Friday, August 9, 2024

EU condemns Kinshasha's death sentence to m23/AFC's Nanga and others


DRC: Statement by the Spokesperson on Death Penalty Sentences

 09.08.2024 EEAS Press Team

The military justice system in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) sentenced 26 individuals to death on August 8 for “war crimes,” “participation in an insurrectional movement,” and “treason.” On the same day, the Kinshasa-Gombe High Court sentenced to death six members of the Force du progrès, a group affiliated with the Union pour la Démocratie et le Progrès Social party, for, among other things, “criminal association” and “attempted murder.”

The EU reiterates its commitment to the need to guarantee the right to a fair trial and respect for the rights of the accused, in line with the international law obligations to which the DRC has subscribed.

The EU also reiterates its total opposition to the death penalty, in all circumstances. The death penalty is incompatible with the inalienable right to life and is cruel, inhuman and degrading. It represents the ultimate denial of human dignity, fails to deter criminal acts and makes miscarriages of justice irreversible. We have strongly expressed this in these terms with all relevant interlocutors in the DRC, including recently in meetings with various members of the Government and senior officials in Kinshasa.

The EU expresses its deep concerns about this decline in the rule of law, particularly if executions were to be carried out in a country which had until now chosen to maintain a moratorium on the death penalty. 


Was Musa Baluku,the chief of ADF sighted in Oicha?


Weekly Counter-Terrorism Intelligence Brief for East and Central Africa (Somalia, Mozambique, and DR-Congo): Tracking Islamic State Terrorists for the period of 1st August- 9th August 2024

Executive Summary

Mozambique: On August 1st, 2024, Islamic State Mozambique (ISM) militants engaged in two significant clashes: one with local security forces in the Darumba area of Macomia district and another with Rwandan Naval Forces in the Crimize region, also in Macomia district. This escalation highlights ISM’s ongoing threat, despite previous gains by international forces. The resurgence of ISM, following the withdrawal of Southern African Development Community (SADC) forces, suggests a well-coordinated effort to regain control in Cabo Delgado, leveraging strategic shifts in tactics and local influence.

Somalia: On August 5th, 2024, Puntland security forces arrested two Islamic State Somalia (ISS) militants in Bosaso City and recovered weapons, underscoring the persistent threat posed by ISS in the region. The operations in Puntland, a strategically vital area, reflect a complex security landscape where local and transnational militant activities intertwine. The competition between Al-Shabaab and ISS, compounded by external influences like weapon transfers from the Houthis, exacerbates the security challenges in Somalia’s Bari region.

Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC): From August 1st to 6th, 2024, the Islamic State Central Africa Province (ISCAP) escalated its campaign of terror in North Kivu and Ituri provinces. The attacks resulted in numerous casualties, including targeted assaults against civilians and Christians. The sighting of ISCAP leader Musa Baluku in Oicha city indicates a high level of operational control and suggests that the group’s recent violence is part of a broader, coordinated campaign. The increasing brutality, including public executions and widespread destruction, has triggered calls for more effective responses from both Congolese and international authorities, yet these demands have largely gone unmet.

Peace Unity-2024 Military Drills: China and Tanzania are conducting joint military exercises, “Peace Unity-2024,” in Mapinga, Tanzania. These drills focus on enhancing maritime security and counter-terrorism operations, with a significant naval component involving Chinese and Tanzanian vessels. The exercises aim to strengthen regional security and deepen military cooperation between the two nations, potentially contributing to broader stability in East Africa.


1st Aug- ISM militants clashed with security forces in Darumba area in Macomia district in Cabo Delgado.

1st Aug- Militants clashed with Rwandan Naval Forces in Crimize region in Macomia district.


05th Aug– Security forces in Puntland arrested Two Islamic State Somalia (ISS) and recovered weapons in Bosaso City.


6th Aug- ISCAP militants led an armed assault against Civilians in Minamaimbu area in Lubero region.

5th Aug- Congolese militais forces clashed with ISCAP terrorists in Bandulu area in Lubero region.

5th Aug- ISCAP militants attacked Christians in Itembo area in Lubero region in North Kivu.

