Friday, June 21, 2024

A large ADF base has been destroyed by a coalition of FARDC and WAZALENDO


A large terrorist base ADF destroyed and several elements neutralized by the Congolese army supported by young Wazalendo resistance fighters.

During a joint Wazalendo -FARDC operation in the Bapere and Madiwe sector, a large ADF stronghold was destroyed.

Military effects belonging to the ADF were recovered as shown in the video.

Some few days ago according to OSINT(Open source intelligence) conducted within  the media circles in DRC, there was a claim that M23 was sending some of its men to  commit atrocities in Beni ,which thing compelled some of the media in DRC to believe that M23 works closely with ADF with the main target of coercing FARDC to reduce its offensive that has harassed them so much. In this video below, the captured youth claims to have come from Rutshuru and sent by M23  to  Beni.

Fighting currently going on along Rwindi kanyabayonga axis

 In the photo..below is a member of the Holy Trinity at Frontline

since early hours of today crashes between M23 and FARDC were  reported in Bulindi and butalongola about 15 km from Kanyabayonga.In tongo  grouping,thid ended thursday M23 is blamed for killing  5 civilians in Rubwe and Kanyatsi.a bomb launched by the coalition #M23_RDF_AFC injured 4 in the village of Buhundu in Kanyabayonga
including two children, a wife and a soldier.

The local civil society denounced these series of killings in the villages of Kanyatsi, Rubwe South and North in the territory of Rutshuru.
“This ended night, 5 people were killed by the visibly angry M23,” indicates the source.

As of now,Fighting on along the Rwindi-kanyabayonga axis.The Wazalendo are said to have taken over several localities.Here in the video they are seen matching for the Rukara hill.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

UPDF goes for professionals in recruitment


Now:Fighting stll taking place as M23 try to get a way of penetrating the FARD defensive wall.

 To compensate and relieve the pain of the heavy losses of men and equipment that the M23 rebels supported by Rwanda suffer daily on the Northern Front, the latter always force the door to trample on kanyabayonga .

In their attempt to break through the wall set up by the Northern Front command under the leadership of General Chiko Tshitambwe, the m23 tried to overflow from Bushika, Buloli, PP towards Castama axis to scale the wall, quickly the reaction of the FARDC n It didn't take long to follow. 12:55', our source on site affirms that the sounds of gunfire are moving further away from the town of Kanyabayonga, the FARDC have just repelled this rebel attempt. However, the fighting is still ongoing.

Al-Shabab propaganda video could pose a renewed threat to the region and beyond

Al-Shabaab militants on Tuesday published more than one hour-long propoganda film about a “Special Force” which graduated from the group’s “Training Academy of Sheikh Osama Bin Laden,” as the militants’ video claims.

you can click on the link below to see more of the video:
- GeoNews (

The dissemination of this slick, propaganda video by al-Shabaab appears to be intended to recruit more fighters from the region as it’s translated into seven languages including Somali, English, Arabic; and more significantly - Amharic, Oromo, Swahili and French.It is upon the regions gorvenments to work hard and curtail this propaganda and prevent toxic indoctrination that may see many youth fanatically joining the terror group.With alarming rates of unemployment and the more threatened life of youths in regular war torn countries especially DRC,the SUDAN,the Sahel,we may end up seeing more youth joining this terror group.

According to open source intelligence,many alshabaab sympathisers claim to have identified the GPS location of the area where some the trainings were conducted especially the training in techniques relate mountain climbing.Its upon the African intelligence bodies,the CIA , to identify such places and then do the needful.

More clashes near Kanyabayonga


Since this morning, clashes have been reported at the PP level on the Rwindi_Kanyabayonga road. Sources say that the M23 rebels supported by Rwanda still cannot concede this heavy defeat inflicted by the Fardc on this northern axis and continue to harbor ambitions of progressing towards Kanyabayonga, despite enormous losses recorded on Monday and Tuesday, where the Fardc once again neutralized the snipers, mortar shooters, trucks and elements of these rebels. Sources affirm that the Fardc remain mobilized to defend the population and the national territory. This Tuesday, other clashes were reported in Shonyi, Bukombo and kavumu where the Wazalendo chased out the M23_RDF. 

Four top Al-shabaab members Tuesday surrendered to the Somali National Army in the Bulo Haji area in the Lower Jubba region.


According to an official government statement, the four militants who surrendered were; the group’s head of finance in Bula Haji, the militant group’s intelligence leader and another in charge of extortion.

The statement added that internet services in Bulo Haji and its environs which had been blocked by the group has been restored.

The residents expressed gratitude to the national army and the Jubbaland Deravish forces for restoring peace and stability in the region.

The surrender comes a day after the national forces backed by international partners, killed 28 al-Shabab militants in an airstrike in a rural area on the border between the Galgadud and Middle Shabelle regions.

The airstrike targeted the Hawal Qorey and Rage Barir areas, where members of the group, along with their military and cargo vehicles, were stationed.

