Sunday, June 30, 2024

M23 vs wazalendo crashes in Tongo

 Intelligence reports on our desk indicate that since  8:00 Am this morning,there is a fierce crash between the wazalendo and M23 along the Tongo -Kalengera axis.In Kishishe ,the wazalendo protesters violently entered Kishishe at around 9:30AM this morning.

Major General Chiko was never in Buteembo as claimed by some media outlets

As indicated in videos below! Chiko is on Frontline now.

FARDC formally denies accusations that it describes as “false” and “misleading” against General Maj Chicko Tshitambwe Jérôme, Commander of operations on the Northern front. The spokesperson for the FARDC on the Northern Front, Lieutenant Mbuyi Reagan, says that certain “false” and “misleading” articles published in the online media concerning rumors spread about any presence of his Commander in Butembo are unfounded. The army strongly condemns this “erroneous” information concerning the presence of its Commander in Butembo. The army affirms that these are facts fabricated by the enemies of peace concerning the operations carried out in this eastern part of the country. “Currently, the Commander of the Northern Front is fighting at the front with his troops to strengthen his positions in Kirumba and consolidate those of Kaseyi and Alimbongo,” said Lieutenant Mbuyi

Felix Tshisekedi held a defence meeting to discuss the fall of kanyabayonga

The deterioration of the security situation in the province of North Kivu marked by the fall of the strategic city of Kanyabayonga in the hands of the M23 rebels supported by Kigali was at the center of the meeting of the Higher Defense Council chaired this Saturday, June 29 in the City of the African Union by Félix Tshisekedi. This situation allows the rebellion to strengthen its influence in the province of North Kivu. According to the report of the meeting made by government spokesperson Patrick Muyaya and, without however citing them, measures were proposed to the Head of State by the military authorities to retake as quickly as possible the different areas occupied by the M23 rebels. "The President of the Republic convened this meeting of the expanded Higher Defense Council to take stock of the situation in general. Obviously we spoke about the operational situation of the country in general in all three defense zones but there are "There was a particular emphasis on the events in Kanyabayonga," the government spokesperson said. And to continue: "After nearly 3 hours of discussions and an overview with the various military authorities, perspectives, measures were proposed to the President of the Republic so that the armed forces of the DRC can very quickly recover order in this part of the country and retake certain other localities which were occupied by the Rwandan forces because that is what it is about. At the same time, tribute was paid to the FARDC who sacrifice themselves for the defense of the integrity of the national territory. Also, a call for unity was launched to better confront this aggression. "It is therefore important that in this context that the Congolese be wary of everything they read on social networks so as not to give in to the enemy's game, you know that it is also on this ground that the game is being played to demobilize the Congolese but also to affect the morale of our valiant soldiers who are engaged on the front so here we reiterate the call of the President of the Republic to continue to trust the FARDC for which the government of the Republic as well as himself will make everything available so that order can be restored and very quickly", indicated the government spokesperson. On the ground, this situation has once again caused the displacement of civilian populations. After Kanyabayonga on Friday, two other large towns in southern Lubero (North Kivu) came under the control of the M23 rebels this Saturday, June 29. These are Kayna and Kirumba. The latter is the main commercial center of South Lubero. According to sources in the area, rebels from the Luofu axis and others from Kanyabayonga joined Saturday morning in Kayna before continuing their path to Kirumba, the "entity they took without a fight" at 3 p.m. local time. On site, a source said that the rebels have seized the important military camp of Kasando where they are said to have taken significant ammunition abandoned by the army.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Major Chiko Tshitambwe organise his forces to block M23 advances after the fall of Kanyabayonga


This Saturday morning, the rebels took control of the cities of Luofu and Kayna in the territory of Lubero. Major General Chiko Tshitambwe, Commander of the Northern Front, reorganizes and mobilizes the troop leaders to block the rebels who have the ambition to overflow to Alimbongo and thus cut off the road to the FARDC still present in Kirumba. Contrary to the rumors spread by the digital army of M23_RDF and by certain populations manipulated by the enemy, as well as by some political and civil actors from the Far North of the North Kivu province and the country, Major General Chiko Tshitambwe is neither in Butembo nor in Beni(There is video circulating on social media that Genral narrowly escaped linching by the civilians who wanted to throw him outta a hotel in Butembo). He is actually on the front line. It should be noted that according to several testimonies, it is thanks to the rigor of General Major General Chiko Tshitambwe that the city of Kanyabayonga held for more than 30 days before falling yesterday into the hands of the M23 rebels who received sufficient reinforcement in men and ammunition to relaunch the assaults on Fardc.

The coordinator of AFC/M23 gives address to the nation

 Check the YouTube link to watch

The real intelligence report on the Fall of Kanyabayonga

 On the evening of Sunday, June 23rd, 2024, Major General Chico Tshitambwe learned through his informants that Brigadier General Boudouin Ngaruye was departing from Kitchanga for the Kanyabayonga axis with a reinforcement of four battalions (one Brigade) of RDF forces, a combination of regular and special forces.The M23 has lost numerous men on the kanyabayonga operation but to them it seems ,the loss of men is not a worry.We will soon establish the reasons why M23 remains resilient despite numerous losses in terms of men.

