Thursday, August 29, 2024

Exchanges of fire on the border with the Rwanda nea Goma


This Thursday, gunfire was reported at the small border fence between the DRC and the Rwanda . According to several sources, an armed man, identified as a " Muzalendo ", opened fire in the direction of Rwanda. The Rwandan army reportedly responded to the gunfire. For the moment, no official source from either country has confirmed the incident.

Intelligence analysis, deductions and conclusions on the entry of South Sudanese veterans of former vice president Riek Machar on DRC soil.


Yesterday ,I hinted on distorted unconfirmed reports from my confidants of the presence of South Sudanese soldiers,as we made more thorough intelligence collections we came to establish that this alarming event has not occurred in DR Congo. Claims that Around a hundred veterans of former South Sudanese vice-president Riek Machar were welcomed on Congolese soil, landing in Dungu before being evacuated by MONUSCO helicopters to Bunia. This development raises crucial questions about the DRC’s welcoming policy towards foreign armed groups.As person who was born near the border and well travelled throught the central and eastern Africa,who has operated on at least every border post of eastern DRC, with unrefuted knowledge on security issues in DRC,Before I get to bed,I decided to get this intelligence digest about this issue.Here it goes.

A situation which could have disastrous consequences for the stability of the country. The DRC, already facing major internal challenges, appears to be becoming a welcoming land for foreign military actors seeking refuge. Recent history has shown that the country has often opened its arms to armed groups who, due to internal conflicts, seek to reorganize or flee their own crises.

The claim of arrival of these former South Sudanese combatants is not just a simple news item; it is part of a worrying trend where the DRC is becoming a sanctuary for elements that could threaten its sovereignty. At the same time, other countries, have already demonstrated territorial appetites by using security pretexts to justify incursions on Congolese soil.

Wouldn't it be naive to think that the current situation with South Sudan could not evolve in the same direction? The Congolese authorities must realize that welcoming these fighters could open the door to territorial claims disguised under the guise of security. Faced with this situation, a burning question emerges: where have the Congolese intellectuals gone?

The DRC has a rich tradition of thinkers, writers and analysts capable of providing profound reflections on the socio-political issues of the country. Yet it seems that the urgency of the situation is often overshadowed by widespread apathy or deafening silence. Intellectuals have a crucial role to play in denouncing the abuses of national politics and crisis management.

Their absence on the public scene, faced with the arrival of these veterans, could be interpreted as an abandonment of the dignity and honor which should characterize the struggle.

The claimed arrival of South Sudanese veterans: A warning signal for the DRC's national sovereignty. It is time for these voices to be raised and start the debate on the direction the DRC is taking. The DRC must learn the lessons of its history and act quickly to preserve its sovereignty and stability.

The claimed arrival of former South Sudanese combatants should not be seen only as a threat, but as an opportunity for the DRC to review its security strategy. Authorities must not only strengthen national defense capabilities, but also develop policies for the integration of refugees and former combatants that do not compromise national security.

The international community, including MONUSCO, must also play an active role to ensure that the DRC does not become the scene of regional conflicts exacerbated by these movements of armed populations. Cooperation between countries in the region is essential to prevent the DRC from becoming a battleground for South Sudanese rivalries.

The current situation in Dungu should not be taken lightly. The arrival of former South Sudanese combatants is a wake-up call that should encourage Congolese authorities, intellectuals and civil society to mobilize.

If nothing is done, we could soon see territorial claims which, under the pretext of security, could jeopardize the integrity of the country. It is time for the DRC to stand up, refuse to be a passive victim of foreign conflicts and begin to write its own future with dignity and honor.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Fighting continues between M23 and Wazalendo

The clashes of this Wednesday, August 28 took place in Kasesero towards Lubwe South/Tongo.

An anonymous source in the region contacted indicates that it was the M23 rebels who attacked the positions of the young WAZALENDO resistance fighters, in turn, the WAZALENDO lit fire on the enemy.

The Rwandan rebels of the M23  went in disarray abandoning kikuvo to retreat to kirumba During harsh clashes against the FARDC and wazalendo Yesterday Tuesday 08/27/2024 .There claims that FARDC and Wazalendo are around this strategic village.


The connection of telephone calls even internet completely disrupted in Bwisha chiefdom and more particularly in Rubare, Kiwanja, Rutshuru center, Binza and Bunagana.Intelligence reports got yesterday and today indicate that this network problem started yesterday and it was even reported in some parts of Masisi.

“No telephone communications in the area. We have difficulty communicating with our people,” complains a resident of the area.