4th Aug- ISCAP militants led an armed assault against Congolese Army and Militia forces in Bandulu area in Lubero Region.

2nd Aug- ISCAP militants clashed with Congolese and Uganda armed forces in Mumbe area in Beni region.

1st Aug- ISCAP terrorists captured and executed two Christians in Idohu region of Ituri province.

Analysis, Observation & Insights


Sighting of Musa Baluku

In a recent attack by ISCAP, eye witnesses reported seeing the de facto leader of ISCAP, Musa Baluku who was present during some of the attacks in Oicha city. The presence of Musa Baluku indicates a high level of operational control and coordination within the ISCAP in this region. Leaders like Baluku are often involved in strategic planning, logistics, and execution of high-profile attacks, suggesting that the recent surge in violence might be part of a broader, well-coordinated campaign by ISCAP. His involvement on the ground might encourage more aggressive actions from the rebels, signaling to his followers that he is directly involved and committed to their cause.

Increased Threat Level: The sighting of Baluku raises the immediate threat level in the region. His presence could indicate plans for further escalations in violence, potentially targeting civilians and state actors alike. This could lead to a more concerted response from the Congolese government and possibly international forces, though such a response may provoke retaliatory actions from the ISCAP.

Escalating attacks

The provinces of North Kivu and Ituri in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have witnessed a sharp escalation in violence over the past two months, as attacks by ISCAP have intensified. In the past two months ISCAP has unleashed a wave of terror across these regions, leaving a trail of devastation in its wake. Civilians have borne the brunt of this brutality, with at least 500 people, including women and children, savagely murdered. The ISCAP’s tactics have been particularly gruesome, involving the slitting of throats and the torching of homes, vehicles, and other civilian property.

The territories of Beni, Lubero in North Kivu, and Irumu and Mambasa in Ituri have been especially hard-hit by these attacks. Despite the state of siege declared in these areas, the response from both national and international authorities has been widely criticized as inadequate. The New Congolese Civil Society (NSSC), a prominent civic organization, has condemned the ongoing slaughter and expressed deep frustration over the lack of effective action to protect the population.

This situation presents a dire humanitarian crisis, with the lives of countless civilians hanging in the balance. The NSSC’s demands for stronger action, both domestically and internationally, highlight the urgent need for a coordinated and robust response to address the escalating violence in North Kivu and Ituri. Without such intervention, the cycle of violence and suffering is likely to continue, deepening the already devastating impact on the region’s long-suffering population.


The recent warning from the UN highlights a concerning escalation in the activities and sophistication of the Islamic State’s branch in Mozambique, particularly in the northern Cabo Delgado province. Over the past few months, ISIS-Mozambique has intensified its operations, demonstrating an increased capacity for violence and strategic complexity. This resurgence comes despite the efforts of international forces, including those from Rwanda and the Southern African Development Community (SADC), who had initially made significant gains in pushing back the insurgency between 2021 and 2023.

The group’s resurgence can be attributed to a variety of factors. Notably, the phased withdrawal of international forces, especially from SADC, has left a security vacuum that ISIS-Mozambique has exploited. The militants have adapted their tactics, moving into previously unaffected areas and shifting their approach towards the local population. This includes not only increasing attacks but also attempting to win over civilians by trading goods and adopting a less brutal approach compared to their earlier operations. This strategic shift is part of a broader effort by the group to establish a governance model similar to that of other Islamic State affiliates in regions like Iraq and Syria.

Moreover, the group’s propaganda efforts have ramped up, with the central Islamic State media apparatus paying more attention to Mozambique, reflecting its growing importance in the global jihadist network. The insurgents’ ability to attract foreign fighters and carry out cross-border operations further complicates the security situation, making it a regional threat rather than just a national one.

Peace Unity-2024 military drills

The “Peace Unity-2024” joint military exercises between China and Tanzania are taking place in the eastern port city of Mapinga, Tanzania. The exercises aim to enhance the capabilities of both countries’ troops and deepen mutual trust. The naval component includes China’s comprehensive landing ship Wuzhishan, guided missile destroyer Hefei, and four Tanzanian patrol vessels. The drills focus on safeguarding maritime transportation security, with activities ranging from joint search and rescue to counter-terrorism, counter-piracy, and patrol maneuvers. The land phase features joint combat planning, infiltration, and reconnaissance. Both sides emphasize that these exercises will contribute to regional peace and stability.


