Monday, August 26, 2024

Rwanda and Sierra Leone sign internal security and prisons cooperation agreements.

 Details later!

Doudou Tikaïleli Baundjwa leaves the Sacred Union to join the M23 rebellion

Doudou Tikaïleli Baundjwa, former influential executive of the political party led by Guy Loando Mboyo, recently joined the Congo River Alliance (AFC), a politico-military movement, led by Corneille Nangaa Yobeluo, and affiliated with the M23 rebellion . 

This departure marks a major turning point in the political dynamics of the country, especially given the fact that the AFC is allied with a rebel group active in the eastern region of the DRC. 

The departure of Tikaïleli Baundjwa from Union Sacrée, the political coalition supporting President of the Republic Félix Tshisekedi, to join a movement linked to the rebellion raises major concerns about the political stability of the DRC.

 According to Lucha member Fiston Bauma, this shift in allegiance highlights growing tensions and internal divisions that could affect government cohesion and complicate efforts to resolve the ongoing conflict. 

This transfer could also reflect complex power dynamics and frustrations within existing political structures, thereby increasing the challenges Tshisekedi's government faces in maintaining order and national unity in a context already marked by conflict. and regional tensions. 

The intelligence deductions!

- The internationally publicised membership of the famous lawyer DOUDOU TIKAILELI BAUNDJWA of TSHOPO (KISANGANI) to the Congo River Alliance (AFC/M23) shakes several circles of power of Félix Tshilombo in Kinshasa and Kisangani. The presidential family fears that this membership will open the way for several others among nationals of the Greater East. 

- ELITES from Kisangani  say that Félix Tshilombo is unaware that he has sufficiently hurt the Congolese of KISANGANI in particular and those of Tshopo in general. First, they blame Tshisekedi for the provocative appointment of Madeleine NIKOMBA (a Kasaian) as governor of Tshopo. They further claim that it was through this lady that Félix Tshilombo embezzled the funds intended for the victims of the six (6) day (UPDF and RDF clashes)war. They also claim that it was  this young sister from Tshilombo who was at the base of the bloody conflicts in the outskirts of the commune of Lubunga between the Mbole and Lengola ethnic groups at the end of May. Several dead bodies were found and eleven skeletons discovered more than 20 kilometers from the city of Kisangani, located on the left bank of the Congo River.

- In addition, ELITES and prominent people from TSHOPO claim that the city of Kisangani remains ignored by President Tshilombo whom they blame for failure to provide stable and permanent electricity. 

- ⁠AREP (Agisons pour République)of Minister of State GUY LOANDO MBOYO should calm down. DOUDOU TIKAILELI BAUNDJWA hadearlier resigned from AREP herself, why justify it with inaudible press releases?

-As we had earlier present in intelligence rapports,many of intellectuals and political figures from east DRC will continue defecting to M23/AFC.

Gun robberies and violence increase in Goma despite the captured of 8 alleged M23 recruiters.

 The mayor of the city of Goma (North Kivu), Senior Commissioner Faustin Kapend Kamand, announced on Saturday, August 24, the arrest of eight alleged recruiters for the M23 rebellion, by the intelligence services of the 34th military region.

He made this revelation on Saturday during the presentation of a group of fifteen people arrested as part of the weekly operation ''Safisha Mji wa Goma'' (Clean the city of Goma). 

Among them are a soldier from the 11th brigade, Rwandan citizens in an irregular situation, drug dealers and young people arrested in different districts of Goma, and in the territory of Nyiragongo. 

According to him, these people come from the enemy zone and they were already carrying out clandestine recruitment on behalf of the M23. The soldier of the 11th brigade is being prosecuted for the dissipation of ammunition in time of war. 

Senior Commissioner Faustin Kapend Kamand said that the territory of Nyiragongo is where all these bandits who come to operate in the city, organizing burglaries, robberies and other crimes, hide.

"  The young people, some from Nyiragongo and others from the Majengo, Kasika and Katoy districts, confessed that they were the ones who snatched the policeman's weapon when the roads were barricaded a week ago, " added the officer, who also announced that the intelligence department of the 34th military region had already transferred other criminals to Kinshasa. According to him, this operation was carried out secretly so as not to alert the infiltrators.

 Despite the operations to arrest the perpetrators,this Monday, August 26, 2024, in the Majengo district, near the so-called "Ki 30" market located in the commune of Karisimbi, a man in FARDC uniform opened fire, causing the death of at least two people and seriously injuring one another, following an altercation which resembled a robbery.