Eight 𝗙𝗔𝗥𝗗𝗖 soldiers were sentenced to the death penalty on Tuesday by the 𝗚𝗼𝗺𝗮 garrison military court for extortion, murder of civilians and dissipation of ammunition. The convicts come from the Republican Guard and the Military Police. Some of these convicts are notably involved in the murder of two civilians, Friday August 23, 2024 in the evening in the village of Buhombo, in the Munigi group, Nyiragongo territory.

2 Congolese die and 5 injured in a traffic accident on the Kisoro Kabale road in Kisoro district.

According to initial data, the Kisoro Territorial Police recorded a fatal road accident

involving a black motor vehicle registered CGO 9777AB /07 Toyota Noah.

This happened on 27/08/2024 at around 8:30 p.m. at Kagano Village, Muhindura Parish, Kanaba Sub-County, Kisoro District, along Kisoro Kabale Road in Kisoro District.

The deceased are:

1. Katmbo Kisinziro, resident of Butembo in the Democratic Republic of Congo and,

2. The body of an adult woman whose identity has not yet been established.

The injured are, 

Five whose details are not yet established

Driver details not yet established

It is alleged that the above motor vehicle came from Butembo in DR Congo carrying 07 passengers bound for Goma in DR Congo and approached Kasheregenyi trading center in Kagano village, Kanaba sub-county, the along the Kabale Kisoro road at high speed and failed to negotiate the bend and overturned several times in the valley 150 meters from the road, killing two people on the spot and injuring 05.

The scene was visited by Asp Kushaba Micheal dto Kisoro and the team of officers, the victims were rushed to Kisoro Hospital and Mutolere Hospital, and the bodies were taken to the morgue of Kisoro hospital.

Ongoing investigations

The main cause of the accident was excessive speed and reckless driving in the sharp corners.

This is merely a week after another fatal accident at Kyazanga involving a gateway bus from kisoro claimed lives of many including a wife of prominent business man from Bunagana(DRC).This Congolese was recently repatriated and buried in Goma.

Kagame's Rwanda faces deteriorating regional ties,agreement between Rwanda and Congo-Brazaville will be cancelled on 8 December 2024

After a few hours Tanzania threatening to cut ties with Rwanda over the M23 war,it is now Congo Brazaville whose relationship with tiny Rwanda that has deteriorated.

On December 8, 2024, the agreement between Congo-Brazzaville and Rwanda will be canceled, according to the Minister of Communication of Congo-Brazzaville.

He adds that part of Congolese opinion is opposed to the idea of ​​giving land to the Rwandans.

Civilians in Brazaville rioted over the agreement and are demanding that the Rwandan ambassador be expelled.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Wazalendo hands over 16 captured South Sudanese elements to MONUSCO

16 South Sudanese elements who had been captured by the Wazalendo in Rutshuru territory were handed over to MONUSCO this Tuesday 27/8/2024. So tired and hungry, they spent 4 months in the bush with the wazalendo.

The important question to ask is how did South Sudanese find themselves within the M-23 but in Rwandan uniforms when not long ago, last June, the Sudanese President was in Kinshasa to reassure his Congolese counterpart, before initiating a face-to-face meeting between a Congolese and Rwandan delegation in Zanzibar? 


Why did Felix TSHISEKEDI bring the DRC into the EAC? 

He must answer us on this question because all the problems come from there 

Yesterday the Kenya Defense Forces were in the DRC as part of the EAC, today they are returning as part of MONUSCO. 

The Wazalendo are wondering how South Sudanese forces who were in the DRC as part of the EAC, today they are within the M23. 

They say that Tshisekedi  has opened the door to all adventurers to discover the splendor of the beauty of the DRC, all EAC states are sending their troops to the DRC now and not for Peace but for destabilization. 

They complain that Burundi, Uganda, the RDF, Kenya, Tanzania, and South Sudan are all in the DRC, each depending on which side they believe guarantees their interests. 

FARDC and UPDF presents and sets flee the 49 people who had been taken hostage by ADF


Joseph Kabila's football team implicated in recruiting for M23!

Papy Tamba was arrested on accusations of Responsiblity for Recruiting Young People by Kabila for the Congo River Alliance and the M23 in the Football Team of Joseph Kabila and Olive Lembe FC TP CROYANT

Several young recruits are interned in one place and then transferred to an African country to follow training under the cover of a football transfer to hide any suspicion from the intelligence services!

