Friday, May 22, 2020

Joseph kony's LRA is surfaces in systematic looting and kidnapping more than 50 people in Bondo .

At least fifty-five (55) people were victims of a Kidnapping during the multiple assaults of the Lord's Armed Forces Lord's resistance army, between 18 and 19 May, in the communities  of Baye, in the territory of Bondo in the province of Lower Uelé.
According to consistent sources mentioned by Radio Okapi, among the abducted persons include 20 women and 3 children.
In their assaults, rebels identified in the LRA group of Joseph Kony have systematically looted the property of the peaceful population, including food, cattle and others.
Contact, the local leader of Bili is in line with the news at UN Radio and calls for the strengthening of military teams.
" In the village of Baye, for example, as a Gulumbe group, the elements of the LRA killed a motorcycle-taxi driver and took his motorcycle away." he regrets.
However, Valentin Senga, governor of the province of Lower Uelé, says 5 people out of the hostages have already been released.
The boss of the lower-Uelé executive still calls on the central government to pay attention to this border part with the Central African Republic in order to ensure the security of its court.
Almost two years later, the LRA, an armed movement of rebel leader Joseph Kony, surfaced in this part of the DRC.
This Ugandan Rebels has been the perpetrators of several barbaric abuses in the Lower Uelé.

Self-proclaimed General Major Maheshe Simba Wa Nkutu, rebel leader of the Mai-Mai Mulangane forces for the defense of the people (FMMDP) handed 20weapons and hundreds of his soldiers to DRC government Wednesday, May 2020, 20 in the territory of Kabare in South Kivu.

In the presence of the provincial and custom authorities, he went with a hundred of his men and handed over 20 weapons and several ammunition.
According to local civil society, this rebel leader who was living in ore mining areas in Bunyakiri, Mulambula and in the plain of the Ruzizi, justifies his surrender by the concern of peace.
Self-proclaimed General Major Maheshe Simba says that he has decided to leave the bush in order to answer the call of the head of state Félix Tshisekedi.
" We dropped the weapons to choose the path of peace and respond to the call of the head of state. We call on other rebel groups to drop the weapons ", he said.
Lwabanji Lwasingabo, provincial minister in charge of interior and security, who participated in this surrender ceremony, confirms this information and says that the rebels who surrender choose the path to peace.
He says that the report of this surrender will be sent to the provincial governor before this rebel leader's next arrival in Bukavu.
It should be remembered that more than 30 Raiya Mutomboki also visited the territory headquaters of Kalehe in South Kivu in bid to drop down their weapons.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

A citizen movement activist Lucha has been killed by police this Thursday, May 21 in Beni (North Kivu) during a protest against insecurity.

The fact happened in Kalinda neighborhood, in the municipality, where law enforcement violently repressed the protest. The victim was shot in the head.
About twenty militants are arrested by the police.
According to a standing report now,Economic activities are paralysed within beni town. The day before, Lucha called on the population to observe a dead city day this Thursday to address the re-emergence of insecurity in the city. This was after the killing of a civilians by armed men in the Butsili neighborhood, in the same commune Mulekera.
Meanwhile, in the territory of Beni also the attacks of the ADF fighters are increasing. There are at least 34 people killed last week during incursions around the city of Oicha.

Russia's state intermediary agency for defence exports, Rosoboronexport (part of Rostec Corporation), said on Thursday it was ready to sell abroad a new radar locator, capable of detecting hypersonic targets.

