Saturday, August 31, 2024

Where is Colonel Buluya Yusse Leopold,,?


Colonel BULUYA YUSSE Léopold Commander, Holder of the security detachment of the Honorary President and Senator, has been missing since June 20, 2023,

and no member of his family knows the place or the reason for his kidnapping. His family remains without any news of him, and has never obtained the right to visit or see him. According to his eldest son Herve Yusse. On June 20, 2023, he was insistently invited by Colonel Danny Kumbi to Socimat/Kinshasa at Planet J and the latter caused his kidnapping in the company of Colonel Modeste Cmd of the 14th Close Security Regiment of His Excellency Mr. President Felix-Antoine Tshisekedi and elements of the Republican Guard of the Head of State.

RDF leaders hold meeting with UPDF leaders in mbarara

In mbarara,The leaders of the Rwandan Army held a meeting with the leaders of the Ugandan Army, with the aim of improving cooperation on the borders of the two countries and preventing cross-border crimes between Rwanda and Uganda.

Wazalendo CMC/FDP spokesperson

 The spokesperson for the Collective of Movements for Change, People's Defense Forces "CMC/FDP"

The spokesperson for CMC/FDP wishes to inform public opinion, both national and international, that the Covllective of Movements for Change, People's Defense Forces is committed to the resistance and has its noble vision of participating in the liberation of the territories of the DR Congo under occupation by the Rwandan and Ugandan armies. 

This Saturday, these rather harsh clashes took place in Kihondo in the chiefdom of Bwito not far from the Monusco base in the locality of Rwankuba, 4 kilometers from Nyanzale, between the M23 rebels and th VDP-Wazalendos of CMC/FDP. 

This center was liberated by the Wazalendos of CMC/FDP. 

 We confirm that three local M23 defenses have been neutralized and several military objectives recovered by the CMC/FDP. No

Kinshasha's Deputy Division commissioner Blaise Kalimbalimba has been suspended

  The Provincial Commissioner of the Congolese National Police in the City of Kinshasa, the Deputy Divisional Commissioner Blaise KilimbaLimba suspended as a precautionary measure after the attempted escape of a French diplomat in Kinshasa.

Intelligence report fromNorth Kivu: Continuing clashes between Wazalendo resistance fighters from the ANCDH/AFDP movement and M23 rebels in several localities in the Bashali chiefdom in Masisi.


Since dawn on Saturday, August 31, M23 rebels have engaged in violent fighting against Wazalendo positions in the villages of Kasura and Bigogwe, in the Bashali Mukoto grouping, in Masisi territory.

The clashes, involving the use of heavy weapons, are taking place while the DRC's armed forces are observing a n under the Luanda Accords.

A mixed patrol of VDP elements reported on the Mweso-Muhongozi road in the Bashali chiefdom.

According to some bikers and other sources in the region, elements of the Collective of Movements for Change reported their presence on the Mweso-Kitshanga road this Saturday, August 31, 2024 for a few hours, but without any military reaction.

The same sources inform that, following this presence of reservist elements in the region, not far from the enemy, some inhabitants of Muhongozi spend their weekend with fear in their stomachs, fearing possible attacks between the two parties in armed conflict.

It is worth remembering that, despite the presence of M23 rebels in Mweso and on the Kitshanga axis, the surrounding villages remain under the control of the VDP and that at any time, things can change, added other local sources in this region of the North Kivu province.

According to the first hand information in our possession, M23 troops launched these offensives from yesterday evening until this Saturday. It's 11 a.m. and the fight is still in progress.

There was an alert message from KIKUVO this Saturday 08/31/2024 warning Wazalendo of an eminent reorganisation by the M23 to lay attacks, The FARDC and Vdp/WAZALENDO on the KIKUVO-kamandi-matembe- alimbongo-mbwavinywa-mbingi/ bingi-lubango-kipese-lubero Axis are of alert  everywhere else here at the Northern Front Lines with  strict security vigilance everywhere.They anticipate a retaliation from the M23.

The populations living around this area retreated to other hills to take shelter from the bombings.

President Tshisekedi fires Tshibangu,replaces him with Sumbu Sita Mambu

 President Félix Tshisekedi dismisses Serge Tshibangu Kabeya from his position as High Representative for monitoring the Luanda Road Map and the Nairobi process. He is replaced in this position by Sumbu Sita Mambu.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Congolese travelling from Goma to Kampala via chanika are complaining of unclear payments of 20,000Ug Shs.


Congolese travelers departing from the city of Goma in the DRC, towards Kampala in Uganda, expressed their concern, Thursday August 29, over the obligation to pay the sum of twenty thousand shillings, or 7 USD, to the immigration service at the Chanika post.

According to one Congolese by names of Christian Bila,he noted that,

These Congolese say they do not understand the nature of these fees so the DRC and Uganda had agreed since the beginning of this year to eliminate fees for granting visas in order to promote the free movement of people. 

Bila continued and said that;

“I traveled to Uganda and passed through Chanika but when I arrived there I noticed that each Congolese paid 20,000 shillings, the nature of which we do not know. Is it for the visa or is it collected for something else? I would still like us to be able to enlighten public opinion on this and that would be a good thing,” said Christian Bila.

The free trade zone has been operational since January 1 between Uganda and the DRC.

Kagame dismisses top miltary officers after a high command meeting.

  This announcement begins by saying, "The President of the Republic of Rwanda and the Supreme Leader dismissed from the RDF Maj Gen Martin Nzaramba, Col Dr Etienne Uwimana and 19 other soldiers at the level of senior and junior officers."

The RDF leadership also said that the President of the Republic approved the dismissal and cancellation of contracts of 195 other soldiers with other positions.

This incident is got outside after hours when  President Paul Kagame and the Supreme Leader of the RDF held a meeting with the Generals and other senior soldiers in the Rwandan Army, which took place on Thursday, August 29, 2024. He returned to the peace and security of Rwanda. This announcement begins by saying: "The President of the Republic of Rwanda and the Supreme Leader dismissed from the RDF Maj Gen Martin Nzaramba, Col Dr Etienne Uwimana and 19 other soldiers of at the level of senior and junior officers.”

This miracle is going outside after hours, President Paul Kagame and the Supreme Leader of the RDF held a meeting with the Generals and other senior soldiers in the Rwandan Army, which took place on Thursday, August 29, 2024. He returned to the peace and security of Rwanda. 

