Saturday, July 6, 2024

Wazalendo engaged M23 in kalengera.


Last night ,at around 10:00,the wazalendo tried to attack the M23 in kalengera.In busanza ,the wazalendo claims that the M23 dropped two latest PKM which were seized by the wazalendo operating in busanza.

In Lubero,the wazalendo and FARDC have been actively making thorough preparations for offensives against the M23.
Watch the video

FΓ©lix Tshisekedi sets up a security task force to look deeply into M23 war and is under his direct authority


Watch the video below


Concerned by the evolution of the security situation in the east of the country, with the recent deterioration of the situation in Kanyabayonga,... The government announces that the Head of State has set up a security task force under his authority direct.

This will meet weekly without replacing the higher defense council.

Its objective is to assess the threat, identify the main actors as well as the factors which fuel insecurity.

Holding of the first meeting of this Task Force of the Military High Command on the security situation in the east of the country, chaired by the President Tshisekedi . "During this meeting, the Military High Command presented to the Supreme Commander of the FARDC and the PNC (national police)the report of the tactical evaluations carried out on the ground. The President of the Republic ordered the Military High Command to launch appropriate actions to safeguard the territorial integrity of the country,” the presidency wrote in a press release.

Report was presented by the Minister of Communication and Media Patrick Muyaya.

Friday, July 5, 2024

Wazalendo says that these are M23 boys who surrendered

Watch the videos below


The leaders of the Nande/Yira community denounce the level of extermination of the Nande community and the balkanization of the country


"An attitude of extreme irresponsibility which is akin to a strategy of support for the plan of extermination of our Community and the balkanization of the country".

➡️ Calls on the population not to settle in displaced persons camps.

➡️ Let us not allow our people to be admitted to displaced persons camps for fear of being exterminated there.

Calls on the population to calm down and not to take justice into their own hands.

➡️ The ambiguous behavior of military and political leaders in the management of operations

is quite intriguing. Stay mobilized but reserved. Avoid inappropriate agitation,

violence, irrational destruction, mob justice, physical attacks.

➡️ Nande/YIRA community leaders remind the President of the Republic, Felix-Antoine Tshisekdi Tshilombo for whom our Community voted more than 90% that nothing excuses him in the face of the occupation of our lands and the extermination of our

Community while he has in his hands the power and might of the State. We recommend that he replace the Chief of Staff and his entourage as well as the commanders of frontline operations in the North Kivu Province with patriots.

A second trial in the middle of the war has been held since Thursday July 4 in Lubero-center (North Kivu), nearly 70 km from the front line.

   23 soldiers are being prosecuted for several offenses, including cowardice or flight from the enemy, dissipation of war munitions, looting, murder and attempted murder. The verdict is expected this Friday. This trial is being held in the court of the rural commune of Lubero, capital of the territory bearing the same name. The hearing is held under a shed covered in sheet. This Friday, 23 soldiers are at the helm. With a dejected air, they await their fate whose investigation began on Thursday. The military prosecutor accuses them of having been cowardly in the face of the M23 rebels who are advancing in the south of Lubero. In their escapes, others are accused of having looted the property of peaceful populations. But that's not all. Still others are accused, some of having dissipated munitions of war, others of having committed murder and attempted murder. The pleadings and the verdict are expected this Friday for this flagrant trial aimed at discouraging, in this time of war, fleeing, looting and undisciplined soldiers. It is for this reason that this exemplary trial is being held behind the front line, as close as possible to the inhabitants who experience the blunders and indiscipline of the soldiers who are supposed to protect them. This trial is being held the day after another held on Wednesday in Alimbongo, on the front line, at the end of which 27 soldiers were sentenced to sentences ranging from 10 years to the death penalty for the same offenses.

Breaking!AlShaabab Militants claim to have overrun govt bases in Gofgadud Burey village, outside Baidoa town, Bay region, this morning


AlShaabab Militants claim to have  overrun govt bases in  Gofgadud Burey village, outside Baidoa town, Bay region, this morning. In a brief statement, Alshabaab claims overrunning 3 bases, killing a number of soldiers, capturing weapons, and several soldiers as prisoners.

These 3 bases are just in outskirts of Baidoa, 20km away from city centre: SNA, regional forces, and local militias were targeted in Goofgaduud village, casualties are reported. Baidoa is home to the largest Ethiopian base in southern Somalia, has been under SNA for 12 years. These  military bases are  manned by UK and Ethiopian-trained soldiers. The UK operates Somalia's third-largest training camp, following Turkish and US. Alshabaab claims that today's assault resulted in at least 4 POWs, alongside the capture of weapons and military logistics.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Will M23 capture Goma this time?


Starting from 30th May 2024,plans have been in high gear with the main intention of frustrating FARDC and subsequently forcing Kinshasha into negotiations.meetings were held and among key opinions was to coerce and lure political opinionists,social media figures whose writings were seen as impingements and against m23's success.With a period of one month M23 has managed to lure and convince some political opinionists,social media political idealists,academicians etc to get to their side.According to open source Intelligence,Human intelligence sources( which i do not wany to put here)it is vivid that M23 has reaped much in its undercover campaign and activities  in respect to coercing of new influencial members of cyber community in joining them,there is a clear picture that many adademicians,political opinionists,social media influencers from North Kivu are likely to join them.If you are a good analyst,there is much evidence on some accounts on Twitter,facebook,youtube ,whatsapp..etc.Many other war theorists are seeing M23'S march for Lubero as a diversion strategy so that M23 can organize a big surprise attack on Goma when there few numbers ready for its defence or when others are wearily on the defence of lubero.After the capture of kanyabayonga ,m23 is saidto have had meetings in Bunagana,kirumba and recently in kiwanja with the main aim of laying NEW STRINGENT STRATEGIES to capture Goma which they see as a sure deal of forcing Kinshasha into negociation.

