Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Russian army discloses the US plans of biological laboratories in Africa


Briefing by Deputy Chief of the Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection Troops of the Russian Armed Forces Major General Aleksei Rtishc

 The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation continues to analyse the military and biological activities of the United States of America in Ukraine and elsewhere in the world. We drew you attention to the relocation of unfinished Ukrainian projects on the territory of countries of the post-Soviet space and Southeast Asia.

 Africa is now the zone of heightened interest. The U.S. Administration sees the region as an unlimited natural reservoir of dangerous infections' agents and a test ground for experimental medications.

 After analysing the acquired documents, we understood the structure of the system created by the U.S. Administration to mitigate biological risks on the territory of other countries. This system has been successfully tested in Ukraine and Georgia and now it actively works on the African continent. The efforts within the framework of this system are directed at acquiring pathogens in endemic areas and natural foci, controlling and managing the biological situation for their own benefit. One of the tasks is analysing the epidemic situations along the borders of the geopolitical rivals in the presumed deployment areas of military contingents. 

 I would like to remind you that the deployment of the American system of biological controls goes according to a plan that was used before.

 Concerns are primarily raised about regular outbreaks of, for example, anthrax and tularemia in one region, and foot-and-mouth disease and plague in the another. As a rule, these concerns are pointed out during meetings of the U.S. ambassadors with the representatives of the countries' ministries of health. American counterparts note that such outbreaks undermine the development of the region's economic potential. They question the training level of leadership and specialists, when it comes to neutralising biological threats, and state the need to improve their qualifications.

 Against this background, it is proposed to establish a centre for disease diagnostics and testing of medical products within one or two years, which will study dangerous pathogens and mechanisms of their mutations, and develop and test modern vaccines.

 It is also planned to involve local specialists in the research projects of the DoD Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) at the same time. It is proposed, that the U.S. are to prepare a three-month training programme for the centre's employees.

 The integration of regional information systems into the US electronic disease surveillance system is discussed. The representatives of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) often advise their partners to accelerate that process and pay particular attention to ensuring the non-stop work of the necessary equipment and network communications.

 5-10 million U.S. dollars are allocated to achieve these goals with a possible increase in funding up to 20 million dollars taking into account the implementation of the first phase of the project.

 The U.S. government authorities and private contracting companies, including the so-called Big Pharma enterprises are involved to organise cooperation with the local relevant ministries.

 The result of this selective support is the transition to American personnel training standards, transfer and generalisation of the information on the biological situation, degradation of national health care systems, imposition of suppliers of medical equipment and medications. 

 At the same time, the participating countries involved in this system lose their national sovereignty in the sphere of biosecurity and become fully dependent from the United States.

 The documents at our disposal confirm that the U.S. biological warfare presence on the African continent is growing at a rapid pace. 

 Research of the U.S. Department of Defence (DoD) actively work in the region. For example, branches of the National Naval Military Medical Center are stationed in Ghana and Djibouti, where active work is carried out in natural disease foci, isolation, and sequencing of pathogens.

 The U.S. Army Military Medical Center in Kenya has deployed a network of field stations to monitor the spread of infectious diseases in Equatorial Africa.

 In Nigeria, a joint medical research centre and a military medical laboratory of the armed forces of the republic have been established in 2024, with 10 U.S. DoD specialists permanently on staff.

 A new $35 million laboratory facility is being completed in Senegal. The project involves the same Pentagon contractors as in the former Soviet Union - in Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine. Among them are CH2M HILL, Black & Veatch, and Metabiota.

 The Pentagon uses the relevant infrastructure and potential of African countries to conduct military-biological research. The U.S. Government customers are the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), the National Security Agency, and the U.S. State Department. The main consumers of the research results are the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) and the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.

 At the same time, the United States does not disclose the ultimate goals of the experiments to partners, who are often unaware of the risks associated with the implementation of U.S. programmes.

 Washington has deliberately exploited the economic problems of African states' healthcare systems to organise research. For example, the United States has channelled some 40 million U.S. dollars to support Guinea's health system. At the same time, the U.S. Administration initiated a project in the country to study Lassa Fever, a severe infectious disease for which there are no means of prevention or treatment. Special attention to this country is due to the U.S. desire to damage Russian-Guinean economic cooperation.