Many Intelligence strategists points at misunderstandings inside the top brass of RDF over the war in DRC.Many office did not buy Kagame's side have been sidelined.However ,in military,laying off an office is normal at times depending on a variet of circumstances.

Major General Martin Nzaramba, who retired a year earlier on August 30, 2023, had previously served as the Director of the Nasho Military Academy. Notably, Nzaramba was once married to Captain Doreen Kayitesi Nzaramba, the sister of Major Dr. Théogène Rudasingwa and Gerard Gahima, both prominent critics of President Kagame’s administration residing abroad. Colonel Dr. Etienne Uwimana, a medical doctor with long service at the Kanombe Military Hospital, was responsible for radiology services and had a significant role within the military health sector.

The RDF’s statement, devoid of specific reasons for the dismissals, has sparked speculation. Observers and analysts have drawn connections between the dismissals and Kagame’s closed-door meeting with military leaders.sources within the RDF suggest that Major General Nzaramba had refused deployment to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), while Colonel Dr. Uwimana allegedly issued a false medical certificate to support Nzaramba’s refusal.

This development is occurring in a context of escalating tensions between Rwanda and the DRC. On August 16, 2024, RDF spokesperson Brigadier General Ronald Rwivanga announced the recruitment of reservists, the first of its kind, set to begin on August 19, 2024. While Rwivanga denied any link between the recruitment and potential conflict, analysts have interpreted this move as a preparation for possible war, particularly in light of strained relations with the DRC.

Rwanda’s military presence in the DRC, allegedly supporting the M23 rebel group, has further exacerbated tensions. The situation escalated on August 29, 2024, with a brief exchange of gunfire between Rwandan and Congolese forces at the Rubavu-Goma border. This incident underscores the precarious nature of the relationship between the two nations.

The dismissal of these high-ranking officers could be seen as an attempt by President Kagame to consolidate control over the military amidst these regional challenges. However, the opacity surrounding the reasons for these dismissals raises concerns about the internal dynamics within the RDF and Kagame’s approach to governance.

An M23 meeting disrupted by armed men in Kiseguro

A meeting of M23_AFC fighters which should be held in Kiseguru in the territory of Rutshuru this Friday, August 30, 2024 was disrupted in the morning by shooting from suspected armed men Wazalendo and FDLR who attacked the area.

The planned meeting was canceled following the shooting. According to residents, the exchange of fire ensued towards Kigaligali in the park. Calm returned to the city after this incident.The incident took place around 9:00 a.m. The rebels had gathered the population for a popular meeting in Kiseguro. They were surprised by gunfire all over the city from armed men,” said a resident of Kiseguro on condition of anonymity.

According to corroborating sources, this situation is the basis of the fighting which is underway between CMC, FDLR fighters and the M23 rebels supported by Rwanda, in Kigaligali in the Binza grouping.

President Tshisekedi sends a message to Museveni


Museveni receives special mess

President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has received a special message from the President of the Democratic Republic of Congo Felix Tshisekedi.

The special message was delivered by Tshisekedi's special envoy and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation, and Francophonie,Therese Kayikwamba Wagner.

She was accompanied by  Alexis Gisaro Muvunyi, DRC’s Senior Minister of infrastructure and Public Works.

During the meeting that took place at State House Entebbe, President Museveni and the DRC delegation discussed several issues concerning peace and security in the region.

Museveni noted that he is happy and appreciated President Tshisekedi’s decision to join the East African Community (EAC).

He advised that President Tshisekedi should use this opportunity to bring lasting solutions to peace in DRC and in the region at large.

The president added that he is always available for dialogue with President Tshisekedi as well as other East African leaders.

Kayikwamba thanked President Museveni for his support and wise leadership.

She reiterated President Tshisekedi's commitment to the partnership in achieving the common agenda.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Weekly Counter-Terrorism Intelligence Brief for East and Central Africa (Somalia, Mozambique, and DR-Congo): Tracking Islamic State Terrorists for the period of 18th August- 25th August 2024

Executive Summary

Mozambique has seen a recent and unexpected decrease in ISM activities, likely due to intensified counterinsurgency operations by the Rwanda Defence Forces (RDF). This decline contrasts with earlier intelligence that had predicted an increase in militant actions following the withdrawal of SAMIM troops from Cabo Delgado. The RDF has adopted new tactics, including the use of helicopters in combat operations, which may be a response to the discovery of IEDs in the region and political pressures to quickly neutralize ISM forces.

In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), ISCAP continues to pose a serious threat, executing multiple attacks on military and civilian targets in Ituri and North Kivu. The group’s sustained violence, particularly along critical routes like the RN4, highlights their ongoing ability to destabilize the region. Meanwhile, civil unrest in North Kivu, where residents have protested against inadequate security, underscores the deep mistrust between local communities and the armed groups meant to protect them.


22nd Aug- ISM militants detonated an IED targeting a truck between Chitundaand Mungui in Cabo Delgado.

20TH Aug- ISM terrorists attacked civilians in Mbau area in Mocimboa da Praia (MDP).


23rd Aug- A Ugandan military base in Nakasongola District in Uganda was attacked by armed ISCAP militants. The group claimed attack.

19th Aug- ISCAP clashed with a Congolese Militia Forces Patrol, near Ndimo (RN4) in Ituri Province. Ndimo, is situated along the RN4 which is a deadly stretch of road continues to be a focal point of violence for ISCAP attacks.

18th Aug- ISCAP militants conducted an armed assault against Congolese armed troops In Mandela near Mwinyi In Lubero region in North Kivu.

18th Aug- ISCAP conducted an armed assault on Congolese Militia Forces as well as an Arson attack of over 150 Christian Homes, in and near Esege in Lubero Region. 

Analysis and Insights

There has been a notable decrease in ISM movements, attacks and sighting in the past two weeks which partly because renewed counterinsurgency efforts by Rwanda Defence Forces (RDF). The lull is unexpected as intelligence in July had predicted a likely surge in attacks in August following the departure if SAMIM troops from Cabo Delgado. However, it is evident that RDF has significant stepped up their efforts to fight ISM and fill the security gap left by the SAMIM troops.

The RDF has recently shifted tactics in Cabo Delgado’s Macomia district by deploying helicopters in combat against ISM. This marks a significant change from their previous reliance on small, mobile infantry units and civil-military cooperation efforts. The increased use of air power, while potentially effective, comes with risks, particularly regarding civilian casualties, a concern that has been highlighted by past incidents involving other forces like the Dag Advisory Group (DAG).

