Sunday, September 1, 2024

Have AFC/M23 officials been flown to Luanda?



A secret mission in Rwanda: According to several sources, President Félix Tshilombo dispatched his emissaries from the Congolese army, the Chief of Staff Christian Tshiwewa, Franck Ntumba head of the president's military household and Head of DEMIAP Christian Ndaywell were sent to Kigali in Rwanda this Saturday August 31, 2024..

The head of the former DEMIAP(military intelligence of DRC )and the AGM of the ANR participated in the tripartite  (DRC-ANGOLA-RWANDA). 

Claims of an Angolan plane landed in Uganda and AFC/M23 officials have been flown to Luanda where they will be received by the Angolan president. 

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Where is Colonel Buluya Yusse Leopold,,?


Colonel BULUYA YUSSE Léopold Commander, Holder of the security detachment of the Honorary President and Senator, has been missing since June 20, 2023,

and no member of his family knows the place or the reason for his kidnapping. His family remains without any news of him, and has never obtained the right to visit or see him. According to his eldest son Herve Yusse. On June 20, 2023, he was insistently invited by Colonel Danny Kumbi to Socimat/Kinshasa at Planet J and the latter caused his kidnapping in the company of Colonel Modeste Cmd of the 14th Close Security Regiment of His Excellency Mr. President Felix-Antoine Tshisekedi and elements of the Republican Guard of the Head of State.

RDF leaders hold meeting with UPDF leaders in mbarara

In mbarara,The leaders of the Rwandan Army held a meeting with the leaders of the Ugandan Army, with the aim of improving cooperation on the borders of the two countries and preventing cross-border crimes between Rwanda and Uganda.

Wazalendo CMC/FDP spokesperson

 The spokesperson for the Collective of Movements for Change, People's Defense Forces "CMC/FDP"

The spokesperson for CMC/FDP wishes to inform public opinion, both national and international, that the Covllective of Movements for Change, People's Defense Forces is committed to the resistance and has its noble vision of participating in the liberation of the territories of the DR Congo under occupation by the Rwandan and Ugandan armies. 

This Saturday, these rather harsh clashes took place in Kihondo in the chiefdom of Bwito not far from the Monusco base in the locality of Rwankuba, 4 kilometers from Nyanzale, between the M23 rebels and th VDP-Wazalendos of CMC/FDP. 

This center was liberated by the Wazalendos of CMC/FDP. 

 We confirm that three local M23 defenses have been neutralized and several military objectives recovered by the CMC/FDP. No

Kinshasha's Deputy Division commissioner Blaise Kalimbalimba has been suspended

  The Provincial Commissioner of the Congolese National Police in the City of Kinshasa, the Deputy Divisional Commissioner Blaise KilimbaLimba suspended as a precautionary measure after the attempted escape of a French diplomat in Kinshasa.

Intelligence report fromNorth Kivu: Continuing clashes between Wazalendo resistance fighters from the ANCDH/AFDP movement and M23 rebels in several localities in the Bashali chiefdom in Masisi.


Since dawn on Saturday, August 31, M23 rebels have engaged in violent fighting against Wazalendo positions in the villages of Kasura and Bigogwe, in the Bashali Mukoto grouping, in Masisi territory.

The clashes, involving the use of heavy weapons, are taking place while the DRC's armed forces are observing a n under the Luanda Accords.

A mixed patrol of VDP elements reported on the Mweso-Muhongozi road in the Bashali chiefdom.

According to some bikers and other sources in the region, elements of the Collective of Movements for Change reported their presence on the Mweso-Kitshanga road this Saturday, August 31, 2024 for a few hours, but without any military reaction.

The same sources inform that, following this presence of reservist elements in the region, not far from the enemy, some inhabitants of Muhongozi spend their weekend with fear in their stomachs, fearing possible attacks between the two parties in armed conflict.

It is worth remembering that, despite the presence of M23 rebels in Mweso and on the Kitshanga axis, the surrounding villages remain under the control of the VDP and that at any time, things can change, added other local sources in this region of the North Kivu province.

According to the first hand information in our possession, M23 troops launched these offensives from yesterday evening until this Saturday. It's 11 a.m. and the fight is still in progress.

There was an alert message from KIKUVO this Saturday 08/31/2024 warning Wazalendo of an eminent reorganisation by the M23 to lay attacks, The FARDC and Vdp/WAZALENDO on the KIKUVO-kamandi-matembe- alimbongo-mbwavinywa-mbingi/ bingi-lubango-kipese-lubero Axis are of alert  everywhere else here at the Northern Front Lines with  strict security vigilance everywhere.They anticipate a retaliation from the M23.

The populations living around this area retreated to other hills to take shelter from the bombings.

President Tshisekedi fires Tshibangu,replaces him with Sumbu Sita Mambu

 President Félix Tshisekedi dismisses Serge Tshibangu Kabeya from his position as High Representative for monitoring the Luanda Road Map and the Nairobi process. He is replaced in this position by Sumbu Sita Mambu.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Congolese travelling from Goma to Kampala via chanika are complaining of unclear payments of 20,000Ug Shs.