 American-funded biological projects in Nigeria are aimed at combating HIV/AIDS. As volunteers, Nigerian nationals are participating in a clinical evaluation of antiviral drugs from the Pentagon-affiliated company Gilead. I would like to remind you that this pharmaceutical company conducted trials of its drugs on Ukrainian citizens.

 This year, the Pentagon started active research of highly dangerous infectious agents in Zambia. At the same time, funding was directed at improving the capacity of military medical facilities and retraining medical personnel.

 The United States is working with South Africa to establish a collaborative study of the monkeypox virus at the South African Institute for Vector-borne Diseases. Washington has donated 10,000 doses of a vaccine for the disease, produced by the Danish company Bavarian Nordic, which has not received final approval from the WHO and can be used only in high-risk individuals. 

 The Pathogen Genomics Initiative is studying patterns of infection and resistance of pathogens to medical drugs. More than 20 biological sites in 18 African countries are involved in the project.More than 20 biological sites in 18 African countries are involved in the project. Funding is provided through the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as contractors and philanthropic foundations that work closely with the Pentagon.

 It is noteworthy that bioinformatics specialists are involved in the research, whose duties include editing the genomes of the identified microorganisms, which may lead to enhanced functions of pathogens.

 With the African Centre for Disease Control's African Union Biosecurity and Biosafety Strategy scheduled for adoption in 2025, the U.S. has intensified consultations with countries in the region to ensure Washington-friendly provisions in the document. 

 The Americans are particularly concerned about the work being carried out by Russia and China with the countries of the continent to expose the true content of the U.S. military-biological programmes in connection with the possible restriction of the Pentagon's activities in this area.

 While the stated goals are to monitor infectious disease and assist developing countries, in practice we see a buildup of U.S. biological-military capabilities that circumvent BWC commitments.

 There is a clear trend: pathogens that fall within the Pentagon's area of interest subsequently become pandemic, and American pharmaceutical companies become the beneficiaries.

 An example is infections such as yellow fever, monkeys fever, and Rift Valley fever, whose outbreak has been detected in Cairo, where the U.S. Navy biological warfare laboratory was based.

 We have already drawn your attention to the real customers of military-biological projects and their attempts to work under the cover of contractors. For example, the Metabiota proposal on the slide is for the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases to train infectious disease specialists in Kenya and Uganda. The document indicates that pathogens in the African continent are being studied by the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and in order to give the appearance of humanitarian interaction, the U.S. International Development Agency.

 I would like to remind you that Metabiota's activity has now been discontinued in Africa. According to a report by an international panel of experts involved in fighting the 2014 Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone, company personnel concealed the fact that Pentagon employees were involved in the work. The main purpose of this activity was the isolation of virulent strains and their subsequent smuggling. As a result, samples of the Ebola virus were smuggled by representatives of the company and sent to the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases.

 The slide lists the organisers and participants in illicit biological-military activities within African countries. They include servicemen of the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, staff from the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) regional offices, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Africa, and representatives from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. These include:

 Alexis Robinson is the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency Attaché for South, Central and East Africa, who has been involved in training local specialists in DTRA operations in exchange for intelligence of interest to the Pentagon.

 Helina Meri and Mark Breda are regional directors of the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in Nigeria and Tanzania. They acted as organisers of the collection of biomaterial from the local population for the benefit of the U.S. military, as well as the testing of unlicensed drugs.

 Jane Wachira is the chief executive officer of the Kenya Veterinary Vaccines Production Institute. She facilitated unrestricted access for U.S. specialists to Kenya's collection of highly dangerous pathogens.

 John Nikoimo is the head of the Special Operations Command in Kenya. He supervised the DTRA programme to enhance the capability of Kenya's defence forces to handle chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear substances.

 As a result of the analysis of the documentation received, more than 30 persons were identified, including officials of government bodies, employees of intermediary organisations and private companies.