The tactical shift might be driven by the discovery of numerous IEDs in the region, which could impede ground forces’ movement. Additionally, political pressures may be pushing for a quicker resolution against ISM, now believed to be isolated in coastal and forest areas. However, for these air operations to be effective, they must be supported by ground forces to maintain control over cleared territories, with long-term success dependent on Mozambique’s commitment to rebuilding local infrastructure.

Socio-economic activities in Manguredjipa, North Kivu, have been paralyzed as residents observe a three-day “dead city” protest demanding security and the departure of the Wazalendo groups, who they accuse of failing to protect them from ADF attacks. The protest highlights the ongoing instability in the region, where civilians feel abandoned despite the presence of Ugandan and Congolese soldiers. This situation underscores the fragility of security efforts in conflict zones and the deep mistrust between local communities and armed groups.


The recent lull in ISM activities in Mozambique is a double-edged sword. While it indicates the effectiveness of the RDF’s counterinsurgency operations, it may also signal a temporary regrouping of ISM forces, potentially leading to more sophisticated attacks in the future. The RDF’s tactical shift to aerial operations, while necessary, must be carefully managed to avoid civilian casualties and ensure long-term stability in cleared areas.

In the D.R. Congo, ISCAP’s continued aggression in Ituri and North Kivu demonstrates their resilience and adaptability, posing ongoing challenges to security forces. The civilian unrest in North Kivu highlights the urgent need for a more effective and trusted security presence in the region.

In Mozambique, continued aerial operations should be paired with robust ground support to secure and rebuild liberated areas. Intelligence efforts must focus on detecting potential ISM regrouping and preparing for possible future escalations.

In DRC, Reinforced collaboration between Congolese and Ugandan forces is crucial to neutralize ISCAP strongholds, particularly along the RN4 and in North Kivu. Addressing local grievances through improved community engagement and protection efforts will be key to reducing civil unrest and strengthening counterterrorism initiatives.

The coordinated application of military, intelligence, and socio-economic strategies will be critical in addressing the complex threat posed by ISM and ISCAP across both regions.


East African community to start hearing DRC's case against Rwandan support for M23

 The East African Community (EAC) announced the opening, on September 26, 2024, of the examination in public hearing of the application filed by the DRC against Rwanda, due to the alleged abuses committed in the province of North Kivu under the cover of the M23 rebel movement. This announcement was made this Thursday, August 29, 2024 by Samuel Mbemba, Deputy Minister of Justice in charge of international litigation.

“The registry of the Court of Justice of the EAC has published the extract of the role announcing the examination in public hearing of the request of the DRC against Rwanda”, declared Samuel Mbemba, expressing his satisfaction for what he considers it a significant step forward in the legal battle initiated by the DRC.

The hearing on September 26, 2024 will be an introductory session before the first instance, during which the DRC will have to demonstrate how Rwanda violated the act establishing the Community of East African States. The accusations relate to the Rwandan military presence in the east of the DRC, as well as the looting, rapes and massacres perpetrated in this region. “The DRC will show how Rwanda is violating the act establishing the community of East African States, through its presence in the east of the DRC, the looting of minerals from our country, the massive rapes and killings committed there,” explained Samuel Mbemba.

The DRC's lawyers, having already documented these facts, will present their arguments before the Court, while Rwanda will have the opportunity to defend itself. The Court will then have to rule on the possible violation of the founding act of the EAC by Rwanda. “This first instance will examine the case on the basis of the lawyers’ pleadings. The Democratic Republic of Congo has lawyers who documented this and filed the motion. Then, Rwanda will also come to defend itself and the Court will say whether there is really a violation of the act establishing the EAC by the presence of Rwanda here or not. Certainly, we will win this stage,” said the Deputy Minister.

In the event of a decision favorable to the DRC, Rwanda could appeal to the appeals chamber of the EAC Court of Justice. It is only after the exhaustion of remedies that the DRC will be able to begin a phase of claiming compensation for the victims of Rwandan abuses. “And this is where we are going with Rwanda's right to perhaps appeal. And still at court level, there is an appeals chamber. It is beyond the appeals chamber that we will move on to the phase of claiming compensation for the victims of Paul Kagame's Rwandan actions in the DRC,” Mbemba clarified.

He also mentioned that “the procedural deadlines, at this stage, we cannot give them to you because each country will come, therefore Rwanda like the DRC, with its pretensions, and all this will play out over time. the first instance will take to deal with it, but also perhaps a possible appeal that Rwanda will file.”

The EAC Court of Justice plays a crucial role in protecting human and peoples' rights in Africa, complementing the functions of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights. Samuel Mbemba concluded by reaffirming the DRC's commitment to this procedure, declaring: “We are determined to pursue this path to defend the rights and sovereignty of our country. »

Civil society in Nyiragongo report entry of 9 trucks full of elements from Rwanda entering DRC soil

 About 9 trucks arrived in the Kibumba axis, full of items. So, (the Rwandan Defense Forces) continue to strengthen around Goma and Saké,” warns Jean-Claude Bambaze, a member of civil society in North Kivu.

“Two days ago, they attacked the positions of volunteers for the defense of the homeland, in other words the Wazalendo in Masisi. And in Lubero, they also attacked the locality of Kikuvo and Katwe,” he says. .

“It must be recognized that the M23 does not intend to stop the war of conquest. It is, in any case, preparing for attacks on large cities,” he indicates.

"They respect absolutely nothing. While they are talking about a ceasefire, they say that they are not concerned by this ceasefire and that it is the business of Rwanda and Congo," he further complains. Jean-Claude Mbabaze who lastly points out the latest M23 press release.

“This proves a de facto balkanization, especially since a government plane is prevented from flying over the air they call home. This is proof that these people want to create a state within a state,” says this member of the Civil Society of North Kivu

Civil Society Against Redeployment of Kenyan Military

The provincial coordination of civil society in North Kivu is firmly opposed to the return of Kenyan soldiers to the DRC. In a statement published this Thursday, civil society expressed its categorical refusal to the redeployment of Kenyan troops to support MONUSCO and the Congolese army in the fight against the M23 rebels.

Civil society in North Kivu fears that the presence of foreign soldiers will contribute to the escalation of violence and compromise national sovereignty.

Exchanges of fire on the border with the Rwanda nea Goma


This Thursday, gunfire was reported at the small border fence between the DRC and the Rwanda . According to several sources, an armed man, identified as a " Muzalendo ", opened fire in the direction of Rwanda. The Rwandan army reportedly responded to the gunfire. For the moment, no official source from either country has confirmed the incident.

