Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Will President Kagame accept to talk with FDLR?One of President Kagame's critiques writes to President Jao Laurenco demanding FDLR and RPF negotiations

To:                   His Excellency Joâo Lourenço                                                                                                                     President of the Republic of Angola, Luanda – Angola

Subject:           Opinions and considerations on the DRC-Rwanda peace process:

                        Kigali must negotiate with the FDLR.

Your Excellency Mr President,

– Considering your status as Mediator of the African Union in the ongoing peace process between DRC and Rwanda;

– Considering your leadership and the invaluable efforts you are making to bring peace between the two brotherly countries and to recreate conditions of collective security throughout the Great Lakes region of Africa and the continent as a whole;

– Considering the significant progress made in the aforementioned peace process since the first ministerial meeting in Luanda on 31 March 2024;

– Considering in particular the resolutions and reciprocal commitments of the two countries, as recorded in the Minutes at the end of the 3rd ministerial meeting of Luanda on 7 and 8 August 2024;

– Considering that the Congolese government has discovered Kigali’s Machiavellian plan to equate the FDLR with all Rwandan refugees in the DRC, with Kinyarwanda-speaking Congolese, and with the Congolese armed forces (FARDC); this prompted Minister Thérèse Wagner to categorically reject any idea of direct negotiation with the M23 and to devalue the operations to combat the FDLR, which had been planned by a committee of military and intelligence experts at the meeting held in Rubavu on 30 August 2024.

– Considering also that no consensus was reached at the Luanda talks on the withdrawal of Rwandan troops (RDF) from Congolese territory, as had been hoped for by the international community and the people of eastern DRC, who are seriously suffering the effects of this war; Rwanda, for its part, has decided to maintain its firm position, continuing its murderous actions against Congolese civilians and continuing to plunder the natural resources of the DRC. The wars initiated by Kagame in the DRC since 1996 have already cost the lives of more than 15 million people in the DRC;

– Given the instrumentalisation of the Rwandan tragedy, the current situation of the Rwandan people in the grip of a brutal and criminal dictatorship and the immeasurable tragedy being experienced by the peoples of the Great Lakes sub-region of Africa as a result of the incessant wars imposed by Kigali for the benefit of the imperialist networks and powers determined to get their hands on the natural wealth of the African continent;

– Driven by the ideal of the right to peace for the peoples of Africa ;

We, the Rwandan Movement for the Republic and Democracy (MRD), a political platform committed and determined to eradicate all forms of injustice, oppression and inhumanity characteristic of the oppressive RPF regime headed by Paul Kagame, have the great honour of coming to your eminent personality to submit to you, by way of contribution to the search for a rediscovered and lasting peace between the DRC and Rwanda, the following Opinions and Considerations:

1. The Congolese government’s current about-turn is far from surprising. Indeed, given that the war is taking place on Congolese soil, with all that this implies in terms of suffering inflicted on the civilian population, Kinshasa has every right to be doubly vigilant about the content of the reciprocal commitments and the chances of success.  Kinshasa has every right to be doubly vigilant as to the content of the reciprocal commitments and the real chances of their fulfilment;

2. Recent experience of the negotiations between the two parties, involving the Rwandan and Congolese governments, shows beyond doubt that the RPF-Inkotanyi regime in power in Rwanda has always shown a notorious lack of good faith, which is reflected, in particular, in its disrespect for international rules and principles and commitments made on the international stage.

3. There remains a glaring imbalance between the commitments of the two parties. While the Congolese side had undertaken to negotiate with the M23 and to dismantle the FDLR, the Rwandan side had not committed itself to anything concrete, having never officially admitted that it had committed troops to the fighting in the DRC, despite all the reliable reports showing this interference, with photos to back them up. How can we say that we are going to withdraw troops whose involvement on the ground we persist in denying?

4. Your responsibility as Mediator of the African Union is enormous, Your Excellency, since all the eyes and prayers of the peoples of the two countries and of the sub-region are turned towards You. In any case, in order to restore the confidence of the Congolese side, which is currently calling the whole process into question, we need more commitment and good faith from the Rwandan side.

