Thursday, July 25, 2024

M23's Bisimwa,Nanga and Twirwaneho's Sematama sanctioned by the USA today!

The United States on this Thursday imposed sanctions on the Congo River Alliance, a coalition of armed groups, as well as individuals and entities associated with the AFC, including

■ Bertrand Bisimwa, president of M23,

■ Twirwaneho, an armed group affiliated with the AFC in South Kivu province, and ■ Charles Sematama, a commander and deputy military leader of Twirwaneho. In addition, Corneille Nangaa, who founded the AFC with the leaders of the M23, is the subject of a new designation and is subject to additional sanctions. “The AFC perpetuates political instability and deadly conflict by exacerbating a humanitarian crisis in eastern DRC. The United States is committed to holding accountable those who threaten the peace, security or stability of the DRC.”

Wazalendo claim ambushing a vehicle carrying M23 elements

 This Thursday 25/7, A jeep brand RAV4, with Ugandan registration with two  other elements on board, a driver and a M23RDF executive fell into the ambush of the Resistance of the wazalendo self defenses in Bunyangula on the Rutshuru center - Kiwanja section.

All these people on board have just been eliminated by a rocket fired by self-defense youth.

A resident contacted on site confirms the news and specifies that the self-defense forces withdrew after the crime.

The DRC continues to strengthen its arms supply with several suppliers around the world

A batch of 30 modernized Soviet-made tanks supplied by the Bulgarian company Kintex was unloaded at the port of Matadi

This allocation from the supreme commander aims to equip the 16th armored brigade of the Republican Guard

The DRC continues to strengthen its arms supply with several suppliers around the world.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Three Ugandans ,Abubukar Swalleh and Hamidah Nabbaggala implicated as key figures in ISIS FACILITATION NETWORK OPERATING ACROSS AFRICA


These sanctions followed a meeting of the Counter ISIS Finance Group (CIFG), an international coalition focused on disrupting the financial networks of ISIS.

The US Treasury labelled the three as ‘key financiers and trusted operatives’ who support ISIS operations across Central, Eastern and Southern Africa.

They are said to be crucial links between various ISIS operations, including those in the DRC, Mozambique, Somalia and South Africa.

This action builds on earlier investigations by CIFG into South African links to ISIS.

In March, it was reported that South African banks were used to transfer funds from ISIS leadership in Somalia to their affiliates in central Africa.

The US Treasury has previously sanctioned individuals and companies in South Africa connected to a local ISIS cell led by Durban businessman Farhad Hoomer, who has denied the allegations.

Swalleh, originally from Uganda, is accused of physically transferring funds from South Africa to the DRC and assisting in the movement of ISIS-affiliated individuals between Uganda and South Africa.

Mohamed Ali Nkalubo, an ISIS commander in the DRC, reportedly relies on Swalleh for financial transfers and recruitment for the ISIS DRC affiliate.

Swalleh, under Nkalubo’s direction, has been involved in criminal activities such as robbery and kidnapping to fund ISIS.

This marks one of the first official confirmations of ISIS operatives in South Africa using these methods to generate funds.

Abubakar Swalleh (Swalleh) is a South Africa- and Zambia-based ISIS operative. He is involved in the physical transfer of funds from South Africa to the DRC. Additionally, Swalleh facilitates the movement of ISIS-affiliated individuals from Uganda to South Africa, and vice versa. Mohamed Ali Nkalubo, a DRC-based ISIS commander previously designated by the Department of State on December 8, 2023, relies on Swalleh to move funds and recruit members for ISIS’s DRC affiliate. Swalleh moved to South Africa under Nkalubo’s direction, where he has been involved in robberies and kidnap for ransom. Zayd Gangat (Gangat) is a South Africa-based ISIS facilitator and trainer. ISIS leaders in South Africa have historically used robbery, extortion, and kidnap for ransom operations to generate funds for the group.

DRC-based Hamidah Nabagala (Nabagala) serves as an intermediary for ISIS financial flows in central Africa. Additionally, Nabagala has been accused of funding the October 2021 Kampala bombing, which killed one and injured at least three others. In 2021, Ugandan authorities arrested an ISIS operative that had received funding from Nabagala. She also sought to smuggle her three children out of Uganda to send them to ISIS-affiliate camps in the DRC.

