Saturday, September 21, 2024

Birth of a new group of Wazalendo to defend DRC land

 You can watch the video 

A new group of Wazalendo has just emerged, with the mission of defending the homeland. This movement is part of a desire to strengthen national solidarity and protect the interests of the country in the face of current challenges. The members of this group are committed to promoting the values ​​of courage and unity, essential to the defense of our sovereignty.

Friday, September 20, 2024

Deep inside DRC..One of the challenges faced in tracking the ADF rebels

 Bravo to all comrades who venture in ensuring can observe the obstacles!! Bravo to all our comrades 

There was a heavy shelling last night that target Somalia's Green zone

REPORTS from Mogadishu indicate that there was a  Heavy shelling overnight targeting the Halane Compound in Mogadishu, often referred to as Somalia’s Green Zone where Western embassies, the UN, the AU and other international organizastions are headquartered.

AlShabaab claimed responsibility for the mortar attack.

Kenyan multi-agency security team urgently responded to reports of Alshabaab terrorists sighted at Alango Warba within Garissa County.

The three  Alshabaab militants fled when they heard the Multi-agency security team was approaching, leaving behind IED making materials including TNT explosives, grenades, command wires, wristwatch, tester, and other assorted equipment. The security team is in hot pursuit of the terrorists.

The ongoing counter terrorism operations by security agencies in the wider North Eastern Region of Kenya have been fruitful in thwarting Alshabaab attacks and securing the locals who have vowed to enhance their cooperation in the fight against the terrorist group.

The fight against terrorism is too important to be left to the government. Let's all support the war on terror

Lt Fall Sikambwe presides over a closing ceremony of FARDC soldiers who were on training

 Lieutenant General Fall Sikabwe, Coordinator of Military Operations in North Kivu, presided over the closing ceremony of the training of the first group of elements FARDC . This training, provided by the team of the SAMIDRC , allowed the soldiers to improve their skills in several specialties. The objective is to improve their efficiency and ensure better interoperability with SAMIDRC forces during joint operations.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Is your phone safe from such Intelligence operations?MOSSAD 's remote blasts of mobile electronic gadgets of Hezbollah has shaken the world of external intelligence .


Israeli Intelligence demonstrated its extremely rare capabilities to the rest of the world.

Intelligence Operations especially  the external intelligence wings of various countries are no doubt in awe at such ingenuity & precision. 

More than three thousand Hezbollah members including top commanders were injured in this simultaneous hacked-booby trapped pager operations.

These series of blasts reportedly involved Taiwanese, Japanese, American, and European-made devices in Lebanon on September 17 and 18 and have prompted grave security concerns worldwide.

"Weaponizing mobile communications devices will fill many people with horror and fear,” Marc Ostwald, chief economist at ADM Investor Services International said. “It may, at the margin, dampen demand."

The Lebanese government attributed the attack to Israel, accusing Tel Aviv of an outright act of terrorism.

Given almost "unconditional support" provided to Israel by some Western countries, some of them may have colluded with Tel-Aviv, said Hasan Abdullah, analyst and researcher at Global Security and Strategy Institute.

"The US is going to be the country that's going to generate the greatest trust deficit with their customers, primarily because of its very close collaboration with Israel," 

The US has long been one of the largest suppliers of communication equipment, including for military needs, to the Global South, adding that  blasts could alienate the developing world from Western producers.

Earlier, researchers Mehmet Rakipoglu and military analyst Alexei Leonkov said they did not rule out US involvement in the Lebanon attack.

The Intercept reported on Wednesday that the US military had explored the possibility of planting remote-activated bombs in innocuous devices starting from the 1960s.

Middle East and other developing countries could eventually turn to Russian, Chinese or Turkish tech firms out of fear that the US involvement could compromise their security, Abdullah said.

Ostwald and Abdullah believe that several measures could be taken to stop the covert bombings, starting with investigations into manufacturing processes and ending with the deployment of international watchdogs to oversee production and supply.

Are we safe with our electronic devices?

Lebanon is reeling in the wake of 48 hours of terror attacks blamed on Israeli intelligence targeting Hezbollah through a series of coordinated explosions of electronic devices.