Intelligence analysis, deductions and conclusions on the entry of South Sudanese veterans of former vice president Riek Machar on DRC soil.


Yesterday ,I hinted on distorted unconfirmed reports from my confidants of the presence of South Sudanese soldiers,as we made more thorough intelligence collections we came to establish that this alarming event has not occurred in DR Congo. Claims that Around a hundred veterans of former South Sudanese vice-president Riek Machar were welcomed on Congolese soil, landing in Dungu before being evacuated by MONUSCO helicopters to Bunia. This development raises crucial questions about the DRC’s welcoming policy towards foreign armed groups.As person who was born near the border and well travelled throught the central and eastern Africa,who has operated on at least every border post of eastern DRC, with unrefuted knowledge on security issues in DRC,Before I get to bed,I decided to get this intelligence digest about this issue.Here it goes.

A situation which could have disastrous consequences for the stability of the country. The DRC, already facing major internal challenges, appears to be becoming a welcoming land for foreign military actors seeking refuge. Recent history has shown that the country has often opened its arms to armed groups who, due to internal conflicts, seek to reorganize or flee their own crises.

The claim of arrival of these former South Sudanese combatants is not just a simple news item; it is part of a worrying trend where the DRC is becoming a sanctuary for elements that could threaten its sovereignty. At the same time, other countries, have already demonstrated territorial appetites by using security pretexts to justify incursions on Congolese soil.

Wouldn't it be naive to think that the current situation with South Sudan could not evolve in the same direction? The Congolese authorities must realize that welcoming these fighters could open the door to territorial claims disguised under the guise of security. Faced with this situation, a burning question emerges: where have the Congolese intellectuals gone?

The DRC has a rich tradition of thinkers, writers and analysts capable of providing profound reflections on the socio-political issues of the country. Yet it seems that the urgency of the situation is often overshadowed by widespread apathy or deafening silence. Intellectuals have a crucial role to play in denouncing the abuses of national politics and crisis management.

Their absence on the public scene, faced with the arrival of these veterans, could be interpreted as an abandonment of the dignity and honor which should characterize the struggle.

The claimed arrival of South Sudanese veterans: A warning signal for the DRC's national sovereignty. It is time for these voices to be raised and start the debate on the direction the DRC is taking. The DRC must learn the lessons of its history and act quickly to preserve its sovereignty and stability.

The claimed arrival of former South Sudanese combatants should not be seen only as a threat, but as an opportunity for the DRC to review its security strategy. Authorities must not only strengthen national defense capabilities, but also develop policies for the integration of refugees and former combatants that do not compromise national security.

The international community, including MONUSCO, must also play an active role to ensure that the DRC does not become the scene of regional conflicts exacerbated by these movements of armed populations. Cooperation between countries in the region is essential to prevent the DRC from becoming a battleground for South Sudanese rivalries.

The current situation in Dungu should not be taken lightly. The arrival of former South Sudanese combatants is a wake-up call that should encourage Congolese authorities, intellectuals and civil society to mobilize.

If nothing is done, we could soon see territorial claims which, under the pretext of security, could jeopardize the integrity of the country. It is time for the DRC to stand up, refuse to be a passive victim of foreign conflicts and begin to write its own future with dignity and honor.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Fighting continues between M23 and Wazalendo

The clashes of this Wednesday, August 28 took place in Kasesero towards Lubwe South/Tongo.

An anonymous source in the region contacted indicates that it was the M23 rebels who attacked the positions of the young WAZALENDO resistance fighters, in turn, the WAZALENDO lit fire on the enemy.

The Rwandan rebels of the M23  went in disarray abandoning kikuvo to retreat to kirumba During harsh clashes against the FARDC and wazalendo Yesterday Tuesday 08/27/2024 .There claims that FARDC and Wazalendo are around this strategic village.


The connection of telephone calls even internet completely disrupted in Bwisha chiefdom and more particularly in Rubare, Kiwanja, Rutshuru center, Binza and Bunagana.Intelligence reports got yesterday and today indicate that this network problem started yesterday and it was even reported in some parts of Masisi.

“No telephone communications in the area. We have difficulty communicating with our people,” complains a resident of the area.

Eight 𝗙𝗔𝗥𝗗𝗖 soldiers were sentenced to the death penalty on Tuesday by the 𝗚𝗼𝗺𝗮 garrison military court for extortion, murder of civilians and dissipation of ammunition. The convicts come from the Republican Guard and the Military Police. Some of these convicts are notably involved in the murder of two civilians, Friday August 23, 2024 in the evening in the village of Buhombo, in the Munigi group, Nyiragongo territory.

2 Congolese die and 5 injured in a traffic accident on the Kisoro Kabale road in Kisoro district.

According to initial data, the Kisoro Territorial Police recorded a fatal road accident

involving a black motor vehicle registered CGO 9777AB /07 Toyota Noah.

This happened on 27/08/2024 at around 8:30 p.m. at Kagano Village, Muhindura Parish, Kanaba Sub-County, Kisoro District, along Kisoro Kabale Road in Kisoro District.

The deceased are:

1. Katmbo Kisinziro, resident of Butembo in the Democratic Republic of Congo and,

2. The body of an adult woman whose identity has not yet been established.

The injured are, 

Five whose details are not yet established

Driver details not yet established

It is alleged that the above motor vehicle came from Butembo in DR Congo carrying 07 passengers bound for Goma in DR Congo and approached Kasheregenyi trading center in Kagano village, Kanaba sub-county, the along the Kabale Kisoro road at high speed and failed to negotiate the bend and overturned several times in the valley 150 meters from the road, killing two people on the spot and injuring 05.

The scene was visited by Asp Kushaba Micheal dto Kisoro and the team of officers, the victims were rushed to Kisoro Hospital and Mutolere Hospital, and the bodies were taken to the morgue of Kisoro hospital.

Ongoing investigations

The main cause of the accident was excessive speed and reckless driving in the sharp corners.

This is merely a week after another fatal accident at Kyazanga involving a gateway bus from kisoro claimed lives of many including a wife of prominent business man from Bunagana(DRC).This Congolese was recently repatriated and buried in Goma.

Kagame's Rwanda faces deteriorating regional ties,agreement between Rwanda and Congo-Brazaville will be cancelled on 8 December 2024

After a few hours Tanzania threatening to cut ties with Rwanda over the M23 war,it is now Congo Brazaville whose relationship with tiny Rwanda that has deteriorated.

