Thursday, August 15, 2024

A truck carrying fuel attacked by unknown gun men in Katwiguru near Ishasha

 Two people died and two others were injured in an attack on a truck carrying fuel. The incident happened on Wednesday, August 14 in Katwiguru, 20 kilometers northeast of the city of Kiwanja, in the territory of Rutshuru (North Kivu).

The attack came hours after another clash between the Wazalendo and the M23 in Mirambi, about 5 kilometres from the incident with the tanker truck. This clash also reportedly caused casualties on both sides.

According to concordant sources in Nyamilima and Kiwanja, the truck came from Ishasha on the border between the DRC and Uganda, where it had gone to stock up on fuel for Kiwanja.

It was carrying plastic tanks of fuel when it was attacked by gunmen in Katwiguru in the early hours of Wednesday. The gunmen reportedly fired a rocket at the vehicle, instantly killing the driver and other passengers on board.

Some sources speak of two deaths while others confirm the death of five people. The vehicle, belonging to a trader from Kiwanja, was completely burnt out.

It is difficult at the moment to identify the attackers, as the area is currently occupied by several armed groups: FDLR, Maï-Maï, Wazalendo and M23 who regularly clash.

Several localities in the Binza group remain under rebel(M23) occupation.

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