The recent security operations by Puntland forces, specifically the Puntland Maritime Police Force (PMPF) and the Puntland Intelligence Security Agency (PISA), underline the region’s complex security landscape and the escalating threat posed by militant groups such as Al-Shabaab and ISIS. These developments in Bosaso, a key port city in Puntland, are part of a broader struggle to maintain stability in a region that has become increasingly vulnerable to terrorist activities.

Increasing Militant Activity in Bari Region: The Bari region’s mountainous terrain has long been a haven for militants. The presence of both Al-Shabaab and ISIS in this region highlights the competitive yet symbiotic relationship between these groups, which often vie for control over territory and resources but may also cooperate when it benefits their strategic goals. The capture of weapons and arrests of suspects indicate ongoing attempts by these groups to fortify their positions and expand their operational capabilities.

Regional and International Implications: The link between local militants and external actors, such as the Houthi rebels, is particularly concerning. The potential for weapons transfers from the Houthis to Al-Shabaab and ISIS not only underscores the transnational nature of these threats but also suggests that regional conflicts, like the war in Yemen, are having a direct impact on Somalia’s security situation. This could lead to an influx of more sophisticated weapons and tactics into Puntland, escalating the conflict.

The ongoing security operations in Puntland are a critical component of the broader fight against terrorism in Somalia. While these efforts are yielding results, they also reveal the complexity and scale of the challenge. The region’s strategic importance, the entrenched presence of militant groups, and the potential for external influences all contribute to a volatile security environment that requires sustained attention and international cooperation. The Puntland authorities must continue to enhance their intelligence and operational capabilities, while also addressing the root causes of militancy, such as poverty, unemployment, and political disenfranchisement, to achieve long-term stability.


The recent surge in militant activities across Mozambique, Somalia, and the DRC signifies a worrying escalation in violence and the increasing sophistication of terrorist groups like ISM, ISS, and ISCAP. These groups are exploiting regional vulnerabilities, such as the withdrawal of international forces in Mozambique and the complex geopolitical landscape in Somalia and the DRC.

The sighting of ISCAP’s leader Musa Baluku in the DRC, alongside coordinated attacks, underscores the potential for further violence and the urgent need for a more robust and coordinated response from both national governments and international stakeholders. The Peace Unity-2024 drills between China and Tanzania offer a glimpse of the type of international cooperation needed to combat these threats, though broader and more sustained efforts will be essential to achieve long-term stability in these conflict-ridden regions.

... SIB..

The Challenger tank

 The Challenger tank is a British main battle tank (MBT) that has seen several iterations since its introduction in the 1980s. The most well-known version is the Challenger 2, which entered service with the British Army in 1998. Here are some key features and characteristics:

1. **Armor**: The Challenger 2 is known for its heavy armor, providing excellent protection for its crew against various threats, including armor-piercing rounds and anti-tank missiles.

2. **Firepower**: It is equipped with a 120mm rifled gun, which is highly accurate and effective against armored targets. The Challenger 2 also features advanced fire control systems, allowing for accurate targeting even while on the move.

3. **Mobility**: Despite its weight and size, the Challenger 2 is relatively mobile, powered by a 1,200 horsepower engine. It can traverse difficult terrain and keep pace with other armored vehicles.

4. **Crew**: The Challenger 2 typically has a crew of four: commander, gunner, loader, and driver. The crew is well-protected and provided with modern ergonomic designs for comfort during long operations.

5. **Upgrades**: Over the years, the Challenger 2 has undergone upgrades to maintain its effectiveness on the battlefield. These upgrades have included improvements to its armor, firepower, and electronics systems.

6. **Service**: The Challenger 2 has seen service in various conflicts, including the Gulf War, Iraq War, and others. Its performance in combat has generally been regarded as very effective.

