Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Who was Shakur?


Who was Fuad Shukr?

“Shukr was one of a number of veteran Hezbollah officials who were among the founders of the group’s military wing,” said Nicholas Blanford, an expert on Hezbollah with the Atlantic Council think-tank.

“They’ve always lived in the shadows,” he said of the group’s military leaders. Nevertheless, Israeli military officials described Shukr as a close adviser of Hezbollah’s secretary-general, Hassan Nasrallah, and a man responsible for obtaining the bulk of the group’s more advanced weapons, “including precise-guided missiles, cruise missiles, antiship missiles, long-range rockets, and UAVs”.

Shukr was a prominent friend of Hezbollah’s former military commander Imad Mughniyeh, who was assassinated by Israel in Damascus in 2008, after which Shukr’s prominence within the group rose, Hezbollah said.

Why did Israel target him now?

According to Israeli military planners, Shukr had been responsible for the missile strike that killed 12 children playing football in Majdal Shams in the occupied Golan Heights on Saturday. Hezbollah, for its part, denied responsibility for the strike.

The strike proved to be a flashpoint within Israeli politics when a delegation of Israeli ministers attempting to visit the funerals of some of the killed children — after ignoring a request not to do so — were assaulted verbally by villagers mourning the loss of the children.

On Monday, the Israeli Security Council authorised Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defence Minister Yoav Gallant to take whatever action they thought appropriate.

How was Shukr killed?

At the time of the strike, Shukr was in the Haret Hreik district of Daniya, a suburb in southern Beirut.

A Hezbollah statement said that “the great jihadist commander brother Fuad Shukr (Hajj Mohsen) was present” in the building targeted by “the Zionist enemy”.

Footage of the building after the strike shows extensive damage, with rubble and debris cascading onto the street below. Lebanon’s health ministry confirmed that three civilians, including two children, had been killed and 74 wounded in what Israel characterised as its “intelligence-based elimination”.

Shukr, also known as al-Hajj Mohsen, was among Hezbollah’s founders after Israel’s invasion of Lebanon in 1982 [Handout/US State Department]

What was Shukr’s history with Hezbollah?

Shukr, also known as al-Hajj Mohsen, was born in Nabatieh in Baalbek in eastern Lebanon.

Twenty years later, he was among Hezbollah’s founders after Israel’s invasion of Lebanon in 1982. Shukr maintained his role within the group throughout the 1980s, with the United States accusing him of overseeing the bombing of the US Marine Corps barracks in Beirut in 1983 when he was in his early 20s.

According to the Israeli military, Shukr oversaw numerous attacks against the Israeli military and its former ally, the South Lebanon Army (SLA) during the following decade.

In 2000, Israeli officials accused him of orchestrating the abduction and killing of three Israeli soldiers during a Hezbollah attack on the Shebaa Farms region, the small strip of land at the intersection of Syria, Lebanon and the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights whose sovereignty remains disputed.

In addition to being sought by Israel, Shukr was also wanted by the US. A posting on the US government’s Rewards for Justice website offers payment of up to $5m for information on Shukr after naming him a “Specially Designated Global Terrorist” in 2019.

What were the reactions to Shukr’s killing?

On X, Gallant wrote in English, “Fuad Shukr ‘Sayyid’ Muhsan has the blood of many Israelis on his hands. Tonight, we have shown that the blood of our people has a price, and that there is no place out of reach for our forces to this end.”

Within Lebanon, Prime Minister Najib Mikati condemned the “blatant Israeli aggression,” describing the assassination as a “criminal act” in a “series of aggressive operations killing civilians in clear and explicit violation of international law”.

General Muhoozi meets the Chinese defence attachee to Uganda

 General Muhoozi Kainerugaba, Chief of Defence Forces, received a courtesy call from Colonel Zhang Hao, the newly appointed Chinese Defence Attaché to Uganda, at the Special Forces Command (SFC) Headquarters in Entebbe.


During their meeting, Gen Kainerugaba and Col Zhang reaffirmed the historic ties between the Republic of Uganda and the People’s Republic of China, acknowledging the significance of their nations’ enduring friendship and cooperation.


As the first Chinese Military Attaché to be posted to Uganda, Col Zhang and Gen Kainerugaba pledged to enhance military collaboration in areas of mutual interest, thereby deepening the partnership between their countries. The deployment of a Defence Attaché signifies the strengthening and upgrading of the strategic relationship between Uganda and China.