 It should be noted that the information previously voiced during briefings by the Russian Defence Ministry about the U.S. military-biological activities on the African continent was heard by the foreign media and the expert community.

 Relevant comments were posted in the European and American media, as well as on information portals in the Middle East region.

 Particular attention is paid to the relocation of unfinished military-biological research from the territory of Ukraine. Thus, the Daily Telegraph noted that: ‘... the Pentagon is forced to relocate unfinished research within the framework of Ukrainian projects to other regions...’. A similar publication is presented on the website of the Indonesian agency Asia Today.

 The articles in The Diplomat and Bulawayo expressed concern about the closed operations of American military biologists in natural hotspots in a number of African states, as well as the Pentagon's plans to deploy a network of biolaboratories.

 A number of publications have expressed concern about the activities of the U.S. private military campaign Bancroft on the territory of the Central African Republic on behalf of DTRA. The French RFI agency linked such activity of PMCs with an attempt to protect the main coordinator of military-biological projects from public attention.

 The Geopolitics online edition published an article on the joint activities of DTRA and the U.S. non-profit organisation RTI International to monitor infectious diseases in Africa, which, according to the publication, is a component of the Pentagon's broader ‘biological espionage’ initiative.

 In addition, the regional media have paid close attention to the fact that clinical trials of medicines that have not been approved by the WHO have been conducted on the population of African countries.

 Thus, against the backdrop of Russia's progressive strengthening of its position in Africa, including in the field of biosecurity, the United States seeks to prevent the weakening of its influence in the region. I would like to recall once again Washington's non-transparent working methods and warn our African partners against cooperating with the United States in the military biological field.

 As practice shows, such interaction results in the loss of national sovereignty in biosafety and a worsening of the disease situation.

 The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation will continue to analyse the incoming information and will keep you informed.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Former Congolese commander of Republican guard arrested by military intelligence

According to my military intelligence collections,OSINT and HUMINT sources,there is confirmation that the former commander of Republican guard(presidential guard unit) has beenn arrested.He was the commander of Kitona military base.Illunga Hughes Kampete was the commander of Republican guard during Joseph Kabila's time.
Illunga kampete has been sanctioned by the security council on several occasions.
Who is Illunga Kampete?

Gaston Hugues Ilunga Kampete, born in 1964, is a former FAZ of the DSP Armoured Battalion. At the fall of Mobutu in 1997, he held the rank of captain and assumed the function of commander of the armoured squadron of Chinese-made T-59 tanks. In 1998, he was the commander of the Armoured Regiment of the Land Force whose chief of staff was none other than Joseph Kabila.

He is also a former FAZ having evolved in the 313th Battalion of the 31st Para Brigade of the FAZ, which was first based in Kamina before being deployed to Bukavu in 1996. He entered as one of the youngest second lieutenants in his unit. The majority of his unit joined the AFDL in 1997.

Indeed, most of the senior officers and generals who made at the time of his appointment at the GR, were part of the 31st Para Brigade of the FAZ and the DSP. This is particularly the case of Colonel Monga, the T2 (intelligence) of the GR, another Mulubakat of Kabalo of the 311th battalion of the 31st Para Brigade of Kamina before also being redeployed to Bukavu in 1996. The majority of the soldiers of the 31st Para Brigade joined the AFDL, after being approached by the United States Embassy in Kinshasa. As a reminder, in March 1996, the Zairian Government sent to Masisi 800 soldiers of the Special Presidential Division (DSP), members of the Military Action and Intelligence Service (SARM) and Para-commando units of the 31st Para Brigade most of whom joined the AFDL. This is the case, for example, of the Kipushi counter-offensive in March 1997 when the DSP troops and the FAZ gendarmes were about to retake this town from the hands of the Rwandan-Ugandan AFDL troops. They were suddenly attacked from behind by their brothers in arms from the FAZ of the Kimbembe and Lido camps commanded by the late Colonel Nsau (or Nzau) and the victorious Colonel Mayala,who at  some time became a general and Deputy Chief of Staff in charge of operations and intelligence of the Land Force alongside General Banze. The same General Mayala, in collusion with General Amisi Tango Four, following the M23 offensive in Bunagana on 6 July 2012, fled with 600 FARDC soldiers to Kisoro in Uganda, mysteriously abandoned a huge stock of heavy weapons, ammunition and tanks  to the enemy.