Russia's state intermediary agency for defence exports, Rosoboronexport (part of Rostec Corporation), said today,Thursday 21/05/2020 that it was ready to sell abroad a new radar locator, capable of detecting hypersonic targets.
"Today, Rosoboronexport launches to the [international] market a new radar locator, capable of efficiently detecting a wide range of modern and prospective air targets, including hypersonic targets," Rosoboronexport Director General Alexander Mikheev said, as quoted by his press service.
Mikheev expressed the belief that the radar locator would be in demand in the Asia-Pacific region, the Middle East and North Africa.
Russian arms exporter Rosoboronexport showcased its newest radar, which can easily detect a wide range of aerial objects, including hypersonic Targets
Last week, President Donald Trump announced that the US is developing a state-of-the-art hypersonic missile that he stressed should be superior to those currently created by Russia and China.
Earlier, the US administration requested at least $3.2 billion in funding for hypersonic weapons development programmes in the next fiscal year, an increase of almost $500 million from 2020.
This came as the US withdrew from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) Treaty in August 2019 after formally suspending its INF obligations in February that year and triggering a six-month withdrawal process.

Eastern DRC's security still in a danger especially in KIVU and ITURI

On the security level, the DRC is still in a tragic situation. As we have been monitoring new tensions DRC has with Zambia at the common border level,the confusion in minembwe, various chaos in the Kivu and ITURI, it is a confusing security situation in the eastern part of the country.
Indeed, reflecting the fact that though the CSG has been constantly denounced for years, the Congo Study Group through the voice of its Director, researcher Jason Stearns, said he had " received reports from the different  focal points that we have on the ground and our interlocutors in civil society who notified a presence of the Rwandan military ". This presence is a violation of international law and is done with the tactic agreement of Mr. Felix Tshisekedi who seems to have given a white card informally to the Kigali regime to carry out his various projects on Congolese soil. If these recent incursions are in addition to a long list of violations that began in the 1990 s (see report mapping), they must not avoid the issue of Congolese army infiltration. Interviewed by RFI on 17 April 2020, a member of the civil society of North Kivu noted: "They are Rwandans in the night and present themselves as FARDC units the during daylight".
These facts are all the more serious as they take place in the context of increasing tensions between Burundi and Rwanda on one side and Uganda and Rwanda on the other. This is how the DRC is once again at risk of being the theatre of power wars that does not concern it. This fear was shared in a report by the International Crisis Group. It's President, Martin Fayulu, also expressed his fear in a tweet where he says: " The DRC must no longer be the playground of some surrounding countries.
Those who feel threatened must hold talks with their rebels at home. The blood of the Congolese can no longer continue to flow because of imported conflicts. We have the right to peace." On April 24, a deadly attack carried out by foreign elements in Virunga Park confirmed these fears. Until the DRC is led by responsible, legitimately elected patriots who are not bound by opaque and cloudy commitments, there will be no outcome of the security crisis in the eastern part of the country.

The European Union does not rule out proceedings against the perpetrators of human rights violations in eastern DRC

The European Union does not rule out taking adequate measures against persons, groups or organizations that contribute through their actions to harm the preservation of peace or serious human rights violations in Ituri province , east of the DRC.
This is the statement content made on Wednesday, May 20th by High Representative / Vice-President of the European Union.
" The province of Ituri in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has been hit for several weeks by an intensification of almost daily attacks against the civil population can be read in the EU statement.
Since the beginning of the year, nearly 300 people have been killed and more than 200 people have fled the atrocities.
These barbaric acts must stop. It is up to the Congolese authorities and the United Nations Stabilization Mission in the DRC (MONUSCO) to put an end to the actions of the CODECO army and to bring the alleged perpetrators to justice. No sense of impunity can prevail. It is also essential to take dialogue first and fight against any use of identity.
What is happening in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo cannot become a forgotten crisis; and efforts to put an end to insecurity in this region must be accelerated.
The European Union stands ready to support the efforts of the Congolese authorities in this regard, in coordination with its partners.

