Saturday, May 2, 2020

China commences a mega 5G project on Mount Everest

Despite the ongoing US crackdown on Huawei, in place since May 2019, the Chinese tech giant continues to stay afloat, vowing to find replacements for American technologies in the near future to become independent of them.
Huawei Technologies and the network operator China Mobile have completed the world’s highest 5G base station at an altitude of 6,500 metres in the Mount Everest area, according to a press release.
The station, along with another two that were earlier installed at an altitude of 5,300 metres and 5,800 metres in the area, provides full 5G coverage of Mount Everest on the north ridge as well as the summit, with online download speed reportedly standing at about 1 gigabit per second.
The world’s highest peak, Mount Everest has an altitude of more than 8,840 metres (29,029 feet).
“Huawei strongly believes that technology means to make the world better. The beauty of Mount Everest can be displayed via 5G high-definition video and VR experience, which also provides further insights for mountaineers, scientists and other specialists into the nature. The ground-breaking establishment on Mount Everest once again proves that 5G technology connect mankind and the Earth harmoniously”, the press release underscored.
The remarks were echoed by China Mobile which, in turn,  the 5G project on Mount Everest as “not only another extreme challenge in a human life exclusion zone”, but also as something that “laid a solid foundation for the later development of 5G smart tourism and 5G communications for scientific research”.
The newspaper South China Morning Post earlier reported that about 25 kilometres of new optical cables had been laid out to support the project, with at least 150 China Mobile employees involved in the work.  

US Crackdown on Huawei

The installation of the world’s highest 5G base station comes as Huawei is still grappling with washington's crackdown that begun in May 2019, when the Department of Commerce prohibited internet providers from using the company’s products and US tech companies from selling technologies (hardware and software) to Huawei without obtaining a special license first.
The White House claims that the company is collaborating with the Chinese government to allow the latter to spy on those who use the tech giant's equipment, allegations that have been rejected by both Beijing and Huawei.
The US also began a campaign of discouraging countries from allowing the firm to build national 5G networks using similar claims, despite rejections from the UK, France, Germany, the Czech Republic, and some Canadian telecom providers.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Ugandan students stuck in the lockdown can now carry on with lessons and subjects exercises online by visiting
All students can visit this site..youvwill get activities in your subjects!!! You can carry on with your lessons until the country will be free from covid.....It is even better that the curriculum  now entails  the doing of exams at yhe end of year!
and let the gorvenment must make sure this link must also  be accessed in offline mode!!!Out telecom companies  can try to help...if we had zero facebook, why can't  we do it also
you can also visit these sites.



Stop using Covid19 saga to promote hatred and rumours that can incite violence and panick

Beware of this you post on social media,if it is to spread rumours;promote hatred,and misguiding citzens!!! You have the right to belong to any political affiliation but you will never have any right to disturb people's  peace.I know some of you just want to make the public hear that so and so has been arrested!Yes you will be arrested because  you are a problem! Covid19 will not know whether you are People power;FDC,NRM, will not even know whether you are Bobi wine,Besigye, and even it will not know whether it is Exellence Museveni!Do you think president Museveni sleeps well amid this terrible time?Have you ever seen him on media this many times? ??please atleast if you hate gorvenment why can't  you love ugandans??? !!we all need to enmass our efforts to fight it.I know some of you want to hear that cases are in mbarara,kabale,arua ,kotido...and you start  your dangerous rumours!!!!!...

Let me tell you;if one of your relatives had contracted it am sure that you won't  be posting this bogus!!!
Stop this nonsense;otherwise  i assure you that you will be delt with mercilessly!!!!!
Actually; African countries must tighten the policies to curb thus covid19.i Do not  see how you comparevus with Italy. .These people have good medical services;they are rich,while they can lockdown their countries;they can be able to supply services to them for a long time.And you want the gorvenment  to allow movements and spread it all over  tha country??? How many people in uganda have tapped water inside their compounds???How many can have food stores that can run for over 3months.I actually beg the gorvenment to be extra vigilant!!!Imagine if italy was Uganda;we would all be dead...why do you want people to move and spread the disease??? I HAVE HEARD EVEN PEOPLE OF CHURCHES SAYING TANZANIA ALLOWED PRAYERS IN CHURCHES?HAVEN'T  I HEARD YOU PASTORS PERFORMOPERFORMING MIRACLES OF RAISING THE DEAD,RAISING THE DEAD AND PRAYING THAT COVID19 GOES;WHICH IS EASY??? AND PLEASE ,PLEASE ...DO NOT GO LYING..MUSEVENI HAS NOT ORDERED TO SHOOT AT PEOPLE PRAYING IN THEIR HOMES,SO LONGER YOU DO IT IN ACCORDANCE TO DIRECTIVES;IT IS OK..BUT DO NOT CALL THE WHOLE VILLAGE IN YOU HOUSE???