General Gaston Hughes Ilunga Kampete is a Mulubakat from Kabalo in the Tanganyika district. He was and is  a trusted man of President Kabila when he assumed the interim at the head of the Republican Guard at the time of the appointment of General Dieudonné Banze Lubunj as head of the Land Force. Despite his undeniable military qualities, his appointment also followed the military ethno-regionalism instituted by Kabila in the FARDC.

 Kampete was referred to kabila regime  by Oscar Gen Olenga who was a sort of mentor for him. Kampete often accompanied Oscar in the purchases of armored equipment in the former Eastern Europe (Serbia, Bulgaria, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Czech Republic). Oscar always told kabila that Ilunga Kampete was his friend.
...if you want more on Kampete,you can read our earlier posts ...

Monday, December 23, 2024

General pacifique Masunzu puts up a decision to totally close Goma-Rutshuru road


The Congolese army orders the total closure of the Goma-Rutshuru road.

No access is authorized, neither entry nor exit. According to military intelligence information,it was the Decision of General Pacifique Masunzu.Masunzu is a tactician who knows a lot about the wars of eastern DRC.

It is time, The great storm is coming,the third phase of this  war is ripe and coming 

8 provincial deputies meet a Ugandan military intelligence officer

Eight provincial deputies from North Kivu met with Major Andrew, a Ugandan military intelligence officer, on 22 December 2024 in Mwalika (Beni territory). The meeting aimed to assess the status of SHUJAA operations, jointly conducted by the FARDC and UPDF against the ADF/NALU rebels.

Key points discussed:

1. Status of SHUJAA operations

Major Andrew reported that the ADF/NALU is fragmented into small groups scattered in Beni, Irumu, Mambasa and Lubero. Although attacks persist, joint efforts by the FARDC and UPDF are strengthening to neutralize this threat.

2. Presence of the UPDF in Butembo

The presence of the Ugandan army in Butembo was justified by an agreement between Presidents Tshisekedi and Museveni, with the mission of combating the ADF/NALU and other threats, such as the M23. Major Andrew called for the collaboration of the population and the cessation of disinformation campaigns against the UPDF.

The provincial deputies expressed their gratitude to the Ugandan president, the UPDF, and Major Andrew for their commitment to the quest for peace and security in North Kivu.

UPDF and FARDC mistakenly shoots at each other

 One civilian was killed, four FARDC soldiers

and a Ugandan army soldier injured, during a clash that took place accidentally on Saturday, December 21 in the Irumu territory between a group of soldiers engaged in joint operations against the ADF rebels based in Idohu and other soldiers who were returning from a reconnaissance patrol in the forest. 

According to human rights activists, these patrollers were mistaken by their comrades-in-arms for enemies, which created total panic in this entity. 

 In Idohu-Centre on the Komanda-Luna axis in the Irumu territory, FARDC-UPDF soldiers, who were supervising civilians who were carrying out community sanitation work commonly called "Salongo", were surprised by a group of armed men coming from the forest. 

It was in fact a group of other FARDC-UPDF soldiers, who were returning from a routine patrol in the area. 

Mistaking them for ADF rebels, the soldiers in Idohu opened fire on their comrades in arms.

An exchange of fire ensued. 

Human rights activists in the region report that one civilian died after the clash, hit by a stray bullet.

Four FARDC soldiers and one element of the Ugandan army seriously injured. 

Christophe Munyaderu of the Convention for the Respect of Human Rights/Irumu indicates that the situation became calm again in the evening, after having sown panic among the population. 

Shujaa operations spokesman Colonel Mak Hazukay promised to comment on the incident at a later date. 

The Congolese and Ugandan armies have been carrying out joint operations against the ADF for several months in this region.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

FARDC and Wazalendo claim that many M23 have been neutralized and several villages liberated .