On December 8, 2024, the agreement between Congo-Brazzaville and Rwanda will be canceled, according to the Minister of Communication of Congo-Brazzaville.

He adds that part of Congolese opinion is opposed to the idea of ​​giving land to the Rwandans.

Civilians in Brazaville rioted over the agreement and are demanding that the Rwandan ambassador be expelled.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Wazalendo hands over 16 captured South Sudanese elements to MONUSCO

16 South Sudanese elements who had been captured by the Wazalendo in Rutshuru territory were handed over to MONUSCO this Tuesday 27/8/2024. So tired and hungry, they spent 4 months in the bush with the wazalendo.

The important question to ask is how did South Sudanese find themselves within the M-23 but in Rwandan uniforms when not long ago, last June, the Sudanese President was in Kinshasa to reassure his Congolese counterpart, before initiating a face-to-face meeting between a Congolese and Rwandan delegation in Zanzibar? 


Why did Felix TSHISEKEDI bring the DRC into the EAC? 

He must answer us on this question because all the problems come from there 

Yesterday the Kenya Defense Forces were in the DRC as part of the EAC, today they are returning as part of MONUSCO. 

The Wazalendo are wondering how South Sudanese forces who were in the DRC as part of the EAC, today they are within the M23. 

They say that Tshisekedi  has opened the door to all adventurers to discover the splendor of the beauty of the DRC, all EAC states are sending their troops to the DRC now and not for Peace but for destabilization. 

They complain that Burundi, Uganda, the RDF, Kenya, Tanzania, and South Sudan are all in the DRC, each depending on which side they believe guarantees their interests. 

FARDC and UPDF presents and sets flee the 49 people who had been taken hostage by ADF


Joseph Kabila's football team implicated in recruiting for M23!

Papy Tamba was arrested on accusations of Responsiblity for Recruiting Young People by Kabila for the Congo River Alliance and the M23 in the Football Team of Joseph Kabila and Olive Lembe FC TP CROYANT

Several young recruits are interned in one place and then transferred to an African country to follow training under the cover of a football transfer to hide any suspicion from the intelligence services!

These Recruitment Cells for the M23 and the Congo River Alliance are scattered throughout the country in the form of youth football, after which the young people are interned in some places and transferred to an African country (Congo Brazza, Tanzania, ...) to follow military training under the cover of a Transfer to a Football Team in an African Country so as not to attract the Intelligence services 

The intelligence believes that several young people from Joseph Kabila FC CROYANT's football team have already been transferred to different African countries under the pretext of a transfer from a football team.

M23 clashes with Wazalendo along Tongo-lushege axis,M23 reported to be making heavy reinforcements in kibumba.


This Tuesday the WAZALENDO claim t have  inflicted  heavy toll on the M23 in Tongo - Lushege.

The young WAZALENDO resistance fighters from the CMC/FDP group inflicted a heavy toll on the coalition of M23 invaders, thus cutting off their expansionist appetite in Tongo_ Lushege in the territory of Rutshuru, in the chiefdom of Bwito. The inhabitants of this region are once again happy to see their sons VDP Wazalendo in the area.This information is confirmed by Héritier Gashegu, the spokesperson of CMC/FDP

According to reports , Jean-Claude Bambaze, president of civil society in the territory of Rutshuru, in the province of North Kivu, accused the M23 rebels, supported by Rwanda, of non-compliance with the ceasefire decreed as part of the Luanda process.

According to this civil society actor, these rebels continue to strengthen their positions around the city of Goma and the strategic city of Saké. According to him, nearly 10 trucks containing armed elements arrived in the Kibumba axis, in Nyiragongo territory.

“The M23/RDF rebels are not respecting the ceasefire, as required by the Luanda agreement. They continue to strengthen their positions around the strategic city of Saké and the city of Goma with the sole objective of balkanizing our country. During the night from Monday to Tuesday, nearly 10 trucks from Rwanda with lots of armed elements inside arrived in the Kibumba axis,” he said.

Jean-Claude Bambaze calls on the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo to take appropriate measures to prevent any unpleasant surprises from these rebels who respect nothing.

Yesterday Monday, in a press release, the army of the Democratic Republic of Congo accused these rebels, supported by the regime of Paul Kagame, of violating the ceasefire and manipulating public opinion

Is M23 arresting refugees who are returning home?


There are reports that young people returning  to areas occupied by the M23 are being arrested and missing. The families of the victims are worried. 

After the occupation of houses by unknown individuals in Masisi territory, several local sources claim that young people returning to these areas are arrested and taken to a secret location.

“Since the beginning of this month, more than 45 young people who returned to Kitshanga have been arrested, we don’t even know where they were taken, no one here talks about it for fear of suffering the same fate,” confides a resident of the city. from Kitshanga.

"There is a certain Bishop Bahani, he is known because he was the goalkeeper of the FC Muungano football team who was recently arrested upon his arrival in Kitshanga. He has joined the long list of others, we are very worried because we do not know if they are still alive or they are dead. They are accused of being spies and collaborators of FDLR,” said another local source. 

 This wave of arrests of young people in the Bashali chiefdom, in Kitshanga, has been denounced by several anonymous sources. These arrests, attributed to the M23 rebels, mainly target young people returning to this region for family reasons. These young people would be accused, without evidence, of being spies or members of Wazalendo resistance groups.  One of the latest cases reported is that of Mr. Bishop Bahani, a former goalkeeper of the Muungano FC football team in Kitshanga. Having fled the clashes in 2023, Bishop Bahani settled in Goma, where he worked as a security guard in a school. Last Tuesday, as he returned to visit his family back in Kitshanga, he was immediately arrested and thrown in prison by the M23-RDF rebels.  Bishop Bahani, like so many other young people, was arbitrarily arrested upon his arrival in Kitshanga. They are detained illegally, and no one dares to talk about it for fear of reprisals,” says one of our sources who requested anonymity. She reports that some of these young people are then transferred to Bwiza, in the Rutshuru territory, where the conditions of detention remain unknown.  She urges the Congolese authorities and human rights organizations to intervene for the release of these young people, whose detention is considered illegal and arbitrary. The movement highlights the urgency of action to put an end to these human rights violations which sow fear and terror among people.

Another source specifies that these young people are taken to the village of Bwiza, but the conditions of their detention are unknown because family members have no access.

ADF attacks Bahana kills people and does damage to health facilities in Bahana

The attacked village is located in the Babila Bakwanza chiefdom in the Mambasa territory on national road number 4.

