Wednesday, July 15, 2020

This what a human right organisation represented to the UN security council on and about the security situaty in Eastern DRC

Invited to the UN Security Council, United Nations held in early July 2020 from New York by video conference under the presidency of the Republic of Germany, Dismas Kitenge Senga combed through the overall security situation in Eastern DRC, currently characterized by "threats from foreign armies and the resurgence of armed groups" committing atrocities on civilian populations.
In his speech on July 07, the president of the NGO Groupe LOTUS, a human rights organization based in Kisangani, verbally decried to United Nations hosts that "the neutralization of armed groups in the party East of the country constitutes a major challenge for the Congolese army and the forces of Monusco who support it. ”
"At the security level, in the territory under government control, the security and defense forces face a problem of unity of command, dysfunction, insufficient means and ineffectiveness in defending territorial integrity, currently threatened by incursions by armies from neighboring countries into Congolese soil, but also and above all to secure people and their property. Said Dismas Kitenge.
"In areas in armed conflict, despite some successes against the ADF-NALU in the territory of Beni, the neutralization of all the armed groups active in the eastern part of the country constitutes a major challenge for the Congolese army and the forces of the Monusco who support it. "
He added that "the resurgence of elements of the armed group LRA in the province of Bas-Uele and Haut-Uele committing atrocities on civilian populations raises fears of an escalation of violence especially because of the weak presence of the army Congolese and the complete absence of civilian and military units from Monusco. "
Still, the UN Security Council has been exposed to the activism of the armed group, CODECO, still under atrocious threat from Ituri province.
"In Ituri, the activism of the armed group, CODECO, by the commission of atrocities thanks to the local populations constitutes a serious threat to peace and security in this region. Continued Dismas Kitenge Senga.
He also noted that “the difficulties of implementing an effective and coherent policy for the mobilization, disarmament and social reintegration of armed groups are an important challenge to the process of pacification in the eastern part of the country. "
In this same option, insists Dismas Kitenge, the human rights situation in this fragile context, finds it impacted by the commission of frequent human rights violations, the impunity of most of their perpetrators and the difficulties of implementing reforms. necessary and urgent for the improvement of the situation and the advent of the rule of law in the DRC.

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