Monday, July 8, 2024

The SADC Military Mission in Mozambique (SAMIM): Evaluating its Impact and Legacy

On July 15, 2021, the Southern African Development Community (SADC) deployed a military mission in Mozambique, known as SAMIM, to combat the Islamic insurgency in Cabo Delgado province. The mission has since concluded with the handing over ceremony taking place on July 4th. The departure of the regional force means that Mozambican security forces is taking full responsibility for maintaining security.

Background of the Intervention

The insurgency in Cabo Delgado, led by the group known as Al-Sunnah wa Jama’ah (ASWJ) and affiliated with the Islamic State (ISIS), began to escalate in late 2019. By mid-2021, the violence had displaced over 850,000 civilians and halted a $60 billion liquefied natural gas project led by TotalEnergies, ENI, and Exxon (Southern African Development Community. SADC member states, concerned about the potential for regional destabilization and the spread of extremism, pressured Mozambique to accept a military intervention.

SAMIM was deployed with 2,210 troops from South Africa, Botswana, Tanzania, Lesotho, Namibia, and Angola. The mission aimed to neutralize the extremists, assist Mozambican forces in operations, and provide training and advisory support.

Successes and Challenges

The SADC military mission had three primary strategic objectives:

Neutralizing the extremists.

Assisting the Mozambique Defence Armed Forces in planning and executing operations.

Training and advising Mozambican forces.


Neutralizing Extremist Forces: SAMIM was instrumental in reducing the operational capabilities of the insurgent group Ansar al-Sunna (ASWJ), affiliated with the Islamic State (ISIS). The combined force, consisting of 2,210 troops from South Africa, Botswana, Tanzania, Lesotho, Namibia, and Angola, managed to dismantle several insurgent bases and disrupt their operations in Cabo Delgado. This significantly diminished the insurgents’ ability to control territory and launch large-scale attacks.

Facilitating the Return of Displaced Persons: One of SAMIM’s notable achievements was the improvement in the security situation, which allowed for the return of 570,000 internally displaced persons by August 2023. The mission’s efforts in securing key areas and restoring a semblance of normalcy enabled many civilians to go back to their homes, contributing to the stabilization of the region.

Supporting Mozambican Forces: SAMIM provided critical support to the Mozambican Defense and Security Forces (FADM) by assisting in planning and executing operations. This support helped improve the operational effectiveness of the FADM, albeit with some limitations. The mission also aimed to train and advise the Mozambican forces, although this aspect faced significant challenges.

However, the mission faced several challenges:

1.    Insufficient Resources and Funding

One of the most significant challenges faced by SAMIM was the lack of adequate resources and funding. The force was under-resourced, never reaching the initially recommended strength of 2,900 troops. The mission operated with just 2,210 troops and lacked essential air, naval, and ground assets. This shortfall in manpower and equipment severely limited the mission’s operational capabilities and effectiveness​.

2.Coordination and Communication Issues

Coordination with other forces, particularly the Rwandan contingent and the Mozambican military, was problematic. Differences in communication equipment, language barriers, and varying operational procedures hindered effective joint operations. These coordination issues often resulted in disjointed efforts and reduced the overall impact of the mission.

3.Intelligence Shortcomings

Intelligence gathering and sharing were major weak points for SAMIM. The mission struggled with insufficient and often inaccurate intelligence, which compromised the safety and effectiveness of operations. Additionally, there were frequent leaks of operational information to the extremists, further endangering both troops and civilians​.

4.    Training and Development Limitations

SAMIM faced significant difficulties in fulfilling its mandate to train and advise the Mozambican forces. Identifying the specific training needs of the FADM proved challenging, and the limited development and humanitarian efforts hindered the mission’s ability to sustain long-term progress. The lack of a comprehensive development strategy further complicated the stabilization efforts​.

5.Political and Internal Challenges

The Mozambican government’s delayed and inconsistent response to the insurgency, coupled with internal political struggles within the ruling Frelimo party, added layers of complexity to SAMIM’s mission. Factional battles and the fallout from the 2013-2014 Tuna bonds corruption scandal impeded cohesive support and collaboration with the mission. Some reports even suggested that certain factions within Frelimo had, at times, supported the insurgents, further complicating the situation​.