That is why, for the sake of stability and lasting peace in the Great Lakes sub-region of Africa, we propose the following considerations:

a) to demand that Kigali unconditionally withdraw its troops from Congolese soil;

b) demand that Kigali canton the M23 fighters with a view to their disarmament and repatriation;

c) to demand that Kigali open direct negotiations with the FDLR. To this end, our Movement is prepared to play the role of Facilitator between you and the FDLR on the one hand, and between the Rwandan Government and the FDLR on the other;

d) demand that Kinshasa clarify its reasons for rejecting the process.

In the expectation of a wise response to this letter, please accept, Your Excellency, the expression of our highest consideration.

Washington DC, 18th  September 2024

Mrs Christine COLEMAN, President of the MRD

Copy for information :

– President of the DRC

– President of Tanzania

– President of Burundi

– President of South Africa

– President of Malawi


Bi-Weekly Counter-Terrorism Intelligence Brief for East and Central Africa (Somalia, Mozambique, and DR-Congo): Tracking Islamic State Terrorists for the period of 1st September- 15th September 2024

Executive Summary

In East and Central Africa, between September 1st and 15th, 2024, the Islamic State (IS) and its affiliated groups continued to escalate violence and expand their operations in Mozambique and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Mozambique: Islamic State-Mozambique (ISM) increased its activities in the Cabo Delgado region, targeting both civilians and military forces. Notable incidents included attacks in Muidumbe and Mocimboa da Praia districts, with indications of possible expansion into neighboring Malawi. The recruitment of vulnerable youth in Malawi has raised concerns about regional security. ISM’s use of ambushes and hit-and-run tactics suggests adaptability, complicating efforts by Mozambican and Rwandan forces to stabilize the region.

DR Congo: Islamic State Central Africa Province (ISCAP) intensified its attacks in Ituri province. Civilians and military forces were targeted in multiple armed assaults, resulting in numerous casualties. The joint efforts between Congolese and Ugandan forces showed some success in neutralizing ISCAP members, but the insurgents’ ability to terrorize local populations remains a significant threat. The situation has led to growing calls for international intervention due to the deteriorating humanitarian conditions in the region.


  • 11th Sep- Islamic State (IS) insiders reportedly referenced expansion into Malawi after national intelligence services uncovered youth recruitment.
  • 10th Sep- ISM led an armed attack against civilians in Negure area of Muidumbe district.
  • 05th Sep- a Mozambican military patrol was ambushed and attacked by ISM terrorist in Mocimboa da Praia.
  • 04th Sep- ISM conducted an armed attacked against the civilian populace in Negure are in Muidumbe district.
  • 01st Sep- several civilians were injured after ISM mounted an armed assault against the population in Chiure in Chiure district.
  • 01st Sep- ISM terrorists led an armed assault against Mozambican Army troop in Bugi in Cabo Delgado.


  • 11TH Sep- ISCAP militants attacked several villages on the RN4 road near Biakato area IN Ituri province. The villages include Kombokombo, Badulingi and Bamedi.
  • 10th Sep- ISCAP militants led an armed attack against civilians on the RN4 in Bandembesi, Ituri. At least three people were killed and several others injured.
  • 07th Sep- ISCAP militants captured and execute two Christians in Idohu area in Ituri.
  • 04th Sep- Joint efforts between Congolese and Ugandan troops left four ISCAP jihadists neutralized and 9 of their hostages freed, including two of Ugandan nationality.
  • 04th Sep- ISCAP terrorists conducted an armed attack against civilians Near Biakato in Ntabiya region in Ituri province.
  • 04th Sep- ISCAP terrorists led and armed assaults on civilians near Mamove are in Ituri province.
  • 02nd Sep- ISAP militants led an armed assault on Congolese Military vehicle in Bandilika, Ituri Province. At least one civilian and one soldier were killed in the attack.
  • 01st Sep- Joint efforts by FARDC supported by the Ugandan army (UPDF) destroyed one of the strongholds of ISCAP terrorists east of Makumo and Biakato, in the Babila-Babombi chiefdom, Mambasa territory, Ituri province. 3 jihadists killed, two computers, a grenade and an AK47 type weapon recovered by the army. It was revealed that these computers served these rebels in connecting to the ISCAP and EI (Individual Enterprise) networks.