Provisional assessment: 4 people killed, including a soldier of the Armed Forces of the DRC and his weapon taken away. A reason for regret for human rights activist John Vuleveryo Musombolwa who draws the particular attention of the competent authorities.

These enemies targeted this entity located on the Komanda-Mambasa section around 5 a.m. local time. Medical sources in the Lolwa health zone confirm the fire at the Bahaha health center and the kidnapping of the head nurse of this health structure.

The medicines were either destroyed, taken away or set on fire. “what face will the capital show? How are we going to live with the population”, asks the chief of the chiefdom Babila Bakwanza who pleads for “more efforts” on the security level.

In search of medicine!

Just recently, the regular army inflicted a huge loss on these rebels in the region. The administrator of the Mambasa territory justifies this attack by the concern of these rebels to stock up on medicines to treat the wounded in their ranks.

A hypothesis which is confirmed by the kidnapping of the head nurse at the Bahaha health center. In regret, the senior chief commissioner Jean Baptiste Muyapandi speaks of 13 houses and 7 motorcycles burned.

Start of school threatened in Bahaha

Basically cruel on the Komanda-Luna section, the ADF have also been causing violence for several years now on the Komanda-Mambasa section.

This Monday's attack provokes a movement in both directions. President of the Youth Parliament in Babila Bakwanza, Djimy Soli puts forward a death toll of five. He invites the commander of the 31st main defense brigade based in Mambasa to intensify patrols in depth to annihilate the enemy as the start of the school year approaches.

Mandela national stadium and St Marys Kirenda stadium are the only two accredited and certified stadiums by CAF


Monday, August 26, 2024

Rwandan head of Police IGP Namuhoranye receives his Liberian counterpart at Police headquarters in Kacyiru

This monday, the head  of Rwanda police , CG Felix Namuhoranye, received IGP Gregory O. W. COLEMAN, head of  Liberian police at Rwandan police headquarters in Kacyiru.They held talks over establishing cooperation between the two forces.  

IGP Gregory O. W. COLEMAN and his group are in Rwanda for a four day visit meant to to build cooperation between the police forces of Liberia and Rwanda.

August 1st – August 24th, 2024: Tracking and Monitoring Al-Shabaab’s Activity in East Africa

Executive Summary

In August 2024, Al-Shabaab, an Al-Qaeda affiliated terrorist group, executed a series of attacks in Kenya and Somalia, showcasing a range of operational tactics and targeting strategies. During the first week of the month, from August 1 to August 8, Al-Shabaab carried out 16 attacks. The second week, spanning from August 8 to August 15, saw 17 attacks.

The first week of August  was marked by several high-casualty operations. On August 2, Al-Shabaab executed a double-tap suicide bombing and armed assault at Lido Beach, Mogadishu, resulting in over 20 fatalities and numerous injuries. Additionally, on the same day, they targeted a government checkpoint in Bafow, Lower Shabelle, which led to injuries among three Somali soldiers. The group’s tactics included IED attacks and direct assaults, highlighting their reliance on explosives and ambush strategies to inflict significant damage.

In the second week, Al-Shabaab’s activities remained intense but exhibited a slight shift in focus. Notable incidents on August 13 included a roadside explosion near Kamboni that targeted a convoy of Kenyan soldiers, causing casualties. The group also conducted multiple coordinated assaults on military bases, targeting both Kenyan and Ugandan forces. Additionally, Al-Shabaab carried out a suicide bombing operation against SNA troops near Shabelle University on August 9, which resulted in the deaths of two government soldiers and injuries to another.

The comparison between the two weeks reveals that the first week featured a broader range of attacks, including high-casualty suicide bombings and assaults on both military and civilian targets. In contrast, the second week concentrated more on targeted military operations, including IEDs and suicide bombings. This shift indicates a possible focus on disrupting military operations and targeting security forces more directly in the latter part of the month.

Al-Shabaab’s operational methods prominently include the use of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) and suicide bombings. These tactics were prevalent in both weeks, demonstrating the group’s strategic preference for explosive devices to maximize impact. Alongside these methods, armed assaults were employed, reflecting their direct engagement approach with targeted attacks on military positions.

The Northeastern region of Kenya, particularly Mandera County, has been frequently targeted, with multiple attacks on military bases and personnel. In Somalia, regions such as Lower Shabelle and Gedo provinces, including major urban areas like Mogadishu, have experienced repeated high-risk attacks. The concentration of Al-Shabaab’s efforts in these areas underscores their strategic significance and the ongoing challenge posed to security forces operating within these regions.

Terrorism Events:

Week 1- August 1st – August 8th

August 8, 2024 – Al-Shabaab executed a double-tap Improvised Explosive Device (IED) attack followed by an armed assault targeting Somali and Ugandan forces between Janale and Bofo, Lower Shabelle, Somalia.

August 8, 2024 – Al-Shabaab raided a Kenyan Forces base in Lafi, Mandera, Northeastern Kenya, resulting in the death of one soldier.

August 7, 2024 – Al-Shabaab claims five Somali government forces surrendered after being ambushed in Hiran, Somalia.

August 7, 2024 – Al-Shabaab militants raided a Ugandan military base in Janale, Southern Somalia. Several were killed and injured.

August 7, 2024 – In a planned operation in the Bulo-Jameo area of Baydhaba city, Bay region, Al-Shabaab forces killed a number of SNA troops in the area.

August 6, 2024 – Al-Shabaab eliminated a Somali forces member and seized his weapon in Baidoa City, Bay, Southwestern Somalia.

August 6, 2024 – Al-Shabaab forces attacked ATMIS-Ethiopian forces’ base in Dinsoor district and a base of SNA troops in Goof-gaduud Buurey, near Baydhaba.

August 6, 2024 – Al-Shabaab forces launched a heavy attack on apostate militias in the Beledhawo district of Gedo province.

August 6, 2024 – Al-Shabaab launched a heavy attack on a Kenyan forces camp in the Dhamase area, Mandera region.

August 6, 2024 – Al-Shabaab killed and injured several Somali forces in an IED attack on their foot patrol in Bardere City, Gedo, Southwestern Somalia.

August 5, 2024 – Clashes between Al-Shabaab militants and security forces broke out in Ceelasha Biyaha, near Mogadishu, Lower Shabelle, Somalia.

August 5, 2024 – Al-Shabaab militants targeted a military vehicle transporting fuel for the National Army with an IED in Garasbaaleey, Mogadishu, Somalia.

