Saturday, November 16, 2024

Atleast 9 people were killed, others kidnapped, and houses burned during a new ADF attack on Friday, November 15, in Mabisio, a village in the Bapere sector in the Lubero territory (North Kivu).


According to military Intelligence sources, the attackers targeted this village, where the army is not deployed, before attacking civilians and looting some pharmacies.

The local population has moved to other nearby villages considered safer.

We had earlier reported on the presence of ADF in this area as indicated in our post of last week.

The administrator of the Lubero territory, Colonel Alain Kiwewa, announces that the coalition of the Congolese (FARDC) and Ugandan (UPDF) armies are in pursuit of the attackers.

"It was yesterday afternoon, we experienced this tragedy caused by these ADF/MTM terrorists. The toll is 9 people killed, including six men and three women. And as in their modus operandi, they again looted and burned houses, shops, and pharmacies to stock up on food and medicine. For the moment, the FARDC and UPDF coalition is in pursuit of the attackers until now," explained Colonel Alain Kiwewa.

According to Intelligence information collect from civilians today,The attackers carried out the incursion into this  village of Mobiso, located about twenty kilometers west of Manguredjipa, Bapere sector, in broad daylight last Thursday.

"The ADF unloaded on civilians in the aforementioned village. This part is not controlled by the country's army, the enemy even took the drink on the spot before executing the victims," worries Kakule Kagheni, president of the civil society of the Bapere sector.

The latter, who calls on the security services to intensify search operations in the depths of Bapere, also speaks of some injuries.

"Let the elements of the FARDC-UPDF coalition intensify operations against the ADF in Bapere, especially in the villages where they are hiding. Some people were injured following the passage of the latter in the village of Mobosio," he urged.

However, information  from the confidant sources who were contacted on site in Bapere, the activities resumed timidly in the zone on Friday under the control of the elements of the FARDC-UPDF coalition who deployed its elements in depth to track down the enemy.

It should be noted that several official sources of base chiefs in the Bapere sector have warned of the presence of the ADF in the mining area called "Suisse" where they have allegedly erected a large base.

.....4 God and My Ktry......

M23 in Plans of massive attacks on Sake,Goma,Butembo and Bunia, and rumours all over DRC unconffirmingly have Uganda implicated in this act!

 There has been a lot of claims that M23 rebels are about to lay dangerous attacks on the city of Saké as well as the towns of Goma and Butembo with a view to advancing towards Bunia in collaboration with UPDF.Succh rumours and claims are spreading like wind in the wild dry forest.They are some unverified documents circulating on social media vindicating Uganda in such act.You can look at the document below:

 There were a lot of claims that Rwandan army has just set up its second headquarters in Rumangabo with the aim of attacking the town of GOMA and the city of SAKE.

According to consistent rumours in the ranks of the so-called M23, Paul KAGAME has just decided to take the city of SAKE and the town of GOMA before Mr Donald TRUMP takes the oath.

The same sources confirmed that several Rwandan  soldiers and heavy/sophisticated weapons arrived in RUMANGABO.

Since the beginning of this week, it is said that the M23 rebellion has carried out a massive deployment in lubero, Binza, around sake, kitshanga, kalembe, bitonga, shove;  of its elements who come from training centers.

These M23 elements were recruited in Rwanda, in displaced persons camps and in DRC.

An RDF Force is reported in Rumangabo awaiting deployment says our source in the area.

These rebel movements on the ground sufficiently prove that the Luanda process is just window dressing and that Kinshasa is wasting its time believing in the good faith of Rwanda and M23 to respect the conclusions of this process of peace.

This War risks taking several more years, clearly seeing the way in which it is managed by Kinshasa, estimates a civil society actor who adds that the M23-RDF will risk existing even until the end of this second five-year term of President Felix Tshisekedi unless drastic measures are taken.

The FARDC says it is redoubling its efforts to anticipate this initiative and defeat it.

Wazalendo Self-Defense Resistance claim taking control of the city of Butare in the TONGO Group in RUTCHURU territory.


According to the Wazalendo commanders,the M23 army made a mistake in attacking a WAZALENDO position, which is how the WAZALENDO responded forcefully until the city of Butare was taken from the hands of the Rwandan aggressors.

The WAZALENDO claim that they are thee only remedy for the M23 whom they say are Rwandan Aggressors.


1) Enemy loss(M23), more than 25 dead and several others injured.

2) More than 35 weapons were recovered by the WAZALENDO including 1 PKM, 2 RPGs, 1 machine gun and 31 AK47s.

3) WAZALENDO men:one injured.

4) 12 captives including 2 lieutenants of the M23 (whom they refer to as RDF)and their Escorts.

FARDC claims that Other key figures suspected of espionage and working with Rwanda and M23 have been arrested

Among the arrested are Colonel Francis Munyarugerero who was the deputy director in charge of civil protect at Congolese National police ,Lenga and one called Emmanuel Rwakagara Nzungiza .Some of them were captured in Upper Katanga.