A senior military commander, Abdinur Yusuf Qadaye, stated that the targeted militants were planning attacks on army positions and local communities.

Operations against the Al-Shabab group are still ongoing in the Galgadud and Middle Shabelle regions.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Another M23 big brain killed by wazalendo


Another M23 important figure was killed, He is the great brain of the M23 RDF, Mr. Nsabimana was responsible for the deployment of the RDF on the Biruma axis in Rutshuru territory. he has  been shot dead by wazalendo fighters,with his 6 bodyguards.His body was carried to bunagana.

...M23 big wigs organise for a big comeback.....

Since this Sunday evening, 06.16.2024, a tide of rebels, including officers and non-commissioned officers with logistics of 3 ambulance jeeps, 7 4x4 jeeps, 5 Kamaz brand trucks has gathered in Kitshanga around the leaders of the M23_RDF, including General Baudoin NGARUYE to reorganize effectively. Initial information indicates that the M23_RDF rebels are struggling to cope with the heavy human losses and defeats inflicted on them by the Fardc under the command of Major General Chico Tshitambwe on the Kanyabayonga axis. According to indiscretions, the M23 rebels are attempting a dissuasion maneuver, by destabilizing the northern front of Goma, on the Kibumba axis, in order to divert the attention of the FARDC from the Kanyabayonga axis, with the ultimate aim of surprise the Congolese army on this axis and continue the progression. It should be noted that a month after intense fighting on this northern axis, in the chiefdom of Bwito, the M23 rebels supported by Rwanda have still not succeeded in breaking through the wall erected in the surrounding area of Kanyabayonga by Major General Chiko, the troop commanders Coordinated by Lt General Fall SIKABWE Coordinator of operations in North and South Kivu. The body of an M23 Lieutenant Colonel killed by the Fardc on the Kanyabayonga axis arrived in Bwiza, where he was buried on Monday in an atmosphere charged with emotion says our source in the area.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Muhoozi toughens on reckless drivers

 The Chief of Defence Forces (CDF) of the Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF), has or.dered the arrest of army drivers and their guards, as well as State House staff, who have been flouting traffic rules with impunity.

The directive comes after numerous complaints from the public about the reckless driving habits of military and government officials, which have led to several accidents and near-misses on the roads

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Somalia president, al-Shabaab leader give contrasting Eid Al-Adha speeches


President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud in a recorded video message for the Eid Al-Asha occasion called on Somalis to forgive each other. He urged wealthy individuals to give a helping hand to the poor

The president urged the “misguided” youth of al-Shabaab to come back from their path.

“Come back to your people and your country, you do not have another country and another people,” he said.

The sun is setting on the Khawarij, he said referring to the militants.

“There is no future on your side. The future is on your peoples’ side. The days of the Khawarij are coming to an end. The fight goes on until Khawarij disappear.”

In the speech published state media, Mohamud urged all Somalis to encourage the youth to come back from al-Shabaab. 

“To those youngsters who were discouraged, and wrongly informed that if they come back they will be executed… if you come back you will not be executed. If you come back and ask for forgiveness you will be pardoned, and the government will work to create a living for you,” he said.

Mohamud said Somalia has been in difficult period, but now is moving towards betterment and development.

Meanwhile, the leader of al-Shabaab, Abu Ubaidah blames all the problems in Somalia on foreigners and local “apostates.”

He claimed in his speech that Somali jihadists have been fighting against US for 30 years. He said during the 17 years that AU forces operated in the country, the US, AU allies did not succeed to establish a secular government that can provide services and implement democracy.

“US failed to establish the kind of government it wanted in Somalia,” he claimed.

He says, every extension of ATMIS “will end in failure,” and told his fighters to “liberate” towns after AU forces finally leave.

He compared the offensive by the local fighters and government forces that started in 2022 to the US-backed Iraqi Sunni Awakening. He said “all the plots” against al-Shabaab “failed.”

“After two years, their arrogance has been defeated in the frontlines,” Abu Ubaidah said.

He criticised past agreements the Somali government signed with with US, UK, Turkey, UAE, Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda; as well as debt relief deals with IMF and World Bank.

“Every agreement is illegal and will not be implemented,” he said. He told his militants to keep particular eye on UAE which he blamed for the war in Sudan.

He said al-Shabaab will continue the war until foreign forces leave the country.

He also reiterated that al-Shabaab is “ready to fight” against the MOU Ethiopia signed with Somaliland.

He claimed al-Shabaab has opened training centers “for those who want to defend Somalia.”

Criticised Somali government’s controversial move last month when its diplomats at the UN did not vote for the Srebrenica genocide resolution.

“They stood with Serbs crusaders who massacred the Muslims and dared to vote against Bosnian Muslims,” he said in the audio published by al-Shabaab telegram channels.

Nyamulagira getting to eruption

 Proffessor Charles Balagizi, scientific director of the OVG, specified that "the eruption consists of an overflow of lava from its cra...