Tuesday, May 19, 2020

About 800 Congolese stranded in Burundi have returned to the DRC via Uvira

About 800 Congolese stranded in Burundi following the border closure measure related to the fight against coronavirus returned to the Democratic Republic of Congo this Tuesday, May 19, 2020.
They have joined Congolese soil via the of border for the city of Uvira in South Kivu.
According to the migration service in Uvira, the arrival of these Congolese people was facilitated by the embassy of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Burundi.
He says that some of these returns are from the province of Tanganyika, others from North Kivu and others from the city of Bukavu, the territories of Uvira, Fizi and Walungu in South Kivu.
The officers of the Migration Branch in Uvira report that they have performed the medical cheking at the entrance of these Congolese people.

DRC army Army warns politicians calling the population for self-defense

The Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo "FARDC" warn any politician who makes words incitement to self-defense in the territories of Djugu and Mahagi.
In a press release dated May 2020, 18, the army says there are some politicians who hold speech of hatred, division and intolerance but also who are the foundation of disinformation and poisoning ..
This attitude prevents the smooth running of military operations in the field, and demoralized forces according to the army.
" FARDC regrets and denounce the speeches of division, hatred, intolerance and calls for self-defense by politicians in bad positioning and popularity. These words tend to prevent the smooth running of military operations on the ground and to demoralize the forces of the military ", can read in this document.
Thus, the army promises to track the elements of the CODECO militia (cooperative for the development of Congo) and all other armed groups, anyone who will continue to engage in this practice.

What mukwege had to say about killings and militias in DRC

In the face of the rising insecurity in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, Dr. Denis Mukwege has in a match this Tuesday, May 2020, 19, expressed his sadness with the authorities Congolese.
As for this, Denis Mukwege calls on the Congolese authorities for a real political will to eradicate insecurity in the eastern part of the country.
" There is an urgent need for our authorities to also show real political will to put an end to insecurity in the eastern DRC, and take the necessary measures to prevent the non-repetition of large-scale violence that our population has been experiencing for more than 20 years old ", has said.
However, the Congolese gynecologist and Nobel Peace Prize condemns the killing in Ituri province.
"We strongly condemn the extreme killing and acts of violence committed in recent months in Ituri province, especially in the territories of Djugu and Mahagi", he said.
It should be remembered that some twenty people were recently killed and several houses burned in Ituri province by the CODECO militiamen.

Germany's data protection commissioner Ulrich Kelber has warned federal authorities against using Facebook's WhatsApp messenger

Germany's data protection commissioner Ulrich Kelber has warned federal authorities against using Facebook's WhatsApp messenger while working from home during the coronavirus crisis, in a letter leaked by media on Sunday.
"Even in these difficult times data protection should not be neglected. For this reason I would like to point out that the use of WhatsApp by a federal agency is out of the question", Kelber said in an email published by the German digital rights blog, Netzpolitik.
He warned that, although Facebook could not
read encrypted messages, the application was providing it with other "metadata" like the IP address, location and the mobile operating system that could be used to piece together the user's profile.
Kelber said this proved that a trusted information service needed to be created to satisfy the country's strict data protection rules.
WhatsApp Messenger is an American freeware,
cross-platform messaging service owned by Facebook that allows users to send text and voice messages, make voice and video calls, as well as share images, documents, user locations, and other forms of media.

Saab has signed a contract worth Us $158 billion and received an order for the Airborne Early Warning and Control solution Saab 2000 Erieye

Saab has signed a contract and received an order for the Airborne Early Warning and Control solution Saab 2000 Erieye. The order is worth SEK 1.55 billion (nearly $158 million).
Due to circumstances concerning the product and customer, the company is reticent about the buyer. No further information about the customer will be announced, a Saab press release said.
The Saab 2000 Erieye is a complete Airborne Early Warning and Control system with multi-role and multi-mission capabilities for both military and civilian needs.
It is based on the Saab 2000 aircraft that equips Saab’s airborne radar Erieye and a range of other sensors and provides detailed situational awareness. It can be used for tasks including border surveillance and search-and-rescue operations, national broadcaster SVT reported .
Deliveries will take place between 2020 and 2023, and the work will be carried out in Gothenburg, Järfälla, Linköping, Luleå and Arboga.
In late April, Saab announced the delivery of first of three ordered GlobalEye early warning systems to the United Arab Emirates.
“The delivery of the first GlobalEye plane is a major milestone for Saab, but also an important historical step for airborne sensor platforms,” Saab's President and CEO Micael Johansson said in a statement.
GlobalEye is a combination of Saab's new radar system Erieye ER and Bombardier's Global 6000, a jet aircraft that has extra long range and can be in the air for up to 11 hours, national broadcaster SVT reported .
According to Saab, GlobalEye is the first in the world market that can “detect and track targets at great distances and conduct surveillance in the air, on the ground and at sea simultaneously from one and the same platform.
Saab AB is a Swedish aerospace and defence company, founded in 1937. From 1947 to 1990 it was the parent company of car manufacturer Saab Automobile. Its main focus is fighter aircraft, combat weapons, missile systems, torpedoes, sensor systems, unmanned underwater vehicles, as well as airborne surveillance solutions (including GlobalEye, Saab 2000 Erieye), radars and means of electronic warfare .
At about 17,000 employees, Saab is seen as a backbone of Sweden's military-industrial complex.

