Saturday, May 23, 2020

DRC has become a country without borders and may again transform into a battlefield of various armies!

Security remains a major challenge for President Félix Tshisekedi tshilombo. A year and a half after its inauguration, territorial integrity and, in turn, the sovereignty of the country are at risk. For reason, some neighbours are taking advantage of the disorganization of its power to make unwanted incursions into Congolese soil.
As if nothing happened, the the president seems more concerned about the management of his alliance with his predecessor Joseph Kabila than the country's management. A summary of the attacks carried out by foreign armed forces in the DRC since last January.
National MPs have asked several questions to the Minister of National Defence and former fighters, Aimé Ngoy I, including the allegations of foreign army incursions into Congolese territory. " In comparison to the Rwandan foray reported in North Kivu, the Minister said he does not have enough evidence to confirm this said National MP Juvenal Munubo, member of the defence and security committee at the assembly national of the DRC.
According to MP Juvenal Munubo, during the commemoration of the Rwandan genocide there were movements of troops from Rwanda to the common border and the minister announced the deployment of experts to check this out.On 13 April 2020, Rwandan military attacked the Democratic Liberation Forces of Rwanda (FDLR) in the villages of Marangara, Kanyeru and Kazaroho in of territory in North Kivu province. The information had been delivered by the Kivu Security Barometer in its monthly report. It had been denied by the Rwandan army but several sources confirmed it and said that during this clash, 105 houses were burned.
Nine days later, 17 people, including 12 Congolese Rangers, were killed in an ambush near Virunga Park HQ near Goma, North Kivu province. While the management of the park and Congolese security officials accused the FDLR-FOCA armed group "of being the author of this killing", the latter denied and rejected responsibility on the rwandan army.
On April 2020, 24, the civil society of the territory of Lukula announced the foray of more than a hundred army army soldiers into this part of the province of Kongo Central. Angolan soldiers reportedly justify their foray into Congolese territory to chase rebels from the Liberation Front of Cabinda enclave (FLEC), who would have their base in the DRC.
The Chief army still occupied Congolese communities
No longer than Wednesday, 20 May 2020, National MP Geneviève Inagosi Kasongo denounced the operations of the Central African army in Congolese territory to track down their rebels. complained to the Congolese authorities to allow regular troops from other countries to hunt down their rebels on Congolese soil, she sent a question to the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of the Interior, Security and Customary Affairs, Gilbert Kankonde.
" Our country is not a battlefield. If there is a fire power problem, at least use the diplomatic route because it is the neighbours we are required to live safely with ", said Geneviève Inagosi, after saying that " he There is the regular Central African army entering our country ".
Meanwhile, the Chief army still occupied Congolese communities in the provinces of Tanganyika and Haut-Katanga in the indifference of the Central Government, which does not consider a military option to remove it.
According to the minutes of the meeting of the Council of Ministers of 15 May 2020, " the armed forces of the DRC are on alert " and that " strong diplomatic contacts are privileged for the resolution of this dispute ".
Comment by an expert in geostrategic relations and international relations: "The DRC has become a country without borders since the inauguration of Félix Tshisekedi to the supreme judicial".
According to Juvenal Munubo, a member of Defense and Security Committee of the National Assembly of the DRC, the minister should respond on different sources of tension. Loved Ngoyi I promised to answer the different questions asked him by the national MPs.
" We did an in-depth review in a kind of constructive dialogue as recognized by the Minister himself, on several tensions in different provinces. We have identified Haut-Katanga, North Kivu, South-kivu, Ituri, Haut Uelé and Tanganyika. We talked about the issues of foreign and local armed groups said National MP, Juvenal Munubo.This, despite the fact that the current head of state has wasted millions of dollars last year for diplomatic trips that obviously did not bear the expected fruits.

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