This Saturday 21/12/24 the village of KANYAMBI, a major stronghold of the M23_RDF in the Lubero territory was retaken by the Congolese army supported by Wazalendo resistance fighters this Saturday, December 21 during new clashes. According to local sources, the rebels launched attacks on army positions from this village. "Under pressure, they did not have time to recover some of their military effects, even food was left on the fire. clashes began at 4:30 a.m. in the south of Lubero territory. Know that Wazalendo resistance fighters are facing M23_RDF rebels supported by Rwanda in the hills of Mambasa and Kanyatsi. The FARDC recaptured the town of Ndoluma this Saturday, December 21, 2024, located south of Lubero territory. During this operation, equipment belonging to the terrorists was seized. An RDF fighter, injured during the clashes, was captured and taken care of by the armed forces. The enemy is driven out of Ndoluma, and the FARDC continue to pursue them. Moise Nyarugabu, after failing with the rebellion in South Kivu, he became Evangilisye At least with the money from the offerings, he will find himself. No negotiation with M23. But this position must be maintained until the end.

Fighting has resumed in Lubero under the command of General Bruno Mandevu… More to come soon, a large part of Luofo is already still in the hands of the FARDC. Major General Bruno Mandevu officially took office as deputy chief of staff of the FARDC in charge of operations and commander of the Northern Front operations, Friday in Lubero in the province of North Kivu, during a ceremony with his predecessor, General Chico Tshitambwe. The information was confirmed in a press release published this Saturday by the spokesperson for the Northern Front operations, Lieutenant Reagan Mbuyi Kalonji. Prior to this appointment, Major General Bruno Mandevu had been in charge of the Sukola 1 operational sector for seven months, with headquarters based in Beni (North Kivu), where he oversaw military operations against armed groups in this part of the country, particularly the Ugandan rebels of the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), who have been responsible for the massacres of thousands of civilians for over nine years. His area of intervention extended from Kanyabayonga, in Lubero territory, to Eringeti, in Beni territory. Before commanding the Sukola 1 operations, Bruno Mandevu held a strategic position in the 11th military region in charge of intelligence and operations in Kwamouth, in Mai-Ndombe province. Civil society welcomes the changes made by President Felix Tshisekedi in the chain of command of the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC),expressed their satisfaction in a statement made on Friday, December 20 in Goma (North Kivu). In this document, the president of the urban coordination of civil society, Marrion Ngavho Kambale, asks the newly co-opted to work for the restoration of lasting peace in the province and the return of displaced persons to their entities. The latter recalls that the DRC is facing several enemy forces: the M23 rebels, the ADF and the Rwandan army. In addition to these replacements, Marrion Ngavho Kambale asks the Government to provide logistics as well as decent payment of soldiers and the management of their families, to raise the morale of the last fighter who is at the front.
Watch the videos below...


The Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC) also announced that they have blocked the advance of the M23/RDF rebels, particularly in Mambasa and around the Lubero territory (North Kivu). The news was reported to the press in the Beni region through an information note from the Front Nord operational sector, on the evening of Friday, December 20, 2024. The army reassures the population that the M23/RDF rebels will not cross Lubero-Centre and the city of Butembo, as some Internet users believe on social networks. "The FARDC have erected a strong barrier and are pushing the enemy back to Lubero. During the clashes that took place successively for 3 days, the FARDC elements blocked the advance of the M23/RDF terrorists in Mambasa and thwarted several attempts by the enemy to overrun Luofu, Kanyambi and Mighobwe," said Second Lieutenant Mbuyi Kalonji Reagan, spokesperson for North Front operations.

General Pacifique Masunzu loved by all Congolese because of his patriotism


Pacifique Masunzu, a Munyamulenge with a home in Kiziba of Minembwe, is a major military figure in the DRC whose history is marked by his resistance to Rwandan influence in South Kivu. Here is an overview of his career.

Pacifique Masunzu began his career in the Alliance of Democratic Forces for Liberation (AFDL) before joining the RCD after the 1998 war.

