Monday, August 19, 2024

Will Rwanda accept to withdraw RDF from Congolese soil?Will the region's plan to neutralize the FDLR materialize?

While Kigali (Rwanda) has managed to obtain validation of the harmonized plan for the neutralization of the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR), Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo), the victim of an aggression according to the United Nations, is experiencing diplomatic difficulties in reaching an agreement on the disengagement of foreign forces on its territory, in particular the Rwandan Defense Forces (RDF). On the sidelines of the 44th SADC summit, the mediator appointed by the African Union, Joao Lourenço, presented his mediation report to the Troika meeting of the SADC political, defense and security cooperation body, focused on the security crisis in eastern DRC. In his report to the region's leaders, he acknowledged that on this point "negotiations are at an impasse."

"I inform you that at the second ministerial meeting between the DRC and Rwanda, held on July 30, 2024 in Luanda, the parties agreed on a ceasefire at midnight on August 4, 2024. An agreement was also reached on the imperative need to implement the FDLR neutralization plan, the deployment of forces and the strengthening of the ad hoc verification mechanism with the integration of intelligence experts from the three countries and the possibility of involving other stakeholders. Following the decisions I just mentioned, the intelligence experts met in Luanda on the 7th and 8th of this month and together developed the Harmonized Plan for the Neutralization of the FDLR, despite an impasse in the development of the disengagement of forces in the operational theater," said João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço in his speech published on the Facebook account of the Angolan Presidency.

Despite the impasse, the mediator appointed by the African Union in the security crisis has expressed optimism about a successful outcome for the return of peace in eastern DRC and the region. João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço notes a willingness on the part of Kinshasa and Kigali to resolve the conflict through negotiation. "This situation is at the forefront of our attention and, therefore, we will continue to work with both parties to reach an agreement on the disengagement of forces. For peace to be effective, permanent and lasting, I travelled to Kigali and Kinshasa on 11 and 12 August respectively to have a conversation with HE President Paul Kagame and HE President Félix Tshisekedi, to whom I presented a proposal for a peace agreement," he said in his speech.

And he continued: "In the conversation with the two heads of state mentioned, I perceived a great political will on their part in resolving the conflict through negotiation and, in accordance with this, we have already scheduled for next August 20 a ministerial meeting of discussion and negotiation in Luanda within the framework of the terms of the proposed peace agreement, to be signed, at the best opportunity, in the presence of the three heads of state: the DRC, Rwanda and Angola."

Furthermore, João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço said he had noted that the region is now working diligently with the United Nations to ensure MONUSCO's support for the reinforced ad hoc mechanism for the implementation of the ceasefire. "I consider it appropriate to inform Your Excellencies that we have begun to work diligently with the United Nations, to ensure MONUSCO's support for the activities of the reinforced ad hoc mechanism, whose mandate will be crucial for the implementation of the ceasefire, the neutralization of the FDLR and the disengagement of forces. I would like to take this opportunity to commend the efforts of our Region which, through the implementation of the SADC Mission in the DRC, has played a decisive role in supporting the government of this country, a member of our Community, in the quest to safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity," he said in his statement.

A new ministerial meeting between the DRC and Rwanda will take place in Luanda on 20 and 21 August. This meeting, preceded by an expert session, follows the recent steps taken by Angolan President João Lourenço, appointed mediator by the African Union, who travelled to Kigali and Kinshasa on 11 and 12 August to present a proposal for a peace agreement to Presidents Paul Kagame and Félix Tshisekedi. The Luanda meeting will mainly aim to discuss this peace proposal, with a view to reaching a negotiated and lasting solution to the conflict that has been ravaging eastern DRC since the end of 2023, the Angolan presidency announced. The Angolan president, who plays a central role in this process, has already initiated in-depth talks with Congolese and Rwandan leaders, seeking to restore confidence between the parties.

In the theatre of operations, we also observe a status quo where the M23 forces, supported by Kigali, have increased their zones of influence in the province of North Kivu. On the side of the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo, the reaction is struggling to be felt, despite the recent establishment of a security task force under the leadership of Félix Tshisekedi, following the incidents in the city of Kanyabayonga and other localities in the territory of Lubero (North Kivu).

International Humanitarian day celebration in North kivu




Damaged Liakobo bridge interrupts transportation between Beni and Butembo

 Road traffic has been interrupted for two days between Beni and Butembo. Around a hundred vehicles are stuck on either side of a small damaged bridge near Liakobo, 8 kilometers from the southern  exit of Beni.

