Sunday, June 14, 2020

7 dead including 4 civilians in clashes between the DRC police and bandits in Lubumbashi today;14/06/2020

A total of 7 people, including 4 civilians, died in clashes between the elements of the police section Lubumbashi with a group of thugs in several areas of the capital of Haut-Katanga, on the night of the Saturday 13 to this Sunday, June 14, 2020.
According to the witnesses on the spot, it was around midnight that the exchange of shots between law enforcement and criminals with the Basembe, Gulf Plateau and GCAMIN neighborhoods in the municipality of Lubumbashi was heard.
It was at the crossing of the Djangwa and I avenue at the Golf District that these thugs enclaché their suspect movement before being pushed back by the patrol boats.
Another group of criminals operated on the Avenue (18th Plateau) in the Basembe neighborhood. On the spot, 3 bandits have died from the fire of the Loyalists, report our sources.
Another neighborhood visited by these out the same night is GCAMINE where 4 young people were shot.
" We found another body of a Bandit. Which makes a total of 3 dead among the improper. We regret the death of 4 young people who took care of the security of the GCAMINE neighborhood at night with vouvouzela to alert police in case of a suspect movement ", said Jeff Mbiya, member of civil society.
It should be noted that this record remains provisional, according to Captain Charles Esperanto Lwamba, who informs that the investigations are continuing.

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Is true that Kagame has closed this border?

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