Notably, this meeting follows Gen Kainerugaba’s recent engagements with the Chinese Ambassador to Uganda and a delegation from China North Industries Group Corporation Limited (NORINCO), one of the world’s largest aerospace and defence companies.


Tuesday, July 30, 2024



what is the cause of these fires in bukavu?

 A fire broke out this Tuesday, July 30, 2024 in a SPASCO gas station located on General Hospital Avenue, near the entrance to the ISDR, in the city of Bukavu in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

(watch the video)

Monday, July 29, 2024

Corneille Nangaa and top M23 sentenced ,their families' properties confiscated

The public prosecutor requested the death penalty against 25 of the 26 defendants involved in the Corneille Nangaa and accomplices case, accused of war crimes, crimes against humanity in the East of the DRC.

This was at the hearing which was held this Monday, July 29 at the Kinshasa-Gombe Military Court, sitting at Ndolo prison.

Furthermore, 20 years in prison was requested against the uncle of the former president of the CENI,  Nangaa.

In addition to this sentence, a fine equivalent to 1 billion US dollars was demanded by the civil party and the public prosecutor for the damage suffered by the Congolese.

The public prosecutor also ordered the properties of Nanga,his wife plus properties of all his accomplices (M23) to be confiscated.

Back to Luanda tomorrow! But DRC still maintains that it cannot have talks with M23 ,instead it can talk with Rwanda on condition that it withdraws it soldiers from DRC land.

Congolese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announces the relaunch of the Luanda Process this July 30 with a meeting of delegations from Kinshasa and those of Rwanda under the mediation of Angola. It must be remembered that the RDC remains firm in its position to dialogue with the Rwanda directly and not the M23_RDF , on the sole condition that Rwanda withdraws its soldiers on Congolese soil and that its "M23 auxiliaries" are confined .As of leaked reports that reached us yesterday,Tshisekedi is currently in Belgium where he even went to St Elizabeth Hospital of Ucle in Brussels for medical examinations and other healthy follow ups.Tshisekdi delegated his foreign affairs minister to attend tommorrow Luanda summit.

The Jean Bosco Bahala affair and the leaked mission leads to the dismissal of Major General Aimé Mbiato Konzoli Dircab of the Minister of Defense.

After four hours of hearing before the military intelligence of the Directorate of the Security and Protection Mission (DEMIAP), Major General Aimé Mbiato Konzoli, Director of Cabinet at the Ministry of Defense of the Democratic Republic of Congo, was ousted from office yesterday.

The decision comes after the leaking of a mission order signed by the major general in favor of Father Jean-Bosco Bahala, National Coordinator of the Disarmament, Demobilization, Community Recovery and Stabilization Program (PDDRC-S).

This mission order, the authenticity of which remains to be verified, places Father Bahala at the center of an alleged negotiation with militiamen of the M23, an armed group supported by Rwanda and Uganda as claimed by angry media in DRC and claimed by the UN group of experts report. Currently, Bahala is in Uganda, as many media outlets in kinshasha say.

The dismissal of Father Jean-Bosco Bahala was confirmed by a presidential order, as announced by the spokesperson for the Head of State, Tina Salama. The move highlights growing tensions in the region and raises questions about diplomatic and security relations between the countries involved.

The situation remains developing, and Congolese authorities are apparently continuing  to closely monitor the implications of this case for peace and stabilization efforts in eastern DRC.

DRC accuses Rwanda of tampering with its Radars


Al--Zalaga Foundation, the media wing of the JNIM jihadist group published a video documenting the ambush against malian army and the Wagner mercenaries


Al-Zalaga Foundation, the media wing of the JNIM jihadist group support for Islam and Muslims, published a video documenting the ambush against the Malian army and Russian Wagner mercenaries in Tantaghagit, large number of Russians & Malians killed and some Malian troops captured.

Alshabaab may be in possession of a sophisticated surveillance System! Alshabaab has released a small clip showing an attack on the Army check point near Burhakaba

Alshabaab has released a brief raid clip targeting a Somali national Army checkpoint near the besieged city of Burhakaba. The Alshabaab  claim that soldiers were reportedly extorting illegal money Isbaaro  from travelers. The Alshabaab  claim that this raid resulted in at least 2 soldiers being killed, while a third managed to escape.

