Saturday, July 18, 2020

Civil society and DRC NGOs denounce the claimed infiltration and domination of Rwandese in the Army(FARDC)

According to Freddy monanga, and alot of NGOs including VSV, regrets the occupation of strategic positions and functions in the army and police of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, well-identified Rwandan subjects, who, overall, suffocate the General sons of the country, this is the case General Bisengimana who plays an important role in the police of the country and since his arrival does not leave air to General Célestin Kanyama , complaint by civilians and some police officers in kinshasha.Police men in kinshasha still complain that ,the whole intelligence section in police is totally infiltrated to the extent that they nolonger feel it is  a Congolese department.There is a feeling that every information first goes to Kigali before even it gets implementation by kinshasha gorvenment.
Local wonder how the DRC can one day win the war against Rwanda. It's who's funny even Mzee had named the young Rwandan General, Kabarhebe, to head the national army, but oddly, even the former Congolese military have agreed to submit on this  Rwandan.
Mbuji Mayi and Kananga were led by General Obed, a blood Rwandan. It must be said that the Rwandan generals have infiltrated the army of the DRC for over 20 years, in the knowledge and experience of the President of the Republic, guaranteeing the proper functioning of the institutions. All these individuals have been appointed by decree of ′′ Joseph Kabila ′′ within the FARDC with the passive complicity of Congolese generals, who see nothing, say nothing, and the consequences are unfortunate.
Today the home son is subject to a sanction and yet Kanyama must enjoy privileges as Congolese. From London, our investigations reveal that Rwandan generals are in good control of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, from East to West, from South to North. They have become very strong internally. They regularly have meetings on the phone during the week, to give each other the instructions. They stand in solidarity and know how to protect their own.
DRC NGO's deliver some names and functions:
01 General Jean BIVEGETE: Auditor General of the army (High Military Magistrate)
02 General MASUNZU: Cmd Deputy 10th Military Region / Bukavu
03 General MALICK KIJEGE: Inspector General of the Army (ex. G4-EMG) FARDC / KINSHASA
04 General OBED RWIBASIRA: Cmd 5th Military Region in Kananga / Western Kasai
05 General MUSTAPHA MUKIZA: Cmd Military Base of KITONA (Bas-Congo)
06 General Charles BISENGIMANA: Deputy Inspector General of National Police / Kinshasa
07 General JEROME GAKWAVU: EMG / FARDC-Kinshasa 08 General BOSCO NTAGANDA: Former CNDP Chief of Staff (Now At ICC, Lahaye, Holland)
09 General Laurent NKUNDA: Head of CNDP now M23 (now in Rwanda)
10 Colonel BONANE: Cmd 4th Brigade in Ituri
11 General MAKENGA SULTANI: leader of M23 rebellious in North Kivu
12 Colonel KAMANZI François
13 Colonel MUNYARUGERO Françoise: Cmd of the Childhood Police / North Kivu
14 Colonel MUHINDO François: Cmd from the Delta Brigade
15 Colonel François ZERO BRAVO: EMG-Mixed Army of
NKUNDA (81th FARDC Brigade)
16 Colonel MUTEBUTSI Jules In exile in Rwanda after Bukavu Rebellion, June 2004
17 Colonel ROHORIMBER: Available / EMG-FARDC 18 Colonel GISHONDO ELIE: Available / EMG-FARDC
19 Colonel PADIRI Jonas: Cmd EQUO Brigade in Kimoka-Sake / North Kivu
20 Colonel BOLINGO MATANE: 10th Military Region / Bukavu
21 Colonel BIRORI Benjamin: Military Advisor / Ruberwa (In Training In China)
22 Colonel BISOGO :  EMG-FARDC (rebellion in South Kivu: G47)
23 Colonel WILSON: Deputy Cmd of ALPHA Brigade in NYANZALE-MWESO
24 Lt Colonel MUNYAKAZI: NKUNDA Mixed Army (83th FARDC Brigade)
25 Lt Colonel Claude MUCHO ½: Cmd Brigade Charly in Mushaki / Masisi
26 Lt Colonel INNOCENT Ex ½: G4 AFDL / RCD today aujourd' E. M-NKUNDA Mixed Army
27 Lt Colonel KABUNDI ½: Cmd squad EQUO at KIKOMA SAKE / North Kivu
28 Lt Colonel BISAMAZA ½: Cmd Brigade Bravo / RUTSHURU in North Kivu
29 Lt Colonel NIYIBIZI: Cmd of Br. EQUO / North Kivu Brigade (Source: FARDC)
Local NGOs including VSV, ASADHO, ANMDH, specify the number of General and Superior officers of the only Tutsi  that exceeds the number of Generals and Colonels of all tribes gathered in North Kivu and South Kivu ...
On this list, the NGOs note the number of more or less 300 Rwandan captains Tutsi in the regular FARDC. And here are the actors of the crimes organized against the Democratic Republic of the Congo under Paul Kagame and his FPR, in these days at the command of a whole country. In a related discomfort, Congolese civil society are not happy about kagame's special envoy to CONGOLESE army.
Several sources confirm that General David Rugayi sengabo is Paul Kagame's special envoy to the Congolese Army, is in charge of destabilizing the EAST of Congo and leader of all Rwandan infiltrators in the Congolese Army.
With several investigations carried out by civil society, this Rwandan General infiltrated into the Congolese Army is at the base of everything that is happening in the EAST.
Here are some of his works:
- In 2014, this Rwandan captured officials and other notabilities in Uvira territory.
- Various cases of execution and human rights violations in the EAST.
- Cases of torture and inhuman and degrading treatment on an officer of the Congolese National Police in the territory of Djugu, province of ituri.
- support some communities at the expense of others.
- Illicit weapons traffics and the illicit exploitation of mining resources in North, South Kivu and ituri.
(cfr report of UN Security Council experts in November 2009)
- In view of the security environment in the 3 territories (fizi, Uvira and mwenga) the War in the high and medium plateau, the infiltration reported at the EAST of Congo, this Rwandan officer is at the base.
Another source has said that the so-called banyamulenges condemn this Rwandan officer to be the causal agent of conflict that reigns Today between these Tutsis and the autoctone population in the high and medium plateau (Minembwe and its surroundings).
The civil society pleads to President Felix Tshisekedi to arrest this criminal infiltrated in the Congolese Army.

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