Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Two Zambia police officers caught inside DRC

Close to a month of tension on that border strip,Two Zambian criminal police officers were arrested on Tuesday 19 May, in the village of Musosa, 220 km from the territory of Moba in Tanganyika province, by the "technical" services. (DMIAP and RDA).
These are 69-year-old James Kazembe and 33-year-old Bungu Chyprien.
According to the of Territory admin who delivers this information, these two Zambian topics had no supporting documents.
"They were equipped with maps of Zambian criminal police officers", said Admin Keyeni Didier.
Before continuing: " They were arrested and informed the hierarchy at the level of Kalemi, because they did not have supporting documents. In a short time, they will be sent to Kalemi to be the on the grounds of their presence on Congolese soil ", he concluded.
As a reminder, a few days ago Faustin Kambale, a local civil society actor, said that the Anti-Homeland Military Detection (DMIAP) and the National Intelligence Agency (RDA) had been moved to the border with Zambia.

The US Air Force Special Operations Command plans to test-fire a 60-kilowatt laser aboard its new AC-130J Ghostrider gunship by 2022

Once seen as the stuff of science fiction, or of a distant dystopian future, laser-based weapons have become a reality in recent years as major powers including the United States, Russia and China rush to field the technology in a variety of air, ground and naval applications.
The US Air Force Special Operations Command plans to test-fire a 60-kilowatt laser aboard its new AC-130J Ghostrider gunship by 2022, Col. Melissa Johnson, programme executive officer for fixed-wing programmes has confirmed.
“If it is successful – and we are planning for success –then it will feed into our new requirements and potentially a new programme down the road,” Johnson said, her comments cited by National Defense magazine .
“If this goes forward past the demo…we’ll have an additional [R&D, testing and evaluation] programme going forward,” she added.
According to the officer, laser systems for use by the Air Force for the AC-130J have already seen ground-based testing at the Naval Surface Warfare Center in Dahlgren, Virginia.
Now, Johnson says, after years of wrangling with the Pentagon to receive additional funding to develop the laser cannon technology, the Air Force finally has enough cash to proceed with development.
The US Air Force announced plans to introduce directed-energy weapons aboard the AC-130J in 2015, and had hoped to carry out a demonstration of the system sometime this year, but faced setbacks amid a lack of funding. The Ghostrider-based laser cannon, touted as a “less than lethal” weapon which can paralyze but not kill enemy combatants, is just
one of a number of Pentagon programmes to introduce high-energy lasers in its weapons.
The US is not the only country making use of laser technology in defence applications, with Russia introducing the Peresvet ground-based defence system to assist in air and missile defence in 2018. China too is making progress in laser weapons, and like Washington, is
working on an airborne offensive laser weapon. The US deployed a new Optical Dazzling Interdictor, Navy (ODIN) anti-drone system aboard one of its combat-capable warships earlier this year. Israel unveiled a new laser-based missile intercept system to replace the Iron Dome in January.

Lockheed martin makes sharp cutbacks on the planned production of F-35 fighter jets