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

These are the social media accounts where you get update news on covid19;Be aware of fake social media accounts

As i had earlier discovered -some malicious people are on a rampage of creating rogue social media acounts to spread rumours,malice our officials  and to seek dubious attention from public.
Here i present you screenshots ofvreal accounts where you can get true information.You can easily know a real account by looking at the followers;or individuals  whom the official follows;tweets or post he/she makes!!!

The above are twitter accounts that  can give you real information on covi19 here in uganda.

The above are the facebook accounts you can visit to get updates on covid19

As i earlier complained;some malicious people are using all means especially on social media to seek attention and create  tension and panick .For example someone used minister acheng's name and photo create an instgram account claiming that people can get updates and info from the account..but thank God that minister Acheng has made it clear that she does not have any instagram account.
Even the president's senior press secretary,Don wanyama has been a victim to this malice; where a tweet showed him presenting some information. ..but he also came out clear to show that it is fake.

I call upon UCC to dig deep into this issue and close some of these social media accounts that try to spread false information. .you know their phone numbers or you can trace their phone numbers and have them cleared off communication  networks. And UCC remember  and note it carefully  that there are many things not fully ok with some registeration of simcards..

For God and my country

one of the 2nd division vehicle hit by a stone thrown by malicious goons as they defied the presidential directives on the guard against the spread of covid19

Rouge and malicious  elements in kisoro have gotten to a vice of pelleting stones onto patrol vehicles meant to oversee how the directives are being followed by citzens.There are a series of such acts that have been done by a group of youth here in kisoro especially like setting a blaze the NRM office,the various incidents at that katimba market ,and others which  suspiciously had been engineered by some youth and other elements sponsored by some anti gorvenment groups and we know it very well that case like the setting  ablaze of the NRM office and some incident at katimba market were engineered by some bad elements inside kisoro,outside kisoro and accross  some of our border!The fact is that people in kisoro cannot independently plan and do some of such acts.
Lt.col Bataringaya the 35th battalion commander in Kisoro district said that the locals have resorted to stoning their patrol teams especially in the night hours as that on Monday last week a pick up belonging to Kisoro municipal council was stoned and it's windscreen broken, on Tuesday one of the Uganda peoples defense forces solidier while on patrol was injured on the head and that on Easter Sunday night his offical command vehicle registration number DO2DF103 was also stoned and windscreen broken.
"People have resorted on stoning our patrol teams especially during night hours On Monday last week a pick up belonging to Kisoro municipality was stoned smashing the wind screen On Tuesday one of our patrol soldiers was injured on the head Last night the my Command vehicle was stoned breaking the wind screen this must stop if not those doing it the outcome will not be good for them if they are caught we can't be intimidated we have to implement the presidents directives".said Lt.Col.Bataringaya.
Lt.Col. Bataringaya says that such acts of attacking the soildiers must stop as the out come of the attacks will not be good to them if the soildiers try to defend themselves.
Captain Peter Mugisha the Kisoro RDC says that there have been reports in areas of Russia in kisoro hill village kisoro municipality,Nyakabaya trading centre in Gasovu parish Nyarusiza sub country ,Gasenyi trading centre in Gasovu and at mubuga primary school where some youth were found playing football as when police tried to stop them they begun fighting the police officer in the process one was shot in the leg.
Captain Mugisha says this must stop as no amount of intimidation is going to stop them from enforcing the presidents directives .
Johnson Ahishakiye the Nyakinama sub county chief says that on Monday during an operation over 40 people were rounded up in bars as among them being teachers.
it is impressing that Ahishakiye has decided to actively fight these goons by sleeping at his work place-
"I have decided to respect the presidential directives of sleeping at our palces of work " said Ahishakiye.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

This is the message that is trying to use minister Acheng,s email to run a malware!!!

