Monday, May 18, 2020

Experts of the security barometer of KIVU comfirmed that Rwandan army carried out an attack against Rwandan Hutu rebel groups in Eastern DRC thus contradicting Kigali's denial of it's presence in DRC

The Rwandan army carried out an attacks against Rwandan Hutu rebels in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo in April, said the experts of the Security Barometer of Kivu, contradicting the official denial of Kigali.
The Rwandan military " attacked " on 13 April the Democratic Liberation Forces of Rwanda (FDLR) " in the villages of Marangara, Kanyeru and Kazaroho in of territory " in North Kivu province, said monthly report by the security barometer of Kivu.
The Rwandan army "removed" FDLR from these villages, added the KST, a project born of cooperation between the Congo Study Group (GEC) attached to the University of New York and the American NGO Human Rights Watch ..
"During this clash, 105 houses were burned", according to the KST, which is based on a very large network of key informants in both Kivu.
This monthly report notes that on 18 April, FDLR " ambushed a convoy " of the Congolese army and the Rwandan army " near the village of Kasali in Rutshuru territory ".Two rebels, four Rwandan military and nine Congolese military were killed in this clash.
FDLR is a group of Rwandan Hutu rebels refugees in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, some founders in the early 2000 s participated in the genocide in 1994 in Rwanda. Their Chief Sylvestre Mudacumura was killed in North Kivu in September 2019.
" The government of the DRC knows that there is no (Rwandan) soldier in the eastern DRC. You can believe me, there are no RDF soldier (Rwandan Defense Forces) in this part of the world ", said Rwandan President Paul Kagame at a press conference on 27 April in Kigali.
On 24 April, 17 people including 12 Congolese Rangers were killed in an ambush near Virunga Park HQ near Goma, North Kivu province.
The management of the park and Congolese security officials then accused " FDLR-FOCA armed group " of being " the author of this killing ".
In a statement, FDLR had denied and rejected responsibility on the Rwandan army.
For almost three decades, the Congolese army has been fighting armed groups in the eastern part of the country, the border of Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi.
The DRC has on several occassions accused Rwanda of wanting to destabilize it, while the country sees the DRC as a rear base of militias hostile to Kigali, including FDLR.

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