Watch the video below:

However, according to a tweet from the president of M23,he writes that such is the way of Tshisekedi gorvement in victimisation of innocent civilians and army officers who return from Frontline after being beaten by M23.Below are some words from his tweet:

"What Mr. Tshisekedi's regime knows  to do best in this country is to attack innocent people. 

He does not hesitate for a single moment to transform innocent people, even those who serve him, into public enemies number one or terrorists, based on unproven facts. 
Only facial appearance determines guilt.He has the habit of handing over to popular vindictiveness his own soldiers who return from the front line to be lynched, burned and their bodies eaten in front of witnesses and cameras because of their facial features"
The general staff of the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC) presented these three people suspected of having links with the Congo River Alliance (AFC), the rebel movement coordinated by Corneille Nangaa and supported by Rwanda.

The presentation of these people suspected of being close to this rebel movement was made to the military intelligence office (ex DEMIAP).

These suspects were arrested in Lubumbashi on November 9, as they were preparing to install the AFC in the capital of Haut-Katanga, according to the Congolese army.

According to Major General Sylvain Ekenge, army spokesman, the individuals arrested are Munyarugerero Kabundi Françoise, senior principal commissioner and deputy director in charge of civil protection at the Congolese National Police.

The second suspect is Nzungize Rwakagara Emmanuel, a businessman  with with many business activities in the DRC and Rwanda.

The third suspect arrested is Lenga Ngana Wakonge Pacome, acting regional director of Regideso for the Grand Katanga region.

In presenting these suspects, Major General Ekenge denounced what he called Rwanda's persistent support for subversive activities, despite ongoing efforts within the framework of the Luanda process.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Alert!Rumours of the Presence of ADF in Lubero

Information about the presence of ADF terrorists is circulating on the web.FARDC's Lieutenant Hazukay, responsible for communication and awareness of the operational sector, calls on the population to be vigilant and cautious.

“We ask the population to contact security services or soldiers deployed in the area discreetly in order to verify these alerts,” Hazukay said.

"Some alerts are invented by thieves of rural products, notably cocoa, to prevent farmers from accessing their fields. "As the ADF-MTM terrorists are not definitively defeated, we reiterate our appeal to the population to double vigilance,” added Lieutenant-Colonel Mak Hazukay.

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

After the visit of President Felix Tshisekedi, the Rwandan journalist requested an interview with the spokesperson of the Ugandan army. Here is their conversation:

Scovia interviewing Updf's spokesperson

1:04 -1:12

Journalist: How are you going to build roads in areas occupied by M23?

Response - The M23 is not in the area where we are going to build. But wherever we are, if they prevent us from working, watch out.


1:22- min 1:28

Journalist: The M23 continue to fight and advance, what will you do if they arrive in your area?

Response: If they attack us, we will counterattack and show them who we are


4:04 -4:28


The fact that it is civilians who will build roads and that the Ugandan armed forces are responsible for their security.

Is this not an admission by the DRC that there is no peace in these localities? The fact that their own police and military forces cannot ensure their security on their own territory?

General: Why are you asking me a question you know the answer to?

Journalist: I assure you I don't have the answer.

General: it goes without saying that if we are in the DRC, it is precisely because there is insecurity.


4:30- 6:27

Journalist: It is said that even if you have this military cooperation with the DRC to fight the Ugandan terrorists who are there, you are there mainly to plunder their minerals that you exploit and that is the main reason that pushes you to want to build these roads. These roads help you to be able to bring the minerals back to Uganda more easily.

General: I think you're not going to be able to handle the answer I'm going to give you. I'd rather not answer you, so let's move on.

Journalist: Answer me anyway, I will show restraint whatever the answer.

General: Those who go to Congo to plunder, the wealth of their country changes overnight and is visible to everyone.

Journalist: Uganda's wealth is not visible to everyone so why are you not looting?

General: The wealth of our country is proportional to the size of our country and our economy. That is why even the Congolese people ask some to leave their country and others not. It is because they realize that we are not looters.

Journalist: Who are these others that we do not chase away? There is SADEC, Tanzania, etc.

General: I am the spokesperson for the Ugandan army, I do not speak for others.

Journalist: Why do you say that the DRC sees you in a good light unlike the others?

General: Yes, because they are asking us to stay. Because they see that we are not exploiting their minerals. Because these minerals belong to the Congolese people who must sell them and profit from them, they are not there to be plundered and benefit from foreign economies.


Min 8:30

Journalist: We heard about an M23 agent who was recruiting in a camp located in Uganda and which is populated by Congolese.

General: Let me ask you, it is also said that Rwanda supports the M23, and yet I did not tell you about it. Rwanda denies being on Congolese soil and we admitted it as true.

