Friday, August 16, 2024

M23 blamed for killing civilians who refuse their forced labour

 The security situation continues to deteriorate in the Rugari region of North Kivu, with a new case of the killing of a civilian attributed to M23 rebels as claimed by several civilians . This incident, which occurred on Thursday, August 15 in the Rugari group, brings to at least 12 the number of people killed by these rebels in the space of a week, according to  claims from local sources.

The sources said the victims were killed on different dates for refusing to perform forced labor imposed by the rebel administration. Those killed also included two children.

The latest victim is a man named Mbogozi, from the village of Buruhula in Rugari. The man was beaten to death by the rebels for refusing to fetch water from a source located a long distance away in the surrounding hills. According to sources from this entity, the rebels tried to justify the killing by claiming that the victim was collaborating with the Nyatura militia of the Collectif des mouvements pour le changement (CMC), an armed group active in the Rutshuru territory.

The other twelve people killed the previous week are said to have suffered a similar fate. According to reports from local sources, some victims refused to comply with rebel orders to draw water or fetch firewood from the bush.

The same sources said that the rebels also banned the organization of mourning in the families of the victims.

If this true,then the M23 leadership must take this Matter seriously,it usually very dangerous for any rebel group to operate in an area where civilians have become biased and frustrated.The two most constant and undefeatable elements in any declared war are the geography of the area  and the people any  popularist rebel movement is working in.

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