Lessons Learned

Several lessons can be drawn from the SAMIM mission:

Host Nation Cooperation: The success of an intervention force hinges on the full backing and cooperation of the host nation. The Mozambican government’s inconsistent support and internal political issues, including factional battles within Frelimo and the fallout from the 2013-2014 Tuna bonds corruption scandal, impeded the mission.

Understanding Local Dynamics: The Mozambican government’s slow response to the insurgency and its opposition to regional involvement raise questions about its priorities. The cleavages from the civil war between Renamo and Frelimo, along with local grievances against the state, have not been adequately addressed.

Holistic Approach Needed: Effective stabilization requires a combination of military, socioeconomic, and political interventions to address the underlying causes of conflict.

Future Prospects

Insurgent activities have resurged since the second half of 2023, highlighting unresolved issues that led to the conflict. The SADC mission, though impactful, was limited in scope and duration. The Mozambican government and its security forces have shown only limited improvement in their capacity to maintain security independently.

As SAMIM withdraws, Mozambique continues to receive support from Tanzania and Rwanda. Tanzanian President Filipe Nyusi emphasized the importance of cooperation in combating terrorism, and Rwanda has reinforced its contingent in Cabo Delgado. The future stability of the region will depend on the Mozambican government’s ability to address the root causes of the insurgency and effectively coordinate with its regional partners.

In conclusion, the SAMIM mission in Mozambique demonstrates the complexities of regional military interventions and the necessity of comprehensive strategies that involve political, economic, and social dimensions to achieve lasting peace and stability. The end of SAMIM’s mission in Mozambique marks a critical juncture for Cabo Delgado. While the mission achieved notable successes, significant challenges remain. The future stability of the region hinges on the Mozambican government’s ability to implement effective security measures and address underlying socio-economic issues. Continued international and regional support will be essential in ensuring that Mozambique does not revert to a state of instability and conflict.


French tabloid seemingly compelling Tshisekedi to blame Uganda on the M23 war!

click on the link below

Are the French calling Tshisekedi to attack Uganda on the M23 war too? 

M23 rebels burn the cantonment site of ex-combatants of Kasando in Lubero territory.


According to Kambale Kinyali Yuston, head of the P-DRRCS branch in Butembo-Lubero, the M23 rebels set fire to 7 tents offered by MONUSCO as well as plank houses which were erected there to accommodate the militiamen who surrendered to the FARDC in the framework of the P-DDRCS.

At the entrance to the M23 in Kirumba, was already occupied by the FARDC after the 287 ex-combatants who were supervised there were deployed in the areas intended for the community works of the project.

"Yes, the Kasando site was burned, but there were no more ex-combatants. They are all in the reintegration process, financed by the coherence fund of the United Nations Stabilization Support Unit, executing agency HEKS HEPER", specified Clovis Munihire, provincial coordinator of PDDRC-S in North Kivu

Sunday, July 7, 2024

FRIVAO (. Fund for Reparation and Compensation for Victims of Uganda's Armed Activities) seeks accreditation of the accounts of the victims of the war in kisangani


The Special Fund for Reparation and Compensation for Victims of Uganda's Armed Activities in the DRC (FRIVAO) announced, Saturday July 6 in Kisangani, the accreditation of the accounts of the first wave of victims in the process of their compensation. But the secretary rapporteur of FRIVAO, Mimy Mopunga, regrets the fact that certain people who accompanied the victims seek to interfere in matters that do not directly concern them. He asks them to let eligible victims receive their compensation in complete peace of mind: “They of course supported the victims for 23 years so that they were compensated. Now we must give victims time to calmly receive their compensation. There is no reason to exist, to still create mass movements, demands.” As for “supposed victims” who feel wronged, she recommends that they contact FRIVAO. “The decree says that we must only pay the real victims. We still open a door for those who think their file was wrongly rejected. They just have to lodge the appeal, their file is there, it’s not in front of the OPJ, it’s in front of the FRIVAO agents…”. The FRIVAO also asks victims summoned either by the bank or by its services to come forward in order to provide certain useful information relating to their files. Audit carried out Furthermore, the Minister of State, Minister of Justice and Minister of Justice, Constant Mutamba, suspended the debit movements of the FRIVAO account opened in the Rawbank books. According to the ministry's press release dated Saturday July 6, this decision remains in force, pending the final audit carried out by the IGF on the activities of FRIVAO.