Kasindi under threat!Let this banditry and lawlessness not cross to our side! More patrols needed .

 The Kasindi-Lubiriha border post, located 90 kilometres from the town of Beni (North Kivu), has been facing a rise in insecurity in recent weeks. To deal with this, the civil society of the Basongora group recommends that the provincial government strengthen the military and police personnel in this city.

Entire neighborhoods live under constant threat from armed robbers and burglars in Kasindi-Lubiriha.

« In the space of ten days, more than ten civilians were injured and forty houses were visited, or four houses per day in almost all areas of Kasindi says Kino Kathuo, the vice-president of the local civil society.

According to him, the power of these bandits exceeds the number and means of our elements of order.

While also welcoming the efforts made in recent times by the security forces to put an end to this insecurity, Kino Kathuo calls for more:

"We demand a closure without exception, as well as the identification of all houses of tolerance and sale of hemp. We are also calling for the reinforcement of military, police and mobile equipment by the provincial government. Enough is enough! We are tired of this urban banditry."

Last October, the Federation of Congo Enterprises (FEC) of Kasindi-Lubiriha denounced the upsurge in insecurity in this rural commune in Beni territory.

According to her, this situation is linked to the relocation of the fish market from Kasindi-Lubiriha to neighbouring Uganda, thus depriving many young people of their jobs.

M23 gains control over Kamandi-Gite a key point to the full control over routes accross Lake edward

 The enclave of Kamandi-Gite, located on the west coast of Lake Edward in the chiefdom of the Batangi, Lubero territory, has been under occupation by M23 rebels since Sunday, November 3.

The rebels launched their offensive in the early hours of the morning from Kirumba, a town located about twenty kilometers from Kamandi-Gite.

It was around 3 a.m. that the M23 rebels, invaded the locality of Kamadi-Gite. Heavily armed, they simultaneously attacked all the positions of the Wazalendo fighters who once controlled this area.

According to confidant  sources in the territory of Lubero, the capture of the strategic city of Kamadi-Gite offers several opportunities to the rebels to have access to the entire southern part of the territory of Lubero and especially to the entire southwest coast of Lake Edward, which joins the territory of Rutshuru.

According to several sources in the two neighbouring territories, these clashes have once again thrown thousands of people, already weakened by the horrors of war, on the path of exile to take shelter from the hostilities.

The Wazalendo retreated to the neighbouring hills. The local population thought that a counter-attack by these local fighters was probably being prepared.

This attack comes two days after the one carried out by the Wazalendo around the city of Kirumba.

The Wazalendo and the M23 rebels regularly clash in this area, where the security situation remains fragile.

The M23's occupation of Kamandi Gîte and Vitshumbi in Lubero territory allows the rebels to exert influence over the control of traffic on Lake Edward and offers them the possibility of collecting illegal taxes on tens of thousands of fishermen.

In fact, the M23 rebels, supported by Rwanda, have been occupying since Sunday, November 3, the locality of Kamandi Gîte, located on the shores of Lake Edward, 10 km from Kanyabayonga, in the territory of Lubero. This locality is of strategic and economic importance.

Kamandi Gîte is a lake access point that connects several villages located on the shores of Lake Edward, including the locality of Kyavinyonge, in the territory of Beni. From Kamandi Gîte, it is possible to reach the locality of Kasindi-Port, thus offering a passage to the strategic border of Kasindi-Lubiriha.

This point also provides access to Kyondo and the centre of Lubero, passing through Bukununu, Mubana, Kipese and Masereka, to reach the Graben region in Beni territory.

The M23 rebels have opened a new front in Walikale territory and continue to advance in Lubero territory, despite progress in the Luanda peace process.

Experts from the DRC and Rwanda have agreed on a plan to disengage forces and neutralize the FDLR, an agreement that still requires the validation of the foreign ministers of the two countries at the next meeting scheduled for November 16 in Luanda.

will Mogadishu afford a full scale war with Ethiopia? Will the African Union allow this war?

Mogadishu regime paraded a cache of weapons, which the Minister of Defense explicitly stated  were purchased to fight with Ethiopia. 

This display followed recent defense agreement between Mogadishu and Egypt, which has emboldened the regime to renew its irredentist and territorial claims against Ethiopia. 

Mogadishu claims ownership of Ethiopia’s entire Somali Region (Region 5), an ambition that dates back to Somalia’s 1977 invasion under a former dictator. That war ultimately led to Somalia’s collapse. 

 The current Hawiye regime in Mogadishu appears intent on reviving these irredentist, ethno-nationalist and expansionist aspirations once more.

Wazalendo improves on use of ambushes as another 5 M23/RDF elements fall into the WAZALENDO ambush in Kiseguro,as fighting continues in Lubero on 14/1/2024

  First of all, on January 10, 2025, the Collective of Movements for Change, People's Defense Forces succeeded in neutralizing a cohort ...