Monday, July 22, 2024

BREAKING:Early on this Monday, Al-Shabaab militants have attacked Harbole and the nearby Mido village west of Kismayo which were captured 12 days ago.


Somali authorities in Jubaland have reported that federal and regional forces have repulsed three separate, coordinated attacks by al-Shabaab militants  on three newly captured areas west and south of Kismayo.The al-Qaeda-affiliated terror group initiated the attack with explosions, followed by heavy fighting between the group and government forces, supported by the Jubbaland Dervishes and local clan militia in the Harboole area near Afmadow district.

"This morning, the heroes of the National Army foiled a cowardly attack that the Khawarij tried to carry out in the Harboole area of Afmadow District in Lower Jubba. The Khawarij suffered heavy losses, and the national heroes are still chasing the militants who fled into the forest," a Somali government statement said.

The attack comes a day after at least five al-Shabab militants were killed when their vehicle ran over a landmine between Gududey and Buka Ba'ad areas in the Middle Jubba region. The vehicle was also carrying IED explosives, and the car was completely burned.

Early on Monday Al-Shabaab militants have attacked Harbole and the nearby Mido village west of Kismayo which were captured 12 days ago. The militants have also attacked Bulo Haji town base, about 90km south of Kismayo. Officials say said troops have defeated the militants in all three battles.

Purported photos of dead al-Shabaab militants and weapons seized by the government forces are being published by social media accounts. 

Reports from sources say that the Minister of religious affairs for Jubaland Mohamed Omar Yusuf “Abu Yusuf” has been injured from a roadside explosion while on his way to Bulo Haji accompanying reinforcements following today’s al-Shabaab attack.

The al-Shabaab militants on their side confirmed the three raids and have claimed “overrunning” the bases.Alshabab claims that Today's assault overwhelmed US capabilities at Kismaayo base for reconnaissance and strikes against Alshabaab offensive. Coordinated from at least 6 directions, it marks Alshabaab's largest assault in the ongoing 3-year war in Somalia.

Alshabaab also claims that today's assault dealt a heavy blow to the Liyuu police mercenaries, with over a hundred casualties reported and many captured as POW. Tough day for liyuu police.

After capturing Miido and Harboole, ALSHABAAB  claims to have again imposed a blockade on Afmadow. Somali government SNA  and  liyuu police  and local militias broke this siege a week ago.


.................FOR GOD AND MY COUNTRY......................

Several houses were set on fire this morning in the town of Sake in the Birere district. The origin of the fire remains unknown according to witnesses.


Be aware of this video that falsely accuses UPDF of reinforcements on the side of M23 at KITAGOMA.


Beware, this is false information relayed by coalition propaganda accounts on twitter,falsely wrting that the reinforcements were from Uganda via Kitagoma border .Kitagoma border is near the Mupaka town council of kisoro district.I first watched this video on Friday but did not comment but had to contact some residents in kitagoma  who unanimously said it was false.Many credible media outlets in North kivu have all proved that this video has nothing to do with reinforcements via Uganda.I call upon the FARDC and UPDF leadership to be vigilant and  not to be discouraged by such propagandas whose main intension is to create a bad relationship between the two armies and notably for tempting DRC into stopping the joint operation. VARIOUS ACCOUNTS THAT HAD UPLOADED THIS VIDEO HAVE STARTED DELETING IT AFTER PROVAL THAT IT WAS PROPAGANDA

This  video published Friday July 19, 2024 by a resident in the village of Kantine in Baswagha Madiwe Group, Beni Mbau sector shows the deployment of several well-armed soldiers.

Kantine is a village on the border with the territory of Lubero. As they pass, these visibly disciplined soldiers greet the civilians in Kiswahili. Civilians also recognize the outfit of the Ugandan soldiers in this photo.

This video was relayed by propaganda accounts of M23 with different captions, sometimes that there are reinforcements from the Ugandan army to the rebels, or even that elements of M23 / RDF have reached the territory of Beni.

Be careful, this is false information and manipulation as they usually do.

The local authorities denounce this manipulation which aims to destabilize the population and specify that there are Ugandan soldiers who are in the area as part of joint operations (FARDC _UPDF) Shujaa against ADF terrorists.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

President Joe Biden renounces running in the 2024 American presidential election

current American President Joe Biden renounces running in the 2024 American presidential election, giving President Donald Trump the chance.

Coulibary's interview with Kanyuka

 Read here

Wazalendo youth in kirumba surrender to M23


Series of ADF terror attacks increase as civilians argue UPDF and FARDC to strengthen their joint operation.

  Reports from July 1st to July 20th.

Civil society in Lubero (North Kivu) reported on Thursday, July 4, the burning of several homes and a health center during an attack attributed to ADF rebels in Masinzi.

According to this civil administration, the attackers attacked this village in the absence of the population who had already abandoned it for more than a week, following attacks by the same ADF in the area.

The administrator of the Lubero territory, Colonel Alain Kiwewa, confirmed this information, but without giving further details.

The incursion of these rebels occurred on Wednesday, July 3, just three days after two people died following the attack on a humanitarian convoy in the village of Kavunano, Lubero territory.

According to local sources, this humanitarian convoy was traveling from Lubero to Beni, via Butembo before falling into the hands of young people who have not yet been identified.

