Hypersonic weapons plans
@ChairmanAnuj @adgpi @indiannavy
@IAF_MCC @DefenceMinIndia
@drajaykumar_ias pic.twitter.com/KgJZ8Wwr2p
— India Research Centre (@IndiaResearchC1)
March 14, 2020
Powered by a scramjet engine, the HCM “appears similar to a typical missile, albeit one that cruises at a much higher speed while capable of traveling at long ranges”, Defence News argued.
As for the HVGP, it will reportedly feature a solid-fuel rocket engine capable of boosting its warhead payload and maintaining high velocity when gliding to its target.
The blueprint stipulates using different warheads to tackle seaborne and ground targets, including one that will be specifically designed to penetrate “the deck of an [aircraft] carrier”.
The warhead’s land-attack version, in turn, will feature a high-density explosively formed projectile, or EFP, to be used for area suppression purposes.
Both warheads, which will be navigated via satellites, are expected to enter service in the early 2030s, according to Defence News.
As far as warhead guidance is concerned, the process will be “achieved via either radio-frequency imaging converted from doppler shift data — which the government agency said will be able to identify stealthy naval targets in all weather conditions — or an infrared seeker capable to discriminating specific targets”, the news outlet reported.
Over the past few years, Japan has carried out research and development in a spate of fields pertaining to hypersonic weapons.
In 2017, local media reported the government planned to equip the F-2 multi-role fighters of
the Japan Air Self-Defence Force (JASDF) with new, domestically-produced hypersonic anti-ship missiles that would be able to fly three times faster than the speed of sound and would replace previous transonic missiles.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

 US Army officials are preparing to evaluate a slew of industry proposals geared toward advanced tethering technologies of air- and ground-based unmanned systems, according to a special notice issued by Army Combat Capabilities Development Command (CCDC) on 26 February.
Army officials from the command's Ground Vehicle Systems Center (GVSC) announced plans to hold a "market research demonstration event," in conjunction with the National Advanced Mobility Consortium (NAMC) to support GVSC related research and development prototype projects, specifically focused on tethering technologies between unmanned aerial systems (UAS) and Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV), the special notice stated.
The event is part of a standing other transactional agreement (OTA) inked between CVSC officials and members of the NAMC in September 2017.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Ugandan using MTN to access their social media accounts/emails are at a high risk of loosing their right to privacy!!! The security of your social media account is in danger of intrusion by foreign agents and hackers.

At the beginning of 2019,I remember making an alarm on and about local phone numbers that were sending security codes on behalf of Facebook,Instagram,yahoo,and google which later came to confirm the presence of SIM boxing(and thank God that ISO,CMI and UCC teamed up to fight these Cyber criminals) fraud here in uganda and let me hope this is not another shit in the Telecom companies here.
There may be another security flaw at MTN Uganda..there seemingly are a group of people or a group of devices using Ip addresses administered by MTN Uganda and trying to takeover citizens social media accounts and emails!!! I have been studying about this thing since 13th February 2020. It is up to the relevant authorities like UCC and other organs to look into this matter...To all Cyber security experts,do not take this as a simple issue..go and study much about it!!!! We must save our citizens,our fellow ugandans!!!

......The privacy of Ugandan citizens must be protected....

If you take a look at the pictures,you get a profile of someone in an Arabic writing who tried to take over some account and was using an IP address of which undoubtedly under Afrinic, MTN Uganda .The question is ,does MTN know this person(I pinged and got the name of the administrator in whose IP ranges lies this address) or this address? Why is he interested in a group of some people??? Is MTN allowed to hack into our accounts???

I advise all Ugandans using MTN as their social media login credentials to beef up their security by changing passwords and setting 2FA.

All relevant authorities must look into this matter for the safety of our citizens!!!


For God and my country

Bi-Weekly Counter-Terrorism Intelligence Brief for East and Central Africa (Somalia, Mozambique, and DR-Congo): Tracking Islamic State Terrorists for the period of 1st October- 15th October 2024

Bi-Weekly Counter-Terrorism Intelligence Brief for East and Central Africa (Somalia, Mozambique, and DR-Congo): Tracking Islamic State Terro...