(Watch the video)

(Photos of the geolocations before that attack of this check point near Burhakaba)

I have been reading a lot about the terror attacks.From Mid June this year Alshabaab may have got sophisticated technological weapons for Geolocating and mapping targets.This clip they produced today and the recent attacks have been driven by precise planned geolocated targets.The houthis may have availed the Alshabaab with sophisticated surveillance is upon all actors in somalia to get note of this.Some late june attacks all indicate a precise geolocated  attacks.

(Photo showing Alshabaab recent Geolocated Photos of Ethiopian convoys carrying sandbags near Qabno village on the outskirts of Mataban)

The Alshabaab seemingly have allies who alert them of SNA or ATMIS movements ,thesealshabaab in turn use sophisticated GPS system to carry on surveillance.The attacks from Mid June to this month indicate a usage of precise geolocations.

M23 clashes with Wazalendo in masisi

Since 11 a.m. this Monday 29/07, clashes between the M23 rebels supported by Rwanda and the young people wazalendo have been reported in Tambi, kasura, bigogwe in the locality of kahira in the territory of masisi .

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Anti terrorism agencies in Kenya foil Alshabaab planned attacks.


On 27th July 2024, a multi-agency team acting on intelligence foiled a planned Al Shabaab attack in Alango,  along Garissa-Dadaab Road, Garissa County. 

The militants were at an advanced stage of the attack at a hideout in a forested area South of Alango waiting for an opportune moment  to strike.

However, security forces disrupted their plans, killing two Al Shabaab militants on the spot while others escaped with injuries.

Among the items recovered from the hideout were two AK47 Rifles, 7 magazines, IED making materials among other assorted food items.

Security teams are on the trail of the fleeing militants. Meanwhile, the general public are encouraged to share information with security officers on the injured suspects should they be sighted.

ADF set fire on engineering machinery of SSV company in Lubero

:suspected ADF terrorists set fire to the civil engineering machinery of the SSV company in Lubero. This incident will impact the rehabilitation of the Butembo-Mangoredjipa road axis, civilian houses were also set on fire according to local sources.

Watch the video below

Friday, July 26, 2024

WHY Lt General Ychaligonza Nduru Jacques Deputy Chief of General Staff in charge of operations and intelligence of Fardc Iis in the North of the Province of NORTH KIVU


 After the United States 🇺🇸 , the European Union 🇪🇺 imposes sanctions on rebel leader Corneil Naanga.

The noose is tightening around the leaders of the M23-RDF-AFC who are leading the war in eastern DRC. The European Union announced this Friday sanctions against Corneille Nangaa and his politico-military movement Alliance Fleuve Congo (AFC)

“Due to his prominent position as founder, leader and political coordinator of the AFC, Corneille Nangaa Yobeluo is responsible for maintaining armed conflict, instability and insecurity in the DRC. It is also responsible for supporting the M23/ARC armed group, which maintains armed conflict, instability and insecurity in the DRC, notably by forming an alliance and working closely with the M23/ARC,” indicates the Council of the EU.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

M23's Bisimwa,Nanga and Twirwaneho's Sematama sanctioned by the USA today!

The United States on this Thursday imposed sanctions on the Congo River Alliance, a coalition of armed groups, as well as individuals and entities associated with the AFC, including

■ Bertrand Bisimwa, president of M23,

■ Twirwaneho, an armed group affiliated with the AFC in South Kivu province, and ■ Charles Sematama, a commander and deputy military leader of Twirwaneho. In addition, Corneille Nangaa, who founded the AFC with the leaders of the M23, is the subject of a new designation and is subject to additional sanctions. “The AFC perpetuates political instability and deadly conflict by exacerbating a humanitarian crisis in eastern DRC. The United States is committed to holding accountable those who threaten the peace, security or stability of the DRC.”

Wazalendo claim ambushing a vehicle carrying M23 elements

 This Thursday 25/7, A jeep brand RAV4, with Ugandan registration with two  other elements on board, a driver and a M23RDF executive fell into the ambush of the Resistance of the wazalendo self defenses in Bunyangula on the Rutshuru center - Kiwanja section.