Which companies, brands and devices are involved?

Handheld communications equipment makers are in damage control mode after on Tuesday and Wednesday’s series of explosions across Lebanon, which have left scores of people dead and thousands injured.

For the privacy minded, the acts of terror add terrifying new risk, demonstrating that intelligence services can use your devices to not just spy on you, but kill you without provocation or due process, if you fall on their bad side. Here’s what we know about the companies whose products were involved in the Lebanon attacks:

1.Gold Apollo: This Taiwanese manufacturer of alphanumeric pagers, restaurant and hospitality wireless solutions is at the center of events, with the company’s AR924 series pagers exploding en masse (up to 5,000 simultaneously) in Lebanon and Syria on Tuesday. Gold Apollo founder Hsu Ching-Kuang told media the pagers in question were manufactured under license by BAC Consulting KFT, a shady Hungary-based subcontractor registered in 2022 with just one employee and run out of a small building in a residential neighborhood of Budapest with no visible outside presence.

Hsu claims Gold Apollo did not design or manufacture the deadly pagers - each thought to have been stuffed with three grams of explosives. Reached for commentary, BAC Consulting CEO Cristiana Barsony-Arcidiacono, an LSE and University of London graduate and former European Commission advisor, told US media she did “not make the pagers” and was “just the intermediary.” A government spokesman said in a statement that BAC Consulting has no manufacturing presence in Hungary.

It is worth to note that such an operation owe to have involved various global mobile equipment approval boards and the general GSM databases.And remember that most of these companies that grant global identification are from European countries e.g you will find that of gadgets manufactured in most Asian countries carry an IMEI from BABT(British Approval Board for Telecommunication and we cannot rule out the fact MOSSAD may have had a smooth hand to indirectly extract information that helped it in the planning and execution of this operation.On the various mobile operating system of which there is the popular"Android" which is a google initiated OS,if you have been following this blog then you owe to have read our posts on the relationship between google and the CIA or NSA(US intelligence and domestic security bodies).

2.Icom Incorporated: Osaka-headquartered radio, wireless LAN and SIP solutions maker Icom is the other company widely implicated, via its explosive IC-V82 VHF series of handheld walkie-talkies. The company cannot confirm the shipment of its products to Lebanon, and said the manufacture of this particular transceiver was halted in 2014. Icom assured that it sells its wares only through authorized distributors, and has had problems with counterfeiters using its brand.

3.Lebanese media have reported that other electronic devices also exploded in this week’s carnage, from home solar energy systems and car batteries to electric scooters, fingerprint-reading devices, laptops and smartphones, including iPhones. These reports have yet to be independently verified.

Apple has taken its share of blows to its reputation in recent years from manufacturing faults causing iPhones to randomly catch fire or explode while charging, and scandals related to intelligence agencies using its products to spy on users, but no past publicly reported incidents involving iPhones being deliberately used as makeshift explosive devices.

The breadth and extent of the reported attacks has prompted some observers to suggest that batteries sold by shady third party suppliers may have been involved.

Three Ugandans survive in a military helicopter crash outside Mogadishu


....Report on our Desk now......

According  to our confidant sources,this military helicopter crashed outside Mogadishu; all passengers including three Ugandans have survived.

The incident occurred just after 6pm Mogadishu time.

The helicopter flew from Mogadishu and was en route to Ballidogle airbase according to our confidant sources in Mogadishu.

Somali police reached the scene and rescued those on board.

The incident resulted in no deaths, a military official told media, requesting anonymity because he was not authorized to speak with the media.

So far, neither the Somali National Army (SNA) nor the ATMIS have released a statement regarding the incident.

However, sources said all of people on board the helicopter were rescued.

It is unclear whether the crash was caused by a technical issue or a hostile fire.

The helicopter was flying from Mogadishu to Ballidogle airfield, where US forces and Somali army commandos Danab are stationed.

Balidogle is 90 kilometers (55 miles) south-west of Mogadishu.

.....our investigative team will get you any official information if it gets out......