By 20/06/2024,the FARDC had already known that the Enemy forces (M23)had been ordered to start attacking with in coming forty night(2*Weeks).

The FARDC categorically had known that  the first attacks were to begin in the next 7Days and as I talk now this might be the first series of these attacks.

 FARDC had even received reports that the planned attacks would  be stronger than the previous ones, and would  mainly target FDLR and Wazalendos who are in the zones near FDLR control.

The FARDC units deployed in Sake,had been informed to prepare enough and get ready.The M23 High Command, had ordered  launching of multiple attacks on Sake and consolidate it, so as frustrate and suffocate Goma.

 On Kibumba axis, there were reports  of M23 having established a Basic Trainning Camp(BTC) for new numerous recruits, those recruits were a big of reinforcements  in terms of Human who had been enmassed d from various locations around East Africa and were under going vigorous and hard Trainning.

Another report indicated a  BTC set in Rumangabo mil camp where  Recruits were going through vigorous Trainning in Rumangabo with the main aim of taking Kanyabayonga.The M23 for almost  weeks had been studying the FARDC patterns and had enmassed numerous reinforcements both in human,ammunitions and other logistics.The failure for the gorvenment of DRC to send reinforcements is a factor but reluctancy and failure to value and timely use intelligence information played a key role in the fall of Kanyabayonga.

M23 had for the whole three weeks have been analysing tips of all information and planning accordingly and that's why the reports of delayed FARDC reinforcements and other reports got them guts to match on for an attack on the already exhausted and lacking FARDC and wazalendo.There is no sensible military personnel who rubbishes any intelligence information,even if it may be false it should not make the army reluctant but keeps it alert.M23 does not rubbish any information ,instead does its analysis and establishes why.Wrong information or exaggerated can be a very good building block to establishing the reality.

These are reports from Commanders:

THE LOSS OF THE VILLAGE OF MIRIKI and KAMIKA BEFORE KANYABAYONGA: It all started on Thursday, with the loss of the village of Miriki. The FARDC had received information about an imminent attack by the ADF in Lubero which was to cause more than 150 deaths. The only FARDC units available in this region were in forward positions.  The unit on site has been divided into two groups. While the second group withdrew to protect the population, M23 attacked the village. We then understood that there were no ADFs, which suggests that they work together (ADF = RDF). .According to my sources, the RDF had strengthened their positions by adding more than 4,000 M23 soldiers. During this time, General Chico requested reinforcements from the general staff, the reinforcement had not yet arrived and a position in Kanyabayonga held by our Wazalendo brothers was attacked. During the fighting, one General Wazalendo (some say he has links to Geadeon and Jules Mulumba) was killed by an RDF sniper. The panic caused by the death of their leader led the Wazalendos to abandon their positions. The M23 took advantage of this opening to advance quickly. The FARDC found themselves trapped. The majority of our special forces, made up of our children and brothers, were in a weak position. They either had to fight and this could cause a lot of losses on our side, or withdraw, the weather did not allow us to have airforce support.The FARDC airforce would have come in for support but the weather was not good for the aerial equipments.General Chico, who no longer had any choices, ordered General Kabund to withdraw to preserve the lives of our soldiers, and this was done quickly. This is how the commune fell.The FARDC are now 20 km from the city. Before long, the FARDC will reorganize for a counter-offensive.

There are also rumors going on this morning 29/06/2024 that M23 and ADF-NALU would have entered pact as M23 eyes to establish itself in the territory of Lubero,however , accordingly,the intelligences sources and our close confidants ,these are taken as unreliable claims by some local inhabitants.

Friday, June 28, 2024

After a fortnight of massive reinforcements,M23 matches and matches into Kanyabayonga


If you read our post today ,the taking over Kanyabayonga by M23 cannot be a surprise to you.With articulate intelligence backed  packets of information we always have been able to accurately forecast some of the most prevailing security situations in the region And having all sources about the security situations in DRC we had already known that M23 was at all cost going to capture kanyabayonga.It was finally around 5 p.m. that the M23 rebels arrived in the city of Kanyabayonga after 1 month of a tough battle where the FARDC inflicted heavy losses on them. Testimonies on site say they recognize the bravery shown by the FARDC during 30 days of fighting. “Today the city of Kanyabayonga has fallen, we become displaced in our own country, but we must recognize that the FARDC did what was necessary for 30 days to contain the rebel attacks every day and protect. I think I will return to my town of Kanyabayonga very soon after the reorganization of the FARDC,” testified a resident. “I confirm to you that in the ranks of the FARDC there are still brave soldiers who are fighting and brave Commanders in this case the Northern Front Command who still have concern for this country and its future. Yes, today Rwanda occupies our land but it will not be able to transport this land to its home, our army and the volunteers will surely organize themselves and one good morning we will return” explained this resident teacher of his state who fled with his household materials and teaching manuals.

