Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Burundi refugees claim that according to a " prophecy ", the DRC " is their promised land

The provincial governments of North and South Kivu, under the support of the Directorate General for Migration (CMD), mobilized to repatriate more than 1600 Burundians who were in an irregular situation in the DRC. These refugees were found in a dealership located in Lac Vert district in Goma. Some sources say they had been installed there since 2018.
The provincial authorities in North Kivu have decided to repatriate them to Burundi, through Bukavu and Uvira, in South Kivu province. On Tuesday, March 2020, 17, the Vice-Governor and CMD received 1609 people from the boats Emmanuel 2 and 3. After identification, these Burundian people boarded 20 FARDC trucks , under the facilitate of CMD and the Congolese National Police. They were sent to Burundi via Kanvinvira to Uvira, which was their front door.
In Bukavu, while some were wondering how they had entered the Congo, in view and at the knowledge of security services, until they were in Goma; others say they would be the refugees who had settled in Kamanyola and said that, according to divine prophecy, the DRC is their promised land.
One of them, Jean-Claude Ngamichaniye, says they had applied for asylum in the DRC. Unfortunately, the Congolese authorities had completely rejected. He adds that in Burundi, they are victims of religious persecution sponsored by the Catholic Church of Burundi.
" We were persecuted by the church of Burundi, which chased us everywhere. She used the financial means (tithes). Loyal Christians were used to track us down and crush us everywhere. They're taking us all over the streets and even in homes. That's why we ran out of the country ", explains Jean-Claude Ngamichaniye.
On the question of whether they have an armed group, this one talks about the "said". Those who insécurisaient the city of Goma were not our members. He then asked the Burundian authorities to open their doors and welcome them with open arms.
These people were reportedly excommuniées and excluded from the Catholic Church for practices that are contrary to church rituals.

The provincial government of South Kivu repatriated more than 1600 Burundi via Kanvinvira to Uvira

According to sources in Goma and Bukavu, Burundian refugees were boarded for their return to Burundi via Kanvinvira in Uvira, in more than 20 FARDC trucks.
The Directorate-General for Migration (CMD) has registered more  people coming to Goma, North Kivu and who were in the irregularities in the DRC, which they call "promised land".
In comparison with the statistics given by the North Kivu provincial government of North Kivu, South Kivu recorded 1609. This increase is due to the fact that some other Burundi who lived in Bukavu and others came on board boats other than Emmanuel 2 and 3 went to the others to return home to Burundi; reveals a frame of CMD.
These refugees are delighted with this return because for them the Congolese government has refused their application for asylum in the DRC. They say they have padder religious persecution. They quote the Catholic church that would have sowed hatred in Burundi.
In addition, they still doubt whether they will be welcomed with open arms, but they call for the involvement of the Burundian authorities in their integration.

The Mayor of Beni denounces the non-assistance of the war displaced by the humanitarian

The Mayor of the city of Beni, bwanakawa Masumbuko Nyonyi denounces the non-assistance of war-displaced people of the war in several areas in the Beni region.
It has been for several weeks since several people fleeing the attacks of the ADF rebels have arrived in the city of Beni and have since received no assistance from the humanitarian organizations.
The sources on the spot once told HERE kivu that these displaced people experience an endless promiscuity in foster families, others spend their nights in churches without putting anything under their teeth.
"It is with sadness that we see that war displaced from Halungupa, Mangina, I and everywhere else who live in the city of Beni so far do not benefit from a certain assistant from the partners" regrets the Mayor of Beni ..
" We found, after having interviewed the various competent authorities, that the very identification of different households had not yet taken place says Mayor bwanakawa Masumbuko Nyonyi, who does not understand on the basis of what references the humanitarian workers who are on the ground distribute - they give them.
On the same occasion, he pleaded for the war-displaced people who have origins in the city of Beni, including the municipality of Rwenziori and I, two communes which have been the target of the rebel attacks of the ADF.

DRC army announced that it has arrested two leaders of the CODECO militia in the village of Ala Pitsi in the village of Ala Pitsi in the territory of Djugu, about 200 km from Bunia (Ituri).

