Monday, September 21, 2020

ADF kills atleast 10 People in the sector of BENI-MBAU

 Atleast ten (10) people died in a new attack blamed on the rebels of Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) in the sector of Beni-Mbau, on the national road n ° 4 (which leads to Kisangani) , the night from Sunday to Monday, September 21, 2020. The attackers also took several other civilians hostage. They operated particularly in Kitoho and Vuppiri.This attacks comes after in Kisangani city,they were dead bodies discovered showing insticts of the same way ADF kills,many people in Kisangani are anticipating ADF having even infiltrated Kisangani.

The still provisional assessment drawn up at 7SUR7.CD by the administrator of the territory of Beni, Donat Kibwana, however, reports 10 civilians killed. They are, according to him, 6 men and 4 women.

"We are worried on Monday. The rebels have raided this part after deviating from the positions of FARDC elements. They killed our civilians with guns and machetes and took several others hostage, including the leader. of the village, ”he added.

The information is also confirmed by the local civil society which, for its part, draws up a toll of 11 dead during the rebel incursion.

"There are 11 people killed including 10 civilians, several others missing. 4 houses set on fire and several pets taken," said Esdras Mathe, president of the youth in the Beni-Mbau sector.

A survivor of this tragedy further explains that the attackers were made up of men, women and children. He claims to have seen his parents slaughtered by the rebels.

"It is thanks to God that I saved myself from the hands of the rebels. They killed all the people they had just taken hostage in our plot where they set fire to 4 houses with all the goods that were there" , he said.

However, other sources approached on the spot said they saw rebels a few meters from the scene of the crime in the early hours of Monday preparing food in a valley near Vupiri.

It should also be noted that faced with these new killings, all socio-economic activities are paralyzed in the Beni-Mbau sector. On the spot, some residents go to other supposedly secure these communities.

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Capture military effects prove Rwandan support to m23

 Captured M23_RDF elements and several military effects attest once again to Rwanda's support for M23 rebels in Masisi territory.