Malawi’s National Intelligence Service (NIS) recently uncovered a youth recruitment scheme linked to insiders expanding their influence in the country, raising serious security concerns. This discovery comes amid growing regional instability, particularly as neighboring Mozambique grapples with the spread of Islamic State (IS)-aligned insurgents in its northern Cabo Delgado province. The possibility of this recruitment effort being connected to the Islamic State’s broader operations in Southern Africa cannot be overlooked.

The Islamic State in Mozambique (ISIS-M) has been actively recruiting vulnerable youth, leveraging poverty, unemployment, and disillusionment to expand its ranks. As the insurgency in Mozambique continues to destabilize the region, it is likely that IS operatives are seeking to expand beyond Mozambique’s borders into neighboring countries like Malawi. The recruitment of Malawian youth could be part of a wider strategy to establish a foothold and bolster militant forces in the region.These recruitment networks, often masked by community groups or social media campaigns, target young people who are struggling with economic hardships, making them easy prey for extremist ideologies. The discovery of this scheme by the NIS suggests that Malawi, like Mozambique, could become a new target for IS expansion, further exacerbating regional insecurity.

Insurgent activity in Mocímboa da Praia signals a renewed threat in areas thought to be stabilized by Rwandan forces, revealing difficulties in fully securing the region. Islamic State-linked fighters are employing both violence and media propaganda, using attacks to project strength and maintain influence. Targeting key infrastructure like the N380 highway disrupts military and civilian movements, indicating a strategy to weaken government control. Despite recent successes, Rwandan forces remain vulnerable to insurgent ambushes, showing gaps in intelligence and operational awareness. The insurgents’ use of hit-and-run tactics and IEDs highlights their adaptability in avoiding direct confrontations. Rising violence has forced the reduction of UN operations, intensifying the already dire humanitarian crisis in the region.

The increased attacks by ISCAP (Islamic State Central Africa Province) in North Kivu and Ituri highlight the growing threat of extremist violence in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Over the last two months, the group’s brutal tactics, including mass killings, arson, and property destruction, have terrorized civilian populations, with the toll exceeding 500 deaths. This surge of violence, despite the state of siege, exposes the limited capacity of the Congolese government and its military forces to counter ISCAP’s insurgency effectively. Human rights organizations have asked for these regions to be declared disaster areas underscores the severity of the humanitarian crisis, while their appeal to the international community to act against what they term a “genocide” points to growing frustrations over perceived international neglect and the failure of peacekeeping initiatives. The local demands for tax relief and stronger military action reflect the community’s desperation for both immediate and long-term solutions to this enduring conflict.


In Mozambique, the Islamic State-Mozambique (ISM) has expanded its activities beyond its traditional strongholds in Cabo Delgado, targeting both civilians and military forces. Notable incidents include repeated attacks in Muidumbe and Mocimboa da Praia districts, with a strategic shift towards destabilizing neighboring Malawi through youth recruitment. This suggests a broader, more regional approach by ISM, aimed at reinforcing its influence and operational capacity across borders. The group’s use of ambushes and IEDs indicates a sophisticated understanding of local dynamics and a deliberate effort to challenge stabilization efforts by Mozambican and Rwandan forces. The intensifying violence has led to a reduction in UN operations, worsening the humanitarian crisis and disrupting key infrastructure.

In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the Islamic State Central Africa Province (ISCAP) has intensified its brutal campaign in Ituri province. The group’s recent attacks, including mass killings and assaults on civilians and military personnel, highlight the severity of the insurgency and the challenges facing Congolese and Ugandan forces. Despite some successes in neutralizing ISCAP members and disrupting their operations, the group’s ability to execute coordinated and lethal attacks reveals significant gaps in counter-insurgency efforts. The ongoing violence has led to severe humanitarian conditions, with calls from human rights organizations for international intervention and disaster area declarations. The local population’s demand for stronger military action and relief measures reflects the urgent need for a comprehensive response to the escalating crisis.

Overall, the period underscores the critical need for enhanced regional and international strategies to counter IS-affiliated groups and address the deepening humanitarian crises in Mozambique and the DRC

Rwandan army shoots another DRC soldier

 Rwanda, the RDF, Kigali's army, continues its provocation, even near the tourist city of Goma, one of the largest in the east of the country. Despite calls for a ceasefire, the Rwandan army continues to display its excessive ambitions.