In a related development, last week, the Government Accountability Office concluded that as many as 15 key components for the F-35 once made in Turkey were currently not being produced “at the needed production rate” following Ankara’s unceremonious removal from the fighter programme.
Lockheed Martin’s F-35-related supply chain problems have been exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic, with the company expected to reduce output of finished planes by anywhere from 12 to 15 percent this year, Defense News has reported , citing company officials and figures.
Originally planning to build 141 of the planes in 2020, the company now expects to produce anywhere between 18 and 24 fewer F-35s.
Lockheed Martin VP for the F-35 programme Greg Ulmer blamed the coronavirus pandemic for the new difficulties, which will see employees at the Fort Worth, Texas assembly plant reducing work hours starting May 23, confirming that at present, workers are having to wait for missing parts to arrive, thus preventing the line from moving forward.
“If I have the ability to speed up or recover sooner, then I will do so. If there are other unknown COVID-19 impacts that I don’t know about that come on the horizon – I don’t know that either…As we go forward, probably late summer or early fall, we’ll have a pretty good sense of where we’re going to be,” Ulmer said.
Lockheed told investors that production could be slowed back in late April, attributing slowing output to social distancing requirements at factories, workforce disruptions, and shipping constraints.
The F-35, an incredibly complex (and arguably overengineered) universal fifth-generation fighter jet, consists of over 300,000 individual components, which are produced across some 1,900 individual factories in the US, and dozens more in US allied nations such as Italy.
‘Stories of Stupidity’
Trump hinted at the need to bring more of the F-35 supply chain back to the United States last week, suggesting that the reasoning for producing the plane’s components overseas was a sign of “stupidity.”
“I could tell you hundreds of stories of the stupidity that I’ve seen. As an example, we make a fighter jet. It’s a certain fighter jet, I won’t tell you which, but happens to be the F-35,” Trump said , speaking to Fox News Business on Thursday. “It’s a great jet, and we make parts for this jet all over the world. We make them in Turkey, we make them here, we make them there. The problem is, if we have a problem with a country, you can’t make the jet. We get parts from all over the place. It’s so crazy. We should make everything in the United States,” he added.
The coronavirus-related supply problems reported by the company follow news last week that the Government Accountability Office in Washington calculated that over a dozen key components for the F-35 once made in Turkey were not being produced in the necessary quantities by alternative suppliers following Ankara’s booting from the programme over its decision to buy a Russian-made air defence system. The GAO said that issue was just one of the problems which saw parts delivered late thousands of times in recent years, with over 60 percent of the shortages said to be attributable to just 20 tardy suppliers.
Lockheed Martin’s F-35 do-it-all universal fighter jet is the most expensive weapons contract in history, with its total lifetime R&D, production and operation price-tag recently jumping by another $100 billion to $1.6 trillion over its planned 66 year life cycle. Five years after the plane’s production began in 2015, the plane is still said to have well over 800 bugs, glitches and design problems , from ear-damaging cabin pressure issues to faulty radar and software-related vulnerabilities.

US Air Force F-35 Lightning II combat warplane has crashed in Florida during a routine training exercise,

According to Eglin Air Force Base, the pilot ejected from the aircraft and is currently in stable condition. The crash did not cause any casualties or damage on the ground, the base added.
A US Air Force F-35 Lightning II combat warplane has crashed in Florida during a routine training exercise, Eglin Air Force Base said on Twitter.
The plane belonging to the 58th Fighter Squad crashed around 9:30 pm local time and did not cause any damage or loss of life. The base has launched an investigation into the matter.
The incident comes just days after a F-22 Raptor fighter crashed while performing a test flight last Friday. Similarly to the latest crash, there were no casualties or damage caused by the incident and the pilot ejected to safety.

Mighty Museveni has already landed in kasese

Letter to the Senate Sub-Committee on Africa and Global Health Policy expressing human rights concerns,Is Rwanda the real Singapore of Africa?

The world-wide speech is that Rwanda has made remarkable economic and social progress over the past two decades. However, the reality on the ground tells a different story. The economic facts of Rwanda described in detail in a recently published report, entitled Rwanda Vision 2020 Development Programme, presents a comprehensive analysis of the country's development agenda goals.

