Monday, July 29, 2024

Back to Luanda tomorrow! But DRC still maintains that it cannot have talks with M23 ,instead it can talk with Rwanda on condition that it withdraws it soldiers from DRC land.

Congolese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announces the relaunch of the Luanda Process this July 30 with a meeting of delegations from Kinshasa and those of Rwanda under the mediation of Angola. It must be remembered that the RDC remains firm in its position to dialogue with the Rwanda directly and not the M23_RDF , on the sole condition that Rwanda withdraws its soldiers on Congolese soil and that its "M23 auxiliaries" are confined .As of leaked reports that reached us yesterday,Tshisekedi is currently in Belgium where he even went to St Elizabeth Hospital of Ucle in Brussels for medical examinations and other healthy follow ups.Tshisekdi delegated his foreign affairs minister to attend tommorrow Luanda summit.

The Jean Bosco Bahala affair and the leaked mission leads to the dismissal of Major General Aimé Mbiato Konzoli Dircab of the Minister of Defense.

After four hours of hearing before the military intelligence of the Directorate of the Security and Protection Mission (DEMIAP), Major General Aimé Mbiato Konzoli, Director of Cabinet at the Ministry of Defense of the Democratic Republic of Congo, was ousted from office yesterday.

The decision comes after the leaking of a mission order signed by the major general in favor of Father Jean-Bosco Bahala, National Coordinator of the Disarmament, Demobilization, Community Recovery and Stabilization Program (PDDRC-S).

This mission order, the authenticity of which remains to be verified, places Father Bahala at the center of an alleged negotiation with militiamen of the M23, an armed group supported by Rwanda and Uganda as claimed by angry media in DRC and claimed by the UN group of experts report. Currently, Bahala is in Uganda, as many media outlets in kinshasha say.

The dismissal of Father Jean-Bosco Bahala was confirmed by a presidential order, as announced by the spokesperson for the Head of State, Tina Salama. The move highlights growing tensions in the region and raises questions about diplomatic and security relations between the countries involved.

The situation remains developing, and Congolese authorities are apparently continuing  to closely monitor the implications of this case for peace and stabilization efforts in eastern DRC.

DRC accuses Rwanda of tampering with its Radars


Al--Zalaga Foundation, the media wing of the JNIM jihadist group published a video documenting the ambush against malian army and the Wagner mercenaries


Al-Zalaga Foundation, the media wing of the JNIM jihadist group support for Islam and Muslims, published a video documenting the ambush against the Malian army and Russian Wagner mercenaries in Tantaghagit, large number of Russians & Malians killed and some Malian troops captured.

Alshabaab may be in possession of a sophisticated surveillance System! Alshabaab has released a small clip showing an attack on the Army check point near Burhakaba

Alshabaab has released a brief raid clip targeting a Somali national Army checkpoint near the besieged city of Burhakaba. The Alshabaab  claim that soldiers were reportedly extorting illegal money Isbaaro  from travelers. The Alshabaab  claim that this raid resulted in at least 2 soldiers being killed, while a third managed to escape.

(Watch the video)

(Photos of the geolocations before that attack of this check point near Burhakaba)

I have been reading a lot about the terror attacks.From Mid June this year Alshabaab may have got sophisticated technological weapons for Geolocating and mapping targets.This clip they produced today and the recent attacks have been driven by precise planned geolocated targets.The houthis may have availed the Alshabaab with sophisticated surveillance is upon all actors in somalia to get note of this.Some late june attacks all indicate a precise geolocated  attacks.

(Photo showing Alshabaab recent Geolocated Photos of Ethiopian convoys carrying sandbags near Qabno village on the outskirts of Mataban)

The Alshabaab seemingly have allies who alert them of SNA or ATMIS movements ,thesealshabaab in turn use sophisticated GPS system to carry on surveillance.The attacks from Mid June to this month indicate a usage of precise geolocations.

M23 clashes with Wazalendo in masisi

Since 11 a.m. this Monday 29/07, clashes between the M23 rebels supported by Rwanda and the young people wazalendo have been reported in Tambi, kasura, bigogwe in the locality of kahira in the territory of masisi .

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Anti terrorism agencies in Kenya foil Alshabaab planned attacks.


On 27th July 2024, a multi-agency team acting on intelligence foiled a planned Al Shabaab attack in Alango,  along Garissa-Dadaab Road, Garissa County. 

The militants were at an advanced stage of the attack at a hideout in a forested area South of Alango waiting for an opportune moment  to strike.

However, security forces disrupted their plans, killing two Al Shabaab militants on the spot while others escaped with injuries.

Among the items recovered from the hideout were two AK47 Rifles, 7 magazines, IED making materials among other assorted food items.

Security teams are on the trail of the fleeing militants. Meanwhile, the general public are encouraged to share information with security officers on the injured suspects should they be sighted.

ADF set fire on engineering machinery of SSV company in Lubero

:suspected ADF terrorists set fire to the civil engineering machinery of the SSV company in Lubero. This incident will impact the rehabilitation of the Butembo-Mangoredjipa road axis, civilian houses were also set on fire according to local sources.

Watch the video below

Friday, July 26, 2024

WHY Lt General Ychaligonza Nduru Jacques Deputy Chief of General Staff in charge of operations and intelligence of Fardc Iis in the North of the Province of NORTH KIVU


 After the United States 🇺🇸 , the European Union 🇪🇺 imposes sanctions on rebel leader Corneil Naanga.

The noose is tightening around the leaders of the M23-RDF-AFC who are leading the war in eastern DRC. The European Union announced this Friday sanctions against Corneille Nangaa and his politico-military movement Alliance Fleuve Congo (AFC)

“Due to his prominent position as founder, leader and political coordinator of the AFC, Corneille Nangaa Yobeluo is responsible for maintaining armed conflict, instability and insecurity in the DRC. It is also responsible for supporting the M23/ARC armed group, which maintains armed conflict, instability and insecurity in the DRC, notably by forming an alliance and working closely with the M23/ARC,” indicates the Council of the EU.

UK boosts support for ATMIS with 7.5M Pounds.

  The United Kingdom has provided a further £7.5 million to the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS). This latest round of fu...