 In 2002, he clashed with the Paul Kagame regime, which ordered his arrest for treason after his opposition to the relocation of the Banyamulenge to refugee camps in Rwanda and certain behaviors.With the help of deserter Colonel Rukundo Makanika, Masunzu escaped his transfer to Rwanda and found refuge in Minembwe, in the Fizi territory.

In Minembwe, Masunzu founded the FRF and joined the Mai-Mai KAZIMIA axis led by General Madoa-Madoa to fight Rwanda and the RCD.Gen. Madoa is a former commander of the navyo f the FAC (Congolese Armed Forces).Within the Mai-Mai, Pacifique Masunzu will fight alongside General Antoine Padiri Bulendwa (Another enemy of Kagame), who currently holds the position of commander of the armed forces reserves and defense.

Paul Kagame, using the reason to neutralize the FDLR as usual, in August 2002, he sent commandos and helicopters to neutralize Masunzu, but Masunzu's forces with Gen. Padiri inflicted heavy losses on the Rwandan army.After suffering heavy losses, Kagame realized that he could not win this fight and finally decided to withdraw.This resistance made him a respected figure, especially in South Kivu.

In 2004, after making history with his struggle, Masunzu joined the military and obtained the rank of general in the FARDC.

When President Tshisekedi came to power, he appointed him as commander of the second defense zone, covering the Greater Katanga region.

His resistance to Rwandan forces and his commitment to the defense of the DRC made him an icon of patriotism, particularly in South Kivu.

 This journey, although complex, illustrates Masunzu's role in the fight for the sovereignty of the DRC.

Kagames appoints new sport minister as Vincent Karega struggles to get a proper ambassadorial posting

  Paul Kagames,President of the Republic of Rwanda has appointed new officials including Nelly Mukazayire who has been appointed Minister of Sports, and Rwego Ngarambe who has been appointed Secretary of State at MINISPORTS

Friday, December 20, 2024

Russian hackers XakNet gave a powerful blow to Ukraine, attacking and "breaking" the national information system, responsible for all databases in the country!!!


The blow was dealt to the "National Information Systems" - the operator of all government data in Ukraine.

Unified State Register of all organizations and individuals, all types of property, courts, debtors, convicts, powers of attorney, inheritances, notarial acts, documents of the Ministry of Justice, acts of civil status of citizens, mortgages, transactions, media, personal databases, etc.

All databases were carefully downloaded.

Moreover, as a result of the attack on NAIS, hackers penetrated the infrastructure with all the data of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine , downloading a huge amount of data.

The total volume of data is more than 1,000,000,000 (billion) lines!

Then it was decided to delete all available information. And not only there, but also on servers in Poland (it is very important to store government data on foreign storage facilities, by the way. This is apparently what independence looks like in Ukraine, where backup copies were stored.

President Tshisekedi makes reshuffles in army

Chiko Tshitambwe
jules Banzai Mwilambwe
Pacifique Masunzu

Lieutenant General Jules Banza Mwilambwe has been appointed Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC) to replace Army General Tshiwewe Christian who as been given a role as the military adviser to the president. 

Brigadier General B.Kimbalambala Bataauli has been appointed as head of Military intelligence.

The Head of State has decided to keep Lieutenant General Jacques Itshangoliza Nduru in his post as Deputy Chief of General Staff in charge of operations and intelligence. 

For his part, Lieutenant General Léon Richard Kasonga has lost his post to Lieutenant General Kabamba wa Kasanda François.

Major Gen Christian Ndaywel will head the FARDC land forces.

Changes have also been made in military zones:

Pacific Masunzu a bitter critique of Kagame's advances in DRC has been appointed as head of the 3rd defence zone and deputies byBiangalo Anthony andd Brigadier general Mpanga modeste

Tchitambwe Chico ha been appointed as head of first defence zone ad will be deputized by  Kabundi Etienne and Punza Ngoma who will be in charge of administration in this zone 

2nd defence zone to be headed by Bitangalo Clement and deputised by Sadik Maboko

Major Gen Makombo Jean Rodger appointed as deputy chief off staff in charge of intelligence within FARDC.