Congolese travelers departing from the city of Goma in the DRC, towards Kampala in Uganda, expressed their concern, Thursday August 29, over the obligation to pay the sum of twenty thousand shillings, or 7 USD, to the immigration service at the Chanika post.

According to one Congolese by names of Christian Bila,he noted that,

These Congolese say they do not understand the nature of these fees so the DRC and Uganda had agreed since the beginning of this year to eliminate fees for granting visas in order to promote the free movement of people. 

Bila continued and said that;

“I traveled to Uganda and passed through Chanika but when I arrived there I noticed that each Congolese paid 20,000 shillings, the nature of which we do not know. Is it for the visa or is it collected for something else? I would still like us to be able to enlighten public opinion on this and that would be a good thing,” said Christian Bila.

The free trade zone has been operational since January 1 between Uganda and the DRC.

Kagame dismisses top miltary officers after a high command meeting.

  This announcement begins by saying, "The President of the Republic of Rwanda and the Supreme Leader dismissed from the RDF Maj Gen Martin Nzaramba, Col Dr Etienne Uwimana and 19 other soldiers at the level of senior and junior officers."

The RDF leadership also said that the President of the Republic approved the dismissal and cancellation of contracts of 195 other soldiers with other positions.

This incident is got outside after hours when  President Paul Kagame and the Supreme Leader of the RDF held a meeting with the Generals and other senior soldiers in the Rwandan Army, which took place on Thursday, August 29, 2024. He returned to the peace and security of Rwanda. This announcement begins by saying: "The President of the Republic of Rwanda and the Supreme Leader dismissed from the RDF Maj Gen Martin Nzaramba, Col Dr Etienne Uwimana and 19 other soldiers of at the level of senior and junior officers.”

This miracle is going outside after hours, President Paul Kagame and the Supreme Leader of the RDF held a meeting with the Generals and other senior soldiers in the Rwandan Army, which took place on Thursday, August 29, 2024. He returned to the peace and security of Rwanda. 

Many Intelligence strategists points at misunderstandings inside the top brass of RDF over the war in DRC.Many office did not buy Kagame's side have been sidelined.However ,in military,laying off an office is normal at times depending on a variet of circumstances.

Major General Martin Nzaramba, who retired a year earlier on August 30, 2023, had previously served as the Director of the Nasho Military Academy. Notably, Nzaramba was once married to Captain Doreen Kayitesi Nzaramba, the sister of Major Dr. Théogène Rudasingwa and Gerard Gahima, both prominent critics of President Kagame’s administration residing abroad. Colonel Dr. Etienne Uwimana, a medical doctor with long service at the Kanombe Military Hospital, was responsible for radiology services and had a significant role within the military health sector.

The RDF’s statement, devoid of specific reasons for the dismissals, has sparked speculation. Observers and analysts have drawn connections between the dismissals and Kagame’s closed-door meeting with military leaders.sources within the RDF suggest that Major General Nzaramba had refused deployment to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), while Colonel Dr. Uwimana allegedly issued a false medical certificate to support Nzaramba’s refusal.

This development is occurring in a context of escalating tensions between Rwanda and the DRC. On August 16, 2024, RDF spokesperson Brigadier General Ronald Rwivanga announced the recruitment of reservists, the first of its kind, set to begin on August 19, 2024. While Rwivanga denied any link between the recruitment and potential conflict, analysts have interpreted this move as a preparation for possible war, particularly in light of strained relations with the DRC.

Rwanda’s military presence in the DRC, allegedly supporting the M23 rebel group, has further exacerbated tensions. The situation escalated on August 29, 2024, with a brief exchange of gunfire between Rwandan and Congolese forces at the Rubavu-Goma border. This incident underscores the precarious nature of the relationship between the two nations.

The dismissal of these high-ranking officers could be seen as an attempt by President Kagame to consolidate control over the military amidst these regional challenges. However, the opacity surrounding the reasons for these dismissals raises concerns about the internal dynamics within the RDF and Kagame’s approach to governance.

An M23 meeting disrupted by armed men in Kiseguro

A meeting of M23_AFC fighters which should be held in Kiseguru in the territory of Rutshuru this Friday, August 30, 2024 was disrupted in the morning by shooting from suspected armed men Wazalendo and FDLR who attacked the area.

The planned meeting was canceled following the shooting. According to residents, the exchange of fire ensued towards Kigaligali in the park. Calm returned to the city after this incident.The incident took place around 9:00 a.m. The rebels had gathered the population for a popular meeting in Kiseguro. They were surprised by gunfire all over the city from armed men,” said a resident of Kiseguro on condition of anonymity.

According to corroborating sources, this situation is the basis of the fighting which is underway between CMC, FDLR fighters and the M23 rebels supported by Rwanda, in Kigaligali in the Binza grouping.

Bi-Weekly Counter-Terrorism Intelligence Brief for East and Central Africa (Somalia, Mozambique, and DR-Congo): Tracking Islamic State Terrorists for the period of 1st October- 15th October 2024

Bi-Weekly Counter-Terrorism Intelligence Brief for East and Central Africa (Somalia, Mozambique, and DR-Congo): Tracking Islamic State Terro...