Accordung to a citizen of the United States of America and pastor interested in all matters related to Rwanda and the Great Lakes region of Africa, he wrote to express his concern about the deteriorating human rights in Rwanda. Recently, the Government of Rwanda has openly stepped up its policy of harassment of human rights activists around the world and in any dissenting voice from Rwanda and outside. These include the assassination of the late Kizito Mihigo, gospel singer and reconciliation activist. Recently, Mr. Theophile Ntirutwa almost died after being targeted by a death squad who, on the contrary, murdered Rev. Theoneste Bapfakurera. This murder took place in Kigali in Rwamagana on 11 May 2020.
September 2017, 6, Mr. Ntirutwa Theophile, the leader of the United Democratic Forces (FDU) in Kigali, has been missing. He was held in secret for 23 days until his family found him on September 23th at the sadly famous police station in Remera. The regime often uses false accusations against anyone who opposes it and has thus imprisoned Ntirutwa and several other members of the FDU. He served 30 months in a high security prison, then he was released on January 25, 2020, after the court declared him innocent. After his release, Ntirutwa joined a newly formed political party, the Umurinzi, founded by former president of the FDU, Mrs. Ingabire Victory. On Monday, May 2020, 11, a pro-government death squad attacked the place where Ntirutwa lives and carries out his activities. Ntirutwa barely survived the assassination. Unfortunately, Rev. Theoneste Bapfakurera was stabbed to death.
According to reliable information provided by a human rights activist based in Kigali, the attack took place around 19 p. m local time. Ntirutwa, along with friends and family members, was surprised by a gun-armed squad and traditional weapons. When the attackers arrived at the's shop, they asked, " Who's Theo? There were two Theos in the same shop. Rev Bapfakurera Theoneste, who also calls himself " Theo ", said, " I am Theo! Without any hesitation.
As a result, the killers stabbed Rev. Bapfakurera to death. Ntirutwa hid under the counter. The killer team members said, " Mission accomplished, we can leave now. " They didn't know they killed the wrong Theo.
After the shooting squad left, Ntirutwa called the police to report the incident. However, police arrived at the crime scene two hours later. Ntirutwa was treated like a suspect and not as a victim of attempted murder. In the past, the national police of Rwanda and other security bodies have been used to harass, assassinate or remove suspected opponents of the current regime. Thankfully, Ntirutwa barely survived the murder. However, police arrested his wife - who was not at the crime scene. In addition, the's sister and two other survivors were arrested.
At the time of the attack, the following people were present: Rev. Bapfakurera Theoneste (owner of the residence), Mr. Ntirutwa Theophile, Mrs. Mushimiyimana Emerithe (wife of Ntirutwa), Ms. Mukantwari Francine (sister of Ntirutwa), Mr. Hakizimana Frodward and M. gacaca Jean Bosco. Police arrested Ntirutwa Theophile and his wife, leaving their two minor children, 5 and 7 years old, surveillance.
In addition to the arrest of Mr. Ntirutwa Theophile, of his wife and other survivors, a web-based website and a YouTube TV channel, which advocates hate from the government, says Ms. Ingabire Victiore was the brain of the assassination of Rev Bapfakurera because that he " refused to join his political party DALFA Umurinzi! In addition, a journalist named Ellen Kampire said: " I wonder why Ingabire Victory is not locked up because in the past she has been involved in acts of murder. She is not the only responsible for the assassination in Rwamagana. She was the brain of grenade attacks in Kigali! I think she should also be murdered because she organized crimes that cost the lives of many Rwandans ".
Paul Kagame's government co-ordinates media propaganda with investigations of the Rwanda Office of Investigation (RIB), which serves as a government tool to crush any opposition. Ms. Ingabire Victory was called by the RIB for an investigation on Monday, May 2020., 18 I am deeply concerned that these charges are politically motivated by the Government of Rwanda. Mrs. Ingabire Victory and other opposition members could face accusations made of all pieces and possibly an assassination in the next few days.
Unfortunately, killing or removing members of the opposition party is the norm for the current regime in Rwanda. For a few years, squadrons killed Jean Damascene Habarugira, Iragena Illuminee, Anselme Mutuyimana and Syrdio Dusabumuremyi. In addition, Eugene Ndereyimana disappeared and Boniface Twagirimana mysteriously disappeared while he was in jail.
The members of the opposition political party murdered or missing
As a citizen of the United States, pastor and human rights activist, I ask the United States Senate Sub-Committee on Africa and Global Health to use his influence, under section 116 of the section 503 of the Law on Aid Abroad, to encourage General Paul Kagame's regime to stop his human rights violations and to become tolerant of opposition members and dissenting votes in Rwanda and the foreigners.