According to testimonies collected, the incident broke out around 11 a.m., involving the armed man and a money changer, before degenerating and setting the entire area ablaze. Young people present on site expressed their intention to lynch the perpetrator of this shooting.

This event therefore explains the gunshots which were heard late in the morning in this part of the city of Goma.

this FARDC soldier was arrested in the afternoon.This is the Problem FARDC has,the indisciplined army officers who rage terror on civilians.This destroys confidence and good relationship with the public.

(Photo of The FARDC soldier who was arrested this afternoon for attacks on civilians)

According to intelligence information collected today afternoon by our patriotic confidants from various members of societies in karisimbi,katoyi,majengo and the areas around the military barracks in Katindo,the gun violence and robbery is mostly attributted to indisciplined soldiers who connive with gangster to attack business men and innocent civilians.It is these gangsters who scout on the  businemen and then connive with the rogour army officers to attack known businessmen .An innocent civilians decried that it is these gangsters who point out to these stupid military on whom to attack and when because they first monitor the activities of their targets.He also stressed that the recent attacks in Goma where business men attacked is a result of such acts which the gangster plan together with the rogour military men.The civilians detaste this army behavior and it has increased mistrust.One civilian warned that such behavior of conniving with gangsters also eases the way the rebels can infiltrate or spy on the army.When asked ,on what kind of punishment to be given to Such officers,he said that such officers should be prosecuted immediately and in presence of public.

DRC army reacts on M23's accusations of violating it's airspace

The DRC Gorvenment hasreacted on M23's accusations of “violating its airspace.” This is an attempt to blind public opinion, because it has been 48 hours since, due to weather problems, no aircraft from the FARDC or their partners has been able to take to the air in North Kivu. In this same context, to justify the attacks they launched this Sunday on our positions in Kikubo in the territory of Lubero, the latter signed, on August 24, and published in the public square a press release evoking a deployment of FARDC troops around areas under their control. This was once again a manipulation of public opinion, says the Congolese army.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Wazalendo and M23 clashed today in Masisi

 Fighting raged this Saturday, August 24 on the Kironko axis, near the town of Buguri, in the territory of Masisi (North Kivu).

At midday, the situation was confused around the locality of Muheto, about 16 kilometers from Masisi-Centre, where crossfire with heavy weapons plunged the population into disarray.

It is difficult, for the moment, to say precisely which of the camps on the battlefield has control of the town of Muheto.

Some sources are already announcing the fall of this region into the hands of the rebels. Other sources, however, maintain that the fighting, which began around 4 am this Saturday, is continuing and has redoubled in intensity.

The M23 rebels, the first to launch the offensive, are said to have opened several other fronts at the same time. Thus, in addition to Muheto, there are fighting in an area including the localities of Kisuma, Nyange, Kaniro, Lukopu, and also on the Katale side.

In Kisuma, the Wazalendo had to force the invaders to retreat, according to local sources.

Since the beginning of the week that is ending, sporadic fighting has been reported, on numerous occasions, in localities in the Masisi territory, forcing the rest of the civilian population to move constantly.

Civil society organisations deplore this lack of respect for the ceasefire period, which should be observed after the humanitarian truce.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Fihtings resume in Masisi

 Lull was observed this Wednesday, August 21 in the Mufunyi Shanga group in the south of the Masisi territory (North Kivu). 

The Mufunyi group has returned to calm after clashes early Tuesday afternoon between M23 rebels and fighters from local armed groups in the villages of Kabashe and Kashengamutwe. 

These villages are located on the hills overlooking the town of Bweremana. 

According to some local sources, local fighters clashed with a rebel patrol, which was attempting to cross to the west of Shasha. 

The sound of gunfire was heard until around 2 p.m. local time on Tuesday, the same sources continued.

Violent clashes also broke out this Wednesday morning at 2:00 a.m. in the territory of Masisi, in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The M23/RDF rebels were confronted by the FARDC, supported by the Wazalendo. The fighting  concentrated in Rupfunda and Rukopfu less than 10 km from Bihambwe.

These clashes come as authorities from Kinshasa and Kigali meet in Luanda, Angola, for peace talks mediated by Angolan President João Lourenço

Bi-Weekly Counter-Terrorism Intelligence Brief for East and Central Africa (Somalia, Mozambique, and DR-Congo): Tracking Islamic State Terrorists for the period of 1st October- 15th October 2024

Bi-Weekly Counter-Terrorism Intelligence Brief for East and Central Africa (Somalia, Mozambique, and DR-Congo): Tracking Islamic State Terro...