All these people on board have just been eliminated by a rocket fired by self-defense youth.

A resident contacted on site confirms the news and specifies that the self-defense forces withdrew after the crime.

The DRC continues to strengthen its arms supply with several suppliers around the world

A batch of 30 modernized Soviet-made tanks supplied by the Bulgarian company Kintex was unloaded at the port of Matadi

This allocation from the supreme commander aims to equip the 16th armored brigade of the Republican Guard

The DRC continues to strengthen its arms supply with several suppliers around the world.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Three Ugandans ,Abubukar Swalleh and Hamidah Nabbaggala implicated as key figures in ISIS FACILITATION NETWORK OPERATING ACROSS AFRICA


These sanctions followed a meeting of the Counter ISIS Finance Group (CIFG), an international coalition focused on disrupting the financial networks of ISIS.

The US Treasury labelled the three as ‘key financiers and trusted operatives’ who support ISIS operations across Central, Eastern and Southern Africa.

They are said to be crucial links between various ISIS operations, including those in the DRC, Mozambique, Somalia and South Africa.

This action builds on earlier investigations by CIFG into South African links to ISIS.

In March, it was reported that South African banks were used to transfer funds from ISIS leadership in Somalia to their affiliates in central Africa.

The US Treasury has previously sanctioned individuals and companies in South Africa connected to a local ISIS cell led by Durban businessman Farhad Hoomer, who has denied the allegations.

Swalleh, originally from Uganda, is accused of physically transferring funds from South Africa to the DRC and assisting in the movement of ISIS-affiliated individuals between Uganda and South Africa.

Mohamed Ali Nkalubo, an ISIS commander in the DRC, reportedly relies on Swalleh for financial transfers and recruitment for the ISIS DRC affiliate.

Swalleh, under Nkalubo’s direction, has been involved in criminal activities such as robbery and kidnapping to fund ISIS.

This marks one of the first official confirmations of ISIS operatives in South Africa using these methods to generate funds.

Abubakar Swalleh (Swalleh) is a South Africa- and Zambia-based ISIS operative. He is involved in the physical transfer of funds from South Africa to the DRC. Additionally, Swalleh facilitates the movement of ISIS-affiliated individuals from Uganda to South Africa, and vice versa. Mohamed Ali Nkalubo, a DRC-based ISIS commander previously designated by the Department of State on December 8, 2023, relies on Swalleh to move funds and recruit members for ISIS’s DRC affiliate. Swalleh moved to South Africa under Nkalubo’s direction, where he has been involved in robberies and kidnap for ransom. Zayd Gangat (Gangat) is a South Africa-based ISIS facilitator and trainer. ISIS leaders in South Africa have historically used robbery, extortion, and kidnap for ransom operations to generate funds for the group.

DRC-based Hamidah Nabagala (Nabagala) serves as an intermediary for ISIS financial flows in central Africa. Additionally, Nabagala has been accused of funding the October 2021 Kampala bombing, which killed one and injured at least three others. In 2021, Ugandan authorities arrested an ISIS operative that had received funding from Nabagala. She also sought to smuggle her three children out of Uganda to send them to ISIS-affiliate camps in the DRC.

Swalleh, Nabagala, and Gangat are being designated pursuant to E.O. 13224, as amended, for having materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services to or in support of, ISIS, a person whose property and interest in property are blocked pursuant to E.O. 13224.

Tshisekedi accuses President Ruto of siding with Rwanda

On a TV talk show,Tshisekedi accused William Ruto “There were two meetings that took shape, that of the East African region which was driven by former President Ururu Kenyatta unfortunately which was subsequently managed by the new President William Ruto, who managed very, very badly because today this process is almost dead, because President Ruto took up the cause of Rwanda. I don’t want to say more,” said Tshisekedi 

Soldiers from FARDC based in Sake at North Kivu were trained in the use of aerial surveillance

Soldiers from FARDC based in Sake at North Kivu were trained in the use of aerial surveillance equipment by Indian peacekeepers  from MONUSCO over the last three months to contribute to protection of civilians.

Two high ranking alshabaab members surrender to Somali National army

 Two high-ranking Al-Shabaab members have surrendered to the Somali National Army ibn Bula Marer district, Lower Shabelle region.

