Tuesday, October 1, 2024

A senior Al-Shabaab commander defects to government as internal wrangles hit the terror group hard.

 A senior Al-Shabaab commander, disillusioned by growing internal conflicts within the militant group, has surrendered to Somali government forces, joining a rising number of fighters abandoning Al-Shabaab in recent months. The defection of Qaasim Ahmed Duhul, who operated under the alias Suulal Ceyn, is seen as driven by the government's amnesty and reintegration programs.

Duhul, who spent eight years with Al-Shabaab, turned himself in to the 28th battalion of the 21st division, facilitated by clan officials in the Masagawaa area. Following his surrender, Duhul revealed to the media that internal problems within Al-Shabaab had become intolerable, pushing him to leave. "The problems inside Al-Shabaab became unbearable, which led me to leave," Duhul said.

During his time with Al-Shabaab, Duhul participated in several battles across Somalia, but frustration with the group's internal strife ultimately prompted his defection. His surrender was part of an effort by the Somali government to encourage defections through a combination of amnesty offers and rehabilitation programs aimed at reintegrating former fighters into society.

The government's intensified approach has led to a surge in defections, with fighters like Duhul entering rehabilitation centers where they receive counselling and vocational training. The effectiveness of the government's amnesty programs has also been praised, with an increasing number of militants choosing to take advantage of the opportunity to escape Al-Shabaab's ranks.

Military officials credit the government's amnesty program for its success in reducing Al-Shabaab's hold in key regions. "We are seeing more and more defections because of these initiatives," a senior military officer said.



 The fight against terrorism should not be left to the gorvenment/SECURITY alone,the role of civilians is pramount and pivotal to this war against terrorism and religious radicalism.Social media has had a great impact on the spread and survival of terrorism in eastr Africa and as a matter of fact,the alshabaab have at critical incidences relied on media to spread their radicalism.we must have all stakes in the region teaming up with secuirty to fight this radicalism and the defence of the young against this dangerous indoctrination.The religious leaders ought to take it as a task to spread the teachings that will try to protect these vulnerable children from falling into the traps of the terrorists' teachings.

East African gorvenments must take on this and devise methods that will stop this spread of terror through media and this cannot easily be done without the support of our civilians.

Notorious media platforms and social media accounts like AL-KATAIB and other social media accounts are run by Alshaabb and their main intention is to spread the gospel of radicalism and terror in the region.The terrorists have resorted to the design of local platforms after facing tough times on well known media platforms.According to open Source Intelligence(OSINT),there are numerous media platforms and social media accounts(I cannot put here some of the social media accounts for we are still conducting study on them) with the main aim of tramsitting Alshabaabs gospel of terror and radicalism. 

For the case of Somalia,though the Somali government may have closed 20,000 pro-Al-Shabaab channels on platforms like Facebook and Telegram. However, Al-Shabaab is now using a domestically developed apps to allow its audience to access their media channels and get real-time news updates.One of such local applications is called FAAFREEB and it runs accounts on Facebook,youtube,twitter,tiktok and other media platforms.

For example,the Pro Alshabaab alfurqan media has released Episode 1 on the development of Alshabaab shadow regional government of Bakol. This episode focuses on Burdhuhunle, a remote fortress village just 30 km from Wajid Town, which has been under siege for the past 12 years by Alshabaab. Geo:4°03'15"N 43°14'39"E.The indoctrination of young children should not be taken lightly,the terrorists target of vulnerable children and youth is a key instrument to the survival of terrorisn and religious radicalism.

watch the video below

The documentary series focussed on education, business, and social developments in regions , starting with the Bakool region. While Bakool is under pro-Ethiopian militia control,the media claims that local ansar tribes maintain alliances with Alshabaab.