Kakule Simisi Josaphat's first reaction after joining the M23 rebels.

 Before his integration in M23, he was an activist for BUREC and one of the deputies of provincial deputy David Kamuha , today advisor to the military governor of North Kivu. In this video, Kakule Simisi Josaphat says he made his own decision to join the M23 without consulting the hierarchy of his former political party. He also claims to have cut ties with his former party bosses. "I cut all contact with them before joining M23," he says.

(Watch the video below)

European Union suspends review of new 20 million euro military aid to Kigali.


According to the African Intelligence story,The Europeans have not reached an agreement concerning the release of new financial aid to the Rwandan army for its intervention in Cabo Delgado. At the same time, Brussels is considering new sanctions against the Kigali regime for its support of the M23 rebellion.

πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ Several topics concerning Rwanda were on the agenda at the meeting of the Working Group on Africa (COAFR), on July 3, a body of the European Council. Members notably examined Kigali's request for the European Union (UE) to continue financing the Rwandan military effort in the Mozambican province of Cabo Delgado.

➡️➡️ This request aimed to release a second tranche of 20 million euros, via the European Peace Facility (FEP) , in favor of the Rwanda Defense Force (RDF), deployed since July 2021 to combat the jihadist insurgency in northern Mozambique.

Actively supported by Portugal and France, this new budgetary aid – a first tranche of 20 million euros was released in 2023 – is appreciated differently among the Member States. Some countries, such as the Netherlands, Germany and Sweden, have expressed strong reluctance to grant this aid without compensation.

πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ Unanimity required

The diplomats of these countries notably recalled the role of the Rwandan regime of Paul Kagame in the M23 rebellion in the east of the DRC. Kigali's support was highlighted in the latest UN panel of experts report, which documented the massive presence of RDF elements alongside the rebels.

➡️➡️➡️ Usually more conciliatory towards Rwanda, the EU now seems to recognize the impossibility of dissociating the Eastern Congolese issue from that of Cabo Delgado. The COAFR, whose unanimity is required to release the aid of 20 million euros, therefore preferred to postpone its examination indefinitely, which could take place after the summer.

πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ Members also agreed on the need to expand EU sanctions against Rwandan officials involved in the war started by the M23. So far, only one RDF officer, Captain Jean-Pierre Niragire, known as Gasasira, appears on the list of people targeted by the sanctions – he was included there in July 2023. It remains for the Europeans to define the names likely to be added

Stabilization of the Eastern DRC: A Police Device to Replace MONUSCO of the DRC: A Police Device to Replace MONUSCO Stabilization of Eastern DRC.

 The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior, Jacquemain Shabani, and the Ambassador of the States -United Nations, Lucy Tamlyn, recently highlighted the importance of implementing a police force to replace the United Nations Mission for the Stabilization of Congo (MONUSCO) in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). This initiative aims to strengthen security in areas where insecurity is endemic. During their discussions on Tuesday, July 2, 2024, Jacquemain Shabani and Lucy Tamlyn agreed that the establishment of an effective and reliable police force is essential to meet the security needs of local populations following the withdrawal of MONUSCO. The American ambassador clarified that this measure meets the expectations of the Congolese people, who want security above all. “We talked about the importance of having a police force to replace MONUSCO and we both totally agreed that what the population wants is the presence of security,” she said. declared. This withdrawal of MONUSCO, which began with the closure of its office in Bukavu on June 25, marks the end of the first phase of its disengagement from the country. The UN mission closed or transferred several operational bases to the Congolese armed forces (FARDC) in South Kivu, including the sites of Baraka, Bukavu, Bunyakiri, Kamanyola, Kavumu, Rutemba and Sange. Congolese authorities requested the withdrawal, arguing that the presence of peacekeepers has failed to effectively protect civilians against armed groups over the past 25 years. This feeling is shared by the local population, who have expressed their discontent through demonstrations, sometimes violent, demanding the departure of MONUSCO from North Kivu and Ituri. The withdrawal of MONUSCO symbolizes the end of a 25-year UN presence in the DRC, opening a new chapter for the management of the country's internal security. The transition to a national police system aims to offer a more sustainable solution adapted to the specific security challenges of the region. The Congolese government, with the support of the United States, is therefore committed to setting up this police system to ensure long-term security and stability in the east of the DRC, while respecting the expectations of the population. for lasting peace. The establishment of a national police force to replace MONUSCO is a crucial step towards the stabilization of eastern DRC. This change aims to strengthen security and lasting peace in the region, thus meeting the aspirations of the Congolese population.

Nyamulagira getting to eruption

 Proffessor Charles Balagizi, scientific director of the OVG, specified that "the eruption consists of an overflow of lava from its cra...