The army announces that it has arrested two leaders of the CODECO militia in the village of Ala Pitsi in the village of Ala Pitsi in the territory of Djugu, about 200 km from Bunia (Ituri). The operation was carried out at three o'clock in the morning by the military of the 3201th Regiment following the information received a few days earlier and following the collaboration of the population.
One of these militiamen known as Tseni Adrionzi Raymond is presented by the Army as the driving brain of the movement led by Ngundjolo. Visé by a police search notice, he was prosecuted for an attempt to create a subversive movement in the territory of Djugu.
" He's the designer, he's the one who plans everything. He worked for a long time in armed groups. He can be seen as the thinking head of the movement ", said Lieutenant Jules Ngongo, Army spokesperson in the area.
The second one, called Kester, is also an influential member of this movement and a close collaborator of Ngudjolo.
" This one was arrested last year but escaped. He was in charge of recruitment operations ", added Lieutenant Jules Ngongo
Two computers and two phones were seized during the FARDC operation.
Another leader of this movement had been arrested two days ago in Djugu.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Cyber security companies are warning of the rampant spread of Cyber Corona virus!

The coronavirus pandemic has led to the intensification of internet fraud activity, with hackers picking up on the panic surrounding the virus by sending concerned users fake emails from the ‘World Health Organization’ (WHO) containing viruses that steal personal information, Kaspersky Lab, a Russian cybersecurity and anti-virus maker, has warned.
Konstantin Ignatiev, head of Kaspersky’s web content analysis division, says the company has observed an uptick in the number of spam messages and letters on the subject of coronavirus throughout the world, with numbers estimated in the thousands per day at the moment.
One of the trends picked up by Kaspersky has been the use of phishing emails. “People are receiving fake emails supposedly from the WHO with ‘security measures which must be taken to avoid infection’. As soon as the user clicks the link, he or she is redirected to the phishing site and receives an offer to share personal information which falls into the hands of the hackers,” Ignatiev explains.
Other trends the company has observed include a campaign disguising itself as a message from the World Bank or International Monetary Fund asking for donations to be sent to victims of coronavirus.
Are health agencies like the @CDCgov and
@WHO actually sending you emails asking for personal info? @Kaspersky ’s @emm_david explains.
— Igor Akhmetov (@akhmetow) March 17, 2020
“To avoid fraud, users should install a security programme on their device. It will detect and block phishing attacks before they can cause harm,” says Luis Corrons, a cybersecurity specialist from Avast.
Ruslan Suleymanov, director of information technology at ESET, a Slovakian cybersecurity company, urges users to delete unexpected emails from unknown senders without a second thought, and recommends checking where a suspicious link leads by hovering over it with your mouse. “If you see a URL from one of the short URL services (, bit.ley, etc.) don’t click on it. It probably leads to a phishing resource. The same goes for emails with attachments,” he said.
Global concerns over coronavirus, which the WHO formally classified as a pandemic last week, have given rise to hacking attacks big and small. On Monday, Bloomberg reported that the US Department of Health and Human Services had suffered a major hacking attack over the weekend, with the goal apparently being to slow down its internet services. An investigation into the attack’s possible source is presently underway.
#BeAware than scammers are using the COVID-19 virus as a new way for scams.
*Do not click on links you do not know in unsolicited emails.
*Fake emails claiming to be from the CDC. Go to the verified CDC website for updates!
*Offering “cures” that do not exist yet!
— Haralson Sheriff (@HaralsonSheriff) March 16, 2020
The US National Security Council, meanwhile, has reported an upsurge in the number of fake tweets about a national quarantine or lockdown amid the outbreak, and has urged Americans not to panic.
Text message rumors of a national #quarantine are FAKE. There is no national lockdown.
@CDCgov has and will continue to post the latest guidance on #COVID19 . #coronavirus
— NSC (@WHNSC) March 16, 2020
Earlier, US cybersecurity experts warned that hackers were generating fake versions of the popular coronavirus tracking map run by Johns Hopkins University to try steal passwords and other user information.

The Falcon 9 carrier rocket with satellites for the Starlink system will be launched on Wednesday

The Falcon 9 carrier rocket with satellites for the Starlink system will be launched on Wednesday
, private US aerospace manufacturer SpaceX said on Twitter.
"Targeting Wednesday, 18 March at 8:16 a.m. EDT, 12:16 UTC, for Falcon 9's launch of Starlink from LC-39A in Florida", it said.
Targeting Wednesday, March 18 at 8:16 a.m. EDT, 12:16 UTC, for Falcon 9's launch of Starlink from LC-39A in Florida
— SpaceX (@SpaceX) March 16, 2020
Initially, the launch of the rocket was to take place on Sunday but was cancelled a few seconds before the blastoff , with Space X providing no reason to explain the cancellation.
Starlink is a next-generation satellite network capable of providing the Earth with broadband Internet access. The project began in February 2018. About 12,000 satellites are planned to be launched in total. Another 30,000 satellites are expected to be put into orbit at altitudes ranging from 328 to 580 kilometres.