This change within the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo comes in a context of rising violence in the east of the country and the advance of the M23, particularly in the Lubero territory, in North Kivu. Despite the ceasefire in effect since August 4, 2024, clashes between the M23 and other armed groups continue. The M23 has extended its territorial control, particularly towards Pinga, in the Walikale territory, and has even established a parallel administration in the areas it controls, according to recent statements from the group's political president, Bertrand Bisimwa.

The Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR), for their part, have called for direct dialogue with the Rwandan government in a letter addressed to Angolan President João Lourenço, who plays a mediating role in the region. With this new dynamic within the military apparatus, the FARDC will have to respond to major challenges, including the fight against armed groups, the stabilization of tense areas and the restoration of state authority in the east of the country.

General Banza Mwilambwe Jules takes office in a context where the government faces demands for direct dialogue from the Congo River Alliance (AFC)/M23 and other armed groups, while the international community, notably through MONUSCO, continues to document the scale of human rights violations.


-Lieutenant General Banza Mwilanié Jules appointed Chief of General Staff of the FARDC;

- Army General Christian Chiwewe appointed military advisor to the Head of State, after having been Chief of General Staff;

- Major General Christia Ndaywel who leaves DEMIAP for the Land Force, where he is appointed Chief of General Staff;

- General Chico Tshitambwe

appointed commander of the first defense zone;

- Major General Makombo Jean-Roger appointed deputy chief of staff in charge of military intelligence;

- General Pacifique Masunzu appointed commander of the third defense zone.

There are also some military officers who have been promoted in rank for their bravery and service to the nation.

Lieutenant General

1. Banza Jules 

2. Kabamba François 

3. Kasongo kabwik Jean-Pierre

Major General

1. Malubuni Martin 

2. Makombo jean Roger 

3. Biagolo Antoine

Brigadier General

1. Katende Benjamin Batubadila 

2. Maloba Mwila Éric 

3. Monga bongo Remond 

4. Mpanga Muamba Modeste

5. Muteteke Jules

In addition, the Head of State also appointed a new head of the Disarmament, Demobilization, Community Recovery and Stabilization Program (P-DDRC). This is Jean de Dieu Ntanga Nkita.

Despite some changes made within the command of the Republican Guard (GR), the Head of State Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi has decided to renew his confidence in Major General Kabi Kiriza Ephraim as Commander of this special unit of presidential security, a position he has held since October 2022.

Following a series of orders read on Thursday, December 19 on the national channel, Head of State Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi appointed Brigadier General Katende Batubadila Benjamin to the post of Deputy Commander in charge of operations and intelligence, replacing Brigadier General Inengeli Baka Thierryson. 

Brigadier General Mulumba Kabanangi Désiré has been retained as Deputy Commander in charge of administration and logistics. This will be the case for the GR General Staff, which will still be led by Maloba Mwila Éric, now elevated to the rank of Brigadier General, who was a colonel before this elevation in rank.

In another similar order, the Head of State Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi proceeded to the appointment within the specified commands of the Republican Guard. According to the same order, he appointed in particular:

• Colonel Tshala Kalambayi Dédé: T2 Republican Guard 

• Colonel Lumu Kateba Alidor: T3 Republican Guard

• Colonel Katanga Mubikayi Dieudonné Commander 14th security regiment

• Lieutenant Colonel Makoko Bwanamoya Serge Commander 141st high security protection.

In addition to the common missions assigned to the army, the GR has specific missions, under the terms of order no. 13-063 on the organization and operation of the Republican Guard, of June 22, 2013, to ensure: the guard and protection of the President of the Republic and his family as well as distinguished guests; the security of presidential property and installations; escorts and honors at the level of the Presidency of the Republic.

In case of emergency or necessity, the GR can be requisitioned and engaged in combat (at the front) or in operations to maintain or restore public order. Its commander reports to the President of the Republic in terms of operations; he is his right-hand man. But in terms of administration and logistics, he reports to the Chief of General Staff of the FARDC.

You can read more about these officers and zones in this post by clicking on this link

Many feared dead in Loselose as ADF lays another terror attack

While declared finished and neutralized thanks to the joint operations of the FARDC and the Ugandan army, the Ugandan terrorists of the ADF ...