Up to ten people were killed on Wednesday, July 17, in a double attack attributed to ADF rebels in Kazaroho and Moliso, two villages in the Beni-Mbau sector (North Kivu). Material damage was also recorded during these attacks. Local civil society, which deplores this situation, is speaking so far of a provisional toll.

 The first attack took place around 9 a.m. in Kazaroho, a village located 85 kilometers northwest of the city of Beni. Here, seven people, including three women, were killed with knives. A few hours later, but this time in the afternoon, the second attack took place in the village of Moliso, where three people were killed.

 Two motorcycles and two houses were also burned by the attackers, says Kinos Katuho, the president of the local society:

 "The ADF NALU killed seven people on Wednesday morning around 9 a.m., including four men and three women. They burned two motorcycles and two houses in Kazaroho, a village located two kilometers from Mamove in the Beni-Mbau sector, where all the inhabitants of Oicha wanted to go to the Beu-Manyama market. Around 1 p.m. the same day, they killed other people in Moliso, in the same locality of Mamove.

 This civil society actor indicates that several other people were kidnapped by these ADF rebels.

Three other people were killed on the night of Monday to Tuesday by these same ADF rebels, near Mamove. 

In Beni territory, North Kivu province, recent attacks by ADF rebels in Babila-Bakaiko, a locality in the Beni-Mbau sector, have caused a tragic toll, with 3 to 37 people killed in the space of three days. Local civil society is also reporting considerable material damage and calling for joint FARDC-UPDF (Ugandan army) military operations in the region.

These repeated attacks by ADF rebels have been carried out in several villages in the locality of Babila-Bakaiko, in the Batangi-Mbau group, for three days. According to Kinos Katuho, president of the local civil society, several alerts had been issued concerning the presence of these rebels in the region, but they were not taken into account by the military authorities. According to him, in just three days, 37 people have been killed.

“The toll of the ADF attacks from Tuesday 16 to Thursday 18 July 2024 has increased from three to 37 people killed, with nine houses and seven motorcycles burned, and several people missing. This Friday morning, the ADF continues to kill civilians in Nzakia. We call on the military authorities to launch operations in the Beni-Mbau sector, particularly in the Batangi-Mbau group. We request joint FARDC-UPDF operations,” says Kinos Katuho.

This civil society actor specifies that this assessment remains provisional, because many people were abducted by the attackers and still do not respond to the call until this Saturday morning, July 20. The army has not yet communicated on these incidents. However, the FARDC soldiers deployed in the region began to pursue the rebels, who headed towards the west of National Road number 4, according to local civil society.

Two lifeless bodies of a couple were discovered on Monday, July 15, in the village of Bandundundu, Mambasa territory (Ituri).


According to the New Congolese Civil Society (NSCC), these victims were killed by armed bandits while they were working in their cocoa field.

The coordinator of this structure, Babombi Edela, attributed this assassination to certain inhabitants who disguise themselves as pseudo ADF rebels, with the aim of stealing rural products, particularly cocoa.

She condemned this practice which according to her, is becoming common in this region.

Babombi Edela Mussa thus called on the security services to put out of harm's way those people who are disturbing the peace of the already martyred population:

"  The New Congolese Civil Society of the Babila Babombi chiefdom in the Mambasa territory once again calls on the population to resist the men of ill will who disguise themselves as ADF to plunder our fields by harvesting rural products such as cocoa in the East of Biakato  ."

This civil society actor indicated that the number of victims has risen to three in the space of a week in Bandundundu.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

  demonstration of young people demanding weapons and military training to fight ADF and M23/RDF terrorists. Kinshasa reacted, General Evan, northern front sector commander, accompanied by a strong delegation including deputies from Beni went to the site.

“We must now secure ourselves against terrorists, more than 10 years of massacres is already too much” declared a demonstrator.

The African Union mission in Somalia says it’s investigating allegations that its forces were involved in the killing of Somali civilians on July 17 at a farm just outside the town of Bulo Marer, Lower Shabelle region.


The Minister of Foreign Trade, Julien Paluku Kahongya, suspends for a period of 12 months the importation of beers and soft drinks throughout the territory of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).


The measure emanates from its order temporarily suspending the importation of beers and soft drinks, signed on June 26 and made public this Thursday, July 18, 2024. The Minister of Foreign Trade warns that products imported in violation of the provisions of this order will be returned or destroyed at the offender's expense.

However, it promises exemptions to economic operators in the event of a supply need in areas where consumers have difficult access to local products.

Another decree published that same Thursday also prohibits the importation, for a period of 12 months, of gray cements and clinkers, this time in the West and South-East part of the DRC. However, the two orders do not affect any imports carried out in accordance with trade agreements.

The Secretary General of Trade, the General Directorate of Customs and Excise (DGDA), the Congolese Control Office (OCC), the General Directorate of Migration (DGM) and the Directorate of the National Border Hygiene Program (PNHF) are responsible for ensuring the application of these orders.

Julien Paluku motivates his decision by the desire to reduce the import bill, protect local industry and increase its performance as well as fight against import fraud which still persists at border posts in the DRC.

Bi-Weekly Counter-Terrorism Intelligence Brief for East and Central Africa (Somalia, Mozambique, and DR-Congo): Tracking Islamic State Terrorists for the period of 1st October- 15th October 2024

Bi-Weekly Counter-Terrorism Intelligence Brief for East and Central Africa (Somalia, Mozambique, and DR-Congo): Tracking Islamic State Terro...