According to a government statement, Abdi Mohamed Araaye who was in charge of the militant group’s finances and extortion ring had been a member of the group for 14 years before his surrender on Tuesday.

Khalif Mohamed Abdi, known as Khalid, who had been a member of the Al-Shabaab for ten years, also surrendered to the armed forces, specifically the 19th unit of the 3rd brigade.

Several Al-Shabaab militants have surrendered to national forces in various parts of the country following the government’s amnesty offer to members of the group and the intense operations carried out by the Somali National Army and regional forces.

Earlier this week, at least 80 Al-shabaab fighters were killed in a botched attempt to overrun a military camp in Jubbaland state

The government forces repelled the attacks and safely detonated four car bombs around 80 km (50 miles) southwest of the port city of Kismayo in Jubbaland State.

Alshabaab claims several attacks today,including an IED attack that killed 5 Ethiopian soldiers


AlShabaab claims killing 5 Ethiopian soldiers in an IED explosion in Qansahdhere town, Bay region, today,

In another post, this Wednesday the group claims killing "more than 13" SNA soldiers, capturing weapons and motorcycles in an ambush near Runnirgod district, Middle Shabelle region.

It also claims ,it has ambushed govt forces near Masagaway, Galgadud, killing a number of soldiers.

General Makenga of M23 among the list of those to be prosecuted by Kinshasha gorvenment


Public trial of Naanga and his allies, former journalist Magloire Paluku on the list of accused, prosecuted for war crimes, participation in an insurgency movement and treason in the Eastern part of the DRC.

Here is the full list.

1.Corneille Nangaa Yobeluo

2.Colonel Nziramakenga Ruzandiza Emmanuel alias Sultani

3.Colonel Byamungu Bernard

4.Major Ngoma Willy

5.Safari Bishori Luc

6.Samafu Makinou Nicaise

7.Nangaa Baseyane Putters

8.Nkuba Shebandu Eric alias Malembe

9.Nkangya Nyamacho alias Microbe

10.Monkango Nganga Brenda

11.Ilunga Kalonzo André

12.Tshibimba Kalonji Ange

13.Maggie Walifetu Henri

14.Biyoyo Yahunze Josué

15.Chalwe Munkutu Adam

16.Alumba Lukamba Omokoko J.P

17.Tshisola Yannick

18.Bisimwa Bertrand

19.Lubanda Nazinda Yvette

20.Kaj Kayembe Fanny

21.Mamba Kabamba Jean Jacques

22.Lubala Ntwali Fabrice

23.Lawrence Kanyuka

24.Delion Kimbulungu

25.Paluku Kavunha Magloire

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Lusheke JB dismissed by kinshasha from his duties

Tshisekedi ,president of the republic dismisses the head of P-DDRCS, one day after a document attesting to his seevice mission in uganda .

 Mr. BAHALA OKW'IBALE LUSHEKE Jean-Bosco, national coordinator of the Disarmament, Demobilization, Community Recovery and Stabilization Program was revoked.

Court rule against Nanga launched in kinshasha

DRC wishes to inform public opinion, both national and international, of the opening of a public trial against “Corneille NANGAA and his accomplices, from this Wednesday July 24, 2024, before the Military Court of Gombe ”

Monday, July 22, 2024

Truth is that there are Peace talks over the North kivu conflicts!

Uganda is hosting peace talks between the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo and an alliance of rebel groups including the M23 militia, a Ugandan official said on Monday.

While the negotiations were confirmed by a source within M23, Kinshasa said no-one had been mandated by the government to hold any discussions with "terrorist" groups.

The M23, which had lain dormant for about a decade, launched an offensive in North Kivu province in eastern DRC at the end of 2021 and since then has seized large swathes of territory.

The conflict in the mineral-rich region has killed scores of people and displaced several million more.

But the situation has been relatively calm since a 15-day extension of a humanitarian truce between M23 rebels and government forces was announced last week.

"A high-level delegation from the DRC government and M23/AFC are meeting in Kampala to bring peace in DRC," an official in the office of Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni told AFP.

The creation of the AFC, or Alliance Fleuve Congo, grouping several rebel outfits was announced in December by Corneille Nangaa, the former head of the DRC's election commission, who is living in exile in Kenya.

The Ugandan official said Museveni will also take part in the negotiations along with Kenya's former president Uhuru Kenyatta, who has been mediating in the conflict on behalf of the East African Community.