7. **Future**: As of my last update in Januar

y 2022, there were discussions about potential upgrades or replacements for the Challenger 2 to ensure it remains relevant in modern warfare. However, specific plans may vary based on military priorities and budget allocations.

Overall, the Challenger tank series, particularly the Challenger 2, remains an important asset for the British Army and other militaries around the world.

The meeting of Congolese and Rwandan intelligence experts ended this Thursday in Luanda. The delegates were in the Angolan capital to discuss the security and peace situation in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

The meeting began with a speech by Ambassador Téte António, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Angola, who stressed the importance of this meeting aimed at analyzing the Harmonization Plan for the Neutralization of the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) and developing a plan for the disengagement of the forces in conflict.

This meeting follows the second session of the Ministerial Meeting held on 30 July 2024 in Luanda, where a ceasefire was decided to enter into force on 4 August at midnight local time. In his address, Minister Téte António commended the delegations present and their respective governments for their determination to relaunch the dialogue with a view to finding a consensual and peaceful solution to the persistent challenges in the eastern region of the DRC, for the benefit of their communities and the Great Lakes region in general.

The intelligence experts present in Luanda are tasked with implementing the decisions taken at the Ministerial Meeting, including the neutralization of the FDLR and the disengagement of the armed forces in conflict. This meeting is taking place in a tense context, marked by the violation of the ceasefire by M23 fighters, who recently took control of the customs city of Ishasha, claiming not to recognize the ceasefire in force.

The main objective of the meeting was to discuss the FDLR neutralization plan proposed by the Mediator and to reach an agreement on a harmonized plan. The experts have until August 15, 2024 to submit their recommendations to the next Ministerial Meeting, scheduled for later this month.

The outcome of this meeting is crucial for peace efforts in the Great Lakes region, where armed conflicts and humanitarian crises continue to cause considerable suffering. The success of this initiative is essential to progress towards a lasting and peaceful solution, in a context of heightened tensions between the DRC and Rwanda, marked by mutual accusations of support for armed groups and territorial disputes.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Three militia men from zaire armed group arrested on suspicion of trying to create a link with M23

Suspected of establishing links with the M23-RDF rebels, three Zaire militiamen arrested suspected of establishing links with the M23-RDF rebels, three militiamen from the armed group "Zaire" were arrested. They are accused by the courts of having participated in the attacks against the positions of the naval force on Wednesday, July 31, 2024 in Kasenyu and Tchomia, in the province of Ituri.

These arrests are the results of an investigation conducted by the Higher Prosecutor's Office at the Ituri Military Court after these attacks. Armed youths carried out two simultaneous attacks on Wednesday in Tchomia and Kasenyi against FARDC positions. They are being prosecuted for war crimes, murder and participation in an insurrectional movement. According to judicial sources, these rebels aimed to stock up on weapons and ammunition. A judicial investigation has been opened against other militiamen including their leader who has already proclaimed himself General Mandro and Arali as well as Seta Malyamungu.

Attacks against the positions of the naval force in Kasenyi and Tchomia were recorded last Wednesday, July 31 in these towns.

Corneille Nanga Sentenced to death in absentia.

Coordinator of the Congo River allience corneille Nangaa has just been sentenced to death for treason and participation in an insurrectional movement this Thursday, August 8 by the military court of Kinshasa_Gombe . The court orders his immediate arrest and the confiscation of his property.Others on this sentence are Jean Jacque mamba,Willy Ngoma ,Bertrand Bisimwa..etc

FARDC soldiers deployed in Goma should present them selves to the local administration for identification to curb the growing insecurity in the Town

According to the Spokesperson of the FARDC in North Kivu, Lt Colonel Ndjike  , Major General Alengbia Nzambe, commander of the 34th military region of the Fardc , recommends that soldiers and police officers living in the city of Goma, seconded or located there for any particular reason, should present themselves with their weapons to the heads of the Neighborhoods for identification. This measure aims to curb the growing insecurity in the city of Goma where less than 48 hours can go by without looting or killings by unidentified men carrying weapons.