South Sudan soldiers made another incursion on Congolese territory


A new incursion by South Sudanese soldiers has been reported on Congolese soil, precisely in the territory of Aru in Ituri. 

According to various media outlets in Ituri, between August 5 and 7, 2024, around 150 South Sudanese soldiers entered the Kameru 2 shopping center located in the Kaliko Omi chiefdom.

These soldiers caused panic for 3 days, shooting in the air and arresting at least 11 people, including Congolese and South Sudanese refugees. They also committed acts of looting and raped a young refugee girl from South Sudan. 

Uganda recently repatriated 97 Congolese Police officers who had fled the fighting

 Uganda recently repatriated 97 Congolese police officers who had fled M23 fighting in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). These security forces, prey to the advance of the M23 rebel group, had found refuge in Uganda. The Ugandan army affirmed that this gesture was part of a humanitarian framework while respecting international law.

These police officers were returned to the DRC with their weapons, ammunition and other military equipment. Uganda, through its army, was keen to emphasize that this return took place in complete transparency and in compliance with bilateral agreements. The situation at the border nevertheless remains worrying, with a continuous flow of refugees seeking to escape the intense fighting in the North Kivu region.

For several weeks, the region has been plagued by an increase in violence, exacerbated by the offensives of the M23 rebel group. The latter recently took control of the strategic town of Kanyabayonga, a high position that could allow them to expand their influence in other areas of North Kivu. This advance forced many civilians, but also security forces, to flee to neighboring countries.

Faced with this crisis, the Congolese army is redoubling its efforts to repel the rebels. Military operations are underway, including the use of drones and aircraft to try to retake lost areas. However, the situation remains tense and the outcome of the fighting remains uncertain.

The outlook for the North Kivu region remains worrying. The advance of the M23, combined with the flight of Congolese security forces, could further destabilize the region. International efforts, including diplomatic negotiations, will be essential to avoid an escalation of conflict and a complete collapse of security in eastern DRC.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Alshabaab militants have been executed in Galakayo

 Ten al-Shabaab militants have been executed in the central town of Galkayo on Saturday after being convicted previously for carrying out assassinations and attacks. 

Authorities in Somalia’s Puntland region said they are hunting 3 other militants who were sentenced to death in absentia, ordering the security forces to shoot them at sight.

Friday, August 16, 2024

President Kagame makes more changes

Tshisekedi lands in Harare for the 44th SADC ordinary summit of Heads of State.

  •  President Tshisekedi arrived this Friday at Harare , in Zimbabwe , to take part in the 44th Ordinary Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Southern African Development Community, which opens on Saturday, August 17.

ADF kills 15 people in Mambasa

 At least 15 people have been killed by ADF (Allied Democratic Forces) rebels since Wednesday, August 14, in the localities of Bana Congo, Limba, and Mayana, located in the territory of Mambasa (Ituri).

The New Civil Society of Mambasa reports that among the victims, eight lost their lives during a double attack that occurred on Thursday, August 15, which also caused the displacement of many farmers. The toll remains provisional, because the fate of about twenty other people, kidnapped by this armed group, remains unknown.

The attack which took place on Thursday, August 15 in the village of Mayana, located in the chiefdom of Babila Babombi, left five dead.

The victims were farmers caught in their fields. Later in the day, another group of ADF rebels attacked the town of Limba, killing three civilians.

Nouvelle société civile also reports that an attack carried out by the ADF on Wednesday, August 14 in Bana Congo, near Mungamba, left seven dead, and that at least 25 people were forcibly taken into the bush.

The security situation in the region has forced many residents to flee to Lolwa, while agricultural activities, the main source of livelihood for the local population, have been completely paralyzed.

Civil society actors in Mambasa are calling on the Government to organize military operations to track down these rebels, similar to the actions carried out in North Kivu, in order to dismantle this armed group which continues to sow terror in the region.

At the Frontline:Claims and report snippets from the Frontline

 The Kiwanja - Mabenga road is cut at Kahunga. The wazalendo signed their entry. they progress towards Rutoboko 1km from Kiwanja.

The Wazalendo claim. to have captured 9 elements of RDF in Rangira.

Bi-Weekly Counter-Terrorism Intelligence Brief for East and Central Africa (Somalia, Mozambique, and DR-Congo): Tracking Islamic State Terrorists for the period of 1st October- 15th October 2024

Bi-Weekly Counter-Terrorism Intelligence Brief for East and Central Africa (Somalia, Mozambique, and DR-Congo): Tracking Islamic State Terro...