........Thanks to our source........

Reality:The whole machine is in motion for control of the city of Bunia, and ipso facto the Ituri province, to pass into the hands of the attackers

The whole machine is in motion for control of the city of Bunia, and ipso facto the Ituri province, to pass into the hands of the attackers. Visible actors will always remain CODECO and FPIC, but the still new reality remains the determination of Kagame and Kabila to complete their dream of ownership in the eastern DRC by currently giving priority to Ituri, since Kivu is considered to be a land already acquired. Everything is already well calculated to surround the city of Bunia and neutralize it without much effort. Kigali prepares the M23 to declare a new Rebellion
Kigali realized that his hands have become too visible in the crimes of Beni and Ituri so as to awaken criticism from all sides. Hence, the need for a change of strategy. From now on, it is the M23 who will openly take over. On the pretext that the agreements signed by the Congolese government have not been respected, the M23 will soon declare that it is taking up arms and continues its fight on the military field. He will do this as the assault for the taking of the city of Bunia is being developed. But Joseph Kabila and Paul Kagame who are the bosses of this program believe that everything is ready to achieve this goal by saying in a few days the fall of Bunia, and therefore Ituri between the hands of their of agents. This insurance comes from the guarantee they have from the reserve of their fighters that they hold in Tchabi and Boga as well as thousands of the soldiers they infiltrated in FARDC to torpedo the Congolese army from the inside, while their whole plan evolving in the shadows using indigenous puppets on the screen.
The Rwandan masked by the FPIC in Irumu
On the southern axis of the city, a so-called new armed group named FPIC, whose actions increasingly focus on FARDC in the of, Nyankunde and Marabu department. The opinions have been quickly to accuse the Bira community to charge the crimes of this new crime. Which is both true and false.
This is true because of have actually been recruited and trained to form a self-defense group. This is at the same time, because the Bira have fallen victim to the trap they were dragged into by Mr. Bamaraki, a remarkable Hema.
The role of RDF Colonel Bernard Ngozi Kasumbu and the Rwandan people settled in Tchabi and Boga
With the agreement of Joseph Kabila, the President of Rwanda had installed in Ituri, precisely in Boga and Tchabi as well as on the limits between Ituri and the territory of Beni, more than one hundred thousand people presented as of in search of land in growing. It turns out that these multitude of immigrants are mostly military well trained by Kigali and sent instead for the conquest of Ituri. They continued their military training at their new sites in southern Ituri. Before leaving power, Joseph Kabila had tried without success to connect these invaders with the FRPI, so they could start operations under the cover of this local militia. This did not prevent Kigali and Kabila from constantly providing weapons in this zonesen using the of track, south of Irumu.
However, the most remarkable person in this program remains Colonel of RDF Bernard Ngozi Kasumbu who was sent from Kigali specifically to organize the attackers in southern Ituri, in of territory. Colonel Bernard is one of the close of President Paul Kagame working in the Rwandan special force. His mission was to recruit among indigenous people militiamen to collaborate with the Rwandan fighters deployed to conquer Ituri. Originally, his mission was focused on the Hema. But the campaign carried out by some of the leaders of this community has kept the Hema from this trap.
Nevertheless, another remarkable Hema carried away by opportunism preferred to join this Rwandan plan. It's about Mr. Bamaraki.