These Recruitment Cells for the M23 and the Congo River Alliance are scattered throughout the country in the form of youth football, after which the young people are interned in some places and transferred to an African country (Congo Brazza, Tanzania, ...) to follow military training under the cover of a Transfer to a Football Team in an African Country so as not to attract the Intelligence services 

The intelligence believes that several young people from Joseph Kabila FC CROYANT's football team have already been transferred to different African countries under the pretext of a transfer from a football team.

M23 clashes with Wazalendo along Tongo-lushege axis,M23 reported to be making heavy reinforcements in kibumba.


This Tuesday the WAZALENDO claim t have  inflicted  heavy toll on the M23 in Tongo - Lushege.

The young WAZALENDO resistance fighters from the CMC/FDP group inflicted a heavy toll on the coalition of M23 invaders, thus cutting off their expansionist appetite in Tongo_ Lushege in the territory of Rutshuru, in the chiefdom of Bwito. The inhabitants of this region are once again happy to see their sons VDP Wazalendo in the area.This information is confirmed by Héritier Gashegu, the spokesperson of CMC/FDP

According to reports , Jean-Claude Bambaze, president of civil society in the territory of Rutshuru, in the province of North Kivu, accused the M23 rebels, supported by Rwanda, of non-compliance with the ceasefire decreed as part of the Luanda process.

According to this civil society actor, these rebels continue to strengthen their positions around the city of Goma and the strategic city of Saké. According to him, nearly 10 trucks containing armed elements arrived in the Kibumba axis, in Nyiragongo territory.

“The M23/RDF rebels are not respecting the ceasefire, as required by the Luanda agreement. They continue to strengthen their positions around the strategic city of Saké and the city of Goma with the sole objective of balkanizing our country. During the night from Monday to Tuesday, nearly 10 trucks from Rwanda with lots of armed elements inside arrived in the Kibumba axis,” he said.

Jean-Claude Bambaze calls on the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo to take appropriate measures to prevent any unpleasant surprises from these rebels who respect nothing.

Yesterday Monday, in a press release, the army of the Democratic Republic of Congo accused these rebels, supported by the regime of Paul Kagame, of violating the ceasefire and manipulating public opinion

Is M23 arresting refugees who are returning home?


There are reports that young people returning  to areas occupied by the M23 are being arrested and missing. The families of the victims are worried. 

After the occupation of houses by unknown individuals in Masisi territory, several local sources claim that young people returning to these areas are arrested and taken to a secret location.

“Since the beginning of this month, more than 45 young people who returned to Kitshanga have been arrested, we don’t even know where they were taken, no one here talks about it for fear of suffering the same fate,” confides a resident of the city. from Kitshanga.

"There is a certain Bishop Bahani, he is known because he was the goalkeeper of the FC Muungano football team who was recently arrested upon his arrival in Kitshanga. He has joined the long list of others, we are very worried because we do not know if they are still alive or they are dead. They are accused of being spies and collaborators of FDLR,” said another local source. 

 This wave of arrests of young people in the Bashali chiefdom, in Kitshanga, has been denounced by several anonymous sources. These arrests, attributed to the M23 rebels, mainly target young people returning to this region for family reasons. These young people would be accused, without evidence, of being spies or members of Wazalendo resistance groups.  One of the latest cases reported is that of Mr. Bishop Bahani, a former goalkeeper of the Muungano FC football team in Kitshanga. Having fled the clashes in 2023, Bishop Bahani settled in Goma, where he worked as a security guard in a school. Last Tuesday, as he returned to visit his family back in Kitshanga, he was immediately arrested and thrown in prison by the M23-RDF rebels.  Bishop Bahani, like so many other young people, was arbitrarily arrested upon his arrival in Kitshanga. They are detained illegally, and no one dares to talk about it for fear of reprisals,” says one of our sources who requested anonymity. She reports that some of these young people are then transferred to Bwiza, in the Rutshuru territory, where the conditions of detention remain unknown.  She urges the Congolese authorities and human rights organizations to intervene for the release of these young people, whose detention is considered illegal and arbitrary. The movement highlights the urgency of action to put an end to these human rights violations which sow fear and terror among people.

Another source specifies that these young people are taken to the village of Bwiza, but the conditions of their detention are unknown because family members have no access.

Bi-Weekly Counter-Terrorism Intelligence Brief for East and Central Africa (Somalia, Mozambique, and DR-Congo): Tracking Islamic State Terrorists for the period of 1st October- 15th October 2024

Bi-Weekly Counter-Terrorism Intelligence Brief for East and Central Africa (Somalia, Mozambique, and DR-Congo): Tracking Islamic State Terro...