Both Kenya and Angola have been involved in mediating peace talks between the warring parties in the past.

"Given the complexities involved, this is still a secret meeting but the details will be made public later," the official told AFP on condition of anonymity because he was not authorised to speak to the media.

"Our wish is to have a permanent ceasefire and peace returning to DRC."

A source within the M23 confirmed the talks but said they had not yet started.

"All I know, they were called to Kampala, nothing else," the source told AFP in Goma, also speaking on condition of anonymity.

But DRC Communications Minister and government spokesman Patrick Muyaya said on X: "No-one has been mandated by the government for any such discussion with the terrorists of the RDF (Rwanda Defence Force) or M23 in Kampala."

Jean Bosco Bahala, coordinator of the Disarmament, Demobilisation, Community Recovery and Stabilisation Programme (P-DDRCS) in the DRC, said he was currently in Kampala but also denied any talks were going on with M23.

"The thing about any negotiation with the M23 is false," he told AFP in Goma.

"The P-DDRCS is in discussions with Uganda for the repatriation of Congolese children released by the LRA in the Central African Republic, that's all," he said.

He was referring to the Lord's Resistance Army, which launched a bloody rebellion against Museveni in 1986, killing more than 100,000 people and abducting 60,000 children in a decades-long reign of terror that spread to Sudan, the DRC and the Central African Republic.

Last week, Kinshasa summoned Uganda's charge d'affaires following a experts' report commissioned by the UN Security Council that said Kampala was giving "active support" to the M23.

Uganda's deputy defence spokesman Deo Akiiki has described the allegations as "laughable, baseless and illogical".

The experts' report also said 3,000 to 4,000 Rwandan soldiers had been fighting alongside the M23 rebels in the mineral-rich east and that Kigali had "de facto control" of the group's operations.

UPDF and FARDC should know that ADF took refugee to mambasa forest


ADF rebels, hunted by joint operations of the Congolese and Ugandan armies in the Irumu territory, are advancing towards the Mambasa forest. This displacement is leading to population movements and a paralysis of agricultural activities, as reported by local civil society actors on Monday, July 22.

The rebels, fleeing military pressure in the chiefdom of Walesse Vonkutu, are trying to resettle in the neighbouring territory of Mambasa. On Friday, a group of ADF was seen by the population crossing the Lolwa-Mungamba road around 5pm, causing a massive displacement of residents from several villages in the area.

Agricultural activities are almost completely paralyzed, with residents fearing ambushes by the rebels. The NGO Convention for the Respect of Human Rights expresses its deep concern about this advance of the ADF away from the borders with Uganda and towards the interior of the country, leading to incessant displacement of the population.

The NGO calls on the government to deploy the army to counter this armed group before it reaches Mambasa and to implement all necessary means to dismantle them.

"We must review the agreements signed with Uganda concerning these joint FARDC-UPDF operations. It is also essential to find ways to stop the ADF and reorganize our army in order to put an end to this war imposed by the rebels," said Christophe Munyanderu, coordinator of the NGO Convention for the Respect of Human Rights.

In disarray, the ADF rebels are now operating in small groups in various localities in the Irumu and Mambasa territories, further complicating the security situation in the region.



alshabaab claims to have killed 71 soldiers while the gorvenment too claims to have killed over 80 alshabaab militants in today's morning attacks.

 AS claims to have killed 71 soldiers, captured prisoners in today's attacks against SNA9somali national army) and Jubaland forces. it also seizes weapons and military vehicles.

Meanwhile, Somali govt claim their forces repulsed the militant attacks, killing dozens of them.


 The Somali government has claimed over 80 al-Shabaab fighters killed after the militants attacked Bulo Haji, Harbole and Bar Sanguni, earlier on Monday.

Al-Shabaab in a statement claimed killing about 71 soldiers in three attacks on Bulo Haji, Harbole and Mido.

Casualty figures have not yet been independently verified.

Could there be a meeting in kampala between DRC gorvenement and the M23/AFC?

In Kampala a meeting on the WAR issue in NORTH KIVU is taking place ,with the facilitator Uhuru Kenyatta and the Ugandan president MR Kaguta Museveni

1. Rene Abandi
2. ⁠ Lawrence Kanyuka
3. ⁠ Yannick Kisola
4. ⁠ Col Imani Nzenze

Kinshasa government is represented by Abbé Bahala of P-DDRCS.