The role of foreign military intelligence bodies in the arrest of Daniel shangalume ,aka Massaro

As i have always told you,if you use phone running on OSs like AOs(android),IOs(iPhone),...etc then you cannot escape the USA,Israel,and European intelligence surveillance with most of our countries being among the nation subjected to spying software like the dangerous Israeli pegasus,finifisher and many others,of course it is hard to believe this but if you have been reading a lot here ,you really get the picture;Indeed, among the 20 most watched African countries, by the English-American military and military intelligence services, the Democratic Republic of the Congo is the most targeted, most listened to, according to Edward Snowden, a former agent of one of the most formidable US military intelligence services, this is the National Security Agency (NSA).
Civil and military intelligence services are not content with office phone lines, they know the mobile numbers and personal email addresses of most Politically Defined People (PIP'S) around the world as well as all their entourage ( women, children, friends, cohabitants, cousins, close relatives), short of all the people on a target phone register!
By the way, the game of phone listening is simplicity, intelligence services listen in almost real-time conversations and know how to follow the evolution of everyone's positions with GPS and a hyper-sharp geolocation system.
It is the phone calls of a friend state that are located in the hiterland of the city of Kinshasa that allowed the accurate location of the named Shangalume nkingi aka Daniel Massaro on whom a satellite was pointed and drones Surveillance was constantly following him as during bin Laden's hunt!
For the target Daniel Massaro the equation was very easy since he was constantly following the news on social media through his mobile phone and especially communication with individuals who were all under surveillance of the civil and military intelligence services of the Republic Democratic Republic of Congo.
This is how Daniel Shangalume nkingi, aka " Massaro " the nephew of the fallen Good vital Kamerhe Luakanyingiyingi NKingi was precisely geolocated in a farm that is located on the edge of the city province of Kinshasa instead called " Plateau des Bateke " ", in the southwest part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
For several days a drone had taken charge of the photographing at low altitude without him seeing it.
According to police sources, the fugitive Daniel Massaro is going to be moved to the Public Attorney General near Kinshasa Matete Court of Appeal on Monday morning in Kinshasa.
The civil and military intelligence service of a friend State had sent this information to the National Information Agency (RDA) who was able to trace it to confirm the "telephone listening".
Daniel Shangalume is going to be heard tomorrow morning at the Public Prosecutor's Court of Appeal in Kinshasa Matete.
Legal sources tell us that the fugitives
Daniel Massaro should be placed under Temporary arrest in a cell away from his uncle, the fallen Good vital Kamerhe Luakanyingiyingi Kingi in the centre of the of Central Prison arrest house.
The name Shangalume nkingi aka Daniel Massaro is
prosecuted in the same way as the other co-accused of the trial of vital Kamerhe, LwaKanyinginyi Kingi: the Lebanese businessman
Jammal Samih and one of the individuals who took charge of the import to the presidency of the Republic named Jean Muhima.

12 militia. /rebel Groups in north Kivu have amicably accepted to be disarmed

According to information on our table now,12 militia groups in North Kivu have amicably accepted to put arms down.
In a statement signed by 12 representatives on Monday, May 2020, 18, they say they respond to the call of the head of state to restore peace throughout the country to facilitate development.
They declare an immediate stop of hostilities in all areas under their control.
They announce for next week the start of the movements of all their troops to the disarmament centres, to and Nziapanda / Manguridjipa,
On the other hand, they are waiting for the occupation and deployment of FARDC, PNC in areas under their occupation,
At the same time, they demand the release of their prisoners, that all prisons,
They also demand that their disarm be done by the for the destruction of their weapons, ammunition and military effects to end the illegal movement of weapons among others

Monday, May 18, 2020

Rwanda updates on covid19 lockdown

Chaos in Butembo as result of a bodaboda cyclist who was shot by unknown criminals

The demonstration of motorcycle cyclists(bodaboda)after the shooting of their colleague on the night from Saturday to Sunday, May 17, has crippled activities in the city of Butembo (North Kivu), the day before noon of this Monday May 18, 2020.
On Joseph Kabila Boulevard and other main streets of the city, barricades were visible everywhere. Motorcycle drivers were protesting the growing insecurity in the city of Butembo.
Saturday night to Sunday, a motorcycle driver taxi was shot by unknown armed men. As a result, there is a certain hustle and bustle in the leader of his fellow bikers.
The calm came back in the afternoon and the victim was buried this Monday in a family cemetery near Butembo, under the emotion of his family, friends and acquaintances.

The City of Goma will be in total lockdown for 14 days after 7 confirmed cases of covid19, starting Wednesday, May 2020

According to our sources,the City of Goma will be in total lockdown for 14 days, starting Wednesday, May 2020. Governor Carly Nzanzu Kasivita made this announcement this Monday, May 2020, 18, after the confirmation of 7 new cases of Covid-19 at the head place of North Kivu.
In an address to the press, the Governor said that these new cases are due to several contacts, which was recorded in the province on May 10th.
For example, Carly Nzanzu announces the isolation of the city of Goma from the rest of the province, as well as the stop of traffic with the surrounding provinces, including South Kivu and Ituri.
" We have been notified 7 more cases by national response coordination. So North Kivu province has 15 confirmed cases of Covid-19. These 7 cases were generated by a case that was suspect on May 1st, and confirmed on May 10 .. Unfortunately at the hospital level where he was admitted, there was a lot of contact. We have listed more than 48 contact. That is why we are going to look back on some measures. This includes the total isolation of the city of Goma as of Wednesday, from the rest of the province. We will also limit contact with our sister provinces, especially South Kivu, and the air link between Goma and Ituri ", says Carly Nzanzu.
He points out that as of the same Wednesday, a curfew will be set up in Goma starting at 20 pm. So there will be no movement of people.
The Governor says that an order will be signed this Tuesday, to announce further measures, and the penalties related to it.

....For God and my country.....

...wait for more on this tomorrow......

Today's explosion in Mogadishu led to death of up to 15 people

 :  Abdihakim, a police officer, was among those killed in the Alshabaab explosion at General Kaahiye Police Academy in Mogadishu. Alshabaab...