These alshabaab media still claim that  Galjecel clan of the Hawiye tribe has renewed their "oath of allegiance" to Alshabaab. They pledge to protect the greater agenda of the Ummah and resist any offensive from the Somali goverment against their territories. The media asserts that Tribal support is a crucial backbone of Alshabaab's organisation structure.
you can watch the video below:

Monday, September 30, 2024

Sunday, September 29, 2024

More than 5 injured in a reckless driving accident along Bunagana-kisoro road at Gasave

Yesterday evening,a Rwandan vehicle RAF 698C Land Cruiser V8 had a head-on collision with a UNHCR bus UBE 621V carrying refugees from DRC  at Gasave,at the extreme border point of Nyakinama and Bunagana town council(a point commonly know by the locals as "Kwa kadenge", Kisoro along Kisoro-Bunagana road.

The Injured victims were rushed to Kisoro hospital ,where the Rwandan Nationals are reportedly to have been evacuated to Rwanda today.Maate, the Kigezi Region Police Spokesperson, confirmed the incident occurred on Saturday at approximately 5:10 pm in Gasave village, Nyakinama Sub County, along the Kisoro-Bunagana road involving two vehicles: a black Toyota Land Cruiser V8 registration number RAF 698C and a white TATA bus registration number UBE 621V belonging to UNHCR.


The bus was driven by Gimmei Richard Moses, who was transporting asylum seekers from Bunagana border between the DRC and Uganda to the Nyakabande transit center in Kisoro, but upon reaching Gasave village, the bus encountered an oncoming Land Cruiser that was driving in the wrong lane.


“The bus driver attempted to avoid a collision by veering to the extreme left, but the Land Cruiser driver maintained his position on the right, resulting in a head-on collision,” said Maate.


Maate names the injured as Karase, a Rwandan national and driver of the Land Cruiser V8; Erick, a Rwandan national and passenger in the same vehicle; and several Congolese asylum seekers: Hatekekiza Kamara, Musafiri Bikou, Ndashima Shinan, Mukunda Esiyeri, Gato Kizza, Bonakira Baryanguma, Denise Nyirakwize, and Twisinge Taburiya.


He says that police visited the scene, documented the accident, and the victims were promptly transported to Kisoro Hospital. Both vehicles were towed to Kisoro Central Police Station for inspection

Marburg outbreak in Rwanda


Thursday, September 26, 2024

Chàos in Goma, at least 2 dead and around twenty injured

Clashes broke out this Thursday, September 26 in Goma between the FARDC and the armed group Wazalendo . At least two people were killed and about twenty injured in these clashes. The situation is particularly tense in the displaced persons camps of Mugunga, Lushagala, Sam-Sam and Rusayo, where exchanges of fire were reported. Following these events, a massive displacement of the population was observed. The local authorities have not yet communicated on the situation.

Watch the video below...

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Rumours of More than 450 elements of the Rwandan army (RDF) went to UGANDA.


There is a rumour running Congolese media that a good  number of Rwandan elements who were in M23 have escaped to Uganda after disputes and fatigue over the war.According to claims,the battalion commander of these Rwandan soldiers who went to Uganda, say they have decided to stop the War in the DRC because it is a useless War which causes a great loss in the ranks of the RDF, he declared.

We do not want to return to Rwanda because we will all be executed, even those who remain on Congolese soil are planning how they will boycott this War, he said.

There is a report that former FDLR members who had been repatriated to Rwanda were deployed in M23


Above is photo of Karuranga.

Repatriated to Rwanda in 2003 when he had the rank of Sergeant in the Democratic Force for the Liberation of Rwanda ( Fdlr ) in the Province of South Kivu , "Karuranga Alain Augustin is deployed today on Congolese soil by the Rwanda like others RDF who fight alongside the M23 rebels in the East of the RDC ". A human rights activist and member of civil society thinks that with this strategy of Kigali recycling former repatriated FLDR, then redeploying them to the Congo for aggression will not be able to promote peace in the region without real sanctions.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Birth of a new group of Wazalendo to defend DRC land

 You can watch the video 

A new group of Wazalendo has just emerged, with the mission of defending the homeland. This movement is part of a desire to strengthen national solidarity and protect the interests of the country in the face of current challenges. The members of this group are committed to promoting the values ​​of courage and unity, essential to the defense of our sovereignty.

UK boosts support for ATMIS with 7.5M Pounds.

  The United Kingdom has provided a further £7.5 million to the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS). This latest round of fu...