UN security council resolution 2746okays MONUSCO to support FARDC

 The United Nations Security Council adopted Resolution 2746 on Tuesday, August 6, 2024, authorizing the Monusco support for the Mission of the SADC in the DRC by strengthening coordination, information exchange and technical assistance and logistics.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

M23 captures Nyakakoma on shores of lake Edward



 Yesterday,an OSINT and HUMINT report about 12 vehicles including jeeps and Kamaz filled with elements of M23_RDF including officers  just finished a meeting at the Equator hotel in Ishasha to design a  detailed studying how the m23 establish themselves in the captured area and annexing of more territory.

It after thorough resolutions that the lions of Sarambe planned for the assault on. Nyakakoma.M23 rebels continue to gain ground in the

Rutshuru territory, despite the entry into force, since Sunday, August 4, of the ceasefire measure decreed by Luanda, which is mediating in the crisis shaking the East of the DRC. This Wednesday, the rebels took control of Nyakakoma, a fishing enclave located on the east coast of Lake Edward, respectively 48 km and 28 km from Nyamilima de Ishasha, two other strategic entities of the Bwisha chiefdom, already under the control of the M23. 

"The M23 elements arrived in Nyakakoma around 9:15 a.m. They entered without a single shot. It was the elements of the naval force and the Wazalendo who were firing bullets, perhaps to scare each other off. A bomb fell on a home without causing any casualties. However, a young man was hit by a stray bullet in the Kabila neighborhood and he was taken to hospital," a resident of Nyakakoma said.

The crackle of bullets this Wednesday when the M23 rebels arrived in Nyakakoma caused the displacement of several inhabitants of this lakeside town who headed towards the other side of the lake.

“Several residents are moving and crossing the lake using canoes. They are heading towards Talyha, Kamandi, Mubana, Kiserera, Lunyasenge. Some residents prefer to stay in the city. The Wazalendo have headed towards the park while the elements of the naval force have crossed the lake. We who remain in the city are afraid, we do not know where the solution will come from. We prefer to stay there only,” adds our source.

The Wazalendo militiamen who cohabited with the soldiers of the naval force in Nyakakoma have for the most part headed towards Chondo, Kamuororo, Mulimatsanga, villages in the heart of Virunga Park.

The president of the Lake Edward fishermen's federation, Josué Mukura, for his part, expressed fear about fishing activities which are disrupted following the armed clashes. 

"The situation in Nyakakoma was critical this morning. The M23 rebels who came to attack the Wazalendo who were still in Nyakakoma. And there, it is reported that a young boy of about ten years old was injured by a bullet. For the time being, the Wazalendo, some police officers and the elements of the naval force who were still there have headed for the park. It is worrying because the long-awaited ceasefire is not being respected. We are really in total difficulty" told us, a citizen activist from the Binza group who also requested anonymity. 

 For the time being, the Wazalendo, some police officers and the elements of the naval force who were still there have headed for the park. It is worrying because the long-awaited ceasefire is not being respected. We are really in the shit. That is why we keep asking the government to get involved in this issue because we are really in total difficulty" said the citizen activist from the Binza group who also requested anonymity. 

Human rights defenders and other local civil society actors are calling on the Congolese government to tackle these advances by the M23 rebels in the Rutshuru territory. 

The foreign ministers of the DRC and Rwanda met last week in Luanda around the mediator who is the Angolan president, João Lourenço for peace discussions. A ceasefire was declared on the ground between the Congolese army and the M23. The ceasefire came into effect this Sunday, August 4, 2024 at midnight and will be supervised by the Ad-Hoc Verification Mechanism reinforced by intelligence experts from the three countries and other entities, is the result of the relaunch of the Luanda process, which Kinshasa considers as a privileged mechanism for a return to lasting peace. 

In an interview given Tuesday to Top Congo Fm from Brussels where he is observing a moment of convalescence, after having undergone treatment for a slipped disc, Congolese President, Félix Tshisekedi affirmed that it was rather Rwanda that requested the observance of a ceasefire on the combat lines. He reiterated that no negotiation is envisaged with the M23 rebels. 

US announces $424 million in additional aid for DRC


Nyamulagira getting to eruption

 Proffessor Charles Balagizi, scientific director of the OVG, specified that "the eruption consists of an overflow of lava from its cra...