Over 50 houses burnt down in bukavu

 Around fifty houses were burned again on Saturday July 6 in three different neighborhoods in the communes of Kadutu and Ibanda in Bukavu (South Kivu). The tragedy broke out in Ibanda first in the Ndendere district and then in the Nkafu and Kasali districts in the Kadutu commune. The provisional report shows one person injured during their attempt to put out the fire. The number of burned houses is around fifty in total, according to local sources. These cases of recurring fires in the city of Bukavu are beyond imagination. Often, they burn down entire avenues. Some cite the problem of uncontrolled construction as the cause, but still others develop the hypothesis of arson.

M23/AFC complains of Kinshasha breaking the agreed humanitarian truce requested by the USA



At this time, civilian populations and all our positions are attacked by the coalition forces of the Kinshasa regime, including the FARDC, FDLR, mercenaries, Wazalendo militias, ADF, the Burundi National Defense Forces and the SADC Forces. in Matembe, about 12 km from Kaseghe.

While the AFC/M23 respects the humanitarian truce requested by the United States of America, these forces have decided to violate for the umpteenth time this noble initiative aimed at helping humanitarians and internally displaced people.

We call the region, the national and international community as well as that of humanitarians to witness this umpteenth violation of the Kinshasa regime, which is taking advantage of our respect for the truce to attack us and bomb densely populated areas.

DRC's deputy minister in charge of foreign affairs meets with his Rwandan counterpart in Zanzibar to discuss peace in north kivu

 There was Direct engagement and frank discussion this morning in Zanzibar between DRC's Deputy Foreign Minister Hon Gracia Yamba and his Rwandan counterpart ,and facilitated by Tanzania and South Sudan, the two co-chairs of the EAC Ministerial Retreat, in the presence of Ministers from Uganda and Kenya, and that of the Deputy Secretary General in charge of political affairs.

The meeting took place in a constructive and solution-oriented spirit, and the ministers of the two neighbouring countries, who demonstrated good will, underscored the need for a political solution to the crisis in eastern DRC. In this regard, concrete decisions were taken to reinvigorate Luanda and Nairobi peace processes.

M23/AFC leadership triumphantly received in Kanyabayonga an kirumba as Naanga vows to crush the ADF who have been terrorizing Beni, Lubero and ituri

There was  jubilation in Kirumba and Kanyabayonga in what is regarded a historic communion between the Coordinator of the Congo River Alliance (AFC) and the inhabitants of these two recently liberated communes. CORNEILLE NANGAA, bearer of a message of hope, promised a relentless fight against the terrorists MTM and ADF/NALU, responsible for tragic massacres in the Territories of Lubero and Beni. The fervor of the people is palpable, and their massive support for the AFC is reflected in mass support for the Congolese Revolutionary Army (ARC). A new era of determination and unity is dawning for these communities, long in search of peace and justice.According to our intelligence and confidant sources operating inthe great north of north Kivu,and those who were present in these meeting ,confirm a currently changed political direction and political moves by the M23/AFC.Our confidant says "by looking at the multitude of the people who were present,there is no doubt that ,the advent of Naanga has lead to improvement in the political and civil image of these rebels.

Watch the video below:


Saturday, July 6, 2024

Official press release from the Congo River Alliance (AFC) in connection with the press release from Mrs. Adrienne Watson, spokesperson for the National Security Council of the United States of America of July 4, 2024.


Miami hotel in kisoro implicated in the M23 war

Congolese media claims that they have got facts that some hotels and places in Kisoro  act as recruitment, concentration and transit points for the M23 recruits.
Let me tell you: FARDC of today is not the FARDC of the other time.

I make some posts or writings for some of you to learn and probably run!!!you will wake one day as a mock for the rest of the world!!

Watch the video


UK boosts support for ATMIS with 7.5M Pounds.

  The United Kingdom has provided a further £7.5 million to the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS). This latest round of fu...