Saturday, July 13, 2024

Why can't you give us a rear base in Kisoro to attack M23 like we gave them a rear base on our land to fight the ADF?

After the circulation  of news about the meeting of  tchaligonza and Uganda commanders in Beni,which has been met with criticism .where most political opinionists and academicians in Kinshasha see Tshisekedi playing cowardice in front of Museveni.Over the media in Kinshasha is angry look at this meeting which they say ought to have not occurred due to fact that Uganda was indicated as a nother supporter of M23 in the recent UN experts report,an allegation which uganda and Ugandans vehemently refuse to accept.

There are some questions the Congolese are raising on media ,and these question are widely spread over Kinshasha.I noted one of the most touching and critical question raised by one Congolese military activist ,this question goes as below.

 Why can't Uganda give us a military base in Kisoro (Uganda side) if they are really our partners in the ADF War in the far North; so that we attack the M23/RDF in Bunagana and end this story once and for all?

To answer this question,most of the opinionists were hinting on Muhozi's Twitter posts and some of Museveni's posts and unanimously concluded that Uganda can never offer a base to Uganda to fight M23 whom these Congolese claim that Muhoozi sees them as his young brothers 

Despite all these media out cries,I still hold the fact that president Museveni is still a key figure who can help in yearning for peace in this North Kivu.

Can Uganda give DRC a rear base to fight the M23?

The answer is yes and no but a NO takes the highest percentage.with the changing interstate trade dynamics in East Africa where DRC undoubtedly is a big fresh market,Uganda under Museveni ,with regional emphasis on economic cooperation and integration,he cannot afford to loose the potentials DRC holds in as far as economic benefits to Uganda are concerned.Most industrial products from Uganda end up up in DRC markets ,and these notably include cement,mattress,plastic products,cooking oil,soap,sugar,maize flour,beer and other local is worth noting that DRC has increased volume of trade with Kenya thus not only Uganda would wish to see a peaceful DRC but so does the whole of the region.Besides,military issues are in most case confidential and classified and you never know,the meeting would have resolved to offer a solution of which we cannot doubt the provision of a rear base to carry on activities to monitor or counter the m23.

It is also worth noting that DRC gave UPDF a chance to operate in DRC because the ADF are a known branded Terrorist group that was both a problem to civilians in DRC and Uganda.And Museveni has categorically put it that the M23 are not a terrorist group.Uganda and some of the regional members do not see M23 as a terror group despite some of its leader being indicted in war crimes.It thus very hard for Uganda to give a rear base to FARDC ,instead it would offer a rear base for political and amicable resolutions to the M23 war.

Unfortunately,despite all the above ,with the UN expert group reports,the Muhoozi tweets,and Museveni's belief that M23 is not a terrorist group yet the Congolese brand it a terror group,the Congolese population have lost trust in the friendship of Uganda.Many Congolese only see that Uganda -Congolese bilateral friendship is  still surviving because of the personal understandings between Museveni and Tshisekedi.It is up to these two leaders to raise hope in the civilians and some group of civilians to again develop belif in the Uganda DRC relationship.

What would happen if Uganda gives DRC a rear military base in Kisoro?It would be joyfully welcome in Kinshasha.But DRC must also understand that there is or some problems within it political class and worse of it all in its army.You should undertand me well and not say that iam against or i underlate FARDC,but FARDC has a problem with officers who are not patriotic,corrupt and i at times doubt their capabilities in planning war.I well know how M23 wars start and i have been closely following the incidences and  circumstances that sorrounded the fightings between FARDC and M23 notably in Rwindi,kanyabayonga and Rubaya, clearly show that there is something not going on well inside FARDC?

Can provision of a rear base in Kisoro help FARDC to finish off M23?

Looking back at the 2012-2013 saga,I would say yes..but if it was solely to be FARDC alone without any aid of SADC I would say no.And again ,if Uganda was or is to accept giving a rear base ,I am sure that it cannot allow that SADC to come along with FARDC,only FARDC would operate in that base and then SADC would harass the M23 from inside DRC.probably that would defeat M23.But,mins you, defeatin M23 is not finishing M23 ,IAM assuring you that M23 will be defeated but it will not be will resurrect again and again.It may come back in other forms whether R23,J30,.....etc it will raise up again.This means that ,to end fully end the M23,DRC needs a concrete solution both military and politically.Yes, a military solution would beat M23 to miserable end but if no political and civil adjustments are made ,it would fruitless.DRC needs to sensitize her citizens on patriotism,you cannot have a population where everyone wakes up one day to organise and simply form a rebel group.It means there is an administration problem.Look at the neighbours of DRC,is it possible in Uganda,Kenya,Tanzania,Rwanda ..etc for someone to wake up one morning and form a rebel group inside the boundaries and it survives for a month or a year? DRC must work hard to revamp it's military and civil administration.

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