Swalleh, Nabagala, and Gangat are being designated pursuant to E.O. 13224, as amended, for having materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services to or in support of, ISIS, a person whose property and interest in property are blocked pursuant to E.O. 13224.

Tshisekedi accuses President Ruto of siding with Rwanda

On a TV talk show,Tshisekedi accused William Ruto “There were two meetings that took shape, that of the East African region which was driven by former President Ururu Kenyatta unfortunately which was subsequently managed by the new President William Ruto, who managed very, very badly because today this process is almost dead, because President Ruto took up the cause of Rwanda. I don’t want to say more,” said Tshisekedi 

Soldiers from FARDC based in Sake at North Kivu were trained in the use of aerial surveillance

Soldiers from FARDC based in Sake at North Kivu were trained in the use of aerial surveillance equipment by Indian peacekeepers  from MONUSCO over the last three months to contribute to protection of civilians.

Two high ranking alshabaab members surrender to Somali National army

 Two high-ranking Al-Shabaab members have surrendered to the Somali National Army ibn Bula Marer district, Lower Shabelle region.

According to a government statement, Abdi Mohamed Araaye who was in charge of the militant group’s finances and extortion ring had been a member of the group for 14 years before his surrender on Tuesday.

Khalif Mohamed Abdi, known as Khalid, who had been a member of the Al-Shabaab for ten years, also surrendered to the armed forces, specifically the 19th unit of the 3rd brigade.

Several Al-Shabaab militants have surrendered to national forces in various parts of the country following the government’s amnesty offer to members of the group and the intense operations carried out by the Somali National Army and regional forces.

Earlier this week, at least 80 Al-shabaab fighters were killed in a botched attempt to overrun a military camp in Jubbaland state

The government forces repelled the attacks and safely detonated four car bombs around 80 km (50 miles) southwest of the port city of Kismayo in Jubbaland State.

Alshabaab claims several attacks today,including an IED attack that killed 5 Ethiopian soldiers


AlShabaab claims killing 5 Ethiopian soldiers in an IED explosion in Qansahdhere town, Bay region, today,

In another post, this Wednesday the group claims killing "more than 13" SNA soldiers, capturing weapons and motorcycles in an ambush near Runnirgod district, Middle Shabelle region.

It also claims ,it has ambushed govt forces near Masagaway, Galgadud, killing a number of soldiers.

General Makenga of M23 among the list of those to be prosecuted by Kinshasha gorvenment


Public trial of Naanga and his allies, former journalist Magloire Paluku on the list of accused, prosecuted for war crimes, participation in an insurgency movement and treason in the Eastern part of the DRC.

Here is the full list.

1.Corneille Nangaa Yobeluo

2.Colonel Nziramakenga Ruzandiza Emmanuel alias Sultani

3.Colonel Byamungu Bernard

4.Major Ngoma Willy

5.Safari Bishori Luc

6.Samafu Makinou Nicaise

7.Nangaa Baseyane Putters

8.Nkuba Shebandu Eric alias Malembe

9.Nkangya Nyamacho alias Microbe

10.Monkango Nganga Brenda

11.Ilunga Kalonzo André

12.Tshibimba Kalonji Ange

13.Maggie Walifetu Henri

14.Biyoyo Yahunze Josué

15.Chalwe Munkutu Adam

16.Alumba Lukamba Omokoko J.P

17.Tshisola Yannick

18.Bisimwa Bertrand

19.Lubanda Nazinda Yvette

20.Kaj Kayembe Fanny

21.Mamba Kabamba Jean Jacques

22.Lubala Ntwali Fabrice

23.Lawrence Kanyuka

24.Delion Kimbulungu

25.Paluku Kavunha Magloire

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Lusheke JB dismissed by kinshasha from his duties

Tshisekedi ,president of the republic dismisses the head of P-DDRCS, one day after a document attesting to his seevice mission in uganda .

 Mr. BAHALA OKW'IBALE LUSHEKE Jean-Bosco, national coordinator of the Disarmament, Demobilization, Community Recovery and Stabilization Program was revoked.

Nyamulagira getting to eruption

 Proffessor Charles Balagizi, scientific director of the OVG, specified that "the eruption consists of an overflow of lava from its cra...