He agreed to convince the Bira community to embrace this Rwandan offer. This is how Colonel Bernard had so many volunteers among the youth of the Bira community to form the militia which now claims the name of FPIC, and which is active in the radius - Nyankunde - Irumu department. All the attacks recorded these days in this section are being carried out to open the passage to the Rwandan fighters from the sites of Boga and Tchabi, as well as those from the Beni region to strengthen Walu, Shari, Mwanga, Ngongo where they are in the train circle the city of Bunia, which will soon fall like an all-ripe fruit.
Two farms in the area serve as transit sites to the Rwandan attackers. First the farm of the honorable Tibasima in Sota and the farm of Mr. Bamaraki himself in the ray of Irumu, in which the depot of their weapons is installed. That's where all the backup goes.
Rwandan reinforcements in the north axis of Bunia under the cover of of
Still in preparation for the fall of Bunia and Ituri, Rwanda, in complicity with Joseph Kabila and their accomplices who control the Congolese army, has entered the CODECO (the Lendu militia of Djugu) more than 17 military officers, most of whom had worked in the UPC or in one or the other pro-Rwandan Rebellion of the past, but have a good knowledge of Ituri. Colonel Innocent Zimurinda, Major Jimmy, Major Maseva and many other ex-CNDP and ex-M23 officers were sent among the elements of CODECO, after receiving guidance from Colonel Innocent Kaina aka Indian Queen who has more control of the environment but continues to assist them in a distance, because he is not on the ground yet. This is the guarantee that comfort the Rwandan people of the ability to take control of Ituri.
The above Rwandan officers are preparing the assault on the city of Bunia by the north axis, hiding behind CODECO.
Indeed, the supervision of these genocidal forces of the occupation in Ituri by the Rwandan command is very organized from Kigali; and Kagame had to send several personalities from his army and government for this. Recently, for example, he sent his Minister of Homeland Security, General Rwanda Patric Nyamvumba.
Thus, while he was expected in Uganda to follow up on the case of their dispute with the northern neighbor, he instead went secretly to Ituri, between 11 and 14 December 2019, to find out the continuation of the ongoing killing operations and strengthening the organization of the occupation troops.
Meanwhile, it's silence in Kinshasa. complicity or disability? How can you imagine that all these Rwandan personalities enter Congo without the security services of the country not even realize?
North Kivu is considered by Rwanda as an acquired
It is through the outbreak of the simultaneous attacks that the M23 will declare his return to the stage. The day when the fall of Bunia is proclaimed must be consistent with other attacks on the city of Goma and other cities in the country like the RCD operation of 2 August 1998. Kagame and Kabila are reassured by the multitude of the soldiers they infiltrated massively in FARDC and who hold control of the Congolese army.
The May-May surrender Colonel PALUKU SIKULI LAFONTAINE is very strategic in this plan. First of all, it will be remembered that the latter has been an agent acquired in the service of Rwanda and of for many years. All of his operations in recent years have been guided by the network of these people who send him the instructions of work through the canal of Colonel butcher Richard Bisambaza, one of the brains of the massacres of Beni and Djugu.
According to the plan of the Rwandan people, Colonel Lafontaine will soon be appointed to the FARDC military structure in Goma. He will then take the lead of a mutiny that will actually be a work of the soldiers of Kabila and Kagame. This will lead to the automatic fall of the city of Goma.
Ultimate goal: to reverse the power in place
This is actually the plot whose ultimate goal is to remove President Felix Tshisekedi at the head of the country.