Thank God that all the garrant combatants who were on board have been evacuated  safely.

...For God and My country ...

The Chinese Dongfeng41 ICBM


The Dongfeng-41 (CSS-X-20) - or "DF-41" - is an InterContinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) designed, developed, and manufactured by the nation of China and represents the longest-ranged, most lethal ICBM available to the Chinese military's "Rocket Force", representing the latest, most advanced, oversized missile design offering a maximum target range out to 9,320 miles (15,000 kilometers) with modular warhead capability to boot.

The DF-41 began testing in July 2012 with more advanced tests following into late-2014 and throughout 2015-2016. It was debuted to the public in the October 2019 National Day military parade in Central Beijing thereafter.

With a length measuring 72 feet (22 m), the missile's diameter reaches 7.38 feet (2.25 m) and its payload tips the scales at 5,510 miles (2,500 kg) while the missile, as a whole, weighs 176,400lb (80,000 kg). A three-stage, solid propellant propulsion system is used to propel the massive missile into the sky on its one-way trip. Up to ten nuclear warheads can be seated in the missile to maximize the blast radius.

The flexibility in deployment of the missile is such that it be launched from its multi-wheeled, eight-axle mobile carrier, by rail, or from a reinforced underground silo housing. The typical launcher vehicle consists of a heavy-duty sixteen-wheeled military truck with split-cab arrangement. The missile is seated over the entire length of the truck and even extends beyond the bow - such is its size. Prior to firing, the missile is raised in its cradle and made vertical to begin its trajectory.

The Chinese military's rocket force operates the missile in two missile brigades as the DF-41 makes up a critical main component of Chinese nuclear deterrence and missile force strength.

Report any video or photo of this terrorist Ahmed Al-Aqouril

If  anyone sees video of a one-legged terrorist involved in the Mali attacks please flag it off and send to any counter terrorism office,he is among the terrorists who the counter terrorism institutions are still looking for,he is notoriously  known in Libya and a 2012 Benghazi attacker Ahmed al-Aqouri .

Biography: Ahmed al-Aqouri with full name Ahmed Awad al-Ghamari al-Aqouri from Darnah, Libya. Little is known about Ahmed historically; however, he was likely detained prior at the Abu Salim prison in Tripoli, Libya. What we do know is that in 2011 he was free or freed as he fought in the Libyan Revolution. On September 11th, 2012, he attacked the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi. He was a close associate of fellow attacker Mahmoud al-Barassi and joined ISIS in Benghazi with Mahmoud. While ISIS, he fought against the Libyan National Army during the Second Libyan Civil War which lasted from 2014 to 2017. It was during the war when he lost his leg, and he appear to uses crutches at all times. Ahmed is currently based in Mali.


Who funded the attack?

One of the terrorists arrested in Bamako revealed that they received a sum of 2 billion CFA francs to carry out their activity. 2 billion distributed to 25-year-old men.

Up to 70 people have been killed in this Bamako terror attack.

Secretariat of UN and French Embassy condemn the recent Bamako terror attack

 Statement attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General - on Mali [scroll down for French]

Stéphane Dujarric, Spokesman for the Secretary-General

The Secretary-General strongly condemns the terrorist attack in Bamako, Mali, on 17 September. He extends his sincere condolences to the families of the victims as well as to the transitional Government and the people of Mali. He wishes a speedy recovery to those injured, including one UN guard unit member.


The Secretary-General calls on the Malian transitional Government to ensure that those responsible for this despicable attack are held to account.




Le Secrétaire général condamne fermement l'attaque terroriste qui a eu lieu à Bamako, au Mali, le 17 septembre. Il présente ses sincères condoléances aux familles des victimes, ainsi qu'au gouvernement de transition et au peuple maliens. Il souhaite un prompt rétablissement aux blessés, dont un membre de l’unité de garde de l’ONU.


Le Secrétaire général appelle le gouvernement de transition malien à veiller à ce que les responsables de cette attaque ignoble soient traduits en justice.

UK boosts support for ATMIS with 7.5M Pounds.

  The United Kingdom has provided a further £7.5 million to the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS). This latest round of fu...