Sunday, August 16, 2020

Will general kabarebe of Rwanda manage to eliminate Dr.Denis Mukwege?Stand warned,for if Dr Denis Mukwege is killed;It will spark off something that may lead to the collapse of Kigali junta.

By Kambale Muslim
I have been alerted that Rwandan General James Kabarebe spoke about Congolese doctor and Nobel Peace Prize Denis Mukwege on television in Kigali, Rwanda.
Since I don't understand kinyarwanda, I shared the video with some of my Rwandan allies and here's the summary of what James Kabarebe says:
′′ There are organizations that have lost (war) that use a Congolese doctor Mushi named Dr. Mukwege and a group of organizations that had interest in keeping refugees in Congo that are propaganda talking about 6 million Congolese killed but they have no proof.
You can't kill 6 million people and can't even show a body.
There is a report called Mapping report that they use as a basis for this propaganda. ′′
James Kabarebe denied that 6 million Congolese died in Congo although the IRC study presents the number of 5,4 million deaths from 1998 to 2007, a rate of 45 dead every month.
James Kabarebe denied genocide because he is one of the Rwandan soldiers who slaughtered civilians in Rwanda and Congo.
The Gersony report examined the Hutus massacre in Rwanda in 1994 and this was blocked by Kofi Anan and Americans in the United States.
The Garreton reportas shown the murder and disappearance of 200 Congolese, Burundi and Rwandan refugees, most of whom were Hutus - another report blocked by the United States to the UN Security Council.
Secondly, the Mapping report documented 617 massive violations of human rights and international humanitarian law with many murders committed by Rwandan soldiers, including Kabarebe at the time.
The Mapping report accuses Rwandan troops of genocide and states that this must be considered by a competent court. And this court is the International Tribunal for Congo.
Rwandan general involved in so many crimes now talks about Dr. Mukwege.
This should alarm all Congolese and allies since Dr. Mukwege was targeted by Rwanda when he denounced the July 2020 massacre in Kipupu, Sange and the cities of Ituri province.
More than 200 people were killed just in July.
Obviously they want to eliminate Dr. Mukwege and this won't happen.
I am beyond indignation that this criminal, who has an arrest warrant from the Spanish Court who tried Pinochet and committed so many crimes in Rwanda and Congo, has the audacity to talk about crimes in Congo.
This guy... seriously... this guy in 1997 was the Congolese army chief of staff.
He told us he was Congolese.
He then fled to Rwanda in 1998 and became Minister of Defense there once, military advisor, and was cited in many reports for providing military intelligence and equipment to rebels in Congo, including the RCD that has turned into CNDP over the years and in 2012 became M23.
Why is Rwanda so scared of Dr. Mukwege?
Mukwege led the call for the establishment of the International Tribunal for Congo and declared in any platform that it has been given that without justice there can be no peace in Congo.
To my brothers and sisters in Minembwe: I'm told and I've seen that you are also participating in attacks on Mukwege.
If you really care about Congolese genocide, you should be the first to support the call to the International Tribunal for Congo.
Don't let Kagame instrumentalize you like he did in 1996 when Bizima Karaha and James Kabarebe were both presented as Congolese.
24 years later, more than 6 million Congolese lost their lives and our minerals were looted for the world to have a digital revolution.
Talk to your leaders and ask them why they don't support the call to the International Tribunal for Congo in accordance with the Mapping report. Why are they afraid of this?
I know Paul Kagame is scared because if the court is created, his crimes and James Kabarebe's crimes will not be reported and they will have to face justice.
If you say you are Congolese and truly believe in justice, then you will do everything in your power to ensure that the International Tribunal for Congo is created and James Kabarebe, Charles Kayonga,Jack Nziza, Ruberwa , Mundos, Kabila, Kagame and the list goes on... are all out of service for killing civilians and participating in Congo looting.
Congolese and allies, we have been warned that Rwanda is afraid of this court and that they are ready to mess with Mukwege if necessary.
Hope everyone will do everything they can to protect the Nobel Prize Doctor MUKWEGE!
′′ The DRC is not a plantation that a president has received from his father, however, decide what he wants to do with it.
A head of state is not indebted.
The people are rebuilding. We don't need a dictatorship anymore
We're in a republic where corruption has no limits. Everything is secretly concluded early.
Can't turn a blind eye to the unorthodox and despotic enrichment of the governors.
We are resigned to see policies that work badly but want to last for many years in power.

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