August 4, 2024 – Al-Shabaab Mujahideen forces killed an apostate wanted by the group at the entrance to Hudur district, Bakool province, Somalia.

August 3, 2024 – A landmine explosion hit a civilian vehicle in Gololeey, Balcad District, traveling from Jowhar to Mogadishu. Eight people were aboard; only one survived.

August 2, 2024 – Al-Shabaab conducted a double-tap suicide bombing and armed assault on a restaurant and a hotel in Lido Beach, Mogadishu, Somalia, resulting in more than 20 dead and several injured.

August 2, 2024 – Al-Shabaab fighters carried out a heavy bombing operation targeting a government security checkpoint in Bafow, Lower Shabelle, injuring three Somali government soldiers.

Week 2: August 8th – August 15th.

August 15, 2024: Suspected Al-Shabaab militants abducted South Korean missionaries operating in Kenya near the Ethiopian border.

August 15, 2024: Al-Shabaab’s explosives unit executed an IED attack targeting Kenyan security forces in the El-Ramo area of Mandera County, Northern Frontier District (NFD).

August 14, 2024: Al-Shabaab militants conducted an explosion in Beled Hawo town, Gedo region, targeting a checkpoint manned by Somali National Army (SNA) forces, resulting in one soldier being injured.

August 14, 2024: Al-Shabaab launched a coordinated assault on the Baraxow camp controlled by SNA troops in Bardhere town, Gedo region.

August 13, 2024: Al-Shabaab claimed responsibility for a roadside explosion that struck a convoy of Kenyan soldiers near Kamboni in Lamu County, destroying a military vehicle and resulting in casualties among the soldiers onboard.

August 13, 2024: Al-Shabaab reported a heavy assault on Ethiopian troops and Somali government forces in the Hiran region, with direct attacks on military bases in Halgan and Buulaburte.

August 13, 2024: Al-Shabaab assassinated a Kenyan Forces officer in Nani, Garissa, Kenya, as part of their ongoing campaign against high-ranking governmental and military personnel.

August 13, 2024: Al-Shabaab militants claimed to have overrun a military base in Ilbaq, near Balcad, killing several government soldiers and capturing military ammunition. The Somali government has yet to respond to the attack.

August 13, 2024: Al-Shabaab claimed responsibility for attacking Somali soldiers on foot near Balcad, Middle Shabelle.

August 11, 2024: Al-Shabaab’s explosive brigade in the Hiran region conducted two planned explosions at a control point held by Somali government troops in Jalalaqsi, resulting in the deaths of three SNA soldiers and injuries to four others.

August 10, 2024: Al-Shabaab forces carried out coordinated assaults on ATMIS-Ugandan troops in No/60 and on SNA troops in Awdheegle and Janale districts, Lower Shabelle.

August 9, 2024: Al-Shabaab militants in Banaadir conducted a bomb attack targeting Somali government troops, including intelligence agents (NISA) and military police, stationed at the Ceelasha-Biyaha junction on the outskirts of Mogadishu.

August 9, 2024: Suspected Al-Shabaab assassins killed a government soldier at the Isgooska Xoosh intersection in Mogadishu’s Dharkeynely district. The attackers reportedly fled the scene.

August 9, 2024: Al-Shabaab executed a double-tap IED and armed assault targeting Somali and Ugandan forces between Janale and Bofo in Lower Shabelle.

August 9, 2024: Al-Shabaab raided a Kenyan Forces base in Lafi, Mandera, Northeastern Kenya, resulting in the death of one soldier. The group continues operations against Kenyan and Somali forces.

August 9, 2024: Al-Shabaab carried out a suicide bombing operation targeting SNA troops near Shabelle University on the outskirts of Mogadishu, killing two government soldiers and injuring another member of the Riddada.

August 8, 2024: A bomb attack claimed by Al-Shabaab militants near Shabelle University on the outskirts of Mogadishu resulted in the deaths of two Somali government soldiers and injuries to one other.

Al-Shabaab militants claimed to have overrun a military base in Ilbaq, near Balcad, Middle Shabelle.

Analysis, Observation & Insights.

Al-Shabaab’s media wing, Al-Kataib Foundation continue to plays a significant role in amplifying the group’s perceived successes. By releasing carefully curated images and videos of their attacks, such as those from the latest assault on the Ilbaq military base, Al-Shabaab aims to project an image of dominance and operational success. This propaganda is designed to boost morale within the group, attract new recruits, and present a façade of invincibility. The exaggerated portrayal of their victories serves to obscure the group’s setbacks and challenges, creating a distorted view of their overall effectiveness.

This propaganda serves to bolster the group’s image and attract new recruits by presenting themselves as a victorious and unstoppable force. The exaggerated portrayal of their operations is designed to appeal to potential members, particularly those disillusioned with the status quo or looking for a sense of purpose. By amplifying their successes, Al-Shabaab aims to boost morale among its ranks and persuade individuals to join their cause. In reality, these narratives often obscure the group’s setbacks and challenges, creating a distorted view of their capabilities and influence.

Looking forward, it is anticipated that Al-Shabaab will continue to rely on IEDs and armed assaults while potentially increasing the complexity of their attacks. The group’s focus may shift towards targeting critical infrastructure to further isolate regions and disrupt military movements. As Al-Shabaab adapts to counterterrorism efforts, security forces in Kenya and Somalia will need to enhance their intelligence capabilities and improve coordination to counter these evolving threats effectively. The ongoing threat posed by Al-Shabaab highlights the need for vigilant and adaptive security measures in the region.

Overall, Al-Shabaab’s activities in the first two weeks of August 2024 highlight their continued operational capability and adaptability. The group’s use of IEDs, suicide bombings, and armed assaults demonstrates a persistent effort to undermine security forces and create instability in key regions of Kenya and Somalia.


Frontline report!

 Different front lines in the Lubero territory woke up after intense fighting yesterday, Sunday, August 25, in the village of KIKUVO.  The same situation is observed in the different areas of Masisi, local sources indicate. The Congolese government strongly condemns the attempts of the M23/RDF to manipulate public opinion with false allegations concerning the activities of the FARDC. Despite their accusations, no FARDC aircraft flew over the North Kivu region due to unfavorable weather conditions. Their recent offensive in Kikuvo constitutes a blatant violation of the Luanda ceasefire agreement. The FARDC will report these violations to the relevant verification mechanisms, in order to ensure accountability for these acts of aggression. 