There are still some numbers that are sending verification codes on behalf of GOOGLE.once someone set a security code to be sent to his phone number before he or she logs to her account,this 2FA code is suppossed to be sent by Google but not a a mobile phone number from Uganda.If such a number can hijack a message from google or yahoo then it means he or she can easily log into your account.Remember that one of the login ids is your phone number..and if the scammer or the hacker is able to send a message to your phone number ,then he or she can use the same phone number and account's verification code sent to enter your account.It means that ,they are still some malicious people here using simcard boxing!!There are other IP adresses that try to take over people accounts and these IP adresses are a range of IP addresses managed or owned by one telecom company here in Uganda! I have a proof,even yesterday soem phone number tried to send 2FA code on behalf of google.If such a number can send verification messages in behalf of google,then such a number has the ability to get all messages sent to you more notably ,messages from western union,paypal,bank accounts connected to our mobile money..etc.I advice some groups of people and public figures like our minister to always tighten the security of their social media accounts and mails .Yesterday an MTN number as sent a 2FA code to a phone number on behalf of google and for my reasons am not going to present the number here but to people i trust and all who love the security of our people ,you can and know how to get to my inbox!I started noticing and investigating this thing from late 2016 up to day and i have a list of very many phone numbers that were involved in sending such 2FA codes on behalf of google,facebook,instagram,yahoo!Please take this serious and secure our people!!

Friday, April 10, 2020

Russia’s Aerospace Forces will begin taking delivery of the new Beriev A-100 AEW&C planes in 2024

Russia’s Aerospace Forces will begin taking delivery of the new Beriev A-100 AEW&C planes in 2024, a source in Russia’s military industry said. “Testing is proceeding as scheduled,” the source said.
The A-100, christened by aircraft enthusiasts as the ‘Flying Radar’, is Russia’s next-generation airborne early warning aircraft, and is expected to complement and eventually replace the existing 20 or so Beriev A-50 and A-50U Shmel (‘Bumblebee’) AEW planes in the Aerospace Forces’ inventory today.
Built on the basis of an Il-76MD-90A strategic airlifter with improved turbofan engines, the planes will be equipped with a cutting-edge Vega ‘Premier’ active phased array radar, with the rotating dome design mounted on struts over the plane’s fuselage.

A Beriev A-50
The aircraft are expected to be able to detect and track as many as 300 air, sea and ground-based targets simultaneously at distances up to 650 km away. They are also expected to be able to assist in the operation of drones, and serve as a mobile airborne command and communications post. In addition to its primary radar, the plane will be able to interact with and receive information from space-based satellites.

Russia retains the number two spot after the United States amid the world’s top weapons exporters

Russia retains the number two spot after the United States amid the world’s top weapons exporters, accounting for 21 percent of total global sales over the last five years, according to estimates by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has outlined the factors he believes make the country’s military equipment competitive against foreign analogues in the face of tightening competition.
“I am confident that Russian military equipment will continue to remain competitive and in demand, owing to its unique properties and characteristics, as well as advanced developments,” Putin said , speaking at a meeting of the commission on military-technical cooperation, including the chiefs of a number of Russia’s defence concerns, on Thursday.
According to Putin, the continued global demand for Russian arms is based on their reputation for quality, as well as their proven effectiveness on the battlefield.
“There’s no doubt that the successful experience of the use of our weapons, which demonstrated themselves admirably in Syria, also plays in our favour,” Putin said. “Our weapons’ effectiveness, accuracy, reliability and ease of maintenance are the qualities which determine their demand on the global arms market,” he noted.
Russian arms exports topped the equivalent of $15 billion+ in 2019, with the portfolio of current orders equivalent to over $55 billion, Putin said.
At the same time, the president noted that Russia’s military industries will need to adjust their efforts to enable them to preserve their market share amid growing competition and new global economic risks, such as the coronavirus.
Russia has been able to preserve its number two position among the world’s top arms exporters in recent years, notwithstanding growing competition from fledgling exporters like France, Germany, South Korea and Israel. Russia’s military industry has also faced non-economic pressures from its chief export rival – the United States, which has slapped sanctions on Russian defence-industry-related entities, and threatened countries purchasing Russian arms with sanctions under the so-called ‘Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA) of 2017.