A soldier of the Armed Forces of the DRC was killed on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday, September 18, 2024 by Rwandan soldiers near border pillar 12, in the village of Buswaga, located in the Buvira group, in the Bukumu chiefdom, in the Nyiragongo territory, north of Goma. According to civil society sources, there was concern on both sides after the incident.

The information is confirmed by the spokesman for the army in North Kivu. Accordingly ,Lieutenant-Colonel Ndjike Kaiko Guillaume promises to give the position of the FARDC in the coming hours.

However, an independent source points out that a significant portion of the Congolese army has been reinforced in the Nyiragongo territory.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Author,Charles Onana accused of denying Tutsi genocide


According to the news outlet, Monde Afrique, the International Federation of Human Rights Leagues, the Survie-France association, the Human Rights League, the Rwandan Community of France , the Collective of Civil Parties, have filed a complaint, with constitution of civil party, against the political scientist and writer Charles Onana accused of "denial of the crime of genocide of Tutsi ".

There has been heated debates over all forms of media from Kigali on the authors publication.Many citing that his books are meant to denial the Tutsi genocide.

The trial will take place before the criminal court of Paris on October 7, 8, 10 and 11. The complaint targets the resounding book by published in 2019 by Éditions de l'Artilleur entitled Rwanda, la vérité sur l'opération Turquoise , a work prefaced by Colonel Luc Marchal, commander of the blue helmets of the UN in 1994 in Rwanda .

Colonel Marchal, who was in charge of security in the town of Kigali in 1994 and who experienced Rwanda's descent into hell first-hand, will be at the court to defend Mr. Onana Charles.

The situation from the 4th ministerial meeting on Rwanda and DRC conflict

The 4th ministerial meeting between the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Republic of Rwanda, under the mediation of the Republic of Angola. 

⏹️The ministers of RDC- Rwanda have been informed of the results of the meeting between the Facilitation and the delegation of AFC/M23, devoted mainly to their adherence to the cease-fire in force since August 4, 2024. 
⏹️ The meeting reviewed and approved the minutes of the ministerial session of August 20 and 21, 2024, and also reviewed the report of the intelligence experts meeting of August 29 and 30, 2024 in Rubavu, Rwanda, the emphasis on the harmonized plan for the neutralization of the FDLR and the disengagement of forces/the lifting of defensive measures by Rwanda.

NYIRAGONGO: VIOLENT Clashes between the FARDC and the M23 rebels in the PNVI on September 14


Violent clashes broke out on Saturday, September 14 in the afternoon between the armed forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (FARDC) and the rebels of the M23 group in the depth of the National Park of Volcanoes (PNVi), along the 'axe Kanyabuki. According to the Civil Society of Nyiragongo Territory, which alerted on the situation, the M23-AFC rebels tried to penetrate a position of the government forces. "The forces of M23, who are used to these attempts, were quickly repelled and are now pursued without repetition. Ils n'osent plus s'aventurer davantage", declared a representative of the Civil Society.

The Civil Society also called on the population to support the FARDC as well as the Volunteers for the Defense of the Fatherland (VDP), who, according to it, are giving their blood for the defense of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. "We urge the population to continue to support the armed forces and the VDP in this crucial struggle for peace and security," she added. The Civil Society also requested the continuation of the offensive against the M23 rebels. These fightings occur a week after similar violent confrontations in the region, illustrating the persistence of the security crisis in the east of the DRC.

Friday, September 13, 2024

As Rwanda demands the expulsion of FDLR from DRC,the leaders of FDLR and FLN are rumoured to be holding a meeting in Burundi

According to whispers from Bujumbura,There are rumours around the city that the rebel leaders ,Lt Gen Hamada Habimana who is considered to be the supreme commander of the FLN forces, Gen Ntawunguka Pacifique who is the head of the FDLR army, Brig Gen Antoine Hakizimana who is the head of the FLN army and Col Honore Hategekimana Theophile also from the FLN are holding a grand meeting in Burundi.Meanwhile ,the DRC is demamding Rwanda to first withdraw its army from DRC soil for it to also respond to Rwandan demand of chasing a way the FDLR.Rwanda has declined to behave to the demands of DRC.