(below is the leaked mission order from Kinshasha)

United States intelligence has made a startling claim that Yemen’s Houthi rebels are looking to cooperate with Al Qaeda’s Somali affiliate, Al-Shabaab. Discussions are reportedly underway to provide the Somali fighters with weapons in exchange for much-needed revenue for the Houthis. This potential agreement, though between ideologically opposed groups, could see Al-Shabaab receiving advanced weaponry, thus replenishing their arsenals and enabling continued deadly attacks.

 On June 11, U.S. intelligence revealed that the Houthis and Al-Shabaab might be planning a deal. The Houthis could provide advanced weapons systems to Al-Shabaab, who in return would supply the Houthis with essential funds. While the exact types of weapons to be exchanged remain unclear, it is likely that the Houthis are offering attack drones or surface-to-air missiles, given Al-Shabaab’s existing access to small arms and surveillance drones through their smuggling networks and the Somali black market. The transfer of more sophisticated systems like anti-ship ballistic missiles or cruise missiles would require significant training and logistical support, making such exchanges less feasible.

Even without direct evidence of weapon exchanges, the possibility of these two groups collaborating is alarming. Al-Shabaab aims to establish jihadist rule in Somalia, while the Houthis, a Zaydi Shia rebel group backed by Iran, are engaged in a conflict against the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen. Despite their sectarian differences, pragmatic cooperation, reminiscent of past Iranian support for Al Qaeda, could benefit both groups strategically.

Yemen’s local Al Qaeda branch, AQAP, has historically fought against the Houthis, denouncing them as infidels. However, some analysts and Southern Transitional Council (STC)-affiliated officials claimed last year that the Houthis provided AQAP with attack drones. If true, extending this cooperation to include Al-Shabaab would not be surprising, considering the long-standing ties and cooperation between these Al Qaeda affiliates. This potential alliance could see the Houthis providing limited military support to AQAP to weaken the Emirati-backed STC in southern Yemen.

Should a deal between the Houthis and Al-Shabaab materialize, it could signify a new Houthi strategy to expand relationships with other militant groups, fueling their campaign to disrupt global shipping operations. This campaign has already impacted sixty-five countries and forced twenty-nine major energy and shipping companies to alter their routes. The urgency of this threat was underscored when the Houthis launched a missile and drone strike on a Greek-owned coal carrier, leading to the vessel’s eventual sinking.

For the Houthis, such an agreement would provide critical capital for recruitment and military activities, especially as the U.S. and its allies tighten financial restrictions on the group. Al-Shabaab, generating over $100 million annually through extortion, taxes, road tolls, illicit trade, and investments, can afford to pay for advanced weaponry. Despite international sanctions targeting their leaders and financiers, Al-Shabaab’s extensive business entities and ability to launder funds through gold purchases and limited oversight of the Somali financial sector have made them resilient.

Houthi Weapons Aid to Al-Shabaab Could Amplify Somali Terror Attacks

However, cooperation with Al-Shabaab could backfire for the Houthis, who have gained significant support domestically and internationally due to their maritime attacks being perceived as supportive of Palestinians in Gaza. Aligning with a Sunni jihadist group might ignite discontent in Houthi-controlled areas, where mismanagement, delayed civilian salaries, and widespread repression have already caused unrest. Partnering with an Al Qaeda affiliate could also undermine the Houthis’ legitimacy, potentially alienating other Arab countries and international supporters, especially ahead of a potential peace agreement with Saudi Arabia.

In summary, the potential Houthi-Al-Shabaab deal highlights the adaptability of these groups in evading sanctions and offensive operations. The international community, particularly maritime coalitions like the U.S.-led Operation Prosperity Guardian and EUNAVFOR Aspides, must now also monitor ships from Houthi-controlled ports to prevent the transfer of weaponry. Additionally, the U.S. should support the Somali federal government in tightening regulatory oversight of the banking system to prevent Al-Shabaab from funding such deals. Enhanced monitoring, seizing bank accounts, closing electronic banking facilities, and targeting safe houses and international gold markets are essential measures to curb the flow of funds to terrorist organizations.