The national army of DRC made an defensive attack on an ADF attack in mayimoya and capture 2 attackers

The Armed Forces of the DRC (congolese) on tuesday arrested  two ADF fighters in the village of mayimoya located in the territory of Beni (North-kivu).
These were arrested at the same time as the armed forces made an attack these rebels in this part of the military zone as said by spokesperson in the region.
Antony Mwalushayi adds that the Congolese army remains determined and committed to defeat the enemy and stabilize the region he said.
Meanwhile, another place where they  hide was discovered by the army in the village of Ndalya in Irumu.
" It was when the army was in a patrol operation that this military hide was discovered says Bravo Vukulu president of the civil society of Bambuba Kisiki a group near the village of Ndalya.
" Several military wares were recovered by the army after being abandoned by the attackers during the exchange of shots adds Bravo Vukulu.
It should be noted that for several days now the territory of Beni has been facing growing insecurity caused and imposed by the ADF.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Iraqi intelligence announced Wednesday that one of the alleged successors of the ex-Daesh leader al-Baghdadi was arrested

US President Donald Trump announced in October 2019 that the former Daesh leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was terminated as a result of US military operation.
But today,Iraqi intelligence announced Wednesday that one of the alleged successors of the ex-Daesh leader al-Baghdadi was arrested, according to the report by Ashaq al Awsat on their tweets.
#Breaking | #Iraqi intelligence announced the arrest of the potential successor of slain #ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
— Asharq Al-Awsat English (@aawsat_eng) May 20, 2020
According to INA news agency, the Iraqi intelligence detained Abdullah Quardash, who was one of the possible successors to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
"Abdullah Quardash, the candidate for successor of the criminal al-Baghdadi, was captured", the INA news agency reported.
NASA's Center for Near Earth Object Studies (CNEOs) is closely observing all asteroids approaching our planet within a distance of 0.05 astronomical units. In human terms, it may seem like nothing, but large space rocks can have a significant impact on Earth - even from a million-kilometres away.
The Apollo-class asteroid 441987, also dubbed 2010 NY65, will closely approach Earth on 24 June, according to NASA’s tracking table.
The space rock is measured at between 140 and 310 metres, based on the way it reflects lights, and is estimated to be a small object in NASA’s terms. However, it will approach our planet at a speed of 12.98 kilometre per second, coming as close as 0.02512 astronomical units to Earth.
NASA’s CNEOs has been tasked to thoroughly observe all asteroids closely approaching our planet within 0.05 astronomical units, or around 7.5 million kilometres. 2010 NY65 is no exception to this rule, as it will fly past the Earth on the early morning of 24 June at a distance of 3.7 million kilometres.
The space rock was first observed in July 2010 and belongs to the Apollo class of asteroids, the orbit of which crosses paths with the trajectory of the Earth. 2010 NU65 is a relatively small space rock, but researchers believe that all asteroids that are close to one kilometre in size can inflict significant damage on our planet due to the secondary effects, such as tsunamis, they can create, even from a great distance.

DRC army claims to have neutralized over 300 militia men

In its report published in a press release, on Monday, 18 March, the Armed Forces of the DRC (FARDC) claim to have neutralized three hundred and nine militiamen from the CODECO militia during military operations called "Zaruba ya Ituri 2", Ituri storm 2, launched against this armed group since the beginning of March 2020 in the territories of Djugu and Mahagi and part of Irumu (Ituri).
The spokesperson for the FARDC operating sector in Ituri, Lieutenant Jules Ngongo, who published this report, also announces that these operations continue until the full deactivation of this militia.
The army also reported that it recovered two strongholds from this militia in Djaro and Londjango as well as several locations under their control including Rithy, Nyangaray, Ngongo and I in the territory of Djugu.
In addition, Lieutenant Jules Ngongo is making a record of 63 dead on the FARDC side.
He recommended that the people of the region take care of this militia and denounce all those who hold the weapons as well as those who hold them.
The army also calls on the lost young people to drop weapons and go to FARDC to serve under the DRC flag than to remain on these adventures, notes the press release.
For his part, Ituri civil society coordinator, Jean Bosco Lalo, congratulates FARDC on these achievements.
But, he believes that much remains to be done for the restoration of a sustainable peace in Ituri through the return of thousands of displaced people throughout the province and others have fled to Uganda.

Today's explosion in Mogadishu led to death of up to 15 people

 :  Abdihakim, a police officer, was among those killed in the Alshabaab explosion at General Kaahiye Police Academy in Mogadishu. Alshabaab...