Hanwha Defence, a major South Korean defense contractor, and an army infantry division have begun testing a new six-wheeled, 2-ton Multi-Purpose Unmanned Ground Vehicle (M-UGV).


This vehicle, which can carry up to 500 kilograms (1,102 pounds) of cargo and travel over 100 kilometers (62.1 miles) on a single charge, was first unveiled in July 2021.

The M-UGV, also known as the intelligence UGV (I-UGV), can be controlled remotely or operate autonomously. Its roles include surveillance, logistics transport, casualty evacuation, and combat support. The vehicle features airless tires and a low profile, ideal for its reconnaissance and surveillance missions. It is equipped with a Remote-Controlled Weapon System (RCWS) that uses artificial intelligence to detect and return fire in the direction of incoming gunfire.

The field demonstration, which began on October 8, will test various functions such as remote control, GPS-based autonomous driving, and the RCWS. If communication with the control tower is lost, the I-UGV will attempt to reconnect; if unsuccessful, it will return to its starting location independently.

ADF receiving reinforcements and their freqjuentattacks have led to massive displacements in Lubero


According to HUMINT(human intelligence) reports the ADF threat pushes entire villages to empty of their inhabitants in Lubero and since Wednesday September 11, 2024, several localities in the Bapakombe group, located in the Bapere sector, in Lubero territory (North Kivu), have been deserted by their populations. This massive displacement is observed in particular in the villages of Bilulu, Lubumbashi, Mabilima, Loya, Hoho and Makumo, which are also located on the border of the territory of Mambasa, in Ituri.

This wave of displacement follows a new attack by rebels from the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), which occurred in the village of Bukoka, located just two hours' walk from the territorial limit between Lubero and Mambasa. Fearing for their safety, civilians fled towards Kambau, the capital of the Bapakombe grouping. This town, already marked by bloody massacres perpetrated by the same terrorists, nevertheless represents their last refuge.

The provincial deputy and former customary chief of the Bapere sector, Mwami Bongombi Faïsi Enock, sounded the alarm. According to him, the ADF rebels appear to be receiving reinforcements from their fighters who have been operating since June 12, 2024 in this area. Even more worrying, he claims that these terrorist groups circulate freely in the region and go so far as to organize football matches with their hostages in the village of Bododhea, under the helpless gaze of the security forces.

Mwami Bongombi strongly calls on the national authorities to take urgent measures to restore security in this region.

Victims of Kony's insurgence demand repatriation of 60 Congolese from Gulu refugee transit camp

  The association of victims of the atrocities of the Kony Lord's resistance army (LRA) and the civil society of the Congolese people are pleading for the repatriation of sixty (60) Congolese stranded in the neighboring Republic of Uganda.

They made this known in a declaration read this Thursday, September 12, 2024, before the administrator of the territory of Dungu in the province of Haut-Uele

According to them, these compatriots who were kidnapped during the massacres called "Christmas" by LRA rebels in the provinces of Haut-Uele and Bas-Uele, in the former Orientale in 2008, live in inhumane conditions. in the Gulu transit site in Uganda, while they await repatriation to the DRC.

Akotama Moïse, secretary of this association who affirms that the contract of the NGO which took care of the repatriation of these Congolese is nearing its end, asks the government to invest in the return of these Congolese and that compensation be made for these victims.

“Based on the information in our possession, the NGO Action for Rural Promotion which led this LRA DDRR process from the CAR to Uganda with funding from PAX, whose contract will end on September 25, 2024, wants to leave Uganda without having repatriated our brothers and sisters to the country and this NGO and its partners want to force our brothers to stay in Uganda without their consent", according to their statement.

Recall that in July 2023, the Central African and Ugandan governments, with the support of MINUSCA, voluntarily repatriated around sixty ex-LRA combatants and their families to the city of Entebbe in Uganda. These families had lived in the CAR for around ten years..

UK boosts support for ATMIS with 7.5M Pounds.

  The United Kingdom has provided a further £7.5 million to the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS). This latest round of fu...