FULL REPORT FROM THE FRONTLINE: Intensification of fighting in Rutshuru

 Intensification of fighting in Rutshuru, the M23 have since Thursday occupied Miriki and Kimaka , two new localities located about ten kilometers from Kanyabayonga after violent fighting between the FARDC and the M23 /RDF, report several local sources. Following this situation, a new massive movement of the population fleeing  was observed in the area towards villages deemed secure. However, the rural commune of Kanyabayonga remains under the control of the FARDC, our sources added.

An attack opposing the young Wazalendo resistance fighters by the M23/RDF rebels broke out the morning of Thursday, June 27, in the village of Remeka in the territory of Masisi chiefdom of Bahunde. Local sources say 5 finalists were injured in the state exam center. Local sources say that 12 M23/RDF elements were killed and 3 young wazalendo resistance fighters. The bodies of the M23 elements were taken to the village of Kasake.

A resident of the village targeted by the M23 confides that these rebels burst into the village of Remeka to recover several cows which were stolen by a young man from the Wazalendo group 5 days ago. During the exchange of fire, civilians were injured, including finalist students taking a state exam.

“It all started with a theft of cows on Friday last week in an area occupied by the M23, they came to free these cows but they were attacked by the Wazalendo of the Mai Mai Kifuafua group who are in the village of Remeka . The position of the wazalendo installed in the village was set on fire by the M23. 12 M23 elements were killed and 3 young people wazalendo. As I speak to you, the rebels have just withdrawn from this village which has once again come under the control of wazalendo. 5 finalist students were injured, they were quickly taken to Katunda hospital but as we feared that the rebels would arrive there, the injured were evacuated to the village of Biriko,” explains a school Administrator from the center where students took exams.

Violent fighting has intensified since the morning of Friday June 28 between the Congolese army against the M23/RDF rebels around Kanyabayonga, in Lubero territory in the province of North Kivu according to local sources. Detonations of heavy and light weapons have been heard in the area since the morning. Some local sources claim that the rebels took control of the locality of Kamaka in the territory of Lubero and the village of Miriki.
Other sources indicate that m23 has made massive reinforcements both in human and other logistics and heavy attack is expected this weekend.The m23 vow to retake Kanyabayonga whic they see as a key for the easy taking of the territory of Lubero and  provision of good cemented attacks on Walikale.M23 have vowed not to back down however much casualities they have gotten from the recent front encounters.

Former Speaker of Somalia Parliament Mohamed Osman Jawaari has passed away in Mogadishu

  Former Speaker of Somalia Parliament Mohamed Osman Jawaari has passed away in Mogadishu, Friday; he was 79, sources.

Jawaari held multiple positions in Siyaad Barre’s government including serving as minister of transport, labour and social affairs. 

Before becoming a speaker, Jawaari who graduated from Somalia’s faculty of law was the chair of the constitutional experts committee which oversaw the drafting of the current constitution. 

Jawaari was elected a speaker in August 2012; and again was re-elected in January 2017. He resigned in April 2018 after pressure from the government of  Farmaajo


Somalia’s National Security Advisor, Hussein Sheikh Ali, has unequivocally stated that the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) is not engaged in negotiations with the militant group Al-Shabaab.


This declaration comes in response to unverified social media reports suggesting that “secret” talks were underway with the terrorist organization.

“FGS is not in talks with al-Shabab (Al-Khawarij). The President has put forward clear conditions on this eventuality: They must sever any link with global terror groups and accept Somalia’s territorial integrity. They must be willing to pursue their political agenda peacefully,” Hussein Sheikh Ali asserted in a post on his official X account.

The President’s stance, sources say, outlines stringent prerequisites that Al-Shabaab must meet before any dialogue can be considered. These conditions are aimed at ensuring that the group renounces violence and aligns with the broader goals of national unity and peace.

The statement serves as a direct rebuttal to circulating rumors, reinforcing the government’s commitment to a transparent and uncompromising approach to national security. By setting these clear conditions, the Somali government reaffirms its position against engaging with terrorist groups without significant concessions and assurances.

The reaffirmation of this policy underscores the government’s broader strategy to combat terrorism and maintain stability within the country.

The National Security Advisor’s declaration is expected to quell speculations and reinforce the government’s firm position on countering terrorism while promoting a peaceful political process. The administration’s clear conditions for any potential talks with Al-Shabaab highlight the uncompromising nature of its strategy to ensure lasting peace and security in Somalia.

The alshabaab also reported that,If talks happen, AlShabaab intends to engage only with international partners, not the Somali government. Sources around the Al-Shabaab network suggest  Alshabaab  will soon release a statement clarifying their perspective on this matter.

Nyamulagira getting to eruption

 Proffessor Charles Balagizi, scientific director of the OVG, specified that "the eruption consists of an overflow of lava from its cra...