The Rwandan military leadership suspected of planning a coup has been arrested in Kigali, Rwanda

Another Rwandan military leader, suspected of planning a coup, arrested in Kigali, Rwanda
The Rwanda Defense Forces are preparing for the war against Burundi and Uganda, according to sources of Rwandan military intelligence.
Sources in the Rwanda Department of Military Intelligence have told a correspondent of the Afro America Network in Kigali that the main Rwandan military commanders and leaders have been arrested this week. Among the arrested persons are General James Kabarebe, General Patrick Nyamvumba and General Charles Kayonga.
According to sources, arrested people are accused of planning a coup and stealing sophisticated weapons from the army's ultra-secret arsenal depot. More information received by Afro America Network shows at least two other senior military officials or senior officials of the Department of Defense, who have already been placed at home, for the same charges.
General James Kabarebe is the chief presidential advisor of the Rwandan dictator, General Paul Kagame, on security issues, since October 2018. He was Minister of Defense before his appointment. Between 1996-2003 Gen. James Kabarebe was the Commander-in-Chief of the Wars in Zaire, later known as the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The wars caused the massacres of more than 6 million Congolese civilians and Rwandan refugees. He is a close friend of Congolese political leader, vital Kamerhe, currently in prison accused of hijacked more than $ 47 million.
Lieutenant-General Charles Kayonga has been watched since July 2019, when he was suddenly removed from the position of Ambassador of Rwanda to China. At the end of 2018-early 2019, rumors had spread that Lieutenant-General Charles Kayonga had received funds, in millions of US dollars, from heads of opposition and businessmen in exile to finance a coup d ' état against the Rwandan dictator.
Lieutenant-General Kayonga was appointed ambassador to China in February 2014, after being without appointment since June 2013, when he was suddenly replaced by General Patrick Nyamvumba as Commander-in-Chief of the Rwandan defense. At the time, the généralJames Kabarebe was believed to be responsible for the resignation of General Charles Kayonga.
General Patrick Nyamvumba served as Chief of Staff of the Rwanda Defense Force from 2013 to 2019. He was appointed Minister of Homeland Security in July 2019. on April 2020, 27, the General Paul Kagame sacked General Patrick Nyamvumba, accusing him of corruption

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

30 questions in 3 hours of audition at the National Assembly Defense and Security Committee,I want Gilbert kankonde's answer on North KIVU issues!

DRC's Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Interior and Security, Gilbert Kankonde was on a television audition this Tuesday, May 19, by the National Assembly's Defense and Security Committee. It was a question of listening to him on the growing crime cases in the major cities: Kinshasa, Lubumbashi and Goma.
Members of the said committee have also been concerned about the continuing killing in the eastern part of the country, especially in Ituri. For example, Members have asked the security boss over 30 questions.
" It was a good time when we tried to address authority, the security situation of the country. Do you have in lubumbashi where we enter houses and kill, the phenomenon of wewa in Kinshasa, the kidnapping, Bundu dia Mayala in Kinshasa and central Kongo, (...) a question also asked about the allegation of foreign troops in the North - Kivu, the foray of the troops Zambian to Muliro. Over 30 questions were asked and the vVice-Prime Minister, Minister of the Interior scored them and promised to come back Thursday to answer all these questions. Our concern is that we can identify the causes and actors of the increase in insecurity in our country. We need to identify the solutions ", said Juvenal Munubo, the committee's committee.
Gilbert Kankonde raised the issue of the means and strength of law enforcement officers.
" The Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Interior and Security spoke about a problem of staff and means. Many Members have intervened to tell him that we need to do with the available means. There is a budget that we vote for every year added Mr. Munubo.
The option of calling the VPM from the inside was lifted at the last meeting of the Defense and Security Committee, to be approved by the Conference of Presidents.
Mr. Kankonde was accompanied by his collaborators, including police officials and the Migration Branch (CMD).

An assessment of the strategy against the ADF will see some DRC army officers plus civil officers transfered!

The territory of Beni (North Kivu) has been experiencing increased activism in recent weeks. The ADF are increasingly active in OICHA and its surroundings. More attacks have been reported near Eringeti. Halungupa, in the of sector, which had been spared in the past two weeks, also recorded other cases of violence last week. At least 5 dead bodies have been discovered in Ndoma, near the town of Halungupa. These civilians were beaten by the alleged fighters of the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF)
From the sources of the presidency, learn that some army leaders will be released and others will be sent out within two weeks. A reassessment of the strategy strategy is underway. At the level of the presidency of the Republic, several sources talk about the release of some FARDC units in recent months in the hunt for these fighters.
For its part, the army also evokes internal complicity at the local level that still do not end the activism of what many already call the ADF nebula, which has both Congolese and foreigners.
The killing series has grown since last week in the territory of Beni. At least 24 people have been killed since last Tuesday in four different attacks. Which attacks are given to Ugandan Ugandan rebels.

Today's explosion in Mogadishu led to death of up to 15 people

 :  Abdihakim, a police officer, was among those killed in the Alshabaab explosion at General Kaahiye Police Academy in Mogadishu. Alshabaab...