This Monday, August 26, 2024, in the Majengo district, near the market known as Ki 30 in the commune of Karisimbi, a man in uniform opened fire, killing at least two people and seriously injuring another, during an altercation with resemblance to the robbery. According to testimonies collected, the argument broke out around 11 a.m. between the armed man and a money changer, before setting the entire area ablaze.  The young people, having seized the situation, expressed the wish to stone the author of this crime. This therefore explains the shots heard in this part of the city of Goma in these late morning hours. The perpetrator of the shooting directly apprehended was sent to the Bukumu chieftaincy office where the trial of his colleagues responsible for the recent violence in Turunga

Rwanda and Sierra Leone sign internal security and prisons cooperation agreements.

 Details later!

Doudou Tikaïleli Baundjwa leaves the Sacred Union to join the M23 rebellion

Doudou Tikaïleli Baundjwa, former influential executive of the political party led by Guy Loando Mboyo, recently joined the Congo River Alliance (AFC), a politico-military movement, led by Corneille Nangaa Yobeluo, and affiliated with the M23 rebellion . 

This departure marks a major turning point in the political dynamics of the country, especially given the fact that the AFC is allied with a rebel group active in the eastern region of the DRC. 

The departure of Tikaïleli Baundjwa from Union Sacrée, the political coalition supporting President of the Republic Félix Tshisekedi, to join a movement linked to the rebellion raises major concerns about the political stability of the DRC.

 According to Lucha member Fiston Bauma, this shift in allegiance highlights growing tensions and internal divisions that could affect government cohesion and complicate efforts to resolve the ongoing conflict. 

This transfer could also reflect complex power dynamics and frustrations within existing political structures, thereby increasing the challenges Tshisekedi's government faces in maintaining order and national unity in a context already marked by conflict. and regional tensions. 

The intelligence deductions!

- The internationally publicised membership of the famous lawyer DOUDOU TIKAILELI BAUNDJWA of TSHOPO (KISANGANI) to the Congo River Alliance (AFC/M23) shakes several circles of power of Félix Tshilombo in Kinshasa and Kisangani. The presidential family fears that this membership will open the way for several others among nationals of the Greater East. 

- ELITES from Kisangani  say that Félix Tshilombo is unaware that he has sufficiently hurt the Congolese of KISANGANI in particular and those of Tshopo in general. First, they blame Tshisekedi for the provocative appointment of Madeleine NIKOMBA (a Kasaian) as governor of Tshopo. They further claim that it was through this lady that Félix Tshilombo embezzled the funds intended for the victims of the six (6) day (UPDF and RDF clashes)war. They also claim that it was  this young sister from Tshilombo who was at the base of the bloody conflicts in the outskirts of the commune of Lubunga between the Mbole and Lengola ethnic groups at the end of May. Several dead bodies were found and eleven skeletons discovered more than 20 kilometers from the city of Kisangani, located on the left bank of the Congo River.

- In addition, ELITES and prominent people from TSHOPO claim that the city of Kisangani remains ignored by President Tshilombo whom they blame for failure to provide stable and permanent electricity. 

- ⁠AREP (Agisons pour République)of Minister of State GUY LOANDO MBOYO should calm down. DOUDOU TIKAILELI BAUNDJWA hadearlier resigned from AREP herself, why justify it with inaudible press releases?

-As we had earlier present in intelligence rapports,many of intellectuals and political figures from east DRC will continue defecting to M23/AFC.

Gun robberies and violence increase in Goma despite the captured of 8 alleged M23 recruiters.

 The mayor of the city of Goma (North Kivu), Senior Commissioner Faustin Kapend Kamand, announced on Saturday, August 24, the arrest of eight alleged recruiters for the M23 rebellion, by the intelligence services of the 34th military region.

He made this revelation on Saturday during the presentation of a group of fifteen people arrested as part of the weekly operation ''Safisha Mji wa Goma'' (Clean the city of Goma). 

Among them are a soldier from the 11th brigade, Rwandan citizens in an irregular situation, drug dealers and young people arrested in different districts of Goma, and in the territory of Nyiragongo. 

According to him, these people come from the enemy zone and they were already carrying out clandestine recruitment on behalf of the M23. The soldier of the 11th brigade is being prosecuted for the dissipation of ammunition in time of war. 

Senior Commissioner Faustin Kapend Kamand said that the territory of Nyiragongo is where all these bandits who come to operate in the city, organizing burglaries, robberies and other crimes, hide.

"  The young people, some from Nyiragongo and others from the Majengo, Kasika and Katoy districts, confessed that they were the ones who snatched the policeman's weapon when the roads were barricaded a week ago, " added the officer, who also announced that the intelligence department of the 34th military region had already transferred other criminals to Kinshasa. According to him, this operation was carried out secretly so as not to alert the infiltrators.

 Despite the operations to arrest the perpetrators,this Monday, August 26, 2024, in the Majengo district, near the so-called "Ki 30" market located in the commune of Karisimbi, a man in FARDC uniform opened fire, causing the death of at least two people and seriously injuring one another, following an altercation which resembled a robbery.

According to testimonies collected, the incident broke out around 11 a.m., involving the armed man and a money changer, before degenerating and setting the entire area ablaze. Young people present on site expressed their intention to lynch the perpetrator of this shooting.

This event therefore explains the gunshots which were heard late in the morning in this part of the city of Goma.

this FARDC soldier was arrested in the afternoon.This is the Problem FARDC has,the indisciplined army officers who rage terror on civilians.This destroys confidence and good relationship with the public.

(Photo of The FARDC soldier who was arrested this afternoon for attacks on civilians)

According to intelligence information collected today afternoon by our patriotic confidants from various members of societies in karisimbi,katoyi,majengo and the areas around the military barracks in Katindo,the gun violence and robbery is mostly attributted to indisciplined soldiers who connive with gangster to attack business men and innocent civilians.It is these gangsters who scout on the  businemen and then connive with the rogour army officers to attack known businessmen .An innocent civilians decried that it is these gangsters who point out to these stupid military on whom to attack and when because they first monitor the activities of their targets.He also stressed that the recent attacks in Goma where business men attacked is a result of such acts which the gangster plan together with the rogour military men.The civilians detaste this army behavior and it has increased mistrust.One civilian warned that such behavior of conniving with gangsters also eases the way the rebels can infiltrate or spy on the army.When asked ,on what kind of punishment to be given to Such officers,he said that such officers should be prosecuted immediately and in presence of public.

Nyamulagira getting to eruption

 Proffessor Charles Balagizi, scientific director of the OVG, specified that "the eruption consists of an overflow of lava from its cra...