Satellite Boom May Threaten US national security

The mass building and deployment of commercial satellites is likely to bring about serious threats to the US’ national security and global interests, as fellow countries quickly work to expand their stakes in space, a new study published by researchers with the Institute of Defense Analyses (IDA) has revealed.
Published in the National Defense University’s Joint Forces Quarterly , the study noted that while the spike in satellites will help to better inform US service members across the board during military operations, the build-up will also have some drawbacks.
“The effects of proliferated constellations will not be confined to the commercial sector. The exponential increase in the number of satellites on orbit will shape the future military operating environment in space,” reads the study.
“These trends will also create new challenges as adversaries ranging from Great Power competitors to hostile nonstate actors gain cheap access to space capabilities and the emergence of space-based Internet reshapes the cyber battlespace.”
Referencing various satellite projects by China, such as the 156-satellite Xingyun and
300-satellite Hongyan low Earth orbit constellations, IDA researchers Matthew Hallex and Travis Cottom speculated that such “systems could pose a significant threat to US interests” as a result of “China’s willingness to allow for commercial dealings with countries hostile to the United States.”
When it comes to potential dangers from Russia’s ongoing satellite projects, researchers stated that efforts by Russian space agency Roscosmos present less of a threat to the US due to “difficulties facing the Russian civil and commercial space programs.” The study does not offer further details on the matter.
Aside from possible threats from other nations, Hallex and Cottom also addressed in their study risks posed by having an excessive amount of satellites in low Earth orbit. With a more congested space environment comes the possibility of collisions with other satellites, a setback which would largely become a distraction for US service members assigned to national security operations.
However, not all was doom and gloom in the study. The creation of “mega-constellations” could pave the way for developing countries to improve their communication lines, researchers stated.
“Mega-constellations could allow the developing world to skip laying costly fiber-optic cable in the same way the proliferation of cellular phone technology provided communications without the need to build phone lines in the developing world,” reads the study. “[Low Earth orbit]-proliferated constellations will also be able to provide communications to high-latitude populations in Alaska, northern Canada, Scandinavia, and Russia, which are poorly served by terrestrial communications infrastructure and outside the coverage of GEO [geosynchronous] communications satellites.”
Satellite internet company OneWeb is one of several companies eyeing the opportunity to launch such communications clusters: the firm plans to have a first-generation constellation of 648 satellites, to be expanded later. However, though OneWeb has launched some 74 satellites thus far, the chances of the constellation being completed are somewhat shaky, as the
company recently filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy . Per OneWeb, its bankruptcy was rooted in loss of financial backing due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Unlike OneWeb, fellow contender aerospace company SpaceX is due to go full steam ahead with its objective to build a constellation of some 12,000 satellites, called Starlink. Recently it was reported by Space News that SpaceX was given the go-ahead to launch its sixth batch of satellites on April 16.

OPMs office must be cleansed well...and deeper investigations in this saga.

This is totally disheartening,and an embrassement to the state!!! Can you imagine now how the public is looking at this nonsense now!!! Arent you the first people who must have a heart for Uganda and ugandans...i have always said this,there are so many goats working with gorvenment yet they donot care whether it crumbles down..they only mind about their stomachs!!!

I am worried now,these pigs will start fighting Afande Nakalema,they see her as a problem to their "eating"...Your excellence,make sure Nakalema is protected!!!They will start cooking out ways of throwing her out of that office!!!!

Please ,your excellence!A thorough investigation is needed into the matter and all firms that are involved must answer.

If such pigs can do this at this time,imagine what they have been doing???? OPMs office MUST be swept and cleansed thoroughly well!!!!For GOd and my country.....

Your excellence sir,you must take a keen look at how people,starving ugandans hit by the consequences of this covid19 are looking at this bogus now,Dirtening the image of gorvenment!!! I have always said this"let their nonsense remain in their towns and let our villages safe" but what has been done by this pigs is going to affect us all..

Bi-Weekly Counter-Terrorism Intelligence Brief for East and Central Africa (Somalia, Mozambique, and DR-Congo): Tracking Islamic State Terrorists for the period of 1st October- 15th October 2024

Bi-Weekly Counter-Terrorism Intelligence Brief for East and Central Africa (Somalia, Mozambique, and DR-Congo): Tracking Islamic State Terro...