BREAKING:Early on this Monday, Al-Shabaab militants have attacked Harbole and the nearby Mido village west of Kismayo which were captured 12 days ago.


Somali authorities in Jubaland have reported that federal and regional forces have repulsed three separate, coordinated attacks by al-Shabaab militants  on three newly captured areas west and south of Kismayo.The al-Qaeda-affiliated terror group initiated the attack with explosions, followed by heavy fighting between the group and government forces, supported by the Jubbaland Dervishes and local clan militia in the Harboole area near Afmadow district.

"This morning, the heroes of the National Army foiled a cowardly attack that the Khawarij tried to carry out in the Harboole area of Afmadow District in Lower Jubba. The Khawarij suffered heavy losses, and the national heroes are still chasing the militants who fled into the forest," a Somali government statement said.

The attack comes a day after at least five al-Shabab militants were killed when their vehicle ran over a landmine between Gududey and Buka Ba'ad areas in the Middle Jubba region. The vehicle was also carrying IED explosives, and the car was completely burned.

Early on Monday Al-Shabaab militants have attacked Harbole and the nearby Mido village west of Kismayo which were captured 12 days ago. The militants have also attacked Bulo Haji town base, about 90km south of Kismayo. Officials say said troops have defeated the militants in all three battles.

Purported photos of dead al-Shabaab militants and weapons seized by the government forces are being published by social media accounts. 

Reports from sources say that the Minister of religious affairs for Jubaland Mohamed Omar Yusuf “Abu Yusuf” has been injured from a roadside explosion while on his way to Bulo Haji accompanying reinforcements following today’s al-Shabaab attack.

The al-Shabaab militants on their side confirmed the three raids and have claimed “overrunning” the bases.Alshabab claims that Today's assault overwhelmed US capabilities at Kismaayo base for reconnaissance and strikes against Alshabaab offensive. Coordinated from at least 6 directions, it marks Alshabaab's largest assault in the ongoing 3-year war in Somalia.

Alshabaab also claims that today's assault dealt a heavy blow to the Liyuu police mercenaries, with over a hundred casualties reported and many captured as POW. Tough day for liyuu police.

After capturing Miido and Harboole, ALSHABAAB  claims to have again imposed a blockade on Afmadow. Somali government SNA  and  liyuu police  and local militias broke this siege a week ago.


.................FOR GOD AND MY COUNTRY......................

Several houses were set on fire this morning in the town of Sake in the Birere district. The origin of the fire remains unknown according to witnesses.


Be aware of this video that falsely accuses UPDF of reinforcements on the side of M23 at KITAGOMA.


Beware, this is false information relayed by coalition propaganda accounts on twitter,falsely wrting that the reinforcements were from Uganda via Kitagoma border .Kitagoma border is near the Mupaka town council of kisoro district.I first watched this video on Friday but did not comment but had to contact some residents in kitagoma  who unanimously said it was false.Many credible media outlets in North kivu have all proved that this video has nothing to do with reinforcements via Uganda.I call upon the FARDC and UPDF leadership to be vigilant and  not to be discouraged by such propagandas whose main intension is to create a bad relationship between the two armies and notably for tempting DRC into stopping the joint operation. VARIOUS ACCOUNTS THAT HAD UPLOADED THIS VIDEO HAVE STARTED DELETING IT AFTER PROVAL THAT IT WAS PROPAGANDA

This  video published Friday July 19, 2024 by a resident in the village of Kantine in Baswagha Madiwe Group, Beni Mbau sector shows the deployment of several well-armed soldiers.

Kantine is a village on the border with the territory of Lubero. As they pass, these visibly disciplined soldiers greet the civilians in Kiswahili. Civilians also recognize the outfit of the Ugandan soldiers in this photo.

This video was relayed by propaganda accounts of M23 with different captions, sometimes that there are reinforcements from the Ugandan army to the rebels, or even that elements of M23 / RDF have reached the territory of Beni.

Be careful, this is false information and manipulation as they usually do.

The local authorities denounce this manipulation which aims to destabilize the population and specify that there are Ugandan soldiers who are in the area as part of joint operations (FARDC _UPDF) Shujaa against ADF terrorists.

Nyamulagira getting to eruption

 Proffessor Charles Balagizi, scientific director of the OVG, specified that "the eruption consists of an overflow of lava from its cra...