Biggest buyers of Russian military weapons revealed as more countries line up for S400s and SU 35s

Russia signed $17 billion worth of arms contracts with foreign customers in 2019, expanding its portfolio with military deals with African countries totalling $1 billion, the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation revealed on Monday.
Turkey has been named one of the five biggest importers of Russian arms for 2019, according to Dmitry Shugaev, director of the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation.
Shugaev also named India, China and Egypt as the most significant buyers of Russian weapons.
The director added that Russia and Turkey have
settled nearly all questions related to the delivery of more Russian-made S-400 air defence weapons . Turkey received the first batch of the systems last summer.
The United States has demanded that Turkey cancel all purchases of the S-400, saying it expects Ankara to purchase US-made Patriot air defence systems instead. The United States also threatened to delay or cancel any deliveries of its fifth-generation F-35 jets to Turkey.
The defence systems are a crucial part of Russia's military cooperation with China and India. Russia is planning to complete S-400 shipments to China by the end of this year under a 2014 contract, which is reported to cover six regimental sets worth over $3 billion. Moscow also signed a $5 billion contract with New Delhi in October 2018 to deliver five units of S-400s.
The Sukhoi Su-35 fighter is another important aspect of military ties , with China being the first customer for the jets, while Ankara, New Delhi and Cairo are all potential buyers of the aircraft.

UEFA has decided to postpone Euro 2020 tournament until the next year amid the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), the Norwegian Football Federation said Tuesday on its website. According to the federation, the championship is now expected to be held from 11 June to 11 July in 2021.

UEFA has decided to postpone Euro 2020 tournament until the next year amid the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), the Norwegian Football Federation said Tuesday on its website.
According to the federation, the championship is now expected to be held from 11 June to 11 July in 2021.

Ex-war leader Germain Katanga is out of prison in Kinshasa, Former Commander of the Militia of the Patriotic Resistance Forces in Ituri (FRPI),

Ex-war leader Germain Katanga is out of prison in Kinshasa Former Commander of the Militia of the Patriotic Resistance Forces in Ituri (FRPI), who reached an agreement with the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), early March, brigade general, Germain Katanga, also former convicted of the International Criminal Court (ICC) is out of prison this Monday, March 2020, 16, in Kinshasa. Named Simba (the Lion, in Swahili), Germain Katanga did not want to communicate after his release have yet to be made clear. He had been recognized before the ICC guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity for contributing, according to the judgement, to destroy the village of Bogoro in an attack that killed around 200 dead in 2003. The court sentenced him to 12 years in prison in March 2014. The Court ordered him to pay $ 12 million to the 297 victims of these crimes. On the other hand, Germain Katanga wished to contribute to the repair of his victims "by voluntarily making excuses". After serving his sentence on January 2016, 18 following the removal of his seven years of pre-trial detention, his sentence for good conduct and after the regrets expressed, Mr. Katanga being a general of brigade in the Loyalist army, had been kept in prison following the prosecutions of the army's general army. He was prosecuted by this prosecutor and before the High Military Court, for "war crime, crime against humanity and participation in a insurrectional movement".

The repressed Burundian nationals of Goma will be repatriated this Tuesday to Burundi

The repressed Burundian nationals of Goma will be repatriated this Tuesday to Burundi (Official)

In a statement made public this evening of March 16, the provincial minister of the interior, security and custom affairs, Lwabanji Lwasi Ngabo, reassures the inhabitants that Burundi will be repatriated this Tuesday in Burundi.
" This Tuesday, March 2020, 17, early in the morning, a group of Burundian nationals from North Kivu will be in transit in Bukavu via Kavimvira. They will be sent on board the Trucks of the Congolese National Police says the press release.
More than 1400 Burundian nationals have been repressed by the North Kivu provincial government and will be in transit to South kivu on the morning of March 17, 2020.

Bi-Weekly Counter-Terrorism Intelligence Brief for East and Central Africa (Somalia, Mozambique, and DR-Congo): Tracking Islamic State Terrorists for the period of 1st October- 15th October 2024

Bi-Weekly Counter-Terrorism Intelligence Brief for East and Central Africa (Somalia